Courses of action tables are intended to be living documents that change as atta

Courses of action tables are intended to be living documents that change as attackers evolve their attacks and incident responders mature their defensive capabilities. This activity provides you the opportunity to draft an action table from the ground up as a means of understanding the methodology. As you have learned, analyzing the purposes, tactics, and features of adversarial threats is a key step in reducing vulnerabilities and protecting assets, as well as preventing and mitigating security incidents. By recognizing adversarial effects, security professionals target their response to maximize effectiveness.
In Milestone Two, you will draft section II.B of the final project: the courses of action table. This courses of action table is informed by the final project scenario. The table will include attack methods and features, detection locations and detection methods, and response objectives and methods. In examining this table, the stakeholder audience should be able to see how security measures employed by the response team align with the features of the adversarial threat. Some elements of the table have been completed for you to provide context.
To prepare for the assignment, be sure to review the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document to see how this milestone fits in the overall project. Also review the Final Project Scenario and Final Project Support documents. You will note the rubric in this milestone activity is somewhat different, in that it is designed for you to have the opportunity to submit a draft of your work and receive valuable feedback for improving it. The Final Project Rubric will require a higher level of performance
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Courses of Action Table: You were provided with a Courses of Action Table template to use as the basis of this part of your project. Your completed courses of action table must address the full flow of a potential attack specific to the one in your provided scenario.
Attack Methods and Features: Describe logical steps to model a potential attack from start to finish.
Detection Location and Detection Methods: Describe potential detection location and methods for different steps in an attack pattern.
Responsive Objective: Identify the effects you want to achieve in countering the attack and how you want to achieve it.
Response Method: Identifies response methods that are logical and feasible in addressing the nature of the attack.
What to Submit
Your submission should use the available template table (or a comparable version with all the same information) and 12-point Times New Roman font.

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