Classical Political Economy is often said to begin with Adam Smith and the publication and of his book The Wealth of Nations in 1776. Smith’s goal was to understand the newly emerging capitalist economy. He wanted to describe it accurately, and figure out what government policies would help it function best. In this new capitalist world, what policies should governments follow in order to serve their national interest?
When you read, pay particular attention to:
-the story about the pin-maker and the pin factory in the first few paragaphs
-when you read Smith talking about a “commodity”, check Hunt and Lautsenheiser for an explanation of what exactly a commodity is
Some parts of the reading may be difficult due to the old fashioned language, but stick with it, and if you get stuck on a section, move on to the next one. For now, just try to get a sense of how Smith understands capitalism, and what he thinks the goal of Political Economy should be.
-what does Smith think makes one commodity more or less valuable than another? Notice his distinction between “natural” price and “market” price on page 163.
INSTRUCTIONS ** The kinds of thing you can write about include, but are not limited to: a summary or overview of some aspect of the reading, disagreement with some aspect of the reading, your opinion on some aspect of the reading, anything that stuck out to you as interesting, relevant, or confusing, anything you think relates to current events, saying what aspect of the reading was new to you and what was stuff you already knew about, etc. **
Category: Political Science
Classical Political Economy is often said to begin with Adam Smith and the publi
Classical Political Economy is often said to begin with Adam Smith and the publication and of his book The Wealth of Nations in 1776. Smith’s goal was to understand the newly emerging capitalist economy. He wanted to describe it accurately, and figure out what government policies would help it function best. In this new capitalist world, what policies should governments follow in order to serve their national interest?
When you read, pay particular attention to:
-the story about the pin-maker and the pin factory in the first few paragaphs
-when you read Smith talking about a “commodity”, check Hunt and Lautsenheiser for an explanation of what exactly a commodity is
Some parts of the reading may be difficult due to the old fashioned language, but stick with it, and if you get stuck on a section, move on to the next one. For now, just try to get a sense of how Smith understands capitalism, and what he thinks the goal of Political Economy should be.
-what does Smith think makes one commodity more or less valuable than another? Notice his distinction between “natural” price and “market” price on page 163.
INSTRUCTIONS ** The kinds of thing you can write about include, but are not limited to: a summary or overview of some aspect of the reading, disagreement with some aspect of the reading, your opinion on some aspect of the reading, anything that stuck out to you as interesting, relevant, or confusing, anything you think relates to current events, saying what aspect of the reading was new to you and what was stuff you already knew about, etc. **
Perhaps no congressional issue has been debated as much in the public as the Sen
Perhaps no congressional issue has been debated as much in the public as the Senate’s use of the filibuster. Do research on the issues (I have given you several CRS reports to start), and pick a side: should the Senate break its rules to change how the filibuster operates? Why or why not? Be specific, and note what the costs of your choice are (ie: not changing the rules makes the public feel like the Senate isn’t doing its job.)
Policy Paper #1 Imagine you are a City Manager in the era of COVID-19, you need
Policy Paper #1
Imagine you are a City Manager in the era of COVID-19, you need to write a policy paper outlining whether you will or will not be mandating COVID-19 vaccines for City staff. You must clearly explain “the why” for your course of action.
Consider the following factors when writing your paper:
Your City has over 100 employees, therefore you meet the employee threshold requirement in the Federal mandate.
Most Local Governments have labor contracts in place with various unions, what are some potential ramifications?
Your City employee vaccination rate is 50%. You literally have half of your employees who believe the vaccine mandate is a good thing and half of your employees that hate it. Think about what the impacts of your policy position will have on City staff in terms of:Services: If the majority of your unvaccinated employees work in critical service areas i.e. police/fire/public works/electric, what are the potential impacts a vaccine mandate would have? What if the opposite is true and your vaccinated employees are those who work in critical service areas?
What would a vaccine mandate, or not having one, do to recruitment and retention?
What are some other pros and cons of having and not having a vaccine mandate? i.e. a high percentage of unvaccinated City employees could have a negative impact on City health insurance costs?
Will your policy have an end date? Or is it effective in perpetuity?
Keep in mind, there are certain positions in City Government that have vaccine mandates due to their work environment and the things they are exposed to. For example: waste water treatment plant employees typically need to have hepatitis vaccines, building maintenance mechanics who work on HVAC systems typically need to be vaccinated to guard against legionnaires disease.
If you decide to mandate a COVID-19 vaccine, will you consider mandates for other things? i.e. flu vaccine mandate
Please note: Some of you mentioned the desire for a grading rubric for these assignments. I can tell you from personal experience, rubrics do not really exist for stuff like this. Policy is often communicated to staff via e-mail (more often than not the draft of that e-mail took a few days) or in memo form. So for this assignment, pretend you are drafting a memo to your City council explaining your positions as City manager on the subject above.
You will write three, 2 pages. (double spaced, Arial 11 pt. font) papers summarizing, analyzing, and dealing with an issue. Please write an answer about this question.
You will write a term paper analyzing an International Organization, what works,
You will write a term paper analyzing an International Organization, what works, what doesn’t, and why. The first part of this process is a 1000-word proposal, which must include an annotated bibliography (references)
The International organization that I picked is: the International Labour Organization (ILO)
outline of the paper can be in this form:
Achievements of the ILO
Limitations and Challenges
Factors Influencing ILO’s Performance
Future Prospects and Recommendations
Do a book response paper on beyond racial division by George Yancey and summariz
Do a book response paper on beyond racial division by George Yancey and summarize the authors argument and identify the books strengths and weaknesses and detail my overall response to the book in a critical way
Review the Bill of Rights for the U.S. Constitution (the first 10 amendments) to
Review the Bill of Rights for the U.S. Constitution (the first 10 amendments) to understand what rights are listed. There are numerous online sources to find the Bill of Rights.
Next, go online and look up your state’s constitution. Find three state sections that are similar to or align with the Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution). Examples include religious freedom, freedom of speech or association, etc. Compare and contrast these three state sections from your state’s constitution with their comparable sections in the Bill of Rights found in the U.S. Constitution and discuss the guidelines for each.
Length: 1.5-2 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page
Please note that my state is Pennsylvania, USA.
Examining International Conflict Resolution through the Lens of the United Nati
Examining International Conflict Resolution through the Lens of the United Nations Security Council: Analyze the UN (United Nations) Security Council’s Iraq Weapon Inspection as a Case Study
Assignment 1 – Research Proposal
To complete this assignment you are asked to:
(1) Identify a research topic that analyzes the interactions of state, non-state, and supranational actors to examine for your 10-12-page research paper that is due at the end of Week 8
(2) Identify a specific research question that your paper will address. The question should be analytical, and not descriptive, in nature (The question should examine why something happened, not describe how it happened).
(3) Offer a brief explanation of the topic and your planned research
Research Topic and Question:
Your proposed research question should be approximately one paragraph (combined with a brief introduction, this first part of the paper will be between 1/2 to 1 page) in length and concisely state the issue you are proposing for the Research Paper, and the specific question that you are interested in answering.
You will have considerable leeway in choosing your topic, although it should center on patterns of conflict and cooperation in the international system. Examples of appropriate topics are, for instance, the relative success and failure of regional integration efforts, but you could also look at one particular instance of regional integration. You may want to explore the causes and nature of war, or peace. Make sure to identify your general topic, but also a concise research question that can be answered in the space and time that you have available.
Of course, you can always message your instructor with any questions about a relevant paper topic.
Purpose Statement:
The purpose statement (second section of the paper) should be approximately 1-2 pages in length and outline (1) why you chose this particular topic and (2) why it is important (3) what you expect to learn.
The third section of the paper is a preliminary literature review (approximately 2 pages) of the first 6 sources you have selected—at least 2 of which must be scholarly/peer-reviewed sources.
The entire paper should be no more than 5 pages in length.
Submission details:
Submit through the Assignments tab under Week 2, Research Question/Purpose Statement Name your file LASTNAME#1.
General Instructions for Assignments
All assignments should be written in Word and uploaded as attachments within the Assignments section of the classroom. Use 12 pt. font and double-space. Be sure to put your name and class information on the document and put your name on the file. Insert page numbers. Assignments will be graded using a rubric appropriate for your class level.
I would like to write a paper on the future of aviation security. What measures
I would like to write a paper on the future of aviation security. What measures are the federal government, and airlines taking in order to ensure continual safety in airports, and in the air.
Use double-spacing with one-inch top, bottom, right, and left margins; use Times-New-Roman size 10 or 12 font. You must include a title page, the manuscript body, and a reference page. An abstract is not required for this assignment. Three content pages is the minimum length for the paper in addition to the title page and reference page(s). Therefore, 5 pages are expected as a minimum. The paper requires a minimum of 4 references from the EU Online Library. All works listed on the reference page must be cited in your work and all citations appearing in your work must appear on your reference page.
You have to let me know where did you get the questions from and and the number
You have to let me know where did you get the questions from and and the number of the page?
– Geddes, B. (2003). Paradigms and sand castles: Theory building and research design in comparative politics. University of Michigan Press. Geddes , Chapter 2,Big Questions, Little Answers: How the Questions You Choose Affect the Answers You Get, pp. 27-88.
– Gerring, J., & Seawright, J. (2022). Finding Your Social Science Project: The Research Sandbox. Cambridge University Press. Part 1 – Overview, Part 2 – Playing with Ideas, pages 16 – 132.