Examining International Conflict Resolution through the Lens of the United Nations Security Council: Analyze the UN (United Nations) Security Council’s Iraq Weapon Inspection as a Case Study
Assignment 1 – Research Proposal
To complete this assignment you are asked to:
(1) Identify a research topic that analyzes the interactions of state, non-state, and supranational actors to examine for your 10-12-page research paper that is due at the end of Week 8
(2) Identify a specific research question that your paper will address. The question should be analytical, and not descriptive, in nature (The question should examine why something happened, not describe how it happened).
(3) Offer a brief explanation of the topic and your planned research
Research Topic and Question:
Your proposed research question should be approximately one paragraph (combined with a brief introduction, this first part of the paper will be between 1/2 to 1 page) in length and concisely state the issue you are proposing for the Research Paper, and the specific question that you are interested in answering.
You will have considerable leeway in choosing your topic, although it should center on patterns of conflict and cooperation in the international system. Examples of appropriate topics are, for instance, the relative success and failure of regional integration efforts, but you could also look at one particular instance of regional integration. You may want to explore the causes and nature of war, or peace. Make sure to identify your general topic, but also a concise research question that can be answered in the space and time that you have available.
Of course, you can always message your instructor with any questions about a relevant paper topic.
Purpose Statement:
The purpose statement (second section of the paper) should be approximately 1-2 pages in length and outline (1) why you chose this particular topic and (2) why it is important (3) what you expect to learn.
The third section of the paper is a preliminary literature review (approximately 2 pages) of the first 6 sources you have selected—at least 2 of which must be scholarly/peer-reviewed sources.
The entire paper should be no more than 5 pages in length.
Submission details:
Submit through the Assignments tab under Week 2, Research Question/Purpose Statement Name your file LASTNAME#1.
General Instructions for Assignments
All assignments should be written in Word and uploaded as attachments within the Assignments section of the classroom. Use 12 pt. font and double-space. Be sure to put your name and class information on the document and put your name on the file. Insert page numbers. Assignments will be graded using a rubric appropriate for your class level.
Category: Political Science
I would like to write a paper on the future of aviation security. What measures
I would like to write a paper on the future of aviation security. What measures are the federal government, and airlines taking in order to ensure continual safety in airports, and in the air.
Use double-spacing with one-inch top, bottom, right, and left margins; use Times-New-Roman size 10 or 12 font. You must include a title page, the manuscript body, and a reference page. An abstract is not required for this assignment. Three content pages is the minimum length for the paper in addition to the title page and reference page(s). Therefore, 5 pages are expected as a minimum. The paper requires a minimum of 4 references from the EU Online Library. All works listed on the reference page must be cited in your work and all citations appearing in your work must appear on your reference page.
You have to let me know where did you get the questions from and and the number
You have to let me know where did you get the questions from and and the number of the page?
– Geddes, B. (2003). Paradigms and sand castles: Theory building and research design in comparative politics. University of Michigan Press. Geddes , Chapter 2,Big Questions, Little Answers: How the Questions You Choose Affect the Answers You Get, pp. 27-88.
– Gerring, J., & Seawright, J. (2022). Finding Your Social Science Project: The Research Sandbox. Cambridge University Press. Part 1 – Overview, Part 2 – Playing with Ideas, pages 16 – 132.
You have to let me know where did you get the questions from and and the number
You have to let me know where did you get the questions from and and the number of the page?
– Geddes, B. (2003).
Paradigms and sand castles: Theory building and research design in comparative politics. University of Michigan Press.
Geddes , Chapter 2,Big Questions, Little Answers: How the Questions You Choose Affect the Answers You Get, pp. 27-88.
– Gerring, J., & Seawright, J. (2022). Finding Your Social Science Project: The Research Sandbox. Cambridge University Press. Part 1 – Overview, Part 2 – Playing with Ideas, pages 16 – 132.
In Chapter 7 of Using Conflict Theory, Bartos and Wehr describe the process of E
In Chapter 7 of Using Conflict Theory, Bartos and Wehr describe the process of Escalation and De-escalation in conflict. Please answer the following questions:
What are the main forces that drive Party’s escalation?
According to Bartos and Wehr, “identifying the main causes of retaliation is relatively easy”; however, “specifying its consequences is much more difficult.” Why?
LInk to book: https://kelaspspskikat.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/bartos-wehr-using-conflict-theory.pdf
With the module on Federalism now behind us, we have gained a deeper understandi
With the module on Federalism now behind us, we have gained a deeper understanding of the distribution of power between the federal and state governments in our country. Throughout the module, we delved into the intricacies of the federal system of government, examining the advantages and disadvantages of this system and how it affects the relationship between the two levels of government. We examined the historical context in which the federalist system was developed, including the debates between the Founding Fathers on the appropriate balance of power between the federal and state governments. We also explored the different types of federalism that exist, including dual federalism, cooperative federalism, and new federalism, and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Further, we also looked at how federalism affects various policy areas, such as education, healthcare, and law enforcement, as well as the relationship between the federal and state governments. Now that we have a deeper understanding of federalism, let’s apply this knowledge to our discussion. In a thought-provoking discussion address the following prompt question with above ideas and processes of federalism in mind (simply hit the ‘Reply’ button to begin). Question: What are some methods for overcoming collective action problems? Discuss instruments, such as grants or mandates, as well as federal relationships, such as cooperative federalism and regulated federalism. Given what we know about the difficulties of collective action, what does it mean for the future of the federal balance of power that these devices are necessary? Is it problematic for states to rely on carrots in the long run?
POLS3340 Final Exam Questions Willbanks Discuss the changing roles of public, pr
POLS3340 Final Exam Questions Willbanks Discuss the changing roles of public, private, and nonprofit agencies addressing public problems. What difficulties might a public manager face in trying to implement management techniques borrowed from the private sector? Discuss the purpose and importance of budgets in public administration. In an examination of the budget of a public organization, what key facts and indicators may one identify? Briefly discuss the general flow in the budget adoption process. Discuss the nature of regulatory politics – the issues that most frequently arise, the regular participants in political conflict, and how (if at all) regulatory politics differs from other kinds of administrative policies.
please use the file uploaded to answer the following questions: Define national
please use the file uploaded to answer the following questions:
Define national security (2)
Define the national interest (2)
Discuss what national security means to you. (2)
Discuss what the national interest means to you. (2)
Write over 250 words. (2)
Please select one song and respond to the prompt attached below in paragraph for
Please select one song and respond to the prompt attached below in paragraph form.
Consider one of the songs discussed in class this week. Listen to it, reflect on it, and consider the role that it played in its unique political moment. How is this song “political”? Is it overtly political? Is it musically political (transgressive in terms of the conventions of popular music)? Is a particular performance of the song what makes it political? Which of our philosophers’ ideas about music and politics speaks most directly to that relationship in the song you have chosen?
Songs for the week: CHOOSE ONE
– The Sex Pistols – “God Save the Queen” (1977)
– Rage Against the Machine – “Sleep Now in the Fire” (1999)
– Giuseppe Verdi – “Va, Pensiero” (Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves) (1841)
– “Реве та стогне Днiпр широкий” – “Reve Ta Stohne Dnip Shypokij” (1940-45)
– Lupillo Rivera – “Otra Fuga Más” (2015)
– Queen – “We are the Champions” (1977)
Hi Writer, Please make sure that you do the following before you submit your pap
Hi Writer,
Please make sure that you do the following before you submit your paper, you should read a prompt and answer the following question below and using some class materials which I will provide you a few, thank you!
1. Re-read the prompt thoroughly.
2. Make sure that you have answered the entire prompt.
3. Make sure that you complete all the formal requirements (separate cover sheet — numbered page 0 — with Ethics Statement and your electronic signature,
4. Make sure that your final version of the paper is in Microsoft Word and not Google Docs, which can distort the page numbering.
5. Run spell check and grammar check.