Task 3: Case Study on Developmental Pathologies
Objective: Examine normal progress and developmental pathologies.
Task: Select a study of an individual who is experiencing a developmental pathology that affects his or her progress at a specific stage of life. Analyzes the impact of the pathology on its development and proposes intervention strategies based on current research.
Length: 5-7 pages, APA format.
Category: Psychology
Behavioral neuroscience researchers are interested in studying the relationships
Behavioral neuroscience researchers are interested in studying the relationships between the nervous system and behavior. Watch the short video above by Dr. Marian Diamond, and then summarize the research findings she reported. Discuss why you think that these findings re-shaped how neuroscientists thought about the reciprocity between brain-behavior relationships. How did these findings contribute to our understanding of neuroplasticity? Pose a question at the end of your initial work for your peers and professor. All work must be done in APA format, in-text citations and scholarly resources.
Locate a scholarly source reporting a different example of how experience can change the brain. Discuss the key findings and why you find them interesting.You must support your 2 peers responses with scholarly sources in APA format. Simply stating your opinion is not enough, back up your opinion with citations. Tell why or why not you agree or disagree with the information in the peer posts. Your responses should be as good as your initial post! Dig deep with your responses and elaborate more on the topic and why you agree or disagree with the post. Initial post should be at least 4 paragraphs and your responses should be 4-6 paragraphs long. The initial post is due today and the responses are due tomorrow so when u get the initial post done send it ASAP
In this assignment forum, you will analyze imaging research methods in the field
In this assignment forum, you will analyze imaging research methods in the field of behavioral neuroscience. There are many advantages and disadvantages associated with each of the various neuroimaging techniques.
After reviewing this week’s readings and resources, please share at least 2 benefits and 2 costs associated with these types of methods.
Please be sure to elaborate on your responses and use examples to support your claims.
In addition, find a scholarly article that uses an imaging technique to research the human brain. Discuss the key findings and why you find them interesting.
Note: Choose a different article than the one you selected for this week’s Discussion Board.
By the Friday deadline, share your work with the class in this Unit 1 Assignment Forum.
By the Sunday deadline, review your classmates’ work and provide at least one (1) reply.
Create a 10- to 16-slide PowerPoint® with detailed written speaker notes in the
Create a 10- to 16-slide PowerPoint® with detailed written speaker notes in the notes section of each slide presentation proposal for a new product.
Complete the following in your proposal:
Outline what the product or service is and how it can help society.
Summarize the overall goal of the product or service.
Describe the characteristics of your target audience demographic.
Create a vision in the investors’ minds so they can imagine the services provided and the user experience.
Discuss how you can sell this product through the power of one’s needs to belong.
Determine whether your product creates any social dilemmas.
Differentiate your product using what you know about how people interact and socially engage (pro proximity, mere exposure effect, evolution, attraction, need to belong).
Illustrate the connection between your idea and social psychology concepts and theories.
Include additional concepts learned throughout the course.
Cite 2-3 scholarly peer-reviewed sources in addition to your textbook.
Format your citations and any images used according to APA 7 guidelines.
As an industrial or organization psychologist, you will be involved in the prepa
As an industrial or organization psychologist, you will be involved in the preparation and development of a strategic business consulting plan proposal. This may be developed for your own consulting business or for a consulting firm for which you work. In addition, such a plan may be developed for a client at their request. Every strategic business consulting plan contains standard components and elements. You are expected to be able to develop and implement such a plan proposal. As part of such a plan proposal, you will be expected to differentiate between different models of consulting to create the most appropriate plan proposal, depending on its defined purpose.
For this assignment, you will create a Strategic Business Consulting Plan Proposal and Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation.
Assume you are starting your own industrial/organizational psychology consulting firm. In preparing a Strategic Business Consulting Plan Proposal for your own organization, follow the instructions in the Strategic Business Consulting Plan Proposal Instructions and answer based on your development of such an organization.
Prepare a 2,800-word written plan proposal and an 18- to-20-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that supports the proposal plan as if you were presenting it to the actual company or organization. Cite a minimum of 10 journal articles in APA format within your assignment.
Step 1: Understand Your Assignment: It is to use information about evaluating et
Step 1: Understand Your Assignment: It is to use information about evaluating ethics from the course textbook and the additional sources below to consider ethical concerns of the Harlow Monkey Studies. Think critically about the information in all of the sources. Then, in at least 2.5 pages and in your own words, clearly explain your answers to the prompts below.
1.Identify at least two ethical concerns of the Harlow Monkey Studies, and
a.Using critical thinking, clearly explain why these aspects of the study are indeed concerning, connecting the concern to psychology’s ethical guidelines. Identify concerns you determine are relevant and important.
b.For each concern identified, describe what could have been done instead to have made the situation ethical.
2.Also discuss the following:
b. Who, if anyone, should be held accountable for the potential long-term harm in this case, even if they were not aware of the consequences at the time? Explain your reasoning.
To Write the Paper
Read this: (attached) https://www.psychologicalscience.org/publications/observer/obsonline/harlows-classic-studies-revealed-the-importance-of-maternal-contact.html
Watch this: https://youtu.be/OrNBEhzjg8I
Using APA Format to Give Credit to your Sources
Only 2 things are needed for APA format for this paper… 1. a Reference List & 2. In-Text Citations. 2 sources are attached
Citing Your Sources
Keep track of where you found each piece of information. Provide the cite (e.g., Myers & DeWall, 2019) for each piece of information in the text (i.e., the body) of your paper.
Writing the Paper 85 points
Q: Identifies at least two ethical concerns and describes why these aspects are concerning /70
Discusses at least two ethical concerns
Links each concern to an ethical guideline
Explains why ethically concerning
Explains what could have been done instead
Uses critical thinking
35 points for each of 2 well-explained ethical concerns (35 x 2 = 70)
Q: Who should be accountable for long term harm; why, why not?
Writing & Grammar
15 points
General Writing
7 Thoughts are well organized, Complete sentences, Statements in paragraphs support main ideas, Good use of transitions
4 Lacking in two or more of the requirements for a 7
1 Multiple unclear/incomplete statements /7
4 No spelling or grammatical errors
2 3 – 5 spelling or grammatical errors
1 6 – 8 spelling or grammatical errors
0 9 or more spelling or grammatical errors /4
APA Format – give credit to sources
4 Paper contains in-text citations & reference list, Format matches that given student
1 Format for in-text citations or reference list contains multiple errors
0 In-text citations and reference list are missing OR follows another format than APA
Please write each research summary in 250 words and provide 2 takeaways, and wri
Please write each research summary in 250 words and provide 2 takeaways, and write question #3 and #4 in short answers. Please do not use any AI to process the work. If you have any question, please let me know, thank you!
Here’s the Study Guide Rubric:
10.00 (A+: Truly Exceptional): Very thorough and unusually detailed answers, and extremely
thoughtful responses to the discussion or application questions. Thought questions heavily
reference readings/lectures and integrate interesting and creative insights.
9.0 (A: Excellent): Very detailed answers, and thoughtful responses to the discussion or
application questions. Thought questions heavily reference readings/lectures.
8.5 (B: Great): Detailed answers, and good responses to the discussion or application questions.
Most common score. Thought questions meaningfully reference readings/lectures.
8.0 (B-: Good-Great): Moderately detailed answers and/or several key answers missing,
moderate responses to discussion or application questions.
Discuss your thoughts on Medication-Assisted Treatment. Please discuss any pro’s
Discuss your thoughts on Medication-Assisted Treatment. Please discuss any pro’s and con’s of this controversial drug treatment. PLEASE PROPERLY SITE SOURCE AND IN-TEXT!!!! If it is not an original thought, CITE IT PLEASE!!!
Review the attached article and evaluate the quality of the popular coverage. (I
Review the attached article and evaluate the quality of the popular coverage. (INSTRUCTIONS ARE ATTACHED)
The Role of Forgiveness in Psychological Well-being: Explore the psychological m
The Role of Forgiveness in Psychological Well-being: Explore the psychological mechanisms by which forgiveness contributes to mental health, including its effects on stress and emotional regulation
(You can pick a topic of your choice just make it psychology related and pls lmk before. whatever you’re comfortable with)