Summarize the article you selected. Evaluate the quality of evidence, appropriat

Summarize the article you selected.
Evaluate the quality of evidence, appropriateness of the content, and writing style for the target audience, and the author’s potential bias, if any.
Explain whether the article meets professional standards for scholarly writing and why.
Explain how different audiences (e.g., domestic vs. international perspectives) could interpret the article differently and why.

Prepare a memo to the appropriate policy making body that identifies a defined p

Prepare a memo to the appropriate policy making body that
identifies a defined public sector problem,
at least two potential policy options that address the problem, and
at least two areas in which additional research will be conducted to address the public sector problem.
This should be an agenda item to the appropriate policy-making body (i.e., audience). Depending on the scope of the problem you identified, this could be to the federal, state, or local (county, city council, etc.) government.
The tone and form of the memo should reflect the audience, and your writing should be clear and concise — the policy makers should be able to discern the purpose early in the memo. The defined problem might also best be addressed by a government agency that regulates or is authorized to enact policy.
In the memo, be sure, at a minimum, to:
Identify and define the problem and the conditions that exist to demonstrate the importance of the problem and why it deserves the attention of policy makers.
Identify and apply (the concepts or ideas and how they would be executed or implemented) at least two policy options to address the problem.
Explain at least two areas in which additional research will be conducted in furtherance of addressing the public sector problem.
In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the assignment, a successful paper must also meet the following criteria:
Length should be 3–5 double-spaced pages, excluding title page and reference page.
Use a memo header segment.
Utilize six or more sources, using both primary and secondary sources and evaluating the credibility of these sources.

Using the case attached and at least two outside sources: Briefly describe the f

Using the case attached and at least two outside sources:
Briefly describe the facts of the case leading up to Bennett being terminated.
While supporting facts are necessary for the story to flow, you should concentrate your efforts on the facts that are most important related to whether Bennett was retaliated against for protected First Amendment speech.
Using this case and at least two outside sources, thoroughly explain the balance between the public employee’s freedom of speech and the public employer’s right to require limits to that speech.
Explain what this case tells us about the public employee’s rights related to free speech.
Finally, this case mentions the due process rights HCC afforded Bennett. Using our readings, explain why public employees like Bennett are afforded due process, where that requirement comes from, and what is generally considered adequate due process.
Teachers feedback:
Not sure you followed the directions for this assignment. Take another look at the assignment and the 4 major points you needed to cover below, you didn’t really cover any of this.
Would also still need atleast 2 sources. I can re submit the ones from the prior writer or if you need new ones and look yourself. Either or let me know if you need anything else. Thank you

To complete your task (or, Paper #3: Community Intervention Proposal), you will

To complete your task (or, Paper #3: Community Intervention Proposal), you will take things step by step in order to put forth the strongest possible proposal that meets the expected criteria (more specifics on that later). The following is a brief overview of the steps you should take (more specifics on your step-by-step process included on subsequent pages within this Paper 3 module).
Step 1: Identify the needs of your com­munity.
Step 2: Choose programs (and ensure they can be implemented within budget).
Step 3: Prepare your proposal for the City Council (or, instructor) to review.
Step 4: Submit your proposal/report for review (grade).
Note: Once you have your ideas laid out and a draft of your proposal, you are invited to submit your draft (Paper #3: Community Intervention Proposal) for feedback. This step is OPTIONAL (and UNGRADED); but, if you do choose to submit a draft, you are likely to get some valuable feedback from your community (instructor) that will help you further refine and strengthen your final proposal/paper. In order to receive this feedback in a timely manner, plan to submit your draft by the due date indicated.
Readings and Resources
Before getting started on your paper, you should review all of the information located in this module, Paper #3: Community Intervention Proposal Instructions and Resources. In this module, you will find the following resources:
Steps 1-4: These pages will provide a brief overview of the steps you should take for planning for and writing your proposal.
Paper #3 Templates/Worksheets and Examples: You will find templates/worksheets to assist you as you work through your paper. Examples will be provided to use as a reference.
Paper #3 – Frequently Asked Questions: This provides questions you may have about the paper, grading, etc.
PAPER #3 ASSIGNMENTS: Each of the assignment deliverables will be found within this module as well as the corresponding lesson modules in which they are due. See the following Assignments section for a list of the deliverables.
Comments from Customer
Discipline: HDFS adolescent development

Review “How Good People Make Tough Choices”, including the two brief case studie

Review “How Good People Make Tough Choices”, including the two brief case studies in Kidder (1995/2005) regarding a reference librarian and a new plant manager of a nationwide manufacturing firm (pages 13–16).
Choose the ethical dilemma of either the reference librarian or new plant manager. Compare the ways that an advocate of Kant’s categorical imperatives and Bentham and Mill’s utilitarian philosophy would counsel the librarian or the new plant manager to act. With which approach do you agree most? Why?

The questions are drawn from all of the assigned readings, lecture materials, in

The questions are drawn from all of the assigned readings, lecture materials, information presented by guest lecturer(s), information provided in Chapter/Section Presentations, and information delivered in class by instructor and/or guest speakers throughout the semester. The format of the exam is a mix of short answer, true/false, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and essay questions.
Please submit completed exams to instructor via D2L before or by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, December 10. Late exams will NOT be accepted under any circumstances. Grades are due on December 12 by 5:00 pm. So, completing and submitting your exam early is encouraged.
The Comprehensive Final Exam must be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman 12-point font, and have one inch margins on each side. A cover page with your name, name of class, date, and name of assignment (Comprehensive Final Exam) must be included. To receive full number of points for answers to essay questions, in addition to correctly responding to the question(s), you must cite appropriate readings (articles, book chapters, etc.) in the text to back-up your statements. As such, a References section (that lists the sources cited in the text) must be included. Use APA style guide ( Moreover, the quality of the writing will be taken into account (proofread, edited, correct use of grammar, syntax and punctuation). Points will be taken off if these instructions are not followed.

Identify the basic concept of education, enforcement, and engineering. Explain h

Identify the basic concept of education, enforcement, and engineering.
Explain how code is enforced in your jurisdiction.
Describe how your local jurisdiction applies code to new and existing occupancies.
Identify local organizations that determine fire resistance of building materials.
Identify the types of tests used to determine fire ratings of certain building components/materials in your area.
Describe how fire tests and fire ratings apply to inspection and code enforcement in your area.
Identify characteristics of unsafe structures in your area as they relate to code requirements.
Identify the building construction type in your area that poses the biggest hazards for potential conflagration and fire spread.
Explain how plans review and structural control as a means for fire protection would improve the safety of unsafe structures in your area.

According to Abraham Maslow’s theory Hierarchy of Needs, people are motivated by

According to Abraham Maslow’s theory Hierarchy of Needs, people are motivated by five basic categories of needs: psychological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. Those needs often determine the motivation of employees and establish their positions and interests. It is important for managers to understand the position and interests of subordinates. Compare and contrast both position and interest. How can both position and interest be used to remedy organizational conflict?

Leadership Diversity and Preparing Future Diverse Leaders Assignment IV Due—Case

Leadership Diversity and Preparing Future Diverse Leaders Assignment IV Due—Case Analysis
1. Smith, Ryan (2015). “Contributions and Barriers to Developing Black and Latino
Leadership in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors of the Economy. In How Global
Migration Changes the Workforce Diversity Equation. Edited by PM. Pilati, H.
Sheikh, F. Sperotti, and C. Tilly. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
2. Eagly, Alice H., and Jean Lau Chin. (2010). “Diversity and leadership in a changing world.” American psychologist 65:3: 216. 5.
3 Olson, Deborah A., and Deborrah Jackson. (2009). “Expanding leadership diversity through formal mentoring programs.”Journal of Leadership Studies 3:1:47-60.
Class Discussion Questions: What, according to Smith (2015), are the factors that contribute to the successful leadership development of people of color in the nonprofit and public sectors of the economy? What are the structural and interactional barriers that continue to block their access to such positions? What can scholars of leadership learn from studying the diversity of leaders and followers (Eagly & Chin)? Formal mentoring programs have often been criticized for the challenges they pose for cross-race and cross gender mentor/protégé pairings. Olson & Jackson often a solution to this problem. What is it?

Your city has a severe budget crisis and the mayor has asked you to help the bud

Your city has a severe budget crisis and the mayor has asked you to help the budget director in preparing a report outlining cuts to the city’s budget. Based on what you have learned and what you know about your city, what part of budget would you examine first? Why?