In this discussion, we will apply personality theory to fictional characters. Mo

In this discussion, we will apply personality theory to fictional characters. Movies, shows, plays, books, and role-playing games can offer us a rich opportunity to be transported to other places and meet interesting people. Throughout the course, we will be reflecting on how personality theory applies to us and how we can use our course topics to be the most effective versions of our authentic selves in social or professional contexts. In this assignment, we will look externally and use the textbook reading to analyze our favorite fictional characters to recognize patterns and perhaps get better insights into their behavior.
For your initial post, select a fictional character from any form of media and provide a short description of the character you select. Include an image, clip, or gif of your character to share with your peers.
Next, in at least 6 to 10 sentences, describe how at least two components of personality theory relate to your character and provide examples to illustrate points. To help you get started, you can use the questions below or any other components of personality theory presented by the text:
What role does the unconscious play in your character?
What is the importance of sexuality in your character’s life?
Are any instinctual drives repressed?
Are any neuroses present in your character’s behavior?
What is the significance of early childhood experience to your character?
Do you see any archetypes displayed by your character?
Can you relate ego psychology to your character?
Can you observe any defense mechanisms?
Is your character experiencing an age-related developmental challenge?
Does authoritarian personality relate to your character in a meaningful way?
Finally, describe whether your character demonstrates any emotional intelligence skills to exhibit an awareness of the behavior you have identified.

For your initial post, create your own theory of personality. By theory, we mean

For your initial post, create your own theory of personality. By theory, we mean a set of interrelated principles based on your observations and experiences. The questions provided below will help you shape your answer. Your theory should be about 6 to 12 sentences and include examples or observations about yourself or others to back up your assertions. Address the following questions in your theory:
How can you observe personality?
Does nature or nurture play a larger role in personality development? Justify your response.
What is the value of studying personality in yourself and others?
Is personality changeable? Does it shift over time? Does it depend on the situation?
Next, describe how studying personality connects to one of the following programmatic themes:
Social justice
Emotional intelligence
Career connections

Prompt Select an image from the Module One Journal Images Word document and use

Select an image from the Module One Journal Images Word document and use the Module One Journal Template Word Document to answer the following questions. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Identify the image (A–E) that you selected.
Describe what happened before the image was taken. Your response should be about 2 to 3 sentences in length.
Describe what is happening in -2 ACTIVITYthe image. Your response should be at about 2 to 3 sentences in length.
Describe what the subjects are feeling or thinking in the image. Your response should be about 2 to 3 sentences in length.
Describe what will happen next. Your response should be about 2 to 3 sentences in length.
What to Submit
Submit your completed Module One Template.

Each answer should be 200-250 words long and refer specifically to content from

Each answer should be 200-250 words long and refer specifically to content from this section only (no outside research.
Describe a time when you learned new information or new behaviors through operant, associational, or observational learning.
Think about a time when you made a snap judgment about another person. Did your expectations about people influence your judgment of this person? Was the judgment fair or unfair? Do you think that your expectations influence how you respond to people? 
Give an example of a time when you may have committed one of the cognitive errors listed in Table 2.1 “How Expectations Influence Our Social Cognition”. What factors (e.g., availability? salience?) caused the error, and what was the outcome of your use of the shortcut or heuristic. (Table located in document uploaded).
Describe a time you learned or practiced “doing gender”

The vignette required for this paper is Casey Weston. Please make sure to use th

The vignette required for this paper is Casey Weston. Please make sure to use that specific vignette (located below) and nothing else (e.g., individual you know, someone you made up). Please follow along with the organization of the template provided when you are writing your
paper. DO NOT write the entire paper in paragraph format.
Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to have you examine a case vignette, identify symptoms associated with a wide variety of mental health disorders, defend the presence/non-presence of
relevant disorders (to the vignette) and come to an informed decision regarding the diagnosis best suited given the information provided in the vignette. This is an empirically validated
approach to diagnostic decision-making and one that most clinicians use in everyday practice.
The overall benefit of having you complete this assignment is to generate some exposure to the
complexities psychologists encounter in their applied practice. Remember, diagnostic decision-
making processes are not about finding the “right” mental health condition, but about identifying
the most defensible mental health conditions.
Below I will provide you with a case vignette to evaluate in terms of diagnostic impressions. I
want you to deconstruct the vignette from a scientifically valid approach. I am going to ask you
to follow an in-depth approach to the diagnostic process. In this exercise, I want you to read the
vignette and complete the following tasks:
1. Identify a COMPREHENSIVE list of symptoms that may be helpful in determining a
diagnosis. This should include all symptoms and signs endorsed within the vignette.
2. Discuss how the symptoms identified meet the three criteria for abnormality (the 3 D’s).
Make sure you provide enough evidence to clearly defend how symptoms are
dysfunctional, distressful, and deviant.
3. Categorize your symptoms by AT LEAST 3 categories that will help you evaluate
potential diagnoses. You may create the labels that you place symptoms under.
a. EXAMPLES OF CATEGORIES: physical symptoms, anxious symptoms, depressive
symptoms, mood-based symptoms, psychotic-based symptoms, social symptoms,
academic-related symptoms, etc.
4. Next, you are to choose three diagnoses that you want to consider in the diagnostic
process. You must evaluate at least three disorders. For each disorder you evaluate, you
must consider converging evidence (evidence that confirms the presence of a specific
disorder) and diverging evidence (evidence that disconfirms the presence of a specific
disorder) based on the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for the disorder. You will need to
reference the notes and the textbook to determine the specific criteria for the diagnoses
you are considering. You want to match the symptoms to the criteria — a checking off
process. If you have enough symptoms to meet a specific criterion for a disorder — you
want to note that criterion A (for example) is met because of the presence of two more
psychotic symptoms (for example). Clearly defend how EACH criterion for a diagnosis is
met or not met.
5. Construct a confidence assessment based on your defense process. Here I want you to
rate (from 1 to 10 with 10 being a score reflective of great confidence) how confident youare in terms of the diagnosis being present within the case vignette. Do this for each
disorder you consider.
6. I want you to choose one (or more) diagnosis(es) that you feel best characterizes that
symptoms present in the vignette. You may need to consider some specifiers if we
reviewed them in the notes. After making your selection, I want you to write up a small
summary that defends your conclusions. This summary should be approximately one
paragraph in length (5-8 sentences).
7. Given what we have discussed in class regarding treatment, what might treatment look
like for this specific client? Please write at least a paragraphs outlining what specific
approaches to treatment a therapist might take with the given client.
There are no right or wrong answers. However, you will be graded on how you defend your
logic in responding to the designated components of the defense process — as seen directly
above. Please see the grading rubric below for specific grading criteria.
The paper must be submitted as a Word document. It must be written in Times New Roman
with a font size of 12. The margins must be set at one inch. Please include only your name in a
header at the top of the page – no need to list the class, date, etc. Violation of any of these
regulations will automatically reduce your grade by 5-20 points depending upon the magnitude
and frequency of the violations.
Case Vignette
Casey Weston is a 36-year-old, European American man who was self-referred to therapy for
difficulties with anxiety and social isolation. Upon entering therapy, Casey indicated that he is
riddled with fear, which prevents him from creating and maintaining relationships with others.
Casey further noted that his inability to create relationships has engendered “heavy feelings of
loneliness.” He noted that his loneliness is marked by persistent concerns that he will always be
alone, frequent bouts of crying, perceptions of low self-worth, and difficulties falling asleep.
When asked about his inability to create and maintain relationships, he cited his fear as the
major deterrent.
Casey indicated that as far as he can remember (at least 20 years), he has always been fearful
of being “trapped or suffocated by people.” When queried further, Casey indicated that he is
fearful about being stuck in a place where he will not be able to escape or find help. In the past,
Casey stated that he had difficulties going to crowded concerts and movies because of the
overwhelming amount of people who “seem like they are on top of him.” In addition, Casey cited
difficulties carpooling with co-workers. Specifically, he noted that carpooling makes him feel so
restricted because there are often at least four people in a car and (unless you are the driver)
few people are in control of the door locking system.
When asked about when these fears first appeared, Casey noted that he “had no idea.” However,
he did indicate that as a child he often had a number of medical difficulties (e.g., asthma,
impetigo) that were severe in presentation. When fits of asthma or impetigo would occur, Casey
noted that he would often feel a strong need to find aid quickly. Casey distinctly remembers one
instance where he came down with a bad bout of asthma (“I thought I was going to die.”) and he
was fearful that he would not be able to find help because it occurred at recess where few
teachers would monitor the students. He recalled that his friends tried to help him, but every
time that they got closer, he felt like his symptoms became worse. Casey indicated from that
point on, he would try to avoid large groups of people for fear of having an asthma attack with
no means of seeking immediate aid. Casey indicated that his asthma and impetigo difficulties were successfully treated and have
remained under control for a long period of time. However, he noted that he still fears being
trapped. Casey added that when he finds himself in a situation where there is no obvious point of
escape, he experiences a number of debilitating symptoms of anxiety. Specifically, he reported
consistent difficulties with extreme restlessness/irritability, muscle tension, heart palpitations,
trembling and shaking, chest pain, dizziness, and nausea when placed in situations where he has
felt trapped. Moreover, Casey indicates that his fear has gotten worse over the last ten years.
Specifically, Casey indicates that he experiences his anxiety symptoms more severely. Because
of this escalation in symptoms severity, Casey admitted that he vigilantly avoids “most social
interactions.” Specifically, he now has difficulty going to the grocery store, riding in a car (even
by himself), going to a work meeting, etc. In fact, Casey admitted that his symptoms were so
severe that he had to quit his job and find a new job that allows him to work from home. For a
long time, Casey believed that the only true safe place was his home. Whenever he was forced
to leave his home, he would experience an overwhelming feeling of dread that is accompanied by
different physiological symptoms associated with anxiety, based on self-report.
Finally, Casey noted that his symptoms peaked to such an extent that he does not even feel safe
in his home all of the time. Based on Casey’s recent memory, he cited difficulties going to the
dentist for his annual cleaning approximately 2 months ago. Upon arriving at the dentist’s office,
he indicated that he became incapacitated by fear to such an extent that he could not enter the
dentist’s office. After experiencing a substantial amount of anxiety related turmoil, Casey
reported feeling an intense surge of fear that was marked by difficulties breathing and
accelerated heart rate. Casey admitted that during the intense anxiety episode he felt like he
was going to die. Despite feelings of dying, Casey did note that the most severe symptoms
dissipated within a few seconds. Once Casey was able to function, he walked slowly to his car
and returned home. From that point, Casey reported that he has been concerned about
experiencing those specific types of symptoms again. To ward off the onset of similar symptoms,
Casey noted that he has stopped working out, venturing from home (he now has his groceries
delivered to his house), and watching scary movies (movies that he once found enjoyable).
Please follow the organization and format of this template/example document when
writing your final paper. The document deconstructs a different case vignette – do not copy
and paste anything from the template, as the information provided is not relevant to this
case. The paper does not need to be in paragraph format. Simply follow the format of the
template provided on Folio.

A‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‍ reflection on the personal growth you experience‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌

A‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‍ reflection on the personal growth you experience‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‍d relating to your ethical thinking and competenc‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‍e.

h‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‍ttps:// U

h‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‍ttps:// Use the handout attachments above to answer the following questions below: Each question MUST have 5-7 sentences.

W‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‍e believe that Change Makers: Stand out. They have a curious

W‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‍e believe that Change Makers: Stand out. They have a curious and restless approach in their pursuit for excellence. They have a keen and determined focus to fully realise key opportunities and are open to exploring and maximising ways of providing added value to others, strengthening society, and giving back as ambassadors and role models

Discusssion Three-Does Taking Antidepressants Lead to Suicide? A.  Critically an

Discusssion Three-Does Taking Antidepressants Lead to Suicide?
A.  Critically answer this question by taking a stance (agree or disagree). 
Does Taking Antidepressants Lead to Suicide?
Explain your answer
B.  Post your reaction (ADD A THREAD) to this statement on this Forum.  You are to locate an article on the internet that supports your opinion and include the website’s URL within your reactionary response.
C.  Lastly, you are to read the reactions or responses from two of your other classmates and “counter-react” minimally to one or more of their responses by adding a thread to their thread.
Hit the  QUOTE button when you reply. Post your reaction (ADD A THREAD) to this statement on this Forum.  You are to locate an article on the internet that supports your opinion and include the website’s URL within your reactionary response.  
You discussion is due on _________ and your two replies to your peers by __________.