Online statistics class using Hawkes learning. I need the whole class done.

Online statistics class using Hawkes learning. I need the whole class done.
Important Info

The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.

Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)

Instructions will be uploaded later. Important Info

Instructions will be uploaded later.
Important Info

The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.

Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)

This is your opportunity to show that you have mastered the Excel skills in this

This is your opportunity to show that you have mastered the Excel skills in this course, and create charts and tables to support your Topic Proposal. You do not have to update your Word report at this time, you only need to create the tables/charts that you will use in the final version of the report. You will be graded only on your Excel work, using the Skill list below, which are mapped to the grading rubrics for this assignment.

This is your opportunity to show that you have mastered the Excel skills in this

This is your opportunity to show that you have mastered the Excel skills in this course, and create charts and tables to support your Topic Proposal. You do not have to update your Word report at this time, you only need to create the tables/charts that you will use in the final version of the report. You will be graded only on your Excel work, using the Skill list below, which are mapped to the grading rubrics for this assignment.

complete only 4 out of 6 questions for Assignment 3. 1. Question 1 (12 points) 2

complete only 4 out of 6 questions for Assignment 3.
1. Question 1 (12 points)
2. Question 2 (10 points)
3. Question 3 OR Question 4 (13 points)
4. Question 5 OR Question 6 (12 points)
i linked the assimgnet in the files it is titled assigment 3
here are some webstie links as well



State Health Facts

Please use excel. For Problem one: Calculate the incidence rate and create a bar

Please use excel. For Problem one: Calculate the incidence rate and create a bar graph showing the IR of stroke, hypertension, and smoking status by age
For problem two: the graph should be a bar graph.
Please see the upload image for additional instructions.

Locate an article or advertisement that provides statistics in support of its me

Locate an article or advertisement that provides statistics in support of its message. Attach the article or advertisement link to your initial post.
What is the article or ad trying to say?
What statistical data are misrepresented or exaggerated?
What are the undesirable consequences to the consumer of this information?

Statistical Analysis Project and “Presentation” Each group will be required to c

Statistical Analysis Project and “Presentation”
Each group will be required to conduct a hands-on statistical analysis project that involves the following three deliverables:
A 1/2-1 page executive summary detailing the question you will address, the data you expect you will need, your plan for collecting the data, the statistical tools you expect to use to answer your question using the data and the observed result.
A 1-2 page infographic presenting the question, data, and conclusions. (Many create this in PPT or Google Slides and then export it as an image to be included in the final submission document)
A short 2-4 page technical report detailing your analysis: tools used, data, tests run
For the statistical analysis project, you will address a question of interest to you using the statistical methodology we learn in our class. You choose the question, you decide how to collect the data, you do the analyses, you do the final report. You do not need to use survey data. You can collect data manually, or through secondary resources. The questions can address almost any topic including topics in consumer behavior, process performance, finance, economics, psychology, sociology, natural science, medicine, public policy, sports, law, etc. I would strongly prefer you pick a business-oriented topic, but broader questions can be attempted with prior instructor approval. You get to use the course concepts and tools immediately after learning them and you get answers to issues that pique your personal intellectual curiosity.

The amount of oxygen consumption was measured in six individuals over two ten-mi

The amount of oxygen consumption was measured in six individuals over two ten-minute periods while sitting with their eyes closed. During one period, they listened to an exciting adventure story; during the other, they heard restful music.
Based on the results shown in the datafile, is oxygen consumption less when listening to the music? Use the .01 significance level.
Use the steps of hypothesis testing
Explain the results to someone who understands mean, standard deviation and variance but knows nothing else about statistics. (follow the examples on pages 255-258 in the textbook about how to write up your results from t -test output for an article)

Please use the following data file to run a paired sample t-test in SPSS (I have a “how to” video for paired sample t-tests in Week 9 Overview)
Ch 7 Oxygen consumption.xlsxDownload Ch 7 Oxygen consumption.xlsx
You can import this file or copy/ paste it into SPSS.
Run a t-test for dependent means
Is there a significant difference? Answer the questions above – for a & b
COPY/ PASTE your results from SPSS into a Word Document.
Answer a and b