You will take part in several data analysis assignments in which you will develop a report using
tables and figures from the IBM SPSS® output file of your results. Using the resources and
readings provided, you will interpret these results and test the hypotheses and writeup these
interpretations. As doctoral students, your assignments are expected to follow the principles of
high-quality scientific standards and promote knowledge and understanding in the field of public
administration. You should apply a rigorous and critical assessment of a body of theory and
empirical research, articulating what is known about the phenomenon and ways to advance
research about the topic under review. Research syntheses should identify significant variables, a
systematic and reproducible search strategy, and a clear framework for studies included in the
larger analysis.
• Copy and paste all tables and figures into a Word document and format the results in
APA current edition.
• Interpret your results.
• Final report should be formatted using APA current edition, and in a Word document.
• 12-20 double-spaced pages of content in length (not counting the title page or references).
• The report should be supported by at least 10 citations from course readings and
presentations as appropriate.
• Manuscriipts should not be written in first person (“I”).
• All material should be 12-point, Times New Roman type, double-spaced with margins of
one inch.
• All manuscriipts should be clearly and concisely written, with technical material set off.
Please do not use jargon, slang, idioms, colloquialisms, or bureaucratese. Use acronyms
sparingly and spell them out the first time you use them. Please do not construct
acronyms from phrases you repeat frequently in the text.
For this assignment, select the eight demographic variables and then select ten (10) of the 71
questions and report the frequency and descriiptive statistics results with interpretations.
1. The first assignment uses the 2018 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (Federal
Employee Survey 2018. sav).
2. Copy the data file onto your computer’s hard drive. It will not run from the course site.
3. Click on the IBM SPSS® icon on your computer desktop.
4. When it opens, select File, Open, and find the file named Federal Employee Survey 2018.
5. Click on it to open.
6. Run descriiptive statistics (frequency tables only) on the demographic variables (first
eight variables).
PADM 810
Page 2 of 3
7. For variables Q 1 through Q 71, perform frequency tables and run descriiptive statistics:
mean, median, and standard deviation.
8. Copy and paste all tables into a Word document and format the results in APA. The
tables from IBM SPSS® can be edited in Word. The figures are copy and pasted as
pictures and cannot be edited in Word. They can be edited in IBM SPSS®. See Cronk:
pp. 47 – 48 and provided Learn items.
Below is an example of one of the variables. You CANNOT use this question as one of your ten
Table 1.
Question 30 Frequency Analysis: Employees have a feeling of personal empowerment with
respect to work processes
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Strongly Disagree 54327 9.1 9.4 9.4
Disagree 100392 16.8 17.5 26.9
Neither Agree nor
135506 22.7 23.6 50.5
Agree 216007 36.1 37.6 88.0
Strongly Agree 68709 11.5 12.0 100.0
Total 574941 96.1 100.0
Missing 99 23062 3.9
Total 598003 100.0
Table 2.
Question 30 Descriiptive Statistics: Employees have a feeling of personal empowerment with
respect to work processes
Statistic Value
Valid 574941N
Missing 23062
Mean 3.25
Median 3.00

Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Understand the Assignment Overview

  • Recognize that your task is to analyze data using SPSS and create a descriptive statistics report.
  • Focus on:
    • Eight demographic variables (frequency tables).
    • Ten questions (frequency tables, means, medians, standard deviations).
    • Interpreting results and formatting them in APA style.

2. Prepare Your Resources

  • Ensure SPSS is installed and functioning on your computer.
  • Download the dataset: Federal Employee Survey 2018.sav to your computer’s hard drive.
  • Review APA formatting guidelines for tables, figures, and citations.

3. Open and Explore the Dataset in SPSS

  • Open SPSS and locate the dataset:
    • Go to File > Open > Data and select Federal Employee Survey 2018.sav.
  • Familiarize yourself with the dataset structure:
    • Identify the eight demographic variables.
    • Explore questions Q1–Q71 to choose ten for analysis.

4. Conduct Analysis in SPSS

  • Step 1: Analyze Demographic Variables
    • Run frequency tables for the first eight variables:
      • Navigate to Analyze > Descriptive Statistics > Frequencies.
      • Select the demographic variables and click “OK.”
    • Save the output by copying the tables into a Word document.
  • Step 2: Analyze Questions Q1–Q71
    • Choose ten questions for analysis.
    • Run descriptive statistics for each question:
      • Go to Analyze > Descriptive Statistics > Frequencies.
      • Check options for mean, median, and standard deviation.
      • Copy and paste all tables and figures into your Word document.

5. Format Tables and Figures in APA Style

  • Adjust table titles and formatting to match APA guidelines.
    • Example table title: Table 1. Frequency Analysis for [Question Text]
  • Ensure figures are clear and labeled correctly.

6. Write the Report

  • Title Page
    • Include a title, your name, course title, instructor name, and date.
  • Introduction
    • Briefly describe the dataset and the purpose of the analysis.
    • State the objectives: analyzing demographic variables and descriptive statistics for survey questions.
  • Methods Section
    • Explain how the data was selected and analyzed.
    • Mention SPSS as the software used for statistical analysis.
  • Results Section
    • Present each table or figure with a brief interpretation.
      • Example: “Table 1 shows the frequency distribution for Question 1, indicating that 37.6% of respondents agreed with the statement, while 12% strongly agreed.”
    • Highlight key findings for each variable/question.
  • Discussion Section
    • Analyze trends or patterns in the data.
    • Discuss the implications of the findings in relation to public administration.
  • Conclusion
    • Summarize key insights from the analysis.
    • Propose how these findings could guide future research or policy.
  • References
    • Include at least ten citations from course readings and presentations.

7. Proofread and Finalize

  • Ensure your report adheres to the APA format.
  • Double-check grammar, spelling, and table consistency.
  • Confirm that the manuscript meets the 12–20 double-spaced page requirement (excluding the title page and references).

Final Tips:

  • Stay concise and avoid jargon or overly technical language.
  • Spell out acronyms the first time they appear.
  • Use the provided example tables as a reference for formatting.

To Prepare Review this week’s Learning Resources, focusing on the Bardach and Pa

To Prepare
Review this week’s Learning Resources, focusing on the Bardach and Patashnik (2020) readings to prepare you to create a multidimensional matrix for your portion of your group’s presentation.
Consider what is needed beyond traditional cost-benefit analysis, as shown in the example decision matrix by Whittington (2004) in this week’s Learning Resources.
Use critical thinking to consider the multidimensional criteria for creating alternatives, supported with evidence, for the topic you are preparing for the first presentation, including projected outcomes you’ll get based on alternatives.

Produce a brief analysis and evaluation of ethics and leadership’s role in publi

Produce a brief analysis and evaluation of ethics and leadership’s role in public administration and FEMA. The analysis and evaluation must contain each of the elements identified under the assignment requirements below.
Explain and differentiate between the concepts of ethics and morals, and then analyze the roles they play in individual leaders’ actions.
Identify a high-profile public servant who has experienced an ethical failing covered in the mainstream media within the past six months.
Analyze and evaluate the concepts of ethics and morals with regard to this public servant.
Evaluate the social and ethical implications of decisions made in the public interest by this leader.
Apply principles of leadership change to improve governance and management of public policy to the fallen public servant.
Use proper APA style throughout and citations and references for the paper.

MPA/573: Program Evaluation Wk 2 – Policy Presentation Assignment Content Questi

MPA/573: Program Evaluation
Wk 2 – Policy Presentation
Assignment Content
Choose and complete 1 of the 2 assignment options:
Option 1: Forecasting Comparison Presentation
Identify a state, local, or federal policy that impacts your organization or community.
Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you complete the following:
Describe how forecasting can be used to implement this policy and highlight any limitations of the usage of forecasting.
Compare and contrast the different forms of forecasting used to aid decision-makers when evaluating policy outcomes.
Discuss the types of information needed to ensure forecasts are accurate.
Analyze the relationship between forecasting, monitoring of observed policy outcomes, and normative futures in goals and agenda-setting.

Include speaker notes with each slide.
Cite at least 4 peer-reviewed or similar references to support your presentation.
Include a slide with APA-formatted references.
Option 2: Forecasting Comparison Paper
identifies a state, local, or federal policy that impacts your organization or community.
Describe how forecasting can be used to implement this policy and highlight any limitations of the usage of forecasting. As part of your discussion, be sure to touch upon the following:
Compare and contrast the different forms of forecasting used to aid decision-making when evaluating policy outcomes.
Discuss the types of information needed to ensure forecasts are accurate.
Analyze the relationship between forecasting, monitoring of observed policy outcomes, and normative futures in goals and agenda-setting.

Note: The word count does not include the Title or References pages.

Cite at least 5 peer-reviewed or similar references to support your assignment.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

MPA/573: Program Evaluation Wk 2 – Policy Presentation Assignment Content Questi

MPA/573: Program Evaluation
Wk 2 – Policy Presentation
Assignment Content
Choose and complete 1 of the 2 assignment options:
Option 1: Forecasting Comparison Presentation
Identify a state, local, or federal policy that impacts your organization or community.
Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you complete the following:
Describe how forecasting can be used to implement this policy and highlight any limitations of the usage of forecasting.
Compare and contrast the different forms of forecasting used to aid decision-makers when evaluating policy outcomes.
Discuss the types of information needed to ensure forecasts are accurate.
Analyze the relationship between forecasting, monitoring of observed policy outcomes, and normative futures in goals and agenda-setting.

Include speaker notes with each slide.
Cite at least 4 peer-reviewed or similar references to support your presentation.
Include a slide with APA-formatted references.
Option 2: Forecasting Comparison Paper
identifies a state, local, or federal policy that impacts your organization or community.
Describe how forecasting can be used to implement this policy and highlight any limitations of the usage of forecasting. As part of your discussion, be sure to touch upon the following:
Compare and contrast the different forms of forecasting used to aid decision-making when evaluating policy outcomes.
Discuss the types of information needed to ensure forecasts are accurate.
Analyze the relationship between forecasting, monitoring of observed policy outcomes, and normative futures in goals and agenda-setting.

Note: The word count does not include the Title or References pages.

Cite at least 5 peer-reviewed or similar references to support your assignment.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

MPA/543: Data Analysis For Public Policy And Management Wk 1 – Policy Research P

MPA/543: Data Analysis For Public Policy And Management
Wk 1 – Policy Research Project: Development of Research Questions
Assignment Content
A professional in public administration encounters a lot of information—from within the agency, from across organizations within government, and from the general public. Developing the skills to discern fact from conjecture, objective analysis from bias, and a credible source from one that isn’t comes with knowing what to look for in separating valuable information from questionable material. Even published research should be evaluated using the standards of credibility and reliability, which we will discuss in depth throughout this course.
Participating in the research process by which many public policies are established provides you with firsthand experience in science-based methods employed in search of actionable, fact-based information. This experience fortifies your ability to develop informed, 360-degree perspectives that are at the core of many decisions as a public administration professional.
For this course-length research project, imagine that you are a researcher in the public sector. You received a grant to fund a research project that will be used to inform a major policy decision.
To begin your project this week, identify a problem in contemporary society related to your field of experience or interest that potentially can be solved through the research process in applying the facts toward policy decisions.
The project requirements for each week are as follows:
Week 1: Develop research questions around an issue that interests you as a public policy concern.
Week 2: Develop a research design to determine how you will attempt to answer the questions.
Week 3: Collect data to support your hypothesis.
Week 5: Analyze the data gathered to produce usable information toward your research.
Week 6: Detail your research process, findings, and conclusions in a written paper. Incorporate any feedback received in previous submissions.

As with all research, begin this week by identifying the questions you want to answer.
Describe an issue in public policy that is relevant to society today. Ensure that the issue and its questions are within a scope you can attempt to answer by Week 6 by carrying out the full research process.
Conduct research of literature and other credible sources to help define and articulate your questions. List the literature you reviewed that contributed to your hypothesis.
Develop and state your theory or hypothesis for the policy issue.
Complete the Developing Research Questions Template.
Cite at least 8 to 10 credible references to support your research.
Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

New Jersey – A Case Study in Municipal AidIn a double-spaced editorial of two (2

New Jersey – A Case Study in Municipal AidIn a double-spaced editorial of two (2) to three (3) pages, write a persuasive editorial in response to one of these two (2) topics:Determine whether the Year 2023 Municipal Best Practices Inventory effectively evaluated a municipality’s fiscal and operational activities.
Determine whether all the municipalities should be subjected to the same Best Practices Inventory.
For your editorial:State your opinion or thesis coherently.
Build your argument based on facts and/or analogies.
Recognize possible limitations to your argument.
How would a typical taxpayer respond to your conclusions?
Be sure to include at least three (3) sources in your editorial. These sources can include the required course materials and lecture notes for the course.Please submit your assignment by November 4, 2024.Your assignment will be evaluated according to the following criteria:CriteriaPossible PointsClear thesis statement5Clarity and strength of argument30Substantiated points with research articles that are integrated into paper20Critical analysis of issues30Discussion of implications for public finance10Spelling, grammar, and citations5Total100

In at least 550 of your own words, describe the many of the things that can go w

In at least 550 of your own words, describe the many of the things that can go wrong during system implementations and strategies that health care managers can employ to alleviate potential problems. Why is this important for you to know in your prospective career field?
Prospective Job: Healthcare data analyst is my prospective career

Hospital IT Department Structure
