1-Introduction (~1/2 page) 2-Provide a summary of the chosen book (1~2 pages). 3

1-Introduction (~1/2 page)
2-Provide a summary of the chosen book (1~2 pages).
3-Explain how this book relates to the class (3
4-Indicate how this individual, group, or story moved you personally. (3 pages)
5-Provide outside research to the chosen book in order to indicate how this
field has changed to the present day. (2 pages)
6-Would you recommend this book? (A paragraph)
7-Conclusion (~1/2 page)
8-Work Cited Page ( 4 sources)
NOTE: This paper should be 11 pages (page
count is towards the body of the paper), correct grammar has dedicated points, and must be submitted through turnitin.com, free of plagiarism.
Ensure that the body of the paper should provide headings for each
category (i.e. Intro, Summary, How Book relates, Personal Connection, etc.) so the table of contents could be added later (not required for this order). Required page lengths indicated are approximations, they could be a bit longer or shorter as
long as the total body of the paper is 11 pages plus 1 page for citations.
NOTE: In this paper, students will demonstrate their deep understanding of a
subject and/or person that they want to know more about.
Course description to be used/ help to clarify (in) part
3: Exploration of the activities, contributions, and struggles of women
in mathematics, science, engineering, and related areas and professions, such as
computer science. Research on individual women engaged in these fields.
Investigation of different international, ethnic, and culture-based practices
and perspectives. Consideration of policy-related issues and intervention
strategies addressing the participation and achievement of women in pertinent
areas of study.
Chosen Book: http://web.mit.edu/cortiz/www/Diversity/1975-DoubleBind.pdf
The Double Bind: The Price of Being a Minority Woman in Science

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