Assignment: An Article Review The review is both a summary and an evaluation of

Assignment: An Article Review
The review is both a summary and an evaluation of an article.
− The students have to explain briefly, what the article is
about and what are the main points and arguments of the
− The main body of the text should be students own
comments on the issue. Students might agree or disagree with
the author(s) thesis, and in both cases, brief arguments should
be provided.
− Later, the students have to conclude the value of the text as
a source of knowledge, information and ideas, or on what they
disagree with the author.
− Finally, the students have to recommend (or not to
recommend) the article as a source for the study of war and
conflict in the contemporary world.
The review should be TWO pages in length (single line spacing).
The students may choose any attached article or chapter from
a book or collection of papers depending on their interest.

A Europe We Believe In- the Paris Statement

A Europe We Believe In- the Paris Statement…
Do we need a re-secularization of Politics in Europe
General written assignment requirements:1. Length – at least 1 1/2 pages – at max 2 1/2 pages 2. Correct citation at the end and in the body of the text 3. Font size: Times News Roman 12 pts.4. Spacing: 1.5 lines 5. Be aware of plagiarism, as all texts will be proof-read6. Submit all essays via Moodle, unless otherwise stated!!!. references at the end of your essay

a presentation on a politcal party of your choice ( Biden Democratic party). It

a presentation on a politcal party of your choice ( Biden Democratic party). It must cover its credo, platform, major political principles, aspirations and structure. Essay altogether 3-5 pages.
Essay Instruction
1. Length – at least 3 pages- 5 pages max
2. Correct citation at the end and in the body of the text
3. Font size: Times News Roman 12 pts.
4. Spacing: 1.5 lines
5. Be aware of plagiarism, as all texts will be proof-read
6. Submit all essays via Moodle, unless otherwise stated!!!
7. includes all references at the end

Instructions: Dear students, Attached are 6 texts. You must choose 2 of them and

Dear students,
Attached are 6 texts. You must choose 2 of them and produce 2 reaction papers – 1 reaction paper for each of the texts you have chosen.
The Reaction paper should be between 1.5 – 2 pages. On the top you must write: your name, faculty number, the author and title of the text as it is in the bibliography below.
Walter L. Wallace. Rationality, Human Nature, and Society in Weber’s Theory. in
Theory and Society, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Apr., 1990), pp. 199-223
Mahmoud Sadri. Problem Areas of the Theories of Rationality: A Meta-Theoretical Approach in State, Culture, and Society, Vol. 1, No. 2 (Winter, 1985), pp. 200-218
Parsons, Stephen. Rational Choice and Politics: .Chapter1: “An Introduction to Rational Choice Theory.”. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2005. 6–23
Text 4:
Elster, Jon. Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences. Chapters 2-4. Cambridge University Press, 1992, pp. 13-41
Text 5:
Parsons, Stephen. Rational Choice and Politics: Chapter 2: “Rational Choice Models in Politics: I.” London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2005. 24–52
Text 6:
Savigny, Heather. The Problem of Political Marketing. Chapter 2: “… And Rational Choice Theory.” London:Bloomsbury Academic, 2008. 29–45

1. Does marijuana pose a greater or smaller risk than tobacco, when smoked? 2. C

1. Does marijuana pose a greater or smaller risk than tobacco, when smoked?
2. Can marijuana cause the kind of impairment requiring it to be regulated like alcohol?
Your question(s) MUST conform to the expectations of a “good” question. Include in your write up a general overview of your topic and why you believe your question is important to explore and/or what contribution could answering your question make. I highly suggest you consider a research topic that is applied in nature

Using the case outline (Part I: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as

Using the case outline (Part I: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens) you submitted in Week 6, prepare and submit a paper. will need to include:
Name the case
Discuss the facts of the case
Discuss the history of the case (what laws or legal action was taken)
Discuss the issues or the facts of the case and legal questions the court must decide
Discuss if the court’s decision or holdings was for the plaintiff or for the defendant and what were the reasons for the decision?
Discuss the concurring and dissenting opinions from the judge or if a jury trial, the jury. Minimum 2 resources APA format

is exercise requires students to calculate personnel compensation costs for an a

is exercise requires students to calculate personnel compensation costs for an
agency of local government. It is a simplified example, but should illustrate the
more complex tasks that real-world budgeters do on a regular basis. Please
examine the Excel spreadsheet for this exercise. The basic data are included for
the calculation of the compensation costs for a fire department. More figures can
be derived to complete the spreadsheet.
First of all, calculate the wages and salaries for the members of the fire department.
That will require multiplying the wages or salary by the number of employees in
each pay grade. Then calculate the Social Security tax contribution, the pension
contribution, and the health insurance contribution. The Social Security,
Medicare, and pension contributions are percentages of the wages. The tax base
for the Social Security is capped at $118,500. The health insurance contribution is
a fixed dollar amount per employee per month. The part-time employees do not
receive health insurance benefits. Calculate the annual expenses for uniforms,
remembering that the clerical workers do not have a uniform allowance. Derive
the total compensation costs, the salary and wage costs, and the non-wage fringe
benefit costs for the fire department.

Explain the function of protest music. What is it intended to do? Does it reinfo

Explain the function of protest music. What is it intended to do? Does it reinforce or subvert the extant power structures? How does music fit into protest activity? Do we see it associated with particular movements? If so, which ones? Can pop music ever function as protest music? Does the concept of celebrity add to the efficacy of the artist as a vehicle for protest? Does it detract?

select one song and respond to the prompt attached below in paragraph form. You may use the prompt itself, insert your response

Song for the week:

– “I’d like to buy the world a Coke” (1971)
– Sam Cooke – “A Change is Gonna Come” (1954)
– Billie Holiday – “Strange Fruit” (1939)
– Arlo Guthrie – “1913 Massacre” (1972)
– Dolly Parton – “9 to 5” (1980)
– Joni Mitchell – “Big Yellow Taxi” (1970)
– Midnight Oil – “Beds Are Burning” (1987)
– Pearl Jam – “Do The Evolution” (1998)
– U2 – “Sunday Bloody Sunday” (1983)
– The Cranberries – “Zombie” (1994)
– Phil Ochs – “Here’s to the state of Mississippi”; Eddie Vedder – “Here’s to the state of George W.”
– Bob Dylan – “Blowin’ in the Wind” (1962)
– Grandmaster Flash – “The Message”
– Public Enemy – “Fight the Power”
– Kendrick Lamar – “Alright”
– Eminem – “Darkness”
– Childish Gambino – “This is America”
– Daveed Diggs – final scene from “Blindspotting”

Philosophers (and their concepts) discussed:

– Verta Taylor and Nella Van Dyke: typology of protest
– Serge Denisoff: functions of a protest song