Who is in power in your country? Who is the chief executive? What is the title of the chief executive? How did they get into power? Were they elected? Appointed? What type of regime is your country? A coup? If your country is a dictatorship, which type of dictatorship is it? Military? Explain why your country is the type of regime you claim it is.
Personalistic? Dominant Party? Monarchic? If it is a democracy which type is it? Parliamentary? Presidential? Semi-Presidential? Why do you classify it as such? Include citations for each of the data points you use. Yes, Wikipedia is ok.
PLease answer what is asked, and check for any errors.
Category: Political Science
I uploaded a file containing all the instructions needed for the paper, and plea
I uploaded a file containing all the instructions needed for the paper, and please follow every single instruction on that file to the word and to the dot. I asked for a minimum of 5 to 8 sources to be used, so out of those 5 to 8 sources, I put links (will be found in the instructions file) for some sources that must be used along with writers other 1 or 2 sources.
Review the Bill of Rights for the U.S. Constitution (the first 10 amendments) to
Review the Bill of Rights for the U.S. Constitution (the first 10 amendments) to understand what rights are listed. There are numerous online sources to find the Bill of Rights.
Next, go online and look up your state’s constitution. Find three state sections that are similar to or align with the Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution). Examples include religious freedom, freedom of speech or association, etc. Compare and contrast these three state sections from your state’s constitution with their comparable sections in the Bill of Rights found in the U.S. Constitution and discuss the guidelines for each.
Length: 1.5-2 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page (MUST INCLUDE 2 scholarly sources in addition to textbook, Minimum of 3 sources in total)
Research question should follow: How are narratives constructed around the envir
Research question should follow: How are narratives constructed around the environmental and cultural degradation in Bali, and how do these narratives reflect and reinforce power dynamics between tourists and locals? What are the political implications of these constructed narratives for policy formulation and implementation? Narrative control is a powerful political tool. Governments, local authorities, and other stakeholders may craft, promote, or suppress certain narratives to achieve political, economic, or social objectives. In tourism destinations like Bali, controlling the narrative can influence tourist behavior, international perceptions, and policy direction.
Potential Areas of Exploration:
Investigate into how narratives about environmental and cultural degradation in Bali are constructed by various political entities.
Analysis of the ways these narratives are disseminated, both domestically and internationally.
Examination of how these narratives align with or diverge from Indonesia’s broader political and diplomatic strategies.
Insights into how such narrative constructions impact relations with countries that contribute significant tourist populations
I’m attaching what I’ve looked at so far and send to my professor.
This research will be my final master’s paper.
It aims at demonstrating Bali as a case of mass tourism and environmental degradation basically.
Please use as many sources as you can, but scholarly resources first and foremost, news media etc are allowed but literature review should be based on scholarly resources.
Follow the instructions and answer the questions below NO outside sources 1. Dis
Follow the instructions and answer the questions below NO outside sources 1. Discuss the limits on the media here in the United States. 2. What is the perception (and reality?) of ideological bias in the media? Cite the online textbook and the lecture attached using Apsa format. I attached how to cite and reference the APSA format Each answer to the questions must have at least one reference and one citation from the lecture and from the online textbook. the lecture is attached Here is the textbook link https://openstax.org/books/american-government-3e/pages/1-introduction
EKlFLBLhGmsK 1.) List four common quantitative research designs and propose a re
1.) List four common quantitative research designs and propose a research question in your area of interest that aligns with each design.
This essay has a maximum word count of 300.
List four common quantitative research designs and propose a research question in your area of interest that aligns with each design.
You have been asked to develop a neighborhood crime control program. Thinking ahead, you develop a strategy for evaluating the program in subsequent months and years. Complete the following tasks.”
2.) Propose a research question for your crime control program. (You may have to do some independent research for examples of neighborhood crime control programs)
Identify the dependent and independent variables from your research question.
3.) Discuss how you would measure your independent and dependent variable.
Explain the following statement. “Continuous-level scales are preferred over ordinal-level scales, which, in turn, are preferred over nominal-level scales.”
4.) When dealing with abstract phenomenon, or “fuzzy concepts” as discussed in the module lecture, what actions should a researcher take?
5.) A study wishes to measure “citizen trust in government” through the number of lawsuits filed against the federal government. Evaluate the measurement validity of this approach.
6.) Explain the following concepts and give an example of each: (1) face validity, (2) construct validity, (3) criterion validity, and (4) content validity.
7.) Develop an index variable to measure “fear of statistics” among students in public and nonprofit management. Then develop an index variable to measure a concept in your area of interest.
8.) For this question use the brief case scenario below to draft an evaluation question. Your evaluation question should follow the expectations of a “good question” as discussed in the learning module AND directly relate to the purpose of the idea expressed in the case scenario.
Brief case scenario: A new study recently published stated students that spend 15 minutes a day reading saw significant increases in reading fluency and vocabulary after 3 months. Intrigued by this study, a teacher decided to put these findings into practice in her classroom through a qui-experimental design. Armed with student test data from the previous year, she decided to keep all her lessons and assessments the same as last year; but she implemented the additional assignment of free reading for 15 minutes per day. Her thoughts are, if the published study is correct, by adding 15 minutes of free reading a day, I should see higher test scores related to fluency and vocabulary with my current students as compared to students from the previous year.
9.) For this question consider the brief case scenario below and describe the program theory.
Brief case scenario: A new study recently published stated students that spend 15 minutes a day reading saw significant increases in reading fluency and vocabulary after 3 months. Intrigued by this study, a teacher decided to put these findings into practice in her classroom through a qui-experimental design. Armed with student test data from the previous year, she decided to keep all her lessons and assessments the same as last year; but she implemented the additional assignment of free reading for 15 minutes per day. Her thoughts are, if the published study is correct, by adding 15 minutes of free reading a day, I should see higher test scores related to fluency and vocabulary the previous year.
10.) For this question use the brief case scenario below to create a basic logic model. Your answer should include appropriate information for inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes.
Brief case scenario: A new study recently published stated students that spend 15 minutes a day reading saw significant increases in reading fluency and vocabulary after 3 months. Intrigued by this study, a teacher decided to put these findings into practice in her classroom through a qui-experimental design. Armed with student test data from the previous year, she decided to keep all her lessons and assessments the same as last year; but, she implemented the additional assignment of free reading for 15 minutes per day. Her thoughts are, if the published study is correct, by adding 15 minutes of free reading a day, I should see higher test scores related to fluency and vocabulary with my current students as compared to students from the previous year.
11.) For this question consider the case scenario below and identify the main concepts that need to be defined and operationalized. Note, you do not have to provide definitions in your answer. Simply identify the concepts and explain why your chosen items need conceptual and/or operational definitions.
Brief case scenario: A new study recently published stated students that spend 15 minuets a day reading saw significant increases in reading fluency and vocabulary after 3 months. Intrigued by this study, a teacher decided to put these findings into practice in her classroom through a qui-experimental design. Armed with student test data from the previous year, she decided to keep all her lessons and assessments the same as last year; but she implemented the additional assignment of free reading for 15 minutes per day. Her thoughts are, if the published study is correct, by adding 15 minutes of free reading a day, I should see higher test scores related to fluency and vocabulary with my current students as compared to students from the previous year.
12.) Consider the case example below. Your task for this question is to devise measurements for the independent and dependent variables. Please note, you should disregard that the teacher is keeping her own assessments from last year. I want to see what you believe is the best measures in light of your proposed evaluation question.
Brief case scenario: A new study recently published stated students that spend 15 minutes a day reading saw significant increases in reading fluency and vocabulary after 3 months. Intrigued by this study, a teacher decided to put these findings into practice in her classroom through a qui-experimental design. Armed with student test data from the previous year, she decided to keep all her lessons and assessments the same as last year; but she implemented the additional assignment of free reading for 15 minutes per day. Her thoughts are, if the published study is correct, by adding 15 minutes of free reading a day, I should see higher test scores related to fluency and vocabulary with my current students as compared to students from the previous year.
13.) Using the Public PerceptionsLinks to an external site. data set (full link below). Run a frequency distribution for the variable MASS. Interpreting the valid percent, how do citizens feel about improving mass transit? Be sure you provide a thorough review of the SPSS output.
14.) Using the Public PerceptionsLinks to an external site. data set (full link below). Start by recoding the variable IMPROVE into two categories, where “strongly agree”and “agree” are one category and “disagree” and “strongly disagree” is the other category. Next run a frequency distribution for your newly created variable. Finally, provide a thorough review of the SPSS output.
Using the Public PerceptionsLinks to an external site. data set (full link below). Start by recoding the variable IMPROVE into two categories, where “strongly agree”and “agree” are one category and “disagree” and “strongly disagree” is the other category. Next run a frequency distribution for your newly created variable. Finally, provide a thorough review of the SPSS output.
15.) Use the Public PerceptionsLinks to an external site. data set (full link below). Create a crosstabulation for the variables MEDIA and GENDER. Provide a thorough review of the SPSS output.
16.) Use the Public PerceptionsLinks to an external site. data set (full link below). Conduct a Chi-square analysis with the variables JAIL and Gender. Your answer should include a thorough interpretation of the SPSS output, p-value, and measure of association.
Use the Public PerceptionsLinks to an external site. data set (full link below). Conduct a Chi-square analysis with the variables JAIL and Gender. Your answer should include a thorough interpretation of the SPSS output, p-value, and measure of association.
Who is in power in your country? Who is the chief executive? What is the title o
Who is in power in your country? Who is the chief executive? What is the title of the chief executive? How did they get into power? Were they elected? Appointed? What type of regime is your country? A coup? If your country is a dictatorship, which type of dictatorship is it? Military? Explain why your country is the type of regime you claim it is.
Personalistic? Dominant Party? Monarchic? If it is a democracy which type is it? Parliamentary? Presidential? Semi-Presidential? Why do you classify it as such? Include citations for each of the data points you use. Yes, Wikipedia is ok.
PLease answer what is asked, and check for any errors.
I uploaded a file containing all the instructions needed for the paper, and plea
I uploaded a file containing all the instructions needed for the paper, and please follow every single instruction on that file to the word and to the dot. I asked for a minimum of 5 to 8 sources to be used, so out of those 5 to 8 sources, I put links (will be found in the instructions file) for some sources that must be used along with writers other 1 or 2 sources.
Review the Bill of Rights for the U.S. Constitution (the first 10 amendments) to
Review the Bill of Rights for the U.S. Constitution (the first 10 amendments) to understand what rights are listed. There are numerous online sources to find the Bill of Rights.
Next, go online and look up your state’s constitution. Find three state sections that are similar to or align with the Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution). Examples include religious freedom, freedom of speech or association, etc. Compare and contrast these three state sections from your state’s constitution with their comparable sections in the Bill of Rights found in the U.S. Constitution and discuss the guidelines for each.
Length: 1.5-2 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page (MUST INCLUDE 2 scholarly sources in addition to textbook, Minimum of 3 sources in total)
Research question should follow: How are narratives constructed around the envir
Research question should follow: How are narratives constructed around the environmental and cultural degradation in Bali, and how do these narratives reflect and reinforce power dynamics between tourists and locals? What are the political implications of these constructed narratives for policy formulation and implementation? Narrative control is a powerful political tool. Governments, local authorities, and other stakeholders may craft, promote, or suppress certain narratives to achieve political, economic, or social objectives. In tourism destinations like Bali, controlling the narrative can influence tourist behavior, international perceptions, and policy direction.
Potential Areas of Exploration:
Investigate into how narratives about environmental and cultural degradation in Bali are constructed by various political entities.
Analysis of the ways these narratives are disseminated, both domestically and internationally.
Examination of how these narratives align with or diverge from Indonesia’s broader political and diplomatic strategies.
Insights into how such narrative constructions impact relations with countries that contribute significant tourist populations
I’m attaching what I’ve looked at so far and send to my professor.
This research will be my final master’s paper.
It aims at demonstrating Bali as a case of mass tourism and environmental degradation basically.
Please use as many sources as you can, but scholarly resources first and foremost, news media etc are allowed but literature review should be based on scholarly resources.