Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, respond to one of the following

Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2:
Option 1: The Equal Rights Amendment was first proposed almost a century ago and has still not been added to the United States Constitution. It is supposed to guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex. It was first introduced to Congress by Alice Paul, leader of women’s suffrage movement in 1923. Compare/contrast the Equal Rights Amendment with the Fourteenth Amendment. Did they deal with separate concepts? Explain your answer.
Option 2: The Bill of Rights is not only included with the United States Constitution but also state constitutions. All states have provisions in their constitutions that protect individual rights. Go online and look up your state constitution concerning amendments that are included in the Bill of Rights. How does your state constitution protect your individual rights?
Be sure to make connections between your ideas and conclusions and the research, concepts, terms, and theory we are discussing this week.
Follow-Up Post Instructions
• You may choose either Option 1 or 2 for your Follow-Up post.
• Respond to at least one peer.
• Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.
• Include a minimum of 1 scholarly source meaningfully to demonstrate much depth. A scholarly source can include your textbook, assigned readings, or additional scholarly research.
Writing Requirements
Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)
Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source) for your Initial Post, and 1 scholarly source for your Follow-Up Post.
APA format for in-text citations and list of references
textbook link

In a 4 to 6 page paper, double spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman, address the 3 p

In a 4 to 6 page paper, double spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman, address the 3 prompts below. Please answer the prompts in order. This assignment is intended to be an overview of ALL the material and concepts encountered this semester. Your task is to place the various political ideas in conversation with one another. Remember, mere summary will not be sufficient to receive a top score. You are being asked to analytically dissect the many arguments and views we have studied and explain why the authors hold these views. Additionally, your ability to construct, explain, and defend your own views is being reviewed as well.

Grading Components:
• Clarity / Grammar
• Appropriate and sufficient citation
• Sufficient incorporation of course material
• Soundness and comprehensiveness of student’s views

1. Discuss the various conceptions of justice articulated this semester. What are their strengths (advantages)? What are their weaknesses? These can be theoretical or practical. Explain whether or not a conception (or conceptions of justice) is / are important for a political society.

2. Explain the significance of political legitimacy. What are some features associated with political legitimacy the average person would expect to observe? Are there any ways (methods or metrics) to determine to what degree / extent a society is politically legitimate? Is it necessary that a political legitimate society is also fully just?

3. What is the relationship between change and political legitimacy? If we determine political change is needed in a society, what is the best method to bring about that change? Be sure to address the distinction between reform and revolution. Are there any important practical considerations? Are there any important moral consideration?

Provide a theoretical explanation of how media functions with both autocratic an

Provide a theoretical explanation of how media functions with both autocratic and democratic governments.
Discuss specific aspects of how media impacts government systems.
Discuss one modern challenge of media and democracy and how you believe it fits into our understanding.
Need at least 3 sources

The assignment is focused around answering 2 essay questions out 4 provided so y

The assignment is focused around answering 2 essay questions out 4 provided so your choice as to which. And 3 short Identification questions out of 6 provided so again your choice. The 2 essay questions should be 2 pages each( so four pages total) and the 3 short identification questions just need a paragraph to show that i am familiar with the answer to the Identifications. It is important to use only the material provided by the professor which i will link, if i haven’t linked enough or the proper information, message me so i can find more lessons for you to use. It is a bit of a demanding assignment so i’m prepared to offer more lessons and information from the teacher, as well as a tip for a good assignment considering this is hard.

For this project, you will need to select a particular policy issue to explore.

For this project, you will need to select a particular policy issue to explore. The United States is made up of a variety of diverse communities and cultures. Societal and political issues affect these groups differently which needs to be addressed by our legislature. In this assignment, you will choose a current political issue that impacts communities in the United States.
Current Event Article: Students need to pick a current issue facing communities in the United States that needs to be addressed by our national government. Students must provide a working link to your article in the document that you upload to Canvas. Just copy/paste the link to the top of your document. If the link does not work, you will not receive any points for your article, so please double-check it! Your news article must
be relevant to the national politics in the U.S.
be current, so it should be dated sometime within the LAST SIX (6) MONTHS
be from a newspaper, magazine, or another reputable news outlet (i.e. New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Dallas Morning News)
Communities could be many different things (i.e. racial, economic, religious, regional)
Analysis: Students need to explore the interest group space around the current event policy you’ve chosen. This may be done as a simple essay, or you are welcome to format it as a letter to an elected representative. If you format it as a letter, address it to your correct US Representative or US Senator. Students must put their CWID number on the assignment in addition to your name. Define, in-depth, an issue within a particular community or culture to explain (to your member of Congress, if writing it as a letter). (Note: A community or culture is defined as any group of people with similar backgrounds and interests) (Understanding Communities and Cultures, Recognizing Principles)
Compare and contrast how your selected issue affects two different communities and/or cultures (i.e., low-income v. high-income, rural v. urban communities, or younger generations v. older generations). (Understanding Communities and Cultures, Recognizing principles)
Describe how social elements (i.e., history, religious beliefs, politics, communication style, economics, etc.) affect the position of the communities and/or cultures that you’re examining. (Social Principles)
Explain how action on this issue taken by the member of Congress you are writing to can positively or negatively impact a particular community and/or culture. (Social Engagement)
There is no minimum or maximum page or word requirement. You will need to assess whether you’ve adequately covered the material sufficiently to prove you have a good understanding of it, and research into your different interest groups enough to make a strong case for each community’s interests. I suspect that a good discussion will take a couple of pages of actual text and explanation, at least. Works Cited — to the extent that you use outside info (and you absolutely will need to!), do provide a citation list. That can be attached as a works cited page, or incorporated as footnotes/endnotes. Citation format is your choice, use what you are most comfortable with.

Homework No. 9 20 points Give your paper a title 1,000 words minimum (more words

Homework No. 9 20 points Give your paper a title 1,000 words minimum (more words are always OK) Write the word count on your paper Minimum 6 organized paragraphs (more paragraphs are fine) Proofread and spellcheck DO NOT GO ON THE INTERNET TO RESEARCH ANY PART OF THIS ASSIGNMENT — NO OUTSIDE SUMMARIES OR INFORMATION WATCH THE FILMS, ONLY, AND RESPOND TO THE HOMEWORK PROMPTS FROM THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE FILMS INFORMATION FROM OUTSIDE OR INTERNET SOURCES WILL RESULT IN A VERY LOW GRADE

2. Your research should cover two parts: 1) An overview of the country’s profile

2. Your research should cover two parts: 1) An overview of the country’s profile, including issues of people and society, environment, government, economy, etc. For example, you can include aspects of its population such as ethnic composition, religion, language, and its economy, such as main industry. You don’t have to include everything! You can select certain aspects that you believe are interesting or unique to the country. 2) A description of two main issues (your choice) the country is currently facing. These issues can vary from terrorism, financial crisis, human rights violations, election, etc. 3. The assignment should be at least 4 pages long (standard margin, 12 font size, Times New Roman, double-spaced), and should include a reference section that lists all work that has been cited or consulted while conducting research. The reference list page does not include in the minimum 4 pages criteria. 4. For the country profile section, the main source should be the CIA factbook: The writing needs to be your own, meaning that you cannot copy and paste directly from the source. You will have to paraphrase/rewrite in your own words to avoid plagiarism. For the current issue section, additional sources should be utilized but will have to be considered fact-based and analytical. Sources from various international think tank institutions, such as Council on Foreign Relations (, The Heritage Foundation (, Center for Strategic & International Studies (, Brookings Institution ( are excellent sources of expert policy analyses and reports. In addition, you can read various reports and analysis from official IGO and NGO websites, such as the United Nations, Human Rights Watch, Greenpeace, etc. 5. Citation style: Citation should follow APA or MLA or Chicago style. You can easily find basic citation style guides on the web. Please be aware that without properly citing the source, and therefore not giving credit to the original author, your work will be considered plagiarized. A separate page of “work cited” or “reference list” should be included. 6. This assignment counts 50 points towards your final grade. Below are the grading rubrics: 1) The case study discusses all required aspects of the country (profile and issues): 30 points; missing one or more parts will result in point deduction(s). 2) The case study meets the required format (minimum pages, font size, etc.): 10 points; points may be deducted if one or more formatting requirements are not met. 3) All sources are academic and scholarly (using sources from examples listed above): 10 points; points may be deducted if one or more sources do not meet the criteria. 7. This assignment is due by Dec. 4, Monday , 9pm EST

Hi, all. You were introduced to three prominent ideologies during your class ses

Hi, all.
You were introduced to three prominent ideologies during your class sessions: liberalism, conservatism, and socialism. Through your classmates’ presentations and textbook readings, you’ve also been exposed to various other ideologies across a broad spectrum. Here is the question for your first weekly writing.
Now, imagine you’re responsible for shaping the ideological policies of a nation. Which ideologies would you utilize to tackle specific issues your society encounters? To respond, identify the problems your nation confronts (you can use a real-life example or suggest an imaginary state), articulate a vision for an improved society, and outline a strategy for achieving it.”
I dare you. It is a challenging assignment. It targets your creative thinking. Take it as an intellectual challenge. Do not aim for the correct answer because there is no right answer to this question, and do not try to guess what I am expecting from you. I want to see an original work that shows a product of your independent thinking. While writing, try to consult different sources ranging from the textbook (don’t disregard it) to YouTube videos, media, and blog posts on the internet. Find helpful information and discuss the assignment with your peers. You can also consult me if you have questions, and I will be happy to clarify your confusion. Ultimately, I want to receive your submissions and have a great time reading them. Be brave, and let your inner voice out.
Your second task included in the assignment is to ask two questions that could guide your further intellectual inquiry.
Read the Writing Assignments Grading Rubric on the course iLearn page to understand how you will be assessed. Submissions are checked for plagiarism and AI-generated content.
Submit in the form of ATTACHMENT. Indicate your name on top of your writing.
No right and wrong answers. 500-600 words. DO NOT FORGET TO ADD TWO QUESTIONS OF YOURS.