Global Studies PSA Campaign Part 3: Call to Action Goal: Provide your peers a

Global Studies PSA Campaign
Part 3: Call to Action

Goal: Provide your peers and global citizens with actionable steps and continuing resources to maintain engagement and lifelong learning.

Course Objectives:
CO4: Use appropriate research tools to find relevant scholarly information
CO5: Clarify the ways that information literacy provides a foundation for both global citizenship and lifelong learning.

Having informed the public on the global studies problem with reputable scholarship in Week 5, you are ready to ask your peers and global citizens to act and learn more. In this assignment, you’ll draft an action plan and a continuing resource list to support lifelong learning and global citizenship. The assignment will provide a resolution and plan to the main problem covered in one of the news articles from Week 3. Make sure to clear it with the instructor before veering away from those news article topics.

The submission requires four parts:
Who & What
Provide brief synopsis/refresher about the problem and who is affected. Use your second assignment as a resource. Remember your sources for specific information!
So What?
Spell out why global citizens should care about this problem whether they are immediately affected or not. What does it mean for them? What does it mean for others? What are the consequences of not taking action now?
Action Plan
Provide actionable steps forward. What should a global citizen do in response to the problem you researched?
Actions can include:
writing to public figures
voting (be specific about issues the audience should pay attention to; assume your audience doesn’t know how to research what to vote for; you need to help them with resources)
exploring a web resource to learn more
making a small donation of time or money (on which, see *** below)
sharing a well-sourced social media post you compose and share in the action plan
talking to co-workers or family members about the problem (equip them easy to remember but well-sourced information they can bring up)
familiarizing with critical organizations related to the topic (showing why the organizations are useful)
When you make a recommendation, offer a resource the reader can use to actually take that step. For example: the author suggests that readers vote, so the author provides a link to a website that helps people find their representatives and search for stances on the issue at hand.
Continuing Resource List. Equip your audience to take action and to keep learning for themselves. Provide links to five resources the audience can explore and save for continual learning on the topic. These sources can include:
NGO websites
IGO websites
Think tank websites
Reputable popular sources
Research institutes
The scholarly journals you identified
This is not a pasted-in replication of your Assignment 2 reference list, although you should draw upon these references to build your case.
Remember, the plan is only compelling if the sources are reliable, authoritative, and relevant.
This composition can draw from your Week 3 and Week 5 submissions, but it is not a repeat of these assignments. Be sure to compose something new.
Characteristics of an effective action plan:
Clear reason why action is needed (reiterate key points and problems from your PSA with sources)
Fact-based premise (people are more likely to respond when the claims don’t make them skeptical)
Clear, specific steps (people can’t act if the steps are vague; see graphic below)
***Realistic steps (your audience may not have lots of money or time to offer)
Positive tone (doom and gloom tones are less effective at promoting action)
Free of politicizing or partisan tones that might alienate your audience
Engaging (consider using media like photos, graphics, or other visuals)
Specific resources and links provided
Lifelong learning in mind: resources that will help someone stay invested, now that you have their attention
Your plan can include a draft of a social media post to share

Total length: 1-2 pages depending on design. The total submission will include all four parts above, including five resources, for full credit.
Image of the attached graphic
Please consider sharing your results in the Week 8 discussion!
Attached is an example of a finished Assignment 3 which was written using’s “Infographic” template (free). Note that it includes references. It doesn’t have to cite graphics provided by Canva, but it cites graphics added from other sources. The infographic absorbs information from Assignment 1 and 2, but advances into the call to action.
Due on Aug 27, 2023 9:55 PM
Available on Jul 2, 2023 10:05 PM. Access restricted before availability starts.
Assignment3_PSA_Example.pdf (1.67 MB)
IRLS 200 Action Plan.jpg (113.12 KB)
Hide Rubrics
Rubric Name: IRLS Literature Review (FEB 2022)
Literature Review
Did not attempt
Criterion Score
Sources and Source Quality
15 points
Includes a wide variety of sources from scholarly journals and books. Exceeds the minimum required sources.
12.75 points
Includes the required number of sources from peer-reviewed material.
11.25 points
Does not include the required number of sources or includes some inappropriate materials.
9.75 points
Includes very few sources or ones that are unrelated to the research topic or question under investigation.
0 points
Did not attempt.
Score of Sources and Source Quality,/ 15
10 points
Inquiry question and/or area of study clearly described; significance of the problem is addressed (if literature review is associated with a research paper).
8.5 points
One element is missing or unclear: inquiry question, area of focus, or significance of the problem is not clear.
7.5 points
Missing two elements: inquiry question, area of focus, or significance of the problem is not defined.
6.5 points
Generally suggests a question, topic, or knowledge gap but not clearly described or supported.
0 points
Topic not identified.
Score of Introduction,/ 10
Connection to Defined Problem Area
20 points
Shows thorough understanding of the relationship of the sources selected to the problem area.
17 points
Apparent match between problem area defined and selection of articles/sources, although perhaps not clearly articulated.
15 points
Reader has to create the connection of the literature to the problem area by making a jump. The connection is not clear.
13 points
Mismatch between problem area defined and the selection of articles/sources.
0 points
No connection is evident.
Score of Connection to Defined Problem Area,/ 20
25 points
Summarizes and shows insightful synthesis of the literature information, including analysis of gaps in and/or limitations of the research. Covers all applicable literature including theoretical (if required for research paper).
21.25 points
Summarizes the overall picture obtained from the literature review and synthesizes the knowledge gained. If required, connection to theoretical literature needs further clarification.
18.75 points
Attempts to synthesize and summarize but misses the point of incorporating the inquiry into the literature. Stacks sources instead of weaving them into the analysis. If required, theoretical literature incorporated is an ill-fit for the topic being assessed.
16.25 points
Lacks summary or any synthesis of the information, leaving each article as a standalone piece and/or misinterprets the information and makes statements unsupported by the literature. If required, theoretical literature is not linked.
0 points
No attempt made to synthesize or summarize.
Score of Synthesis,/ 25
10 points
Organization pattern demonstrates understanding of prior literature and information on the topic (historical, general to specific, segments of the topic, etc.) and organizational plan enhances the presentation, promoting ease in reading, and clear demonstration of arguments within the literature.
8.5 points
Well organized with organizational plan obvious throughout. The literature review demonstrates that the author is knowledgeable about the prior research that is important to his or her topic/research inquiry.
7.5 points
The information is there but is not organized and does not lead from the literature review to the gap and inquiry.
6.5 points
No clear organization or organizational plan inconsistent.
0 points
Unable to understand the application of the literature to the inquiry question.
Score of Organization,/ 10
Professional Writing and Style
20 points
Contains no spelling or grammatical errors, scholarly/academic tone is used throughout, full citations for all sources mentioned, all listed references used in the literature review, follows Chicago style perfectly, incorporates smooth transitions.
17 points
Contains few spelling or grammatical errors, scholarly tone/academic tone is used throughout, missing few references within the text or on the reference list. A couple of the listed references are not used in the review,
follows Chicago style consistently with few errors, uses quotations and citations appropriately, transitions are clear but may not be smooth.
15 points
Contains several spelling or grammatical errors, and does not always use Chicago style. Uses excessive direct quotes (more than 10-15% of the text), or the author fails to incorporate references and/or citations appropriately/effectively, generally lacks transitions.
13 points
Contains many spelling or grammatical errors, and does not closely follow Chicago style. Uses excessive direct quotes (more than 10-15% of the text), or the author fails to incorporate references and/or citations appropriately/effectively, generally lacks transitions.
0 points
Not written at the graduate level.
Score of Professional Writing and Style,/ 20
Score of IRLS Literature Review (FEB 2022),/ 100
Overall Score
90 points minimum
80 points minimum
70 points minimum
60 points minimum
Did not attempt
0 points minimum

Assignment 2 (Week 5) Global Studies PSA Campaign Part 2: Increase Public Educat

Assignment 2 (Week 5)
Global Studies PSA Campaign
Part 2: Increase Public Education and Awareness

Goal: Present scholarly content in an accessible public service announcement (PSA) to increase public awareness of a Global Studies problem from the previous assignment.

Course Objectives:
CO1: Examine current research on global citizenship
CO2: Differentiate between scholarly and popular sources that focus on global studies.

Information literacy means being aware of the gaps between scholarly/scientific research and public knowledge – or lack thereof. Now that you have reliable, scholarly information about the problem you selected, let’s make it accessible to a public audience. The “public audience” includes everyone from your peers, co-workers, and elected officials to random strangers on social media.

Pick 2-3 of the peer-reviewed studies you identified in the previous assignment and read them. Highlight critical or compelling information that a general audience might not know. This can include quotes, statistics, charts, graphs, or compelling arguments. Pinpoint information that dispels misconceptions or might urge people to think more critically about the problem.
Identify any relevant organizational sites to cite as well. This may include an intergovernmental organization (IGO), like the United Nations, International Atomic Energy Association, or Paris Agreement/UNFCCC, or a nongovernmental organization (NGO) that’s focused on the area of concern. These may be a useful source of graphics or statistics to help frame your PSA.
Consider you audience. You want your submission to be accessible and enticing to many readers, but think about any specific communities you hope will take notice. This can include your peers, youth, your superiors, your subordinates, your neighbors, co-workers, elected officials local or national, or random passersby on social media.
Create a public service announcement (PSA) that presents this scholarly information to the public in a compelling way. You may present your PSA in a variety of ways. Think of yourself as the “translator” who’s making complicated scholarly information plain and clear for anyone to understand. Note that formatting varies by choice of option. The options are:
Option 1: A poster
This option will appeal to visual communicators
In addition to presenting content you mined from your sources (300-500 words), you will include up to three images, charts, or graphs required (captions and citations required for each one)
Use bullet points to present quick facts if needed
Resources are provided at the end of these instructions
Option 2: A persuasive speech
Address the speech to a town hall, a company, your unit, or a global leader, for example
Two pages, double-spaced (up to 500 words), not including images or the reference list
One image or graphic (caption and citation required)
Specify who you are addressing in the title
You may want to write in the first person (“Good afternoon, I am addressing you today to make you aware of…”)
Please note that you are evaluated on the strength of your sources and references and the other requirements indicated here (for example, whether or not your speech or brief in another context would not require peer-reviewed sources or not, your submission here does)
Option 3: A transcriipt for a video or podcast
Two pages, double-spaced (up to 500 words), not including images or reference list.
One image or graphic (with a caption and citation)
You can get creative with the type of video or podcast you’re imagining. For example, is it a news feature, or something more in the entertainment area? The key thing is to have supported information from your peer-reviewed articles
Some students like to simulate an interview with an authoritative figure, like a scholar or scientist, using the peer-reviewed article for quotes.
All options require a reference list in Chicago style. Cite your sources and include reviewed sources.
In this installment, you are simply informing the your audience about the matter using your sources and urging them to care. In Week 8, you’ll make your call to action with specific steps.
Characteristics of an effective PSA:
Ground your audience in the problem by clarifying: who, what, when, where, and why
Be concise (it’s not a research essay!)
Keeps to the facts and avoid editorializing, personal opinion, or political talking points. If your PSA comes across as politicizing or partisan it will not be appropriate for the assignment because it alienates the audience
Present compelling, well-sourced information (use your citations!)
Use effective, well-sourced images, graphics, visuals
Dispel disinformation, misinformation, or misconceptions about the topic using authoritative sources
Include a reference list to demonstrate that all information can be verified by scholarly sources
Above all, emphasize these questions:
Why should your audience care about the topic?
Why should a global citizen care about this topic?
What are the global implications of ignoring the topic, even if it feels very localized?
When you’re done, save the file under LastName_Assigment2 and upload.
Resources for making a poster:
Microsoft Sway: This helps you make swipe-able posters. If you’re familiar with Word and other Microsoft programs, this might be the most intuitive.
Canva: Click “create a design” and then select “poster”
Popplet: This site will allow you one free creation.
Kudo Board: This site is usually intended for making cards, but it can be creatively used to assemble content for a poster, including

In a short paragraph or two, post on this module’s discussion board a response t

In a short paragraph or two, post on this module’s discussion board a response to this prompt: If there is in fact a “Revenge of Geography” (see Anne Marie Slaughter’s review of Kaplan’s work, above), what are your thoughts and ideas, and concerns, on today’s and tomorrow’s specific implications of geography – physical and human – on the use and utility of force for ‘power’ purposes?
Anne-Marie Slaughter, “Power Shifts,” Book Review of Robert Kaplan’s The Revenge of Geography, (05 October 2012), The New York Times
Colin S. Gray, “In Defense of the Heartland: Sir Halford Mackinder and His Critics a Hundred Years On,” Comparative Strategy 23, no. 1 (2004), 9-25 in Taylor & Francis (PDF)
David Fromkin, “The Great Game in Asia.” Foreign Affairs 58, no. 4 (1980), 936-951 in JSTOR, (15pp) [Database] (PDF)
Readings for case study on “Conflation of Force & Power” (Case Examination: COIN):
Wilson III, Isaiah. “Beyond COIN” The American Interest (Sept 2013)

Larry Gaines in his article: “Homeland security: A new criminal justice mandate”

Larry Gaines in his article: “Homeland security: A new criminal justice mandate” (pages 67-85 in your text) talks to the bureaucracy established to address homeland security issues. Use this article as a springboard for this discussion. Bureaucracies are the offices where we take theory and put it into practice—it is where the rubber meets the road. These offices carry out or implement the laws and policies passed by the legislature. Select a specific crime control policy initiative, and show how the initiative is implemented in the judicial, law enforcement, or corrections bureaucracy. Then, address how the bureaucracy influences crime control policy. Initial Post: Explain how the discretion of the bureaucracy to implement policy influences criminal justice policy. What instruments of power are used by the bureaucracy to carry out the policy? Explain how the policy process and the relationships of stakeholders influence criminal justice policy. Support your claims with examples from the required materials and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite your references with both in-text and APA citation at the end of your post. Your initial post is due by Day 3 (Thursday) and should be at least 400 words in length. Guided Response: Evaluate and respond to two of your peers’ posts, and respond to at least one Instructor Response in the discussion. In your response, determine the effect of the policy on the criminal justice system. Evaluate the effects, and address the limits and controls in place to ensure that these bureaucracies are carrying out the original intent of the legislatures. Do the bureaucracy policies as implemented have social justice implications? Respond to two peers by Day 7.

Title Page:(center on the page) Title of the Paper Goes Here Student Name MSN

Title Page:(center on the page)
Title of the Paper Goes Here
Student Name
MSN Program Name
Refer to APA Manual for how to write an effective introduction. State the purpose of the paper.
Main Content:
First, choose a policy or agenda item related to nurses that is proposed by the American Nurses Association, state or federal government agencies or legislative bodies, a state nursing board, a state nursing association, or a professional nursing specialty organization (such as Oncology Nurse Association, Wound Care Nurse Association, Advanced Practice Nurse Association, or Clinical Nurse Leader Association). Explain the significance of this policy and why it is of interest.
Next, using professional and government websites and scholarly articles, analyze the issue thoroughly so that you have data and information to include in your presentation. What is the history of this issue? Who is affected by this issue? How will policy related to this issue affect nurses or your particular nurse’s association? Clearly outline the policy or issue with key points highlighted that demonstrate your understanding.
Research the key stakeholders who might be attending the meeting and identify them as specifically as possible.  You may select one stakeholder or one group of stakeholders (decision-makers) as your audience for the presentation.
Write closing comments about the process of writing the letter; do not introduce new material in the conclusion.
Create a PowerPoint Presentation that includes the following:
Introduce yourself, your purpose in addressing the meeting, and the perspective you are representing in your presentation.
Main Content:
Include an overview of the issue, including a brief history and the importance of the issue or policy. From there, select two to four key points related to the issue or policy supported by research, data, facts, and figures.
Provide details and examples that help the audience understand the specifics of the policy or issue.
Finally, include information about the potential implications for the issue or policy as it affects the nursing perspective you are representing.
End with a strong conclusion that reviews your main points and makes a clear recommendation for the action that needs to take place during the meeting or in subsequent meetings. 
Remember that you need to be convincing as well as professional demonstrating your thorough knowledge of the subject and the perspective of the group you are representing.
Paper Requirements
Based on your readings, use current literature (within the last 5 years)
Convey logical thought, constructive criticism as appropriate, and professional insights. 
Writing/Presentation Requirements:
Total of 3-5 pages (not including title page or reference page) using the required cover page with your program name clearly labeled that contains your speech verbatim as you would deliver it to this group.
A reflective paragraph separate from the speech that details why you chose this issue and its meaning to you as a nurse.
Document file name: Last Name_First Name_Week 8 Paper_NUR520
Minimum of 5 scholarly sources (a minimum of 3 scholarly sources and a minimum of two peer-reviewed journal articles) to support your facts.  One source may be the course textbook.
Clear and logically written with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation
Proper APA format on citations and sources
A PowerPoint that has 5-10 slides highlighting the main points of your presentation.

Using the assessment scenario, write a 3-4 paper double spaced paper. Must have

Using the assessment scenario, write a 3-4 paper double spaced paper.
Must have 2 primary sources and 2 secondary sources.
Focusing must be on the expansion of executive power after the 9/11 attacks as the prevailing theme of the essay.
Assessment Scenario: As commander-in-chief, the president retains the ability to commit troops to action and maintain them in theater for up to 90 days without need for Congressional authorization. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, President Bush sent troops into Afghanistan and Iraq in support of the war on terror. This assignment will provide students an opportunity to investigate the arguments in support and in opposition to military involvement, evaluate Americans’ levels of support for the conflicts, and describe the global impact of this military intervention.
1. Outline the president’s justification for military intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan.
2. Additionally, students should identify another government official who supported military intervention and their reasons for doing so.
3. Identify two government officials who disagreed with military intervention and their reasons for opposition.
4. Explain the impact of U.S. military intervention domestically.
Questions that should be answered in addressing this section include:
Did the American public support intervention?
Did the level of support change over time?
Did these opinions result in any electoral shifts?
5. Describe the impact of U.S. military intervention on other countries.
Did the U.S. receive international support for our military intervention? Why or why not?
Did our military intervention lead to regime changes? Describe them.
What has been the impact of those regime changes?
To complete this assessment satisfactorily, you will need to gather and assess information relevant to the Assessment Scenario and the questions listed within the scenario. Next, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize. Synthesize means combining two or more pieces of information to form something greater more complex.
For example, the U.S. invaded Iraq (information piece one) and the government of Saddam Hussein was overthrown (information piece two) which allowed a democratic government to be installed (synthesis.) The decision to invade Iraq (and Afghanistan) involved decisions by the President and his immediate advisors. Other decisions dealt with how to prosecute the war in each country, how to deal with enemy forces such as the Taliban, our response to fighting among factions (Sunni and Shia) in Iraq, etc. You will be required to evaluate U.S. choices and actions, and relate the consequences of these actions to Presidential decision-making (i.e., was there an alternative to invading Iraq? Why or why not? Should we have pulled out of Iraq when we did? Why or why not?) Finally, after reading the Assessment Scenario, was invasion the right thing to do? What was the impact of these wars on the international reputation of the U.S.? Did the wars in any way affect you, your family, or your community? If so, how?

What is the basic framework that continues to resonate within the politics of Am

What is the basic framework that continues to resonate within the politics of America?
What is the nullification strategy and how did it impact the supreme court nomination process? Is this still in place or was this strategy used in the confirmation hearing of Judge of Ketanji Brown Jackson?
What does it mean to be a citizen & have birthright citizenship in America? Do you trust Democracy as a citizen? Why or why not? -This question can be answered whether you’re an American citizen or not(I’m not,have lived in the US for 5 years )
Wich positions did you disagree with and why?

Write a 10 page policy brief on the Mahsa Amini Protests it should include all o

Write a 10 page policy brief on the Mahsa Amini Protests it should include all of the following, you must use some of the vocabulary and concepts from the class notes:
– Introduction: motivation of study, what is your research question?, summarize key findings, overview of the paper (how the paper is going to proceed)
– Background: Where and when did the violence episode(s) take place?
– Causes: When, where, why and how did the violence episode emerge in the first place?, Who were the key actors involved?(perpetrators, victims, etc), (refer to the theories mentioned in the class notes)
– Behaviors: What type of violence and tactics were primarily used during this episode? Were there non-violence used as well? If so, how does it compare in terms of effectiveness with the use of violence? What type of violence can this particular episode be classified as? (e.g., civil war, terrorism, riots, sexual violence etc.)? What variety of tactics were primarily used during this violence episode?How intense, widespread, and lethal was this specific episode(s) of violence? (i.e., frequency of violent attacks, geographic spread of violence, and casualties and injured etc.)
– End of violence: If and how did the violence come to an end?
Consequences: What are the effects (i.e., political and/or economic) of this violence episode?
– Empirical Evidence: The quality of empirical data sources used to back up your arguments in the paper. This can be in the form of quantitative data (figures, bar plots, or tables etc.) and/or qualitative evidence (statements from armed group leaders, private media channels/blogs of armed groups, conventional news sources, or interviews etc.).Include any tables, figures, bar plots, or any other empirical data in the appendix section towards the end. The appendix will not count towards your final page count.
– Conclusion: Recap, Briefly summarize your findings here, What policy recommendations would you suggest to prevent such violent episodes in future? List at least two policy recommendations. How can you extend this research further based on your findings here? List any two potential topics that can be explored in future research.
– Include all your references towards the end. These could range from journal articles, book chapters, news sources, opinion pieces, think tank reports to any other data sources used. Include all your formatted citations (APA/MLA styles) here. References do not count towards your page limits.

Please write one page statement of purpose to join ( The mediation for Peace Cer

Please write one page statement of purpose to join ( The mediation for Peace Certification Program) and represent the UAE as an OIC member.
The page should include:
explain 1) challenges facing the OIC and its members on conflicts and its resolution,
2) roles that medication can play in overcoming these challenges
3) your vision and suggestions to this end.