Votre compte rendu critique dactylographié contient : ◦ Page couverture : vous identifier par nom et numéro d’étudiant(e). Bien identifier le texte critiqué. Un exemple de page couverture est disponible dans Brightspace. ◦ Résumé et critique : c’est le corps de votre analyse; tout au plus 5 à 6 pages à 1,5 interligne. ◦ Une bibliographie est annexée (nécessaire pour la critique). Elle doit contenir au moins trois références académiques (livres ou articles revus par des pairs). Référez à la « Recherche documentaire et intégrité académique » sur Brightspace pour savoir comment identifier une source académique revue par les pairs (publication parrainée). ◦ Assurez-vous d’utiliser une méthodologie de citation et de référence adéquate pour éviter le plagiat. Voici un site utile portant sur des outils de rédaction : https://sass.uottawa.ca/sites/sass.uottawa.ca/files/outils_de_redaction.pdf. Le site de la Bibliothèque de l’Université d’Ottawa sur la recherche et les citations pourrait également être utile https://www.uottawa.ca/bibliotheque/ecriture- citation. ◦ Vous pouvez écrire en français ou en anglais à votre choix. ◦ Police d’écriture : Times New Roman ou Calibri 12pts. ◦ Marges : 3 cm en haut, en bas et de côté. Justifier l’alignement du texte.. ◦ Pagination au bas du document. La page couverture et la bibliographie ne comptent pas dans la pagination.
Category: Political Science
Directions Imagine you were to build your own country. What would it be like? Yo
Directions Imagine you were to build your own country. What would it be like? You are required to write a 1,500 -2,500 word paper whereby you will (on paper) create your own country. Your country should include at least the following components: What type of country will it be? Will it be a democracy, democratic-republic, authoritarian, etc.? Will it be unitarian, confederal or federal? What are the advantages/disadvantages of the country being established in this fashion? How will the economy be structured? What will be the country’s foreign policy priorities be? Will it have a constitution? If so, what will the constitution include? If not, how will citizens know the rules of the system? What will the political process be like? How will the justice be carried out? What will be the social policy priorities? Are their things that will be legal/illegal in this country that are/aren’t in the U.S.? Which country in the world is most similar to the country you are building? Which country in the world is most dissimilar to the country you are building? Where in the world is your country? What is the climate like? How might that impact your country? What will your country be called? Additionally, the paper must be: In either APA, MLA, or Chicago Style For help with this, you can go to the TCC Library’s Citation Guides Links to an external site.. Times New Roman 12 font. Double spaced. SOURCES: https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/2013/02/05/opinion/how-to-build-a-country-from-scratch.html https://www.nytimes.com/video/opinion/100000002043729/how-to-build-a-country-from-scratch.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMUjR7TBv6M https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/ https://www.state.gov/reports-bureau-of-democracy-human-rights-and-labor/country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/ https://www.state.gov/international-religious-freedom-reports/ https://www.state.gov/international-religious-freedom-reports/
Overview • Format: 3-page minimum double space of written literature (excludes t
Overview • Format: 3-page minimum double space of written literature (excludes title page and references). The writing must fill an entire third page or points will be deducted (~5-20 points). A good paper will be more towards 5 pages. Please do not write over 10 pages. • Research: 3-5 scholarly sources (More information in “Citation/References Instructions” and throughout this document) • Submission Rule: It must be submitted as a Word document ONLY (no PDFs, RTF, Pages, Google Drive, or Cloud links) due to the SafeAssign software. You will be sent an email with a limited time frame to re-submit for a 20-point deduction. You will receive a zero if you miss the allotted time. This also applies to papers that are submitted as a blank page. • The paper will be run through SafeAssign (See details below). I do check the time stamp and anything after 11:59 PM (even one second after) is considered late. Components of the Paper • Title Page o Include your name, POLS 2302, written assignment, a unique title, semester, professor name, and date of your submission o The title page can just be centered in the middle of the page – nothing fancy. I am not picky here! o You will receive a 10-point deduction if you do not have a title page • Introduction o Paragraph 1: The introductory paragraph must be at least 3-5 sentences long. Within your introductory paragraph, you will need a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines out your paper. Failure to have an adequate introductory paragraph will result in a major point deduction. ▪ If you struggle with an introductory paragraph, come back to it after you have finished your paper. It is a lot easier to write then! • Main Body o Paragraph 2: Present a topic you studied this semester that you found most interesting and/or important. You must first extensively explain the topic (i.e. definition or process). You will then explain why you found the topic interesting and/or important. Be very clear in your writing full of examples and potential sources to compliment the rubric. Simply do not just regurgitate information. o Paragraph 3: You will repeat the process from paragraph 2 with a completely different topic. o Paragraph 4: You will repeat the process from paragraph 2 with a completely different topic than paragraphs 2 and 3. o Rules for paragraphs 2-4: ▪ You will have THREE different paragraphs in all with a different topic for each. The subjects cannot be closely related (i.e. Baze v. Rees, Gregg v. Georgia, Georgia v. Furman) because I want to see that you have learned. ▪ The subjects should be specific and not broad. For instance, you cannot write about how the legislative process is important. Instead, focus on a specific area, such as the public hearing phase. In addition, what clause of the First Amendment do you find interesting? This is more specific than the entire First Amendment. • If you are not specific, you may leave out important information. Important information can result in a deduction of points (i.e. discussing the entire 1st Amendment and leaving freedom of speech out). ▪ Only ONE topic can come from the US founding review. ▪ The three subject areas you discuss MUST be from POLS 2302. Use your notes as a guide. The only approved topic from Exam 4 will be foreign policy. You may not discuss anything Texas related. • i.e. we didn’t learn about social media, campaigns, federalism, etc. When in doubt, email me! ▪ I love to see scholarly sources in this section for a stronger paper. In addition, I can tell when you use another source for a definition, which will need to be cited. In addition, you must cite any new material if you are trying to make a point (this includes recent news stories/court cases we didn’t mention in class!). • Identifying a problem and a solution o Paragraph 5: Identify, discuss, and describe a specific contemporary political problem related to the federal government. In other words, you will need to write about a problem you believe needs to be changed within our government. Essentially, what do you think needs to be improved? What would you like to see changed? ▪ Again, use your notes, course-level objectives, or the schedule of assignments to help you out. ▪ You may absolutely write on something that we discussed this semester if you would like. ▪ This topic cannot relate to one of the three interesting topics because students usually miss information in one of the paragraphs. If you do, please get it approved. ▪ You MUST include at least TWO scholarly sources in this section. o Paragraph 6: Construct and communicate a solution to the problem you identified (above). Make sure to develop and express your solution in the form of an argument that is supported by well-document, and properly cited, facts and data. ▪ You MUST have at least one citation in this paragraph. It must be a different author/article from your problem paragraph. ▪ If there is no way to fix your problem, then you need to extensively explain why it cannot be fixed with a citation that shows you researched. Failure to do so will result in major point deductions • Conclusion o Paragraph 7: Conclusion paragraph. Be sure to have a good conclusion that is at least 3-5 sentences long. Failure to include a conclusion paragraph will result in a 15-point deduction. General Advice • Your written assignment should be typed and double spaced with a 12-point New Times Roman font and one-inch margins top, bottom, and side o There will be a 5-point deduction if you do not use New Times Roman o If you use inappropriate margins, I will set it to one-inch and take deductions off if it does not meet page length requirements. Deductions can range from 5-20 points. • Correct grammar, capitalization, and complete sentences is a crucial aspect of the grading rubric o You may write in 1st person since this is a reflective assignment. You may also write in 3rd person if you would prefer. o References to court cases must be italicized OR underlined. Failure to do so will result in a 3-point deduction every time you mention a court case • It is OKAY to have more paragraphs if you would like, depending on how much you write. You just need to please have minimum what I have provided. • Do not over think. This assignment really is THAT EASY!!!!! I look for critical thinking, thorough explanation, and the ability to attempt citations since this is a research paper. Proofreading ▪ We do not proofread papers. I would suggest the Writing Center here at Lamar University for assistance in this area. They have virtual appointments. ▪ Dr. Collins can give you feedback on your topics. Please email me a bulleted list of what you are thinking. It can just be a basic list or you can have a brief summary of what you would discuss for each topic. I will accept emails until November 10th at 2:00 PM. Academic Honesty Statement Carefully read the Course Management Policies, “Academic Honesty Statement” for additional guidelines for your written assignments. Any cut and paste or plagiarism will result in an automatic grade of zero for the overall assignment and possible expulsion from the course and Lamar University. NO late papers will be accepted, this includes papers posted a minute or more late. Students have ONLY one chance to upload papers to Safe Assign and the version that is uploaded is the version that will be graded. Students are NOT allowed to submit papers they have written for any other course including written assignments and papers submitted. If a student is retaking POLS 2302 for a grade replacement, the student is NOT allowed to submit a paper previously submitted in any POLS 2301/2 course or any other course. Submission of a paper previously submitted by you or any other student in any other course will appear in SafeAssign and be considered by the instructor to be plagiarized. A paper submitted in this course – written by the student or any other person – that appears in any other course will result in an assignment score of zero. Your name and work will be submitted into a permanent file marked “plagiarism” and may be used by the instructor or subsequent instructors for evidence of one-time or repeated plagiarism and may be used as evidence of academic dishonesty resulting in expulsion from Lamar University. The Use of AI Tools This course assumes that all work submitted will be generated by the student themselves. Students should not have a person/entity complete work for them. The use of generative AI tools (such as ChatGPT, DALL-E, etc.) are not permitted in this class; therefore, any use of AI tools (to complete assignments, projects or assessments, writers, software, or other paper generating programs) for work in this class is considered plagiarism since the work is not your own. Using AI chatbots or virtual assistants to seek answers or assistance during exams, quizzes, in or out of class assignments, or projects is prohibited. Manipulating AI systems or algorithms to bypass security measures, access unauthorized information, or compromise the integrity academic assessments is prohibited. Work written by an AI writing tool is not your original work and such is not acceptable in this class. The use of unauthorized AI tools will result in a zero given for the assignment in question. Additionally, using fake sources, fake quotes or fake page numbers is also considered plagiarism and will result in a zero for the assignment. FINAL Reminder of the Layout ▪ Title Page ▪ Paragraph ▪ Paragraph ▪ Paragraph ▪ Paragraph ▪ Paragraph ▪ Paragraph ▪ Paragraph 1: Introduction 2: Topic #1 3: Topic #2 4: Topic #3 5: Problem paragraph 6: Solution paragraph 7: Conclusion
The 2022 UK and Rwanda Migration and Economic Development Partnership from the p
The 2022 UK and Rwanda Migration and Economic Development Partnership from the point of view of Human Rights. (essay)
Volume : 6-8 pages (12000-14000 characters)
A Research Paper not Basic essay, Write a research Paper on the ” Impact/effect
A Research Paper not Basic essay,
Write a research Paper on the ” Impact/effect of Covid 19 Pandemic on the Mental health and Well-being of College/University students.
At least 7-10 pages
Create 400-word policy-oriented brief making a recommendation on how convention
Create 400-word policy-oriented brief making a recommendation on how conventionally ‘small’ states could best exploit the cyber domain to achieve political ends.
A ‘small’ state is a state with limited conventional military capability and/or capacity to challenge great powers, which is seeking to achieve strategic objectives with a limited human, political or financial burden (eg Arab Gulf states, Qatar , Iran, Switzerland, Scandinavian states, Baltic states, Central Asian states, Nigeria, Kenya, North Korea, Taiwan etc). You should consider the geo-strategic environment in the 21st century of being globalised, privatised, securitised and mediatised, and determine what instrument/activity in the cyber domain (sabotage, espionage or subversion) a small state should develop to boost its ability to achieve strategic ends.
You should also consider the following questions:
• What type of strategic end can be achieved as opposed to conventional levers of power?
• Can cyber power ever be a standalone platform, or does it require small states to nurture alternative levers of power that operate in conjunction with cyber?
1. American Psychological Association (APA) Style.
b. For each entry (total of 10), include a 2-3 paragraph summary of the entry’s main points and/or your overall evaluation of the entry. The summary should be in your own words and not simply copied from the entry or some other source; each citation summary should be written in complete sentences.
c. ALL bibliographic entries should be from scholarly journals or book chapters (either online or hard copy). NO TEXTBOOK CHAPTERS AND NO WIKIPEDIA REFERENCES ALLOWED. It is recommended that you consult electronic resources such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, and Google Books for the entries. If an article is behind a pay site, you may still use it without reading the entire complete source. Be sure to include the complete bibliographic citation and use the available abstract for your annotation. DO NOT COPY THE ABSTRACT WORD-FOR-WORD: Paraphrase it and put it in your own words.
d. It will be easiest for you to research and choose your entries via electronic searches, but you may also search hard copy sources in a library. I do not need nor want hard copy articles of your sources, but you must supply complete bibliographic citations per a and b above.
d. The 10 entries should generally cover specific theories/types of deviance (i.e., the general subject area of the course). You should not turn in 10 citations on a single theory or type of deviance; with flexibility you can draw from a variety of behavior/theories. There may be some repetition of content in your choices of sources to annotate, but the purpose is to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the information in the process of answering the weekly discussion questions. It is recommended that you search for articles while reading each chapter week-by-week, and choose references that will add to your knowledge of the theories and aid in answering the discussion questions.
e. The entries should be organized as a list alphabetized by author’s last name per APA Style. The title should read ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORIES. This annotated bibliography should be typed (double-spaced, one-inch margins all around) and submitted to me via Canvas no later than WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 by 11:55 pm.
f. The Annotated Bibliography should be an original composition, not recycled from another class. Additionally, chapters from the textbook should NOT be used as references in the bibliography. If you have any questions, PLEASE CONTACT ME.
3. Below are several links to familiarize you with creating and assembling an annotated bibliography:
https://guides.himmelfarb.gwu.edu/c.php?g=27779&p=170331Links to an external site. (BEST SOURCE)
http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/citationbuilder/cite.php?source=bookLinks to an external site.
http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/03/Links to an external site.
Rousseau argues that freedom/liberty and authority can be reconciled through rea
Rousseau argues that freedom/liberty and authority can be reconciled through reason, by locating political freedom on that which political communities hold in common; the commonality of the shared way of life means that the exercise of authority over citizens always comes from part of themselves, and that this reconciles citizens to that authority comfortably. Critical readings argue instead that Romanticism is dangerous because it misrepresents what people are, and forces them to act in ways different from their individual preferences.
Which points of view has the better argument, and why? In 1500-2000 words, develop an argument either in favor or opposed to Rousseau, which addresses both Constant and Berlin’s criticisms. Focus on persuading the reader of your position by developing a clear argument, well-supported with arguments, evidence, or reasons. Use the texts as resources, but read them critically; remember that as smart as these folks were, you can and should engage with and disagree with them (and remember that just because one of them made an argument doesn’t mean that the argument is right — give independent reasons!).
Rousseau’s insistence on the general will has the potential to suppress dissenting voices and lead to a sense of conformity that ultimately contradicts the free and fair society that respects individual liberties.
Links to Rousseau, Constant, Berlin:
Rousseau: https://www.earlymoderntexts.com/assets/pdfs/rouss…
Constant: https://oll.libertyfund.org/title/constant-the-lib…
Berlin: https://podcasts.ox.ac.uk/freedom-and-its-betrayal…
25 essays one page and half each one. you need to look at the rubric and give ev
25 essays one page and half each one. you need to look at the rubric and give every essay a grad of from 1-5 points if they follow the instructions and the rubric then you need to comment on the essay and be positive about the comment, but you should comment to every essay I will attach you an example of essays that already graded. And if the essay has 4 points you should say why you give point off ok and i the essay has 3 you should also say why?
In general try to grade at 4,5 but if you think the essay is missing a lot of instructors then you can give the essay 3 and write why did the essay has this grad ok.
Here is the list of the reading you just need to review them:
– Bielefeldt Religion and Human Rights Freedom of Belief.pdf
– UN Declaration of Universal Human Rights.pdf
– Cairo Declaration of the OIC on Human Rights 2021_ENG.pdf
– Rajan PDF Women Between Community and State.pdf
– Duncan Shah Bano Case and Religious Liberty.doc
25 essays one page and half each one. you need to look at the rubric and give ev
25 essays one page and half each one. you need to look at the rubric and give every essay a grad of from 1-5 points if they follow the instructions and the rubric then you need to comment on the essay and be positive about the comment, but you should comment to every essay I will attach you an example of essays that already graded. And if the essay has 4 points you should say why you give point off ok and i the essay has 3 you should also say why?
in general try to grade at 4,5 but if you think the essay is missing alot of instructors then you can give the essay 3 and write why did the essay has this grad ok
here is the reading if you want to review before you start grading;
Bielefeldt Religion and Human Rights Freedom of Belief.pdf Manage Bielefeldt Religion and Human Rights Freedom of Belief.pdf
AttachmentUN Declaration of Universal Human Rights.pdf Manage UN Declaration of Universal Human Rights.pdf
AttachmentCairo Declaration of the OIC on Human Rights 2021_ENG.pdf Manage Cairo Declaration of the OIC on Human Rights 2021_ENG.pdf
AttachmentRajan PDF Women Between Community and State.pdf Manage Rajan PDF Women Between Community and State.pdf
AttachmentDuncan Shah Bano Case and Religious Liberty.doc