According to Kruse and Zelizer, what role did Race and the “Crises” of the 1960s

According to Kruse and Zelizer, what role did Race and the “Crises” of the 1960s and 1970s contribute to the Reagan Revolution of 1980?
Use the attached document, specifically pages 88-134, 160-202. It is the only source you need. Use Chicago citations.

Question as above, I have also provided sources for you to use please. I have al

Question as above, I have also provided sources for you to use please. I have also started the introduction and have provided some useful quote to incorporate in the first paragraph and have left some points for the format and arguments of the essay. Please also take note of my writing style. Thanks a bunch! 🙂

. Essay must be a minimum of three full pages and no more than five pages in len

. Essay must be a minimum of three full pages and no more than five pages in length. This does not include the APA format title and references page.
. You must provide a minimum of two references to the references page.
. Persuasive essay will be assessed using the 1009W (SPECIAL) – Assessing Writing Rubric (pictured below).
APA Format – Title Page:
Title: President Obama had the legal authority to Order Operation Geronimo and to Execute the Operation Plan
Author:SSG Kominsky, James R.,
Institution: United States Army Advanced Leaders Course
Course #: 24-002
Due Date: 11/16/2023
Main Body:

Citations – author-date – method of in-text citation
.Information to locate and retrieve sources used by you
.Last page, hanging indents, Last name first, alphabetical

Please answer the following questions individually. For questions 2-5 use SPSS

Please answer the following questions individually.
For questions 2-5 use SPSS answer.
(1.) To utilize a means test (independent sample t-test or one-way ANOVA) the dependent variable must be continuous, and the independent variable must be categorical.
True or False
Question: The variable ASMath1 is the first time a group of students took a math placement exam. The variable ASMATH2 is the second time the students took the test at the end of the semester. Select the appropriate test to assess if students significantly increased their math scores. After running your test select all that apply.
The correct test in this scenario is a paired sample t-test.
(A.) On average, the students decreased their math score by 2.5 points.
(B.) Our test revealed that there was a significant increase in math scores by the end of the semester.
(C.) Our test revealed that there was NOT a significant increase in math scores by the end of the semester.
(D.) On average, the students increased their math score by 2.5 points.
(3.) Use the variable ASMATH2 to test the following situation. The principal of the school wants to know how the students’ math scores compare to the district and state average. The average math score in the district is 17 and the state average is 14.5. Which test is most appropriate and based on your assessment, are the student’s test scores significantly different from the district and state average?
(A.) The correct test in this scenario is a one sample t-test.
(B.) The mean math score is 16.02.
(C.) Our test revealed that there was a significant difference in math scores between state but not the district average.
(D.) Our test revealed that there was a significant difference in math scores between district but not the state average.
(E.) The correct test in this scenario is a paired sample t-test.
(4.) Use the variable ASMATH2 to test if there are gender difference in math placement scores at the end of the semester. Gender is coded as 0=female and 1=male. Select the appropriate test and select all that apply.
(A.) The correct test in this scenario is an independent sample t-test.
(B.) Our test revealed that there was NOT a significant difference in math placement scores between males and females.
(C.) The correct test in this scenario is a one sample t-test.
(D.) Our test revealed that there was a significant difference in math placement scores between males and females.
(E.) the data is not appropriate to answer this question.
(5.) Use the variable ASMATH2 to test if there are difference in math placement scores by race at the end of the semester. The Race variables is codes as 1=white 2=black and 3=Hispanic. Select the appropriate test and select all that apply.
(A.) The correct test is an independent sample t-test.
(B.) The correct test is a one-way ANOVA.
(C.) The mean score for students who identify as white is 20.12.
(D.) There are not significant differences between the 3 racial categories.
(E.) There are significant differences between white and black students but not Hispanic students.

CH 4 I received feedback and I revised the Chapter but I think still not solve

CH 4 I received feedback and I revised the Chapter but I think still not solve the main feedback I received. (This chapter needs a considerable amount of work, in my view. The methodology is lacking—it’s not clear how you assess the behavior of Congress and it’s not clear where you have ascertained public opinion. You will want to include sources for public opinion. You will also want to provide examples, and hopefully something systematic, documenting when and how Congress refers to or uses public opinion when making decisions. I also found the structure and content of the chapter confusing.) Thank you…

Each student shall select a topic to write a five to seven page paper for this c

Each student shall select a topic to write a five to seven page paper for this course. The topic must be related to international relations, with specific concentration on one of the following topics: international relation’s theory, international organizations, international conflict and terrorism, international finance, or international economic development. Students are required to select a paper topic that is within one of the broader subfields specified above.
Instructions are as follows:
1) Paper must be 5-7 pages (cover page and bibliography DO NOT count toward page limit)
2) 12-font, double-spaced
3) MLA Format

The Literature Review The purpose of this assignment is to propose a theoretical

The Literature Review
The purpose of this assignment is to propose a theoretical perspective that informs your research and assess the scholarly literature that has been written on your research question, including how it informs your research question and hypothesis. It should be 5 pages in length, and accompanied by an audio component (see below).
Content of the literature review:
The literature review should assess (1) which theoretical approach that we have covered in the course best informs your overall argument and hypothesis (e.g., socialization and interest convergence, liberal institutionalism, structural realism, feminist theory, etc.) and (2) evaluate the findings from the scholarly literature that exists on your research topic.
Structure of the written literature review:
The literature review is NOT an annotated bibliography. Rather, it is an analytical exercise in which you evaluate a body of literature. As such, your literature review should be organized by theme (NOT an article-by-article summary). A good literature review is a thoughtful study of what has been written, a summary of the arguments and findings that exist (whether you agree with them or not), and is arranged thematically. The literature review should be written in coherent narrative style. At the end of the evaluation, there should still be gaps in the literature that you intend to fill with your research.
Here is a site explaining various ways to construct a literature review. Note that a good literature review is not a list of sources with description, but it involves synthesis and dissection of sources, with minimal use of quotes.
All references must be cited in Chicago/Turabian format, which means including page numbers.

Each paper is divided intothree parts. Please label each part clearly and keep t

Each paper is divided intothree parts. Please label each part clearly and keep them separate:
Part One—the idea: In this part (roughly a third of your paper) you need to describe the idea/concept/argument (by the relevant political theorist) that you are going to connect to the film. You must cite only one idea/concept/argument. For Course Paper #2, write your paper based on Module Four, Five, or Six (papers must only use a film/theorist(s) from one Module). Do not discuss the film in this section.
Part Two—the film: Describe the part/scene of the film that you are going to cite and link to the idea/concept/argument developed in Part One (no more than a third of your paper). Do not discuss the theorist’s idea/concept/argument in this section.
Part three—link the idea to the film: In this part explain how the theorist’s idea (e.g., Machiavelli) developed in Part One applies to Part Two of your paper (roughly a third to half of your paper). This is the most important section of your paper where you will synthesize (not repeat) Part One and Two and provide a thorough analysis and/or argument, allowing you to demonstrate your ability to apply, and critically engage, the theoretical insights of this course.
Grading Criteria for Papers:
Papers are primarily graded based on a student’s demonstration of their ability to understand/interpret/critically engage relevant ideas/concepts/arguments and apply them to analyzing popular culture & films.
Papers must be between 600 and 700 words, double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, with 1-inch margins and proper in-text citation in order to receive full credit.
You cannot have direct quotes from any text (any direct quotes will result in significant grade penalties). A direct quote is a part of someone’s writing that you include in your writing, putting it in quotation marks and providing a reference for it. The following is a direct quote: “In a majoritarian system the only winners in elections are the citizens who happen to be in the majority” (Dahl, How Democratic, p. 107). To avoid direct quotes, you need to paraphrase the ideas of an author in your own words. In the case of the above example, you can write: In a country where the party which receives the largest number of votes wins the election, the only winners are the citizens who belong to that party (Dahl, How Democratic, p. 107). Although they can guide you, you should not cite my lectures for this assignment.
Make sure that you cite the text and/or the film whenever you mention what someone says/claims/etc. Use the following example for citing: Machiavelli believes/says/thinks/argues that cruelty is good… (Machiavelli, the Prince, p. 133).
At the end of your paper, give a full citation of your sources in the following way: Author’s last name, author’s first name; title in italics (the city where the book was published, publisher: date of publication).
To cite the films, use the following format: In the opening scene, we get a preview of who is really in charge (The Godfather, 1972, 24:03-26:18)
Your submission is checked using Turnitin. Turnitin checks for plagiarism from online sources and if your paper has been already submitted to fulfill the requirements for this or another course at CSUSM. Papers that plagiarize typically result in an F for the assignment and further academic sanctions. So, when in doubt, ask or just site.
View Rubric

Each paper is divided intothree parts. Please label each part clearly and keep t

Each paper is divided intothree parts. Please label each part clearly and keep them separate:
Part One—the idea: In this part (roughly a third of your paper) you need to describe the idea/concept/argument (by the relevant political theorist) that you are going to connect to the film. You must cite only one idea/concept/argument. For Course Paper #2, write your paper based on Module Four, Five, or Six (papers must only use a film/theorist(s) from one Module). Do not discuss the film in this section.
Part Two—the film: Describe the part/scene of the film that you are going to cite and link to the idea/concept/argument developed in Part One (no more than a third of your paper). Do not discuss the theorist’s idea/concept/argument in this section.
Part three—link the idea to the film: In this part explain how the theorist’s idea (e.g., Machiavelli) developed in Part One applies to Part Two of your paper (roughly a third to half of your paper). This is the most important section of your paper where you will synthesize (not repeat) Part One and Two and provide a thorough analysis and/or argument, allowing you to demonstrate your ability to apply, and critically engage, the theoretical insights of this course.
Grading Criteria for Papers:
Papers are primarily graded based on a student’s demonstration of their ability to understand/interpret/critically engage relevant ideas/concepts/arguments and apply them to analyzing popular culture & films.
Papers must be between 600 and 700 words, double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, with 1-inch margins and proper in-text citation in order to receive full credit.
You cannot have direct quotes from any text (any direct quotes will result in significant grade penalties). A direct quote is a part of someone’s writing that you include in your writing, putting it in quotation marks and providing a reference for it. The following is a direct quote: “In a majoritarian system the only winners in elections are the citizens who happen to be in the majority” (Dahl, How Democratic, p. 107). To avoid direct quotes, you need to paraphrase the ideas of an author in your own words. In the case of the above example, you can write: In a country where the party which receives the largest number of votes wins the election, the only winners are the citizens who belong to that party (Dahl, How Democratic, p. 107). Although they can guide you, you should not cite my lectures for this assignment.
Make sure that you cite the text and/or the film whenever you mention what someone says/claims/etc. Use the following example for citing: Machiavelli believes/says/thinks/argues that cruelty is good… (Machiavelli, the Prince, p. 133).
At the end of your paper, give a full citation of your sources in the following way: Author’s last name, author’s first name; title in italics (the city where the book was published, publisher: date of publication).
To cite the films, use the following format: In the opening scene, we get a preview of who is really in charge (The Godfather, 1972, 24:03-26:18)
Your submission is checked using Turnitin. Turnitin checks for plagiarism from online sources and if your paper has been already submitted to fulfill the requirements for this or another course at CSUSM. Papers that plagiarize typically result in an F for the assignment and further academic sanctions. So, when in doubt, ask or just site.
View Rubric

Students are required to write a short paper (5-7 pages) using Clinton Rossiter’

Students are required to write a short paper (5-7 pages) using Clinton Rossiter’s argument to analyze one of the cases discussed in class. Your paper should contain the following: 1) a clear introduction; 2) a summery of the case that you are discussing; 3) a discussion of three dimensions of the case (use three arguments from the assigned readings by Rossitter to analyze three aspects of the case). The idea is that you can use Rossitter’s argument to analyze a court case and its potential effects on a democratic polity.
Grading Scale:
Ability to articulate a thesis 2 point
Textual evidence/discussion of
relevant passage (properly cited
assigned readings/include relevant
page citations) 14 points
Clarity of argument 2 points
Clear citation style 2 points