Based on the topic, I wished to improve more on budget using on school safety issue in NYC.
The detail instruction is in the pdf file below. And there should be a status quo in options. And there’s an example below as well. Please write in the same format and structure as example.
Category: Political Science
Read a selection of your colleagues’ posts and respond to at least two of your c
Read a selection of your colleagues’ posts and respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by supporting or expanding on the ideas identified by your colleague or sharing additional perspectives on the policy described by your colleague.
colleaque post
The policy may be defined as a prescribed framework or collection of principles or regulations that direct a course of action (Porter et al., 2018). Policies have the potential to be implemented at several levels, including municipal, federal, state, and institutional, as noted by Porter et al. (2018). As advanced practice nurses, we can champion the cause of marginalized individuals within our society by utilizing our influential platform to contribute to developing policies that effectively cater to the unique requirements of distinct groups. When seeking to enact change, it is possible to employ preexisting regulations and identify strategies to address any deficiencies within such rules to cater to a certain demographic’s specific requirements.
My Population and its Needs
Over the past few weeks, I have researched and analyzed a specific demographic: African Americans diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. The population in question exhibits a set of demands about inadequate treatment and preventative actions, which can be attributed to a deficiency in health literacy (Wasserman et al., 2019). Research findings indicate that individuals of African-American descent exhibit a higher incidence of Diabetes diagnosis and experience more intricate complications (Haw et al., 2021). These variables have led to the conclusion that the primary requirement of this group is to acquire knowledge about their health condition and the treatment and prevention of Diabetes. To counter this assertion, it is worth noting that a family member recently expressed dissatisfaction due to a perceived lack of comprehensive guidance from their healthcare professional regarding appropriate dietary choices. The family members had a sense of helplessness and confusion over the implementation of dietary changes aimed at reducing their hemoglobin A1c levels. I provided them with information on online tools that might assist them in adhering to dietary recommendations for treating Diabetes. This experience has served as a catalyst for me to approach the issue of health literacy within the African-American diabetes community with heightened determination.
Federal Policy that Aligns with My Advocacy Priorities
The federal policy that aligns with my advocacy priority is the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is an excellent force for including health literacy policies on both the federal and local scales (Keim-Malpass et al., 2015). Health literacy ” encompasses the social and intellectual skills that enable a person to acquire, analyze, and comprehend health information to make informed healthcare decisions regarding medical services and treatment for one’s life” (Asharani et al., 2021). One study I came across cited that the ACA supports and mentions the importance of health literacy on a federal level when it comes to drug prescriiptions, aiding patients in decision-making as well as educating healthcare providers on the fact that patients may have varying levels of health literacy and how to adequately meet them at their level (Keim-Malpass et al., 2015). The ACA has helped to support my advocacy priority in the area of increased support for physician training, helping to place physicians in vulnerable population areas, and encouraging physicians to focus more on primary care medicine in order to address the challenges of Diabetes among the African American population (Myerson & Laiteerapong, 2016).
Missing Factors of the Federal Policy
Although the Affordable Care Act dramatically supports health literacy efforts on a federal level, there are gaps when it comes to health literacy among the African-American Diabetic population. I could access information on the ACA and pediatric population regarding insurance coverage, but not specifically for the adult diabetic population. When policies are being created, they may address the general issue but not the specific challenges that pertain to various populations. That is when more significant gaps are created, and the challenges persist with a particular group of people. Both the state and local governments should ensure the successful enactment of the Affordable Care Act to ensure every citizen has Increased insurance coverage, and protections are in place for people with preexisting conditions. There is also a need for leaders to cooperate and work collaboratively with political and healthcare institutions to promote equality in the delivery of services to protect all citizens from any form of humiliation that may subject them to poor quality of life and impairments in access to basic human needs.
Proposed Change
In the context of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and health literacy within the African-American community affected by Diabetes, this analysis will concentrate on implementing policies that specifically tackle the difficulties associated with communicating healthcare information to patients and their families. Within the Affordable Care Act (ACA) framework, I advocate for including explicit strategies or data that substantiate the implementation of enhanced training programs for healthcare professionals. These programs provide clinicians with the necessary skills to educate patients, considering their comprehension and understanding effectively. This would involve employing diverse methods to provide health information in a manner that is accessible and tailored to each patient’s needs. In addition, it is imperative to implement policies at a non-governmental level within healthcare institutions. These policies should focus on integrating health literacy into annual competency and skills assessments, ensuring that healthcare professionals possess the necessary awareness and abilities to communicate information to patients and confirm their understanding effectively (Asharani et al., 2021).
Policy in healthcare can be a strong force in bringing about a change to a specific population dealing with challenges that may be unique to them. Policies can serve as a tool for addressing the gaps in our healthcare system at the federal, local, state, and non-governmental levels. As advanced healthcare providers, we are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to advocate effectively for populations struggling with issues unique to them by utilizing existing policies or creating new ones in hopes of improving patient outcomes.
What are legislators currently doing to address your selected advocacy priorities for a vulnerable population? Are there current policies in place? Are there current policies proposed at either the state or federal level? What are the most obvious strengths and weaknesses of these policies as they relate to your advocacy priority? What might need to change?
For this Discussion, you will identify a state or federal policy that aligns with your advocacy priority. After identifying the policy, you will consider how the policy aligns and supports your identified vulnerable population. How and why does this policy align with your advocacy priorities?
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.
Review resources related to health policy.
Consider the health policy that might align with your advocacy priorities.
Post a response detailing the following:
Identify a proposed state and federal policy that aligns with your advocacy priorities for your vulnerable population. Clearly describe and provide evidence to support this policy. If the policy needs to change, describe and provide evidence to support the proposed change.
Based on the topic, I wished to improve more on budget using on school safety is
Based on the topic, I wished to improve more on budget using on school safety issue in NYC.
The detail instruction is in the pdf file below. And there should be a status quo in options. And there’s an example below as well. Please write in the same format and structure as example.
From the reading:, Hadith: Muhammad’s Legacy in the Medieval and Modern World, b
From the reading:, Hadith: Muhammad’s Legacy in the Medieval and Modern World, by J. Brown.
Brown quotes an early Muslim hadith scholar wo states,: ” The Sunna came to rule over the Quran, it is not the Quran that rules over the Sunna.” Explain this statement and provide an example to support your answer. Make sure you cite your answer from the reading.
please read the materials and write four questions and let me know where did yo
please read the materials and write four questions
and let me know where did you get the questions from such as the name of the reading and the page number
criticized the constructivist theory that the chapters talked about using realis
criticized the constructivist theory that the chapters talked about using realist theory.
1. Eric B. Shiraev and Vladislav Zubok. Current Debates in International Relations. Oxford University Press. 978-0-19-934851-0.
2. Karen A. Mingst. Essential Readings in World Politics. W. Norton. 978-0-393-92196-0.
The goal of a review essay is to take stock of the literature by discussing and critiquing various arguments/sides about a phenomenon/issue area. Review essays should be 1800-2200 words in length and should take the form of a professional essay with paragraph structure, abstract, introduction, criticism, conclusion, in-text citations, and a references page. The essays should try to bring together the literature by finding common ideas as well as discussing the differences. This should not be just a summary of each reading as a separate entity. It is best to organize a review essay thematically. Thus, rather than simply outlining one author’s argument in one paragraph and a second author’s argument in another, you should focus on ideas. A good rule of thumb is to try not to start a paragraph with an author’s name.
I hope everything is clear if you have any questions let me know please.
Reading Assignment # 2 Chapters 3, 4, and 5 Deliverable Length: 4 pages plus ref
Reading Assignment # 2
Chapters 3, 4, and 5
Deliverable Length: 4 pages plus references
Discuss Evaluation and Crime Prevention, Physical Environment and Crime, Neighborhood Crime Prevention and summarize
Points to Include:
1. Types of Evaluation
2. Theory and Measurement in Evaluation
3. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
4. Impact of Physical Design
5. Neighborhood Crime Prevention
6. Evaluation and Impact of Programs
7. Citizen Participation and Support
Reading Assignment 4 Chapter 4 (Functionalism and Anomie)
Reading Assignment 4
Chapter 4 (Functionalism and Anomie)…
Points Possible: 20
Deliverable Length: 3-4 pages
Answer any two questions (10 points each):
1. Discuss Merton’s theory of anomie. Include the following: the primary cultural goal in America; the difference between cultural goals and institutionalized means for achieving them; the various adaptations; weaknesses of the theory.
2. What is meant by Emile Durkheim’s observation that crime is normal? Include in your answer a discussion of mechanical/organic solidarity.
3. What is the importance of the gang for an understanding of delinquency according to Albert Cohen? In your answer, include a discussion of at least two of the following: short-run hedonism; status frustration; middle class measuring rods; gendered delinquency.
Reading Assignment 5 Chapter 5 (Chicago School 1: Social Disorganization/Differe
Reading Assignment 5
Chapter 5 (Chicago School 1: Social Disorganization/Differential Association)…
Points Possible: 20
Deliverable Length: 3-4 pages
Answer any two questions (10 points each):
1. Choose any five (5) of the following terms or theorists and define or otherwise briefly identify the significance of each:
Edwin Sutherland Frederick Thrasher
Park and Burgess zone in transition
Shaw and McKay The Jackroller
white collar crime ecological study of delinquency
2. Discuss differential association theory, including its main contributor and its explanation of criminality. Briefly apply the perspective to the example of the professional thief.
3. List and discuss Thrasher’s types of gangs. Include a discussion of the role of girls in the gang.
For this assignment, you will watch Dr Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream speec
For this assignment, you will watch Dr Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream speech and a speech by Alicia Garza of the Black Lives Matter movement and answer the questions listed below. Pay special attention to the following aspects in the two speeches.
Importance of body language while delivering the speech.
Gestures, cadence and delivery style.
Answer the following:
Provide a summary of the two speeches.
Compare Dr. King’s leadership, charisma, power and passion to capture his audience to Alicia Garza’s speech. What are the similarities, if any? What are the differences, if any?
How does the location of the speeches support their messaging? Dr. King’s speech was held in a church and at the Lincoln Memorial, whereas today we have social networking and more avenues to relay messages. Does messaging make a difference?
Describe how the audience in Dr. King’s speeches relate to the Alicia Garza’s audience. Do you see a similarity or differences in the speeches and in the audience?
Length: 2-3 pages of substantive content
12 pt font
Parenthetical in-text citations included and formatted in APA style
References page (a minimum of 2 outside scholarly sources plus the textbook and/or the weekly lesson for each course outcome) .
Title and introduction pages are present.
Book: The struggle for democracy, 2018 elections and updates edition. (12th ed.) Edward S. Greenberg; Benjamin I. Page