the current paper has 1150, and i need to make it to 2500 a term paper analyzin

the current paper has 1150, and i need to make it to 2500
a term paper analyzing an International Organization, what works, what doesn’t, and why. The first part of this process is a 2500-word proposal, which must include an annotated bibliography (references)
The International organization that I picked is: the International Labour Organization (ILO)
outline of the paper can be in this form:
Achievements of the ILO
Limitations and Challenges
Factors Influencing ILO’s Performance
Future Prospects and Recommendations
you already did it but i need to make it more

Read “Property and Propriety in International Relations” by David Boucher page 1

Read “Property and Propriety in International Relations” by David Boucher page 156-177 under Module 3.
Provide three critiques of “property” as described in David Boucher’s text. (Boucher is illustrating this in his text, so you can take your hints from this text). You must use Boucher’s ideas.
You must use a minimum of 500 words, (excluding the quotations).
Instructions. You must quote from every single one of the 5 readings for this from Module 3.(German Ideology, Hunt and Lautzenheiser, Moral Heart, Locke, and Hernando de Soto)
If a reading is not quoted, points will be reduced. In doing so, make sure you are giving meaningful quotations from the texts. Again students need to show that they are doing their readings, thinking about them, and then integrating them into their writing.

Summary:For this assignment, you will write a critique of the reading, chapters

Summary:For this assignment, you will write a critique of the reading, chapters 4 and 5 of The Responsible Administrator. This is not a summary or report of the reading.…
Full Citation for your use: Cooper, T. L. (2012). The Responsible Administrator: An Approach to Ethics for the Administrative Role. 6th Edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. ISBN-10: 0470873946

What are the potential advantages and disadvantages of proportional representati

What are the potential advantages and disadvantages of proportional representation electoral systems compared to winner-takes-all (first-past-the-post) systems, and how do these electoral systems impact the representation of diverse political viewpoints and the stability of governments?

Objective: The case study assignment for the Not-for-Profit Management class aim

Objective: The case study assignment for the Not-for-Profit Management class aims to apply concepts from Chapters 2 to 5 of “The Resilient Sector: The State of Nonprofit America” by Lester M. Salamon to analyze the strategic management practices of nonprofit organizations. This assignment encourages critical thinking, research skills, and the application of theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios. Case Study Background: You are a management consultant assigned to assess the strategic management practices of a well-established nonprofit organization, “Community Uplift.” Community Uplift focuses on providing educational resources, community development initiatives, and support services to underprivileged neighborhoods. Assignment Task: Based on the insights from Chapters 2 to 5 of the textbook and your understanding of nonprofit management principles, critically analyze the strategic management practices of Community Uplift. Provide recommendations to enhance its strategic effectiveness and long-term impact. Assignment Components: Mission and Vision Analysis (10 points): Assess the clarity and alignment of Community Uplift’s mission and vision statements with its goals and activities. Discuss the importance of mission-driven decision-making in nonprofit organizations. Stakeholder Engagement (10 points): Analyze how Community Uplift identifies, communicates with, and involves its stakeholders, including beneficiaries, donors, volunteers, and the community. Program Design and Evaluation (15 points): Evaluate the effectiveness of Community Uplift’s programs in achieving its mission. Discuss the organization’s approach to monitoring and evaluating program outcomes. Resource Management (10 points): Analyze how Community Uplift manages its financial and non-financial resources to support its programs and sustainability. Strategic Planning (5 points): Assess the organization’s strategic planning process, including its inclusivity, goal-setting, and implementation.

Instructions Every ten years after the census, state legislators must redraw th

Every ten years after the census, state legislators must redraw the lines. As a result, after the redrawing of the district lines your district may or may not change.
Using the link below check your district’s map: New district map (2020-2030) and compare it with the old district map (2010-2020) (State house and state senate districts only).
After clicking on the link below, enter your street address in the box labeled “Enter Your Address”. Then answer the following questions.
Click here. Texas Redistricting Map
Your data should be presented in a table and be accompanied by a narrative explanation of your findings. (10 points)
Table Example:
State House District number 0(Old Map)
State House District number 0(New Map)
0% White Alone Voters
0%White Alone Voters (-/+%)
%Hispanic Voters
% Hispanic Voters (-/+%)
%Black Alone Voters
% Black Alone Voters (-/+%)
%Asian Alone Voters
% Asian Alone Voters (-/+%)
State House District: (10 points)
Did your district change? Yes/No (for example: previously my street address was part of state house district number——– now is part of state house district number——–)
Comparing the two district maps, were there any changes demographically?
White voter population previously was ———% and in the new district’s map is ——— % which is (-/+ %) higher/lower/the same compared to the old district’s map.
Hispanic voter population previously was ———% and in the new district’s map is ———% which is (-/+ %) higher/lower/the same compared to the old district’s map.
Black voter population previously was ———% and in the new district’s map is ——— % which is (-/+ %) higher/lower/the same compared to the old district’s map.
Asian voter population previously was ———% and in the new district’s map is———% which is (-/+ %) higher/lower/the same compared to the old district’s map.
Pay close attention to the shape of your district maps. Do the district lines show any signs of gerrymandering? Using your own words, explain your reasoning; you must quote at least 3 of the assigned sources as your evidence, fact, or example to support your answer. (Minimum one to two paragraphs:30 points)
Where are the lines drawn?-All about Redistricting!
Texas Congress Plan
Click Here: Public Mapping Project/What is Redistricting?
Click Here: What is Redistricting?
An Algorithm to Detect Gerrymandering
Click Here: Gerrymandering Explained
Redistricting Report CardTexas-All About Redistricting
Watch Video Gerrymandering, explained | The Washington PostDuration: 2:42
User: n/a – Added: 11/14/17
YouTube URL:
Watch Video Regular and Irregular Shapes – December 2
Duration: 3:28
User: n/a – Added: 11/25/20
YouTube URL:
Your data should be presented in a table and be accompanied by a narrative explanation of your findings. (10)
Table Example:
State Senate District number 0(Old Map)
State Senate District number 0(New Map)
0% White Alone Voters
0%White Alone Voters (-/+%)
%Hispanic Voters
% Hispanic Voters (-/+%)
%Black Alone Voters
% Black Alone Voters (-/+%)
%Asian Alone Voters
% Asian Alone Voters (-/+%)
State Senate District:(10 points)
Did your district number change? Yes/No (for example: previously my street address was part of state senate district number——– now is part of state senate district number——–)
Comparing the two district maps, were there any changes demographically?
White voter population previously was ———% and in the new district’s map is ——— % which is (-/+ %) higher/lower/the same compared to the old district’s map.
Hispanic voter population previously was ———% and in the new district’s map is ———% which is (-/+ %) higher/lower/the same compared to the old district’s map.
Black voter population previously was ———% and in the new district’s map is ——— % which is (-/+ %) higher/lower/the same compared to the old district’s map.
Asian voter population previously was ———% and in the new district’s map is———% which is (-/+ %) higher/lower/the same compared to the old district’s map.
Pay close attention to the shape of your district maps. Do the district lines show any signs of gerrymandering? Using your own words, explain your reasoning; you must quote at least 3 of the assigned sources as your evidence, fact, or example to support your answer. (Minimum one to two paragraphs: 30 points)
Where are the lines drawn?-All about Redistricting!
Texas Congress Plan
Click Here: Public Mapping Project/What is Redistricting?
Click Here: What is Redistricting?
An Algorithm to Detect Gerrymandering
Click Here: Gerrymandering Explained
Redistricting Report CardTexas-All About Redistricting

Watch Video Gerrymandering, explained | The Washington Post
Duration: 2:42
User: n/a – Added: 11/14/17
YouTube URL:

Watch Video
Regular and Irregular Shapes – December 2
Duration: 3:28
User: n/a – Added: 11/25/20
YouTube URL:

Develop a rough and ready theory of declining participation in democratic proces

Develop a rough and ready theory of declining participation in democratic process. Taking any case that you choose, or reviewing democracy in general, brainstorm to come up with some hypotheses that help to explain why there is a general trend of declining participation in the democratic process. The dependent variable in each hypothesis will be declining participation (with the values being voting, party membership, pressure group participation, protests, etc.). What are some independent variables? Keep a few things in mind:
Choose variables that could reasonably be measured (though a survey or some other means).
Consider carefully issues of both conceptual and operational definition. For example, if you posit literacy as an independent variable, do you mean that people with education are different than those without, or do you mean that there will be differences between people of different levels of education – you also need to consider what that means and how you might measure.
Specify the nature of the relationship. Do not merely say that participation is related to education. Or is there a difference with regard to the levels of education?
Provide rationales for your hypotheses. (“Educated citizens are more likely to participate because they are more aware of the impact of the political system on their lives” )
Don’t worry at this point about whether your hypothesis is valid.