After reading chapters three, four and five, pick one theory and explain how it

After reading chapters three, four and five, pick one theory and explain how it applies to juvenile delinquency. You can use up to two theories to discuss or just one. No more than two theories. Discuss the theory using course material to support your answer.
The minimum length for this assignment is four paragraphs, to be written in paragraph format. Note: in general there are 3-8 sentences in a paragraph.
The information for this assignment needs to come from the course material, no outside sources. You will be graded on writing and grammar as well as content. This is a course assignment to be submitted for a grade, not an opinion based discussion; save opinions for the discussions.
Mold your writing style after the way the text is written- in your own words. Do not copy from textbook or lecture; put into your own words. Copying from text or lecture will be considered plagiarism.
You will need to make sure that you do not have more than a 25% match on Turnitin before submitting. The turnitin feature is built into Canvas; you do not need to have an account or password. Simply submit into the assignments tool and go back to make sure you do not have a match over 25%. Anything over 25% will not be accepted. Submit as a Word Document; PDF format or Pages will not be accepted.
To avoid losing points on the paper, avoid the following common mistakes:
Using bullet points in your paper instead of writing in paragraph format.
Using informal writing (ie; use of personal pronouns, opinions and beliefs) instead of molding your writing style after the text and using course material to formulate your paper.
Copying verbatim from text or lecture.
Submitting a first draft without proofreading.
Use of outside sources instead of course material.
Submitting your assignment in PDF or Pages format instead of Word document.
Missing assignment deadline/due date and time.
Not meeting length requirements.
Submitting an assignment with over 25% match on turnitin.
Additional information:
For each missing paragraph per question, half of the total points will be take off. For example, if the length requirement is two paragraphs and the question is worth 10 points, each paragraph is worth 5 points. If only one paragraph is provided, 5 points will be taken off.
Personal pronouns, experience, beliefs, and opinions used will result in 2-10 points taken off based on how frequently this occurs

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