The research problem statement needs to be very focused because everything else

The research problem statement needs to be very focused because everything else from the applied doctoral project or dissertation-in-practice logically flows from the problem. If the problem is too big or too vague, it will be difficult to scope out a purpose that is manageable, given the time to execute and finish the project. The problem should be the result of a practical need or an opportunity to further an applicational study or project. The research problem statement should do four things:
Specify and describe the problem (with appropriate citations).
Provide evidence of the problem’s existence.
Explain the consequences of NOT solving the problem.
Identify what is not known about the problem that should be known.
For this assignment, review the peer-reviewed and/or case study articles investigated from Lesson 4. Create a problem statement based on your domain identified in Lesson 4. Provide a position statement pertaining to the framework that appropriately addresses your interest area identified in Lesson 3. In a paper, report your answers to the following questions:
What is the research problem? Identify the issue/concern that needs to be investigated from a strategic perspective.
What is the purpose of the study? Pinpoint what the study hopes to accomplish. Provide evidence of the problem’s existence. Explain the consequences of NOT solving the problem. Identify what is not known about the problem that should be known.
What is the research methodology/approach? Identified in Lesson 3. Explain the gap in the research, or the part of the program or procedure that is not efficient.
What are the research questions? The research questions guide how the study will be completed and determine how data collection and analysis will be completed.

Other than the fact that the title of the course contains both Business Intellig

Other than the fact that the title of the course contains both Business Intelligence AND Data Analytics, these two concepts seem like separate things, right?
Well that’s what this week’s discussion is going to find out.
While we won’t address data visualization in depth in this course, data visualization is never very far from any discussion of data analytics, so I’d like everyone (ALL students, not just the initial post group) to get acquainted with Google’s Ngram Viewer: Books Google.
Basically the Ngram Viewer allows you to see a graph of the occurrence of a given word or phrase over a specified period of years in the entire corpus of books contained in the Google Books collection. You can also enter several words or phrases to compare the evolution of usage over time. The default (sample) ngram on the day I visited was a comparison of Albert Einstein,Sherlock Holmes,Frankenstein which resulted in
Your tasks and the discussion topic(s) this week: 1. All students should use Ngram and try various combinations of
business intelligence,
data analytics, and
data science.
You might try allied terms such as
data analysis and
big data.
Be sure to change the years. You’ll definitely want to include the current year, and I think you’ll quickly find that years before 1900 (sometimes later) don’t show much. Think about what the graph is showing you regarding the usage of these various terms. Be aware that even if you enter the current year, Ngram may change that year depending on the data available (currently, it seems to default to 2008 as the most recent year available).
2. Initial post group: In addition to the Ngram exercise, members of the initial post group should also conduct a web search for definitions of at least business intelligence and data analytics. I’m sure you’ll find more than a few sites willing to compare the two. The topic this week is as follows:
Compare and contrast the terms business intelligencejavascript:; and data analytics. That is, how are they similar? How are they different? You should include in your initial post a brief discussion of the Ngram findings and a brief discussion of your search for definitions.
3. Reply group: In addition to the Ngram exercise, members of the reply group should also conduct a web search for definitions. Your role is to build on an initial post with additional insights and information that will further the discussion.
You may want to include a snip image, particularly of any Ngram that you create. Information about creating a snip of an image from your screen is given below in Additional Info. Note: LEO does not allow you to directly cut and paste an image into a discussion. You will need to save the file as an image and then click the small camera icon to insert the image. This is tedious but a good skill to learn.
Additional info:
If you want to delve deeper into Ngram (not required), you may have a look at wildcards and other advanced options.
If you’re not sure how to ‘snip’ an image from your screen or browser, here’s a tutorial from Microsoft and another from Apple. Please take care to take snip only of the image you want to share, NOT your entire screen.


For your first assignment, you are required to modify an existing interactive JavaScript (JS) program. This project requires you to modify a remake of the famous Pong game invented by Nolan Bushnell in 1972 using JavaScript. Nolan Bushnell founded Atari two years later.
About the Game
The game of Pong resembles real-life Table Tennis or Ping Pong. The object of the game is to make your opponent miss the ball, thus earning a point. Paddles are used to bounce the ball in your opponent’s direction. This is a one-player version. The user controls the left paddle. The computer artificial intelligence (AI) controls the paddle on the right. The remakes of both versions of the game are incomplete but functional as an instructional guide.
The JavaScript code for this assignment is embedded into an HTML file. Modify the HTML file to complete the assignment.
Please follow the steps below:
1. Download the JavaScript project file (project1JS.html.txt) attached to this project description.
2. Rename the file from project1JS.html.txt to project1JS.html (Remove the .txt file extension)
3. Place the downloaded project file into a folder you create on your computer. All of the files for your project should be placed in the same folder.
4. Open the project1JS.html file in a browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox).
5. Make sure the script works as it is intended.
5. Open the project1JS.html file in a text editor or web editor.
6. Modify the JavaScript code in the HTML file.
7. IMPORTANT! Rename the file back from project1JS.html to project1JS.html.txt (Re-add the .txt file extension). If you do not do this, your file will not be able to be downloaded and graded from LEO.
8. Upload your modified txt file to your Assignments Folder.
9. Verify that your submission was successful.
10. Complete and submit a Project Reflection.
To complete this assignment, you will need to edit the HTML project file. You can accomplish this by using:
1. a Text Editor such as Notepad++ for Windows or TextWrangler for Mac computers (both are free to download and use).
2. an online JavaScript compiler such as w3schools’ Try It Editor v3.0
Just replace the existing code in the column on the left with the contents of the HTML project file, modify it and test it by clicking the green Run button. The output appears in the right column..
The following resources may be helpful.
1. JavaScript Tutorial
2. Project 1: Pong Game (instructional video)
Submission Requirements
Please complete the following changes:
1. Modify the speed of the ball.
2. Modify the size of the ball.
3. Modify the height of the canvas.
4. Modify the width of the canvas.
5. Modify the speed of the player’s paddle. (Note: The player’s paddle is located on the left side of the canvas)
6. Modify the speed of the AI’s (computer’s) paddle. (Note: the AI’s paddle is located on the right side of the canvas)
Note: Your modifications must alter the game but not in a way that makes the game unplayable. Experiment with different values to find ones that are not too extreme.
Completing 6 out of 6 modifications in accordance with the assignment instructions will earn you 100% (A) on this project.
Answer the following questions when you submit your assignment files:
1. What modifications did you make to the script? Include details on what you changed in the code in order to achieve these modifications.
2. Did you make any advanced modifications? If yes, include details on what you changed in the code in order to achieve these modifications.
3. What issues and/or challenges did you face completing this project? How did you resolve them? If you did not face any issues and/or challenges in completing this project, what do you think are some issues and/or challenges someone new to scripting might face in completing a project like this? Note: Your reflection should describe issues and/or challenges related to completing the project itself and not to setting up the project, such as downloading/opening the files needed for the project, or issues in the online classroom. If you did not face any issues and/or challenges in completing this project, what do you think are some issues and/or challenges someone new to completing this kind of project might face in completing a project like this? How could they resolve them? Note: Your reflection must be a total of at least 200 words.

In Part 1 of your Project, you identified the network requirements based on the

In Part 1 of your Project, you identified the network requirements based on the specific needs of your clients. Much of your network’s effectiveness will depend on how you incorporate those requirements and address those client needs in your network design.
In this Discussion, you post your design of the network that meets operational requirements for the business you selected. You then provide constructive feedback to your colleagues on their network designs. Peer review is a vital aspect of any technology project. Please ensure your feedback is constructive and delivered in a respectful, professional manner.
Note: A revised final draft of your network design is due for your Project submission at the end of this week, so in this Discussion you are helping each another to improve your work.
To prepare:
1. Review the article “Network Topology Icons” from this week’s resources.
2. Create a diagram depicting your network design for the 3. business you selected.
4. Your diagram must include all network hardware and media. These include:
Connected devices
Firewalls and other security measures
The internet (which may just be shown as a single cloud entity)
5. Indicate all wired and wireless connections
6. Ensure that every icon is labeled
Note: You may develop your diagram in Visio, PowerPoint, or any other software that supports diagramming/making images. When complete, you need to export it to an image/picture file type such as jpg, gif, or png.
Post the image of your network design.
Explain how your design meets the requirements you identified.
Hint: Click on “Insert/Edit Image” to add the picture to your post. If you do not see this option, click on the “Show More” arrows on the top right of the toolbar to see additional options.
I’ll upload the instructions for the project I completed and a copy of the completed project. Can you make it 1.5 pages instead, out of courtesy for the long-standing relationship?

Courses of action tables are intended to be living documents that change as atta

Courses of action tables are intended to be living documents that change as attackers evolve their attacks and incident responders mature their defensive capabilities. This activity provides you the opportunity to draft an action table from the ground up as a means of understanding the methodology. As you have learned, analyzing the purposes, tactics, and features of adversarial threats is a key step in reducing vulnerabilities and protecting assets, as well as preventing and mitigating security incidents. By recognizing adversarial effects, security professionals target their response to maximize effectiveness.
In Milestone Two, you will draft section II.B of the final project: the courses of action table. This courses of action table is informed by the final project scenario. The table will include attack methods and features, detection locations and detection methods, and response objectives and methods. In examining this table, the stakeholder audience should be able to see how security measures employed by the response team align with the features of the adversarial threat. Some elements of the table have been completed for you to provide context.
To prepare for the assignment, be sure to review the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document to see how this milestone fits in the overall project. Also review the Final Project Scenario and Final Project Support documents. You will note the rubric in this milestone activity is somewhat different, in that it is designed for you to have the opportunity to submit a draft of your work and receive valuable feedback for improving it. The Final Project Rubric will require a higher level of performance
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Courses of Action Table: You were provided with a Courses of Action Table template to use as the basis of this part of your project. Your completed courses of action table must address the full flow of a potential attack specific to the one in your provided scenario.
Attack Methods and Features: Describe logical steps to model a potential attack from start to finish.
Detection Location and Detection Methods: Describe potential detection location and methods for different steps in an attack pattern.
Responsive Objective: Identify the effects you want to achieve in countering the attack and how you want to achieve it.
Response Method: Identifies response methods that are logical and feasible in addressing the nature of the attack.
What to Submit
Your submission should use the available template table (or a comparable version with all the same information) and 12-point Times New Roman font.


When security professionals talk to laypeople, it’s easy to get caught up in technical jargon and see glazed-over eyes from your listener. Thinking through effective metaphors and analogies can make it easier for you to communicate important information to non-professionals. Conversely, you may also find yourself talking to IT professionals who assume you know a lot more about networks than you do. You can also ask questions based on analogies to gain a deeper understanding of complicated technical concepts. Creative thinking will also serve you well when you strategize about possible solutions.
Please use 2 papers to address these following bullets:
•Define Single Point of Failure (SPOF)
•Does a gasoline engine have a single point of failure (SPOF)?
•Does a motorized police cruiser? Does a police department? How does each of the latter two compensate for single points of failure in the previous one(s)?
•How does understanding resilience in these other systems help recommend countermeasures to network-based threats?
•What lessons can be learned from this analogy in designing a computer network to resist attack?
•Please create an additional analogy to another type of operating system which also illustrates the single point of failure issue.
****PLEASE MAKE SURE there is a well-detailed INTRODUCTION to begin the assignment and a CONCLUSION to end the assignment ****
****PLEASE BE SURE TO include at least one titled paragraph for each bullet listed above.
****PLEASE BE SURE TO assign title subsections when needed****
***DO NOT USE BOOKS as sources for this assignment***
***DO NOT USE AI Technology for this assignment***
***If the sources are BOOKS, I will have to do a REVISION REQUEST to correct the sources to ONLINE sources***


When security professionals talk to laypeople, it’s easy to get caught up in technical jargon and see glazed-over eyes from your listener. Thinking through effective metaphors and analogies can make it easier for you to communicate important information to non-professionals. Conversely, you may also find yourself talking to IT professionals who assume you know a lot more about networks than you do. You can also ask questions based on analogies to gain a deeper understanding of complicated technical concepts. Creative thinking will also serve you well when you strategize about possible solutions.
Please use 2 papers to address these following bullets:
•Define Single Point of Failure (SPOF)
•Does a gasoline engine have a single point of failure (SPOF)?
•Does a motorized police cruiser? Does a police department? How does each of the latter two compensate for single points of failure in the previous one(s)?
•How does understanding resilience in these other systems help recommend countermeasures to network-based threats?
•What lessons can be learned from this analogy in designing a computer network to resist attack?
•Please create an additional analogy to another type of operating system which also illustrates the single point of failure issue.
****PLEASE MAKE SURE there is a well-detailed INTRODUCTION to begin the assignment and a CONCLUSION to end the assignment ****
****PLEASE BE SURE TO include at least one titled paragraph for each bullet listed above.
****PLEASE BE SURE TO assign title subsections when needed****
***DO NOT USE BOOKS as sources for this assignment***
***DO NOT USE AI Technology for this assignment***
***If the sources are BOOKS, I will have to do a REVISION REQUEST to correct the sources to ONLINE sources***

please see the uploaded instructions. thank you PLEASE, BE CAREFUL, IT IS A TECH

please see the uploaded instructions. thank you
This is where you start to turn things in. Make sure to put your name up top.
Construct SQL to answer each of the following questions. For each query, paste your SQL code below, and also paste a screenshot of the first 10 or so rows the query gives you.
Give an answer to the question based only on what you see in your SQLite database. (Do not use Excel or other tools to answer these questions; since we are trying to learn SQLite here, you should do these exercises in SQLite.)
You will eventually submit this document as part of your week’s assignment.
After you have completed your first draft of this document, you will use the SQL Check online quiz to verify your answers. The SQL Check online quiz uses the same numbering system given here, so you can quickly find the question you need.

I just placed an Order #LW92269 Therefore, I need a totally different writer for

I just placed an Order #LW92269
Therefore, I need a totally different writer for this order.
*If the wording and sources are exactly the same, I will submit a Revision Request*
This assignment will help you evaluate the threats posed by personnel and make a recommendation for hiring a potentially risky candidate.
The U.S. Government, in an effort to increase transparency, has created a new rule which requires a civilian to be appointed to assist in the hiring of virus writers whose job will be to write viruses and malicious code for the military to be used offensively against an enemy.
Assume you have been asked to sit on this board to assist in the selection of an Candidate for this position.
You are presented with the following two candidates;
Candidate 1: Harold Highspeed
Harold is a Captain in the Air Force with a top secret clearance. He has had no issues or problems on his record. He grew up in Rolla, Missouri, attended The University of Arkansas with a bachelor’s degree in computer science . He has no prior criminal record or traffic tickets, his polygraph confirms he does not drink or smoke, and is a devout Christian who never married. His psychological and professional profile shows he is inclined to follow orders without question and his skill level as a virus writer is medium.
Candidate 2: Wo Fat
Wo was born and raised in Taiwan and showed potential at a young age for computing skills. He was accepted and attended RPI for computer engineering and graduated with a median GPA of 3.0. Wo has a bit of a troubled past and was a confirmed attendee at six Defcon conferences in the past. He is also suspected of engineering a DDOS attack against the Chinese’s government who recently jailed five Taiwanese fishermen for allegedly fishing in Chinese waters without a permit. They were given lengthy jail sentences which did not fit the crime and there have been several protests of the incident. He has no declared religion, is not married and his psychological profile indicates a high preference for just actions but questions authority. His skill level is considered very high and admittedly has micro-dosed DMT several times over the past few years.
Assignment Instructions
First Acknowledge the different risks associated with hiring either person and the different mitigation strategies you would have to use to lower those risk.
Next, Using 3 Pages, Answer the following Questions in a professional narrative language’
• Explain which candidate you would recommend for the position and why.
• What are the personnel and IS risks to the government of hiring a hacker?
• What is the level of risk for each Candidate and why?
• What makes this Recommended Candidate an asset and why? How could you leverage those strengths?
• What makes the Candidate a liability and why? How would you mitigate those risks?
• List 2-3 emerging security threats and how your recommended candidate would help the government address them. Be sure to use credible source that addresses the credibility of the threat.
****PLEASE MAKE SURE there is a well-detailed INTRODUCTION to begin the assignment and a CONCLUSION to end the assignment ****
****PLEASE BE SURE TO include at least one titled paragraph for each bullet listed above.
****PLEASE BE SURE TO assign title subsections when needed****
***DO NOT USE BOOKS as sources for this assignment***
***DO NOT USE AI Technology for this assignment***
***If the sources are BOOKS, I will have to do a REVISION REQUEST to correct the sources to ONLINE sources***

To practice your literature search and academic report writing skills, you are t

To practice your literature search and academic report writing skills, you are tasked with investigating the impact of social determinants of health and relevant programs/projects/policies across a variety of information resources.
The intent is for you to practice your research skills and to practice using the Library Resources. Each student will contribute their individual research and the team will then integrate the findings into a more comprehensive review and report.
INDIVIDUALLY, conduct a search for information, articles, and materials relevant to the SDOH. Find at least 3 sources on the specific focus (determined by your group) in relation to the Social Determinants of Health.
POST summary of the information and resource in your Team Discussion Board Address both SDOH issues and the type of information provided by the source, e.g., when and for what type of information would you access this resource to obtain. The correct APA citation for the source. Team Plan will determine if this posting also requires a Word document.
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Initial Posting:
1. Provides a summary/critique of information on SDOH for 3 sources by Sep 30
2. Discusses value of each source – when and for what type of information is it useful … how and who might use
3. Provides APA reference for each source in APA format
– Three (3) paragraphs minimum
– Include Three Credible Sources (References & Citations)
– I have included a few articles but I will need a few better sources. I have included attachments as well.
– Three Paragraphs & One source per paragraph (citation & reference)
– Make sure to disucss the following mainpoints and provide articles as part of Neighborhood & Built Environment: Quality of housing, Access to Transportation, Avaliability of healthy foods, air & water quality, and neighborhood crime & violence.