Select a recent candidate or officeholder at the federal level that you consider

Select a recent candidate or officeholder at the federal level that you considered supporting with your vote. Craft a handbill that advocates your person’s candidacy. Include the following:
The Individual
Does this person’s moral and professional capacity make this individual capable of serving “we the people” ethically and well?
Political Party
Does the person align well with the political party?
Does the person have a political party endorsement?
Public Policy
Select two specific examples of public policy that your person advocates from the following fields:
Economic policy – for example, U.S. budget deficit spending.
Education policy – for example, the implementation of charter schools.
Environmental policy – for example, the Clean Air Act.
Foreign policy – for example, the interplay between civil liberties and the Patriot Act.
Healthcare policy – for example, the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).
Welfare policy – for example, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
Why are these public policies important to this person and the potential voters?
Interest Groups? Note: PAC donations illustrate support.
News Media?
Support your analysis with information from the text and at least two additional academic sources.
Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:
APA format.
Title page.
Reference page.
APA citations.
Double spaced sentences.
12-point Times New Roman font.
Standard English grammar conventions.
Correct grammar.
Correct punctuation and spelling.
Logical, well ordered sentences.
Not Required/Optional: You may use graphics, images, etc. Visually, a visualization company, has some examples of graphic heavy, public policy handbills.

Hi, I am looking for case studies of Racial discrimination and the social-econom

I am looking for case studies of Racial discrimination and the social-economical struggle of the Algerian diaspora in France and the United States.
I will compare the two
So far I have a few cases studies on racial discrimination in France but I have not found any in the United States as the population is much lower and Algerians are overgeneralized as the “Middle East community or Muslim”
Here you can mention the immigration process they face such as visa requirements of Algerians entering the US for example there is a certain period of an individual to remain in the US as a visitor many break their visas to stay, you can mention the DV lottery as well. Welfare systems and public benefits such as food stamps and Medicaid. (please mention for french welfare system as well)
Also please mention how colonization contributed to these factors.

Now that we have wrapped up the course, you should have had the opportunity to c

Now that we have wrapped up the course, you should have had the opportunity to consider many aspects of the problems America faces, and what direction it seems to be headed in today. Given all that we have discussed, and the many challenges that America likely will have to deal with over the coming decades, what do you personally find most concerning?
Considering all of the above, your discussion topic for the week:
What potential problems in American politics are you most concerned about going forward? In your post, you should consider much of the following:
You are welcome to talk about multiple issues, but I’d recommend limiting yourself to three issues – two issues if you plan to only write at the six sentence minimum. This is just to make sure you have enough space to write thoughtfully about each topic.
The issue(s) you address could be policy-related, or related to the procedures, rules, and institutions of the country.
The issue(s) you address could be a problem that is a major issue right now, or something that you anticipate will become a major issue in the near future. In theory, you are even welcome to speculate about issues that could arise in the very long run (over the next several decades), but you should probably restrict your time horizon to the next fifty years.
What do you think are the prospects for your issue being addressed in the way you want? Are you hopeful? Cynical? Why or why not?
Do you think that your position is commonly held by other Americans? Do you think this will change over the coming years/decades?
Writing a good Discussion Post
Your post should be 6-8 sentences minimum.
You are welcome (and encouraged) to write as much as you would like.
Your post should practice persuasive writing. Imagine you are trying to convince others to adopt your position.
Try to write in a way that will win over people on the fence, or maybe even on the other side, rather than speaking in a way that pleases those who already agree with you.
You are not required to list sources, but you are strongly encouraged to spend some time reading about this topic, and seeing what others have to say.
Try to avoid grammar/mechanical mistakes, and do your best to write in a way that flows nicely.
Rubric for Discussion Post:16 points: Seriously thoughtful discussion, professionally/persuasively written, fully follows guidelines listed above. Exemplary.
14-15 points: Mostly meets the requirements above, but does not stand out. The median post will receive 14-15 points.
10 points: Does not reflect meaningful effort (too short, or shallow in quality).
0 points: Writing is irrelevant to the topic, far too short, and/or contains hostile/inappropriate language.

Keeping in mind that the themes of our class and text book are that Institutions

Keeping in mind that the themes of our class and text book are that Institutions Matter, Reform can and does happen and that Comparisons help us put things in context, hone in on a specific policy within your policy group and then study it, analyze it, use the resources that are in the final 2-3 pages of every chapter and then write a thoughtful analysis of your chosen topic. If you choose to use outside sources, add a Reference page on the end and cite those. Give me an intro, 1-2 pages of data and 1-2 pages of your value added analysis – both descriiptive and normative, and then a conclusion. Of course it goes without saying you will use 12 point font, double space, 1 inch margins, number your pages, use facts, evidence and logic, etc.
Here are some ideas on how to approach this:
What is peculiar or different about policy in the states or cities you have chosen to compare? Does it do what other states do or does it have a unique way of doing it? Is it good or is it bad or is it just an example of the people of one state choosing one way to do things that fits them and other states doing it their own way, i.e., what federalism is all about. How does it relates to federalism; how it is an example of federalism and what type – dual, cooperative, progressive, etc. (hint – re-read Ch 2). Or is this one of those issues where, clearly, the federal government MUST step in and create a national law that every state must accept. Why shouldn’t each state be allowed to decide for itself? And who has the burden of proof? In other words, does the state have the burden of proof to make its own decisions or does the US have the burden of proof? How would we decide this if there is a conflict?
A good paper will have a great introduction so that the reader will know what you plan to discuss and the point you are trying to make; it will then continue for several pages making the points, using facts and evidence and logic and descriiptive analysis, and then offering up a nice tidy little conclusion which may very well offer some normative assessments of what you have found and perhaps even some suggestions for future policy reforms. Have fun!

My teacher already failed me once on this assignment so I need another approach

My teacher already failed me once on this assignment so I need another approach but this is the problem statement for my group, she doesn’t tell you in the instructions but its an auto 0 if this problem statement isn’t used: The Willow Projects approval minimizes Alaskan voices within their indigenous community. The project promotes environmental classism with pollutive construction and carbon emissions, which will damage the cultural lifestyle and resources of Alaskan ecology and community.
I thought the sources I used within the module were good but I got 0 also so, just find peer reviewed sources please.
Annotated Bibliography
In this assignment you will use the identified problem statement as a guide for selecting academic and other literature to support a multi-disciplinary investigation.
The problem statement is the guide for your investigation. Your disciplinary analysis should discover and expose the strengths, weaknesses and omissions in disciplinary literature and insights. This is the most critical exercise of your project. Later, you will move on to a multi-disciplinary analysis that will balance the disciplinary contributions and insights. Finally, you will engage in a creative, interdisciplinary perspective that serves to satisfy various experiences and insights related to the problem. But for now, engage in the first step of the project, Disciplinary Analysis.
This Annotated Bibliography should first state the problem statement.
Second: Collect relevant sources in a single discipline to which you are assigned. Suggested articles are offered through the assignment module in Canvas.
Finally, you will create an annotated bibliography Links to an external site. (link for more info on those) detailing some of the various sources you intend to use and how those sources fit into a disciplinary investigation of the problem.
Your Annotated Bibliography should contain the following:
1. Provide the problem statement. Write it in full at the top of your document.
2. Describe the literature that you plan to use for your research. The sources that you choose to include in this annotated bibliography should be directly related to your stated problem. Follow the guidelines explained below.
list each source and provide a brief content summary,
explain its significance to your stated problem
explain how the literature will be useful in representing a disciplinary perspective related to your stated problem in the following ways:
What types of information or data do the authors use to support their positions?
What are the theoretical bases for the author’s position?
How does the author use disciplinary assumptions to provide a basis for their positions?
How does each article contribute to a disciplinary understanding of the problem?
Be sure it is ready to read. Your peers will be reading it. This annotated bibliography will serve as an explanation of the disciplinary perspective you have uncovered. In the next step, you will review and respond to papers from your group mates.
Some advice for completing this assignment:
Follow the instructions in this link on how to prepare an annotated bibliography Links to an external site..
Select a minimum 2 sources for the annotated bibliography. There are articles provided in the module. However, if you choose to find other articles, be sure they are peer reviewed Links to an external site..
This is not a general summary of articles. Use the academic literature as a means to find information that you need regarding the problem you are researching. The summary of each source should reveal information pertinent to your purposes of establishing and communicating a disciplinary perspective on the problem..
Identify sources that inform you about your problem AND express a disciplinary perspective. Be sure your choice of sources will contribute to a balance of disciplinary perspectives in your group.
Writing style and grammar matter. Writing well is key to having people take you seriously when you submit something in print. As such, it matters here. Take the time to make sure your work reads well (has a flow and organization that others can follow easily) and make sure to clear it of any typos or grammatical errors. For more on writing style, here’s Kurt Vonnegut Links to an external site..
Cite any conclusions or declarative statements. If you derive information from an outside source (even if it’s just grabbing specifics on something you already know), you have to cite it.
Please properly format your citations for all work from which you derive information used in your paper. Many sources available through the FSU library have a simple link that formats your citations for you. Use “cite this” on the search page for each of your sources to see the proper format. If you use other sources, follow the citation guidelines also available through the FSU library. See the Citation Management option under the Research tab on the library home page. You may use MLA or APA formatting styles. Whichever you use, be consistent throughout your paper.
Remember this: Brevity is the soul of wit. Be thorough but concise.

Have your class materials and notes open and ready to use during the test. USE O

Have your class materials and notes open and ready to use during the test. USE ONLY CLASS MATERIALS TO ANSWER, except for the question about the recent election results.
There are 4 short answer questions (30 pts each) and 9 multiple choice questions (worth 3 pts each). (There is NO essay question.) 90 minutes only
can use class lecture and notes
log in to sdccd canvas username: 5550072546

This examination comprises three essay prompts. Each essay should not exceed thr

This examination comprises three essay prompts. Each essay should not exceed three pages, making the total length of your submission a maximum of nine pages. Please note that this page count does not incorporate title and reference pages. Ensure your essays directly answer the questions provided. Begin each essay by articulating a clear thesis statement or argument within the introductory paragraph. Utilize the main body of the essay to further elaborate on these theses, providing concrete evidence drawn from theories, concepts, and required readings associated with this course 1. Dimock criticized that Wilson is unrealistic in saying that the field of administration is a field of business and there is no scope for politics. Do you agree or disagree with Wilson’s non-political prospective of the bureaucracy? Why or why not? Please use relevant examples in your response. 2. Compare and contrast two classic public administration theories (i.e., Weber’s Bureaucratic Model; Down’s Model; Rigg’s Ecological Model; Dorsey’s Information Model; Mathur’s Model; The Development Model). Discuss whether the selected theories are relevant in addressing bureaucratic operation and responsibility in modern western nations. 3. According to Adolino and Blake, the economic resources available to a country shape the expectations of citizens and policymakers alike. Discuss the importance of economic conditions on national policy making.