Overview Professionals in the social sciences investigate human behavior and soc

Professionals in the social sciences investigate human behavior and society for the purpose of understanding why people act the way they do. This investigation can help address a wide variety of social issues, such as the role of social media in the Arab Spring protests, the impact of social skills on future success, racial factors in police violence, and how partitioned grocery carts can help shoppers purchase healthier foods. Social scientists can help address issues such as these through research and investigation.
The summative assessment for this course has two parts. In Project One, you will conduct a research investigation that examines an issue in the social sciences. You will identify appropriate resources for investigating the issue you select, use these resources to apply social science principles to the issue, and develop a question related to the issue. In addition, you will identify an audience who would be interested in the selected issue. In Project Two, you will develop a presentation for the audience you identified in Project One. In your presentation, you will explain how social scientific thinking has affected you and discuss the impact of the issue on your audience, supporting your claims with evidence.
Project One addresses the following course outcomes:
Illustrate the impact of social scientific thinking on personal and professional experiences
Select appropriate and relevant social science resources in investigating contemporary issues in the social sciences
Communicate effectively to specific audiences in examining fundamental aspects of human behavior
Apply essential principles of the social sciences in addressing critical questions related to human behavior
In Project One, you will select a contemporary issue in the social sciences to investigate. You may select an issue discussed in the course, or you may select your own with instructor approval. You could consider using your question from SCS 100 if it is something you would like to investigate further for this assessment. After selecting an issue, you will conduct a research investigation, identifying appropriate resources for researching the issue, applying social science principles to your issue, and developing a question related to the issue. You will submit your research investigation as a written report.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Introduction: In this section, you will discuss your social science issue and select resources that you can use to research the issue. Specifically, you should do the following:
Describe the issue in the social sciences that you have selected to investigate. Why is this issue significant?
Describe at least three social science resources that you could use to investigate the issue you selected. Your sources must be relevant to your issue and must be of an academic nature appropriate for the issue. In your description, consider questions such as these: What are the similarities and differences in the content of your sources? What makes them appropriate and relevant for investigating your issue? What was your thought process when you were searching for sources? How did you make choices?
Body: In this section, you will use the social science resources that you selected to investigate your issue, focusing on an appropriate audience and the social science principles related to the issue. Be sure to cite your sources. Based on your research, address the following:
Identify the social science principles that apply to your issue. In other words, which principles of social science apply to the issue you selected?
Explain how the principles you identified apply to your issue. In other words, how are the social science principles you identified relevant to your issue?
Identify an audience that would be interested in your issue. For example, who would benefit most from hearing your message? Or who could best help in addressing the issue?
Describe how and why you can tailor your message to your audience, providing specific examples. For example, will your audience understand social scientific terminology and principles, or will you need to explain these? How will you communicate effectively with your audience?
Conclusion: In this section, you will conclude your research investigation by discussing future directions for research. Specifically, you should do the following:
Based on your investigation, develop a research question related to the issue you selected. In other words, what would you like to know more about?
Explain how a social scientist would go about investigating the research question you developed. In other words, what would the next steps be if a social scientist were to continue researching your question?
Provide a reference list that includes all of the social science resources you used to investigate your issue and question. Ensure that your list is formatted according to current APA guidelines (or another format with instructor permission).
What to Submit
Your research investigation should be submitted as a 3- to 5-page Microsoft Word document and should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Any citations should be formatted according to APA style.

Current social scientific data indicates that there is a significant decline in

Current social scientific data indicates that there is a significant decline in fertility and birthrates in the US. Discuss why we may be seeing a decrease in fertility rates. What are the reasons that individuals may choose to not have children? What are the advantages  and disadvantages, for individuals/families and society, of a declining fertility rate? This course uses the term “childfree”.  How does this differ from “childless”? Your primary post should be approximately 500 words.
Remember to specifically cite the materials in this module and other academic and government sources in all of your posts.
Remember to cite all sources (both in-text and references) in APA format. The following link to the Research, Write and Cite Guide will provide directions to information about APA citations.

  You have 2 options on how to complete this assignment. OPTION 1:  Research onl

  You have 2 options on how to complete this assignment. OPTION 1:  Research online and read about self care, identifying signs of burnout and how to prevent burnout.
You must find reputable sources online, which means staying away from any websites that are trying to sell products or are based on religious beliefs. If you can find evidence-based practices that would be even better. This would mean that the program has data and results that show/prove they are able to help people recover from drug abuse.
After you find articles and do your research, please write a 3-page paper summarizing the research you have found. Be detailed.
Be certain to mention fully your sources of information within your paper. You do not need a bibliography or works cited page. But, you do have to tell me where you got your information or data.
The paper should be 3 pages in length at a minimum.
Your paper must be written with 12-point Arial font with 1-inch margins. It also must be double-spaced.

developed a preliminary plan for a workplace proposal that was based on the topi

developed a preliminary plan for a workplace proposal that was based on the topic from the research essay you submitted in Module 6.  (PROVIDING MORE RESOURCES FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VICTIMS( This week, you will use that plan and what you have learned in the readings to develop a short (1-2 page) workplace proposal.
As a reminder, your manager (or another appropriate management-level person in your organization) expressed interest in hearing more about how your research essay topic might benefit your organization. Your goal is to convince your manager (or other appropriate reader) to give you permission to proceed with what you’re proposing.
If you currently don’t work in an organization where your overall topic makes sense, that’s okay. Just simulate a workplace environment to the best of your ability by identifying the best person within a real (or fictional) company to read your proposal. If you’re having trouble with this part, reach out to your instructor for assistance.
Your proposal must include the following sections:
Introduction (subject, purpose, significance, and background)
Project details (recommendation or solution)
Deliverables or milestones (products and/or due dates)
Conclusion (summary and call to action)
Because the document is in a letter format, you are not required to use internal headings to distinguish the individual sections, but you may do so if that approach makes sense. You may also include visual elements if you think that they would help your reader take action on your proposal, but visuals are also not required.
Your proposal is not expected to be comprehensive or lengthy. Use the information you have already developed in your research essay and revise it to meet your audience’s specific needs. By this point, you should have already conducted enough research to develop your proposal without too much extra time searching for supporting sources. After all, you’ve already prepared a complete research paper on the topic! But, be willing to augment some areas from your research paper and condense others. Be sure that you are focusing on your reader and what you think his or her expectations will be for the proposal.

W​‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‍‌​ITH 4 PAGES SPEAKER NOTES This assessment requires you to

W​‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‍‌​ITH 4 PAGES SPEAKER NOTES This assessment requires you to apply your learning from Assessments 1 and 2. You will do this by explaining how you would facilitate engagement and collaborative relationships when working with young people with mental health issues. Utilising specific examples, you will demonstrate your capacity to ethically engage and collaborate with young people and their family members or carers in age-appropriate and culturally sensitive ways. You will also choose and justify a framework for engaging with and assessing the needs of families or ca​‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‍‌​rers of young people with mental ill-health

: Select an issue that is important to you, to your community, or to Americans i

: Select an issue that is important to you, to your community, or to Americans in general. Your community could be your geographical community (e.g., your neighborhood, town, or city), a community of people with shared characteristics with whom you identify, or the broader state or national community.
: Find and read at least five articles from newspapers, magazines, or other online sources that highlight the government’s response to the issue. It is important that your articles do not only describe the issue or present opinions on the issue from general members of the public. Look for sources that communicate how government officials have responded or are responding to the issue. You will be asked to identify government officials by name in your articles.

Describe the five core technologies for police. List and then explain the use of

Describe the five core technologies for police.
List and then explain the use of technologies for crime analysis, mapping, and problem solving.
Explain the debate surrounding police use of body-worn cameras and license plate readers.
Evaluate the effectiveness of current police technologies, specifically the use of drones, social media, facial recognition, robots, and apps for crime-fighting.
Create at least 3 suggestions on how police departments can utilize technology to improve crime fighting in their community.
Upload your Assignment as a Microsoft Word document, two-page minimum, APA format.

of the phenomenon of violence in stadiums, the concept of tribe and ritual thus

of the phenomenon of violence in stadiums, the concept of tribe and ritual thus indicates the behavior of the ultras as symptomatic of a cultural regression. What can be done to stop violence? Reflect on these issues and compare them critically

research question: What are some of the effects of mono-parental families on chi

research question: What are some of the effects of mono-parental families on children? (How does single parenting affect a child’s development)?
In Part 1 you must secure your instructor’s permission for your observation site before you will be able to access Part 2 of the observation assignment. An approved site will receive a “1” (this does not contribute to your course grade).  If you receive a “0” on this assignment, that means your site is NOT APPROVED and you should select another site and resubmit your request.
Write a one paragraph description of the site you plan to observe for a two hour period.  Appropriate sites may include locations such as: cafes, restaurants, shopping malls, public transit, libraries, parks, etc.
In your one paragraph address the following:
Why you selected the site
Time of day/week you plan to observe
What do you plan to observe (for example: interactions between people, with the environment, with pets, etc.)
Briefly describe the site
What types of sites are appropriate for observing public social interactions?
PUBLIC LOCATION: A public site is one that people would reasonably expect that their actions will be observed.  If you want to observe people that you know, or if your observation will somehow affect the interactions you observe, include that in your description.
PRIVATE LOCATION: You may observe public interactions from a private location. For example, if you have a window in your residence that will give you a place to observe public interactions.
Do not observe private interactions in your residence or place of employment.
Do not observe a location that has a primary focus on children or vulnerable populations (such as playgrounds, school classrooms, homeless centers).
Do not conduct observations in your workplace.
Be sure to keep yourself safe and act ethically.
Your site must be approved by your instructor before you can access Part 2 of this assignment.

Relationship demographics have changed significantly during the past seventy yea

Relationship demographics have changed significantly during the past seventy years. What are the cultural and social norms that have caused these transitions? Clearly identify a specific demographic change that you will explore for this assignment. For example, why has singlehood increased as a life option? Why have more people joined in interracial/interethnic relationships? How has the marriage equality act influenced LGBTQ+ partnering/marriage? Why have divorce rates decreased in the U.S.?  Use at least two academic sources and specific references from the texts and the content guides to support your thesis.
Your paper should be between 4 – 5 pages, in length, double-spaced, with 12 point font. Remember to cite all sources (both in-text and references) in APA format. The following link to the Research, Write and Cite Guide will provide directions to information about APA citations.