Instructions: For this discussion, we will analyze bias in news articles and ex

For this discussion, we will analyze bias in news articles and explore various sources of news. Students will choose two news aggregators and compare the same story from different viewpoints, such as Fox News vs. CNN, TikTok vs. X (Formerly Twitter).
Choose two news articles from these different sources that cover the same topic. Study them for trigger words. You may use an AI program search for trigger words and then rewrite the into one unbiased article. Then discuss your findings.
Here are some questions to consider:
How does news selection amplify one’s political views?
How do digital platforms impact the choice and quality of news for consumers?
What choices might writers, editors, producers, and so on make that could lead to bias in news sources?
How can headlines be misleading, and how can editors express bias by choosing whether or not to use a specific news story?
What are some ways to detect bias in news media, and why is it important to compare news reports from a wide variety of sources?
AI News Generators
Here is just a few possible options you can use. Please note that some require a paid subscription but almost all offer a free version or a free trial. If you know of others that I did not list below, please share them with me so I can use them in future classes.
Links to an external site.
APP SonicLinks to an external site./
Login | Writesonic – Best AI Writing Tool
Perplexity.aiLinks to an external site.
BardLinks to an external site.
‎Bard – La herramienta conversacional de Google basada en IA y PaLM 2
TextaLinks to an external site.
: Write Magazine/Newspaper Articles with Texta – AI Powered Generator Tool. Explore Different Topics and Get Published Discourse in No Time!
Write SonicLinks to an external site.
AI Writer & Article Generator |
Hour OneLinks to an external site.
AI Video Generator: From Text to Video in Minutes – Hour One
Step 1: Source Selection
Choose two news aggregators of your choosing News websites (e.g.,,,
News aggregators (e.g., Google News, Reddit, RealClearPolitics)
Social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok)
Television (cable news channels such as Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, or broadcast channels like CBS, NBC, and ABC)
Radio and podcasts (terrestrial talk radio, SiriusXM, podcast industry)
Newspapers (physical newspaper subscriptions or purchases)
Pick a story and examine the same news story from contrasting perspectives (e.g., Fox News vs. CNN).
Provide a link or citation for these sources.
Step 2: AI News Generator
Access one of the free AI news generator tools provided (e.g., APP Sonic)Links to an external site..
Use the AI tool to generate a new article based on a news story from your selected news aggregator(s).
Step 3: Share the News Articles
Share the original news sources, or a summary, and AI-generated article with your classmates on the discussion platform.
Step 4: Analyze Bias and Trigger Words in the Original Articles
Analyze the original news articles from your selected sources (e.g., Fox News and CNN) for any potential bias and trigger words (see chart below).
Specifically, look for language or elements in the original articles that may indicate a particular bias or perspective.
Note if you find any trigger wordsLinks to an external site. ( List of 100 Trigger Words for More Effective Marketing ( ) in the original articles. See chart below.
After analyzing the original articles, compare your findings with the content of the AI-generated article.
Discuss whether the AI-generated article reflects any bias or trigger words present in the original articles, and how it may differ or align with the original sources.
Step 5: Advantages and Disadvantages
Share your thoughts on the advantages of getting news from your selected sources. How do these sources excel over other news sources? Do they provide news more quickly, accurately, in more depth, or with more currency?
Discuss the disadvantages of getting news from your selected sources. What shortcomings do these sources have compared to other news sources? Are they more superficial, less accurate, or less timely?
Based on your preferences, explain which sources you would prefer to use to get your news and why.

Thomas C. Schelling claimed that nuclear weapons rendered war “unthinkable.” Sho

Thomas C. Schelling claimed that nuclear weapons rendered war “unthinkable.” Should the world ban the possession and use of nuclear weapons, or should it trust the nuclear powers themselves to control these weapons? How well have disarmament and arms control agreements worked in the past?, post a thread in either the Complete Disarmament or the Arms Control threads, using historical facts to support your argument. Also add a work sited.

Short Paper (20 points): Students are required to write a short paper (5-7 pages

Short Paper (20 points): Students are required to write a short paper (5-7 pages) using Clinton Rossiter’s argument to analyze one of the cases discussed in class. Your paper should contain the following: 1) a clear introduction; 2) a summery of the case that you are discussing; 3) a discussion of three dimensions of the case (use three arguments from the assigned readings by Rossitter to analyze three aspects of the case). The idea is that you can use Rossitter’s argument to analyze a court case and its potential effects on a democratic polity.
Grading Scale:
Ability to articulate a thesis 2 point
Textual evidence/discussion of
relevant passage (properly cited
assigned readings/include relevant
page citations) 14 points
Clarity of argument 2 points
Clear citation style 2 points

Homework No. 5 Give your paper a title 1,000 words minimum, write the word count

Homework No. 5 Give your paper a title 1,000 words minimum, write the word count on your paper Minimum 7 organized paragraphs • proofread and spellcheck For this assignment you are going to watch the film ‘Hot Coffee’ and complete the essay requirements outlined below: Hot Coffee link: Incorporation Doctrine: First, write an introductory paragraph that explains what your paper is going to be about. DO NOT WASTE SPACE TELLING ME WHO THE DIRECTOR IS OR WHAT YEAR THE FILM WAS RELEASED. DO COPY ANYTHING FROM THE INTERNET. Then write a second paragraph explaining what the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is. You must also explain the following terms, which are essential to the four cases in the film: tort tort reform – in addition to the definition, include your responses to these questions: Is tort reform fair to victims? Is tort reform fair to those who caused harm to the victim? binding (or mandatory) arbitration. caps – you must also explain what it means to put “caps” on damages in a court case. Should caps on damages be unconstitutional? If so, why? If not, why? You will then complete four separate paragraphs on the four separate cases that are presented in the four separate segments of the film. In each paragraph written on the separate film segments, you will meet all the requirements detailed below: Each case must have its own separate paragraph, then proceed with the following requirements for each case: First, give a detailed case summary – 200 words minimum (who, what, where, why, examples) that includes the name of the victim, the harm done to the victim, and who caused the harm. Second, in the end did the victim receive justice – yes or no? Justify this position. What was the outcome in each case? Give your opinion as to whether or not you believe the outcome in each case to be fair to the victim. Why or why not? Support your answer. Be specific. Provide detail (who, what, where, why, examples). Specifically in the McDonald’s case, what was the percentage assignment of blame? Include this. Specifically in the McDonald’s case, what was the original award – what was it later reduced down to? Specifically in the Gourley case, what was the original award –– what was it reduced down to? Was there victim blaming in the other three cases presented in the film? If so, describe the victim blaming in each case. Imagine that there was a jury trial for all of these cases, and you were one of the jurors. How would you have voted in each of these cases and why? Support your answer and be specific. Include your position in all four case summaries. Provide detail. For your final paragraph, write what the 7th Amendment says – that is, write the actual text of the 7th Amendment. This is a copy and paste. What protection does it provide to ordinary citizens? Explain what guarantee it currently provides. Should the 7th Amendment be incorporated to all the states? Why or why not? What does amendment incorporation mean? How would incorporation change the reach of the 7th Amendment? Right now, the 7th Amendment allows a jury for civil trials only in federal cases. If the 7th Amendment were incorporated to the states, citizens in all fifty states could sue and be guaranteed a jury in civil cases. In Stella Liebeck’s case against McDonald’s, she had a jury trial because the state of New Mexico continues to give citizens this right. Not all states allow this. Incorporation of the 7th Amendment would not automatically eliminate all arbitration, which parties could still agree to pursue. It would end FORCED arbitration – where employees and consumers are routinely required to settle their cases in a ‘rent-a-court’ that is most often controlled by the business or corporation or other entity that is being sued. The Seventh Amendment would challenge the long-standing practice of forced arbitration.

Instructions: Students will draft tables, charts, and 3-6 pages of data analysis

Instructions: Students will draft tables, charts, and 3-6 pages of data analysis. Guidelines: This is the coolest part of your thesis from my perspective…this is the part where I dig in and get really, really interested in what you have found and how you are explaining the results. It takes some time to present data in the best format. Consider what, if any, of the information you have makes more sense visually in a table, a chart, or a graph. Creating a Table, Chart, or Graph Make sure there is a Clear Title: Table 1A: 2021 District 6 Fundraising Make sure all the legends are clear (i.e. Is the dotted line Republicans? Are these numbers in millions or thousands?) Citation: the source of your data MUST be cited underneath your table, chart, or graph Some of you will have more visual data and less text. Others will have more text and less visual data. You do, however, need both. Do not let a table speak for itself and also be aware that sometimes what you are saying in the text makes more sense if there is a table to also look at. What you do NOT want to do is have TOO MANY tables. You can always put all that hard work in an appendix, but the art of data analysis is also learning what to include and what NOT to include. Keep it simple — enough to answer your research question effectively and efficiently, but not so much that there is not enough space to even discuss all the visuals. Balance is key.

watch all required documentaries or movies and write about it very detailed in y

watch all required documentaries or movies and write about it very detailed in your own words. my teaches is super strict. make sure to convince her you watched it and use detailed evidence. click on the link of google docs to look at her full instructions!!

Votre compte rendu critique dactylographié contient : ◦ Page couverture : vous i

Votre compte rendu critique dactylographié contient : ◦ Page couverture : vous identifier par nom et numéro d’étudiant(e). Bien identifier le texte critiqué. Un exemple de page couverture est disponible dans Brightspace. ◦ Résumé et critique : c’est le corps de votre analyse; tout au plus 5 à 6 pages à 1,5 interligne. ◦ Une bibliographie est annexée (nécessaire pour la critique). Elle doit contenir au moins trois références académiques (livres ou articles revus par des pairs). Référez à la « Recherche documentaire et intégrité académique » sur Brightspace pour savoir comment identifier une source académique revue par les pairs (publication parrainée). ◦ Assurez-vous d’utiliser une méthodologie de citation et de référence adéquate pour éviter le plagiat. Voici un site utile portant sur des outils de rédaction : Le site de la Bibliothèque de l’Université d’Ottawa sur la recherche et les citations pourrait également être utile citation. ◦ Vous pouvez écrire en français ou en anglais à votre choix. ◦ Police d’écriture : Times New Roman ou Calibri 12pts. ◦ Marges : 3 cm en haut, en bas et de côté. Justifier l’alignement du texte.. ◦ Pagination au bas du document. La page couverture et la bibliographie ne comptent pas dans la pagination.