I have completed the first task, the B task has already had an ANOVA run, and th

I have completed the first task, the B task has already had an ANOVA run, and the final task requires an ANOVA (with interaction). I need Task B completed with a report and appropriate tables in APA 7 format, (TABLES MUST BE CREATED IN WORD), and Task C will require a full statistical analysis through SPSS with a report. I have attached a word file which shows a High Distinction level of report, please use this as a guide for the remainder of the workbook.
Task B: Report (33%)
After examining their results (from Task A), the researchers were interested in including an additional variable into their model: employment status. This new study consists of the following hypotheses:
‘very high and high substance users’ would have higher stress levels than ‘moderate and low substance users’.
‘moderate substance users’ would have higher levels of stress levels than ‘low substance users’, and
these differences in stress levels are affected by employment status.
Use the Assignment 3: Workbook 2 data file to carry out the appropriate analyses to address these hypotheses and write a new report of your findings (not a continuation of Task A’s report). For this task, use a table when reporting the descriiptive statistics.
In addition, consider the following notes: 
Note 1: Assume that the assumption of normality has been met.
Note 2: Based on the result of Levene’s test statistic, you must choose to present the appropriate statistics at the planned contrast stage.
Note 3: Check the marking rubric to see how this question is graded.
Note 4: See the Modules 8 and 9 content for sample reports.
Task C: Report (37%)
In a new study, the researchers are interested in investigating the differences in mental health scores for the different groups of people classified according to the overall score for education/employability (low, moderate, and high). Further, they would like to include pre-employment medical status (yes or no) as an additional variable.
This new study consists of the following hypotheses:
‘high education category’ will have lower mental health scores than the ‘moderate education category’.
‘high education category’ will have lower mental health scores than the ‘low education category’.
these differences in mental health scores will be greater in people who ‘did not pass a pre-employment medical’ compared to those ‘who did pass a pre-employment medical’.
Use the data in the Assignment 3: Workbook 2 data file to carry out the appropriate analyses to address these hypotheses and write a report of your findings. For this task, use a Figure when reporting the descriiptive statistics.
In addition, consider the following notes:
Note 1: Assume that the assumption of normality has been met. 
Note 2: Based on the result of Levene’s test statistic, you must choose to present the appropriate statistics at the planned contrast stage.
Note 3: See the answer sheet document for an example of how to structure this question.

Assignment 9: Conduct Correlation and Multiple Regression Results Using SPSS In

Assignment 9: Conduct Correlation and Multiple Regression Results Using SPSS
In this assignment you will conduct a Pearson’s correlation and a multiple regression. The first analysis provides us an estimate of the magnitude and direction of the relationship between two variables measured at the interval or ratio level (Pearson’s correlation ranges from -1 to 1). The second analysis allows us to predict scores on a continuous dependent variable using two or more independent variables (these can be measured at any of the four levels).
You will use the SPSS Dataset.Therapists.sav file, which contains these seven variables:
(a) ID (Each participant’s identification number),
(b) Gender (Gender of participant: 1. Female, 2. Male)
(c) Age (Participant’s age)
(d) Long.Th (How long participant has provided therapy)
(e) Model (Participant’s preferred model of therapy: 1. Bowen Family Systems, 2. Narrative, 3. Solution-Focused, 4. Integrative)
(f) CPS (Discussed in the Week 5 SPSS Assignment)
(g) LSVS (Discussed in the Week 5 SPSS Assignment)
Part 1. Pearson’s Correlation
You will obtain a correlation matrix for the following four variables: Age, Long.Th, CPS, and LSVS.
a. Conduct the correlational analysis (refer to the SPSS example in the Correlational Design: Two Variables section in Chapter 10 -p. 166- in the Schwartz et al. text). Briefly explain why you do not have dependent nor independent variables in a correlational analysis.
b. Report the results of the correlational analysis in APA format (model your language after the example in the Schwartz et al. text).
c. A correlational analysis with four variables results in six unique coefficients. You will note that a correlational table could be folded diagonally along the left to right diagonal axis (all the 1s), with each triangular half being mirror images of each other. Explain why (a) the diagonal contains all 1s, and (b) each triangle is a mirror image of the other.
d. How many of these six correlations were statistically significant? Pick three of them and explain what you understand about the relationship between these specific variables.
Part 2. Multiple Regression
You will conduct a multiple regression using the following four variables: Gender, Long.Th, CPS, and LSVS.
a. Conduct the correlational analysis (refer to the SPSS example in the Prediction with Several Variables: Multiple Linear Regression section in Chapter 10 – p. 184 – in the Schwartz et al. text). Your dependent variable are the CPS scores, while your three independent variables are Gender, Long.Th, and LSVS scores.
A Venn diagram that provides a visual depiction of what you are exploring with this analysis follows:

Caption: A Venn diagram illustrates how the three independent variables in this regression analysis overlap with the dependent variable, CPS. The area represented by where all four variables overlap reflects the amount of variance in CPS scores explained by Gender, Long.Th, and LSVS scores (combined).
b. Report the results of the regression analysis in APA format (model your language after the example in the Schwartz et al. text)
Regression analyses provide a wealth of information about the variables include in the analysis.
c. Identify which variables were significant individual predictors of variance in CPS scores (changes in the value of that variable were associated with changes in CPS scores). How did you know they were significant? Describe any significant relationships in your own words (e.g., “as variable X went up or down, scores on the CPS went up or down”).
d. What percent of variance in CPS scores was explained by the combination of the three independent variables?
e. Write a paragraph identifying what you would share with a layperson with minimal knowledge of statistics what you learned from this analysis?

Nike Case Assignment (60 points) Due 10/6 11:59 PM Read the following case (incl

Nike Case Assignment (60 points)
Due 10/6 11:59 PM
Read the following case (included with McGraw-Hill Connect) and respond to the discussion prompts.
Nike, Inc. (MHE-FTR-060)
Discussion Prompts
What are Nike’s vision and mission? (5 pts)
Analyze the industry Nike competes in using Porter’s 5-Forces framework.
Clearly define the industry that Nike operates in. (5 pts)
Identify whether the force is high, moderate, or low for each force. Explain your rationale for each force. (20 pts)
Using the conclusions of each force, suggest whether the industry is attractive (i.e., profitable) or not. Explain your rationale. (10 pts)
Analyze Nike’s internal environment.
What are Nike’s core competencies (identify at least two)? (5 pts)
Do the identified core competencies give Nike a sustainable competitive advantage? (Conduct a VRIO analysis by explaining your rationale for each criterion.) (15 pts)
You must only use information from the case. Any external information will result in a penalty.
You have three attempts available. The last submission will be graded.
Submission must be in Microsoft Word format.
Excluding the questions/prompts & references, the write-up should be above 800 words.
Make sure to connect the responses to the learnings.
Cite key evidence from the case for your answer.
Use the numbers to answer the questions, but leave out the questions.
Do not plagiarize. All sentences should be paraphrased. Only use quotes if absolutely necessary. Plagiarism will result in zero points.
SafeAssign scores will be available after submission. If the SafeAssign score is above 25%, the instructor will check the report to see if any plagiarism is detected. There will be penalties depending on the severity.
Grading Rubric
Linkages made between learning and answers
Deductions from assigned points to each question
Use of external info: -20 pts
File format: Microsoft Word
Incorrect file format: -5 pts
Meeting the word limit.
750-799 words: -5 pts
500-749 words: -10 pts
300-499 words: -20 pts
Less than 300 words: -40 pts
Late assignments.
Deductions will be made according to how late the assignment is.
Plagiarism will result in zero points.

Writing guidelines: 1. Brief summary of the case (up to 1 page), plus initial da

Writing guidelines:
1. Brief summary of the case (up to 1 page), plus initial data.
2. Write each question/sub-question in bold and continue with your answer.
3. The length of each answer is about 0.3 page + ( as needed).
4. Formatting: Times New Roman, 12, double space.
5. References
Preparing a Managerial Report
Example: The first question under Managerial Report says “Develop appropriate descriiptive statistics to summarize the data.”
Answer: For this question utilize both tables and graphs. You should go one by one over each survey question (age, access to Internet, etc.). Once the particular table and graph (bar chart or pie chart for the qualitative data, histogram for the quantitative data) are ready, analyze results. After each survey question is analyzed, write a general summary for the case question.

The backbone of statistics is probability. In this assignment, we will focus on

The backbone of statistics is probability. In this assignment, we will focus on the frequentist version of probability (your textbook talks about Bayesian as well). To practice working with probabilities, we will use a simulated dataset measuring whether crime occurred in cities (0 = no; 1 = yes) and whether the cities had greening efforts (community maintenance efforts) or not (0 = no; 1 = yes). Both of these variables are binary variables, which means there are two discrete categories. Also, remember, probability can be thought of as a percentage chance of some event occurring (e.g., 50% chance of rain). As such, probabilities must be between 0 and 1.
Part 1.
a. What is the probability of a crime occuring in a city WITHOUT taking into account whether the lot was greened? Hint: P(Crime) = total crime / total # of observations
b. What is the probability that a lot was greened WITHOUT taking into account whether there was crime or not? Hint: P(Greening) = total greening / total # of observations
Note: Remember, the probability in this case is just the proportion for each variable! Calculate these using Jamovi.
Part 2.
a. Using Jamovi, create a table of the data, with crime as the columns and greening as the rows. Copy and paste the final table here.
b. What are the percentages for each combination in the table?
Part 3. (Hint: You will use Jamovi but you might need to do a quick calculation using a calculator on your device to arrive at the final answer like how we did in class on 9/17):
a. Find the joint probability of both crime and greening efforts occuring. Hint: you can find the joint probabilities by finding the count where Crime = 1 and Maintenance = 1 in the contingency table and dividing by the total number of observations.

b. Find the conditional probability of crime occurring (Crime = 1) given that maintenance did not occur (Maintenance = 0).

National polls are often conducted by asking the opinions of a few thousand adul

National polls are often conducted by asking the opinions of a few thousand adults nationwide and using them to infer the opinions of all adults in the nation. Explain who is in the sample and who is in the population for such polls. Please use a poll from a newspaper, TV, a magazine, or from the Internet.
Please do some research on this topic by using your textbook or the Internet to answer the complete prompt. For assistance, please see:
APA7 citation generator: Citefast automatically formats citations in APA 7th edition. (n.d.). Cite Fast. https://www.citefast.com/?s=APA7#_Webpage
post should be at least 60 words in length, answer all portions of the prompt, and contain a cited source in APA formatting.

OR draft an email to a colleague in which you explain (a) for what kind of data

OR draft an email to a colleague in which you explain (a) for what kind of data ANOVA is appropriate, and (b) what kinds of research questions MFT researchers would seek to evaluate by running an ANOVA.
Note: You will be able to use this assignment as part of your signature assignment.
Length: 2-3 minute video or podcast, or 2-3 page letter 2 resources
Upload your documents (dataset and output)

• Submit copies of the articles with your assignment so your instructor can review them.
• Read Chapters 9-10
• Caldwell, S. (2013). Statistics unplugged. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
• Read Chapters 8 , 9 & 10
• Schwartz, B. M., Wilson, J. H., & Goff, D. M. (2015). An easy guide to research design & SPSS. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

1. Download the SPSS Dataset.Therapist.sav_b dataset 2. Download and complete th

1. Download the SPSS Dataset.Therapist.sav_b dataset
2. Download and complete the MFT7110.Week 8.SPSS Assignment document
3. You will also submit the SPSS output file you obtained, which should be saved as Lastname.First initial.MFT7110.Week 8.spv
4. Save the MFT7110.Week 8.SPSS Assignment document as Lastname.First initial.MFT7110.Week 8.SPSS
• Read Chapters 9-10
• Caldwell, S. (2013). Statistics unplugged. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
• Read Chapters 8 , 9 & 10
• Schwartz, B. M., Wilson, J. H., & Goff, D. M. (2015). An easy guide to research design & SPSS. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
• See additional resources in the Books and Resources for this Week section.
• Assignment 8: Conduct ANOVA Using SPSS
In this assignment, you will conduct an analysis of variance (ANOVA), a statistical
test typically used when there are more than two categories or levels of the
independent variable, and the dependent variable is measured at the interval or
ratio level.
Again, you will use the SPSS Dataset.Adolescent FT.sav file, which contains 13
(a) Participant.ID (Each person’s identification number),
(b) Fam.ID (Family identification number),
(c) Race (1. African American, 2. European American, 3. Mexican American, 4.
(d) Fam.Pos (Family position: 1. Mother, 2. Adolescent)
(e) Adol.Gender (Gender of adolescent: 1. Female, 2. Male)
(f) Ther.ID (Therapist identification number)
(g) Pre.Prob (The adolescent’s presenting problem: 1. Depression, 2. Oppositional
Defiant Disorder, 3. Anxiety)
(h) PHQ9 (Scores on the Patient Health Questionnaire-9, a brief depression
screening measure; Kroenke, Spitzer, & Williams, 2001)
(i) Anxiety (Scores on a measure of anxiety developed for this study)
(j) FAD (Scores on the Family Assessment Device; item scores are averaged, with
higher scores representing perceptions of poorer family functioning; Mansfield,
Keitner, & Dealy, 2015)
(k) Life.Sat (Scores on a hypothetical measure of life satisfaction)
(l) Alliance (Scores on a hypothetical measure of the therapeutic alliance)
(m) Drop.Out (Did the family drop out prior to the completion of the seven-session
study treatment protocol?)
Once again, ANOVA assumes that the observations are independent, so you can
only use data from one person in the family (another solution would be to average
relational observations, but that is often problematic. For example, suppose scores
on a couple satisfaction assessment ranged from 0-100. If you averaged the scores
for the members of each couple, a couple with scores of 10 and 90 would have
same average score, 50, as a couple with scores of 45 and 55. Can you see why
averaging scores is not optimal? Note that summing scores is the mathematical
equivalent of averaging scores, and thus is equally problematic).
For this assignment, you will evaluate whether there are differences in anxiety
levels based on the adolescent’s race or gender. To complete the assignment,
address the following:
a. State the null and alternative hypotheses (one pair for race and one pair for
gender). Assume you do not have sufficient evidence to anticipate the outcome, so
factor that into your alternative hypotheses.
• b. Conduct the univariate ANOVA in SPSS (refer to the SPSS example in the
Between Groups with More Than Two Levels of an IV section in Chapter 7 (p.
88) in the Schwartz et al. text). Your dependent variable is Anxiety and your fixed
factors are Race and Adolescent Gender. You will not enter anything into the
Random Factors, Covariate, or WLS Weight boxes. Note that you will obtain a non-
significant interaction term in the output (Race * Adol Gender). Just ignore that
c. Request a post hoc test (LSD) for Race. Then, in your response, explain why you
don’t need to request a post hoc test for gender.
d. Report the results of the ANOVA (including the post hoc results for race) in APA
format (model your language after the example in the Schwartz et al. text).
e. Indicate what you learned about these variables after conducting this analysis.
Kroenke, K., Spitzer, R. L., & Williams, J. B. (2001). The PHQ-9. Journal of
General Internal Medicine, 15, 606-613.
Mansfield, A. K., Keitner, G. I., & Dealy, J. (2015). The family assessment device:
An update. Family Process, 54, 82-93.