Submit a 1-2 page essay that explains the importance of preliminary rulings (Cardwell’s chapter in Cini calls them “preliminary references”) in EU history and the “partnership” relationship between the ECJ and national courts. How does neofunctionalist theory interpret the role of preliminary rulings in creating a supranational legal order? Be sure to consider the Cini chapter and the classic Burley and Mattli article in your analysis.
Category: Political Science
Do not copy thesis and things exactly from the longer essay that is attached. Th
Do not copy thesis and things exactly from the longer essay that is attached. This is a final thesis statement so make it good. Citation is APA-7. The images uploaded for homo bureacraticus is the book:
Houghton, D. P. (2013). The decision point: Six cases in U.S. foreign policy decision making. Oxford University Press. Distill your capstone activity into a bumper sticker slogan consisting of no more than about 25 words. At a minimum, your slogan should indicate your selected foreign policy decision and decision-making model. This week’s engagement activity consists of a bumper sticker activity, designed to develop your working thesis statement. In the process, your purpose and salience statements should be finalized. Your bumper sticker and thesis statement should identify your selected U.S. foreign policy decision and your selected decision-making model. By the end of this week, you will be locked into your model, so think carefully about the dimensions and indicators that your outside research seems to support. Your purpose and salience statements should work together. Given the assignment instructions, your purpose is to analyze a particular U.S. foreign policy decision. The why – as in, why you are analyzing your chosen decision – should indicate the salience of your topic. In other words, why is your topic significant and relevant in the current geopolitical environment?
Please look at the document i send an example about how to do the discussion qu
Please look at the document i send an example about how to do the discussion questions, and please write 3 question for each reading:
The theme of the section is: Nations & Nationalism =
Classics o Elie Kedourie. Nationalism. 4th Edition. (Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers, Ltd., [1960] 1993).
o Ernest Gellner, Nations and Nationalism (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1983).
The reading:
Reading Assignment 4 Social Pathology, Degeneracy and Medicalization Introductio
Reading Assignment 4
Social Pathology, Degeneracy and Medicalization
Introduction, Tammy L. Anderson /
Social Pathology: A Systematic Approach to the Theory of Sociopathic Behavior, Edwin Lemert /
Whatever Happened to Social Pathology? Conceptual Fashions and the Sociology of Deviance, Joel Best /
The Shifting Engines of Medicalization, Peter Conrad / 17. Connections: Mental Illness as Degeneracy and Disease, Victor Perez, Critical Thinking Questions /
Points Possible: 20
Deliverable Length: 2-3 pages
Answer two questions:
1. Define and differentiate between Anderson’s use of the concepts degeneracy and medicalization (pp. 170-171). Do you agree with Anderson that social pathology has limited use in the study of society and deviance? Why or why not?
2. Summarize Lemert’s treatment of psychological/psychiatric and sociological approaches to the study of sociopathic behavior (pp.176-177).
3. Best claims that social pathology as a viable concept “gradually fell out of style” by the 1960s, replaced by a more relativistic emphasis on deviance. Then he makes a similar argument for the “death” of the concept of deviance in the present day. Summarize his three principles of deviance definition (pp. 181-182) which are now debated as inadequate to the task.
Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to thi
Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure to only view, read, use, and cite the sources provided only. No outside sources allowed.
1) Watch a news program or listen to a podcast that is at least 30 minutes long once a week, this can be any network or an online source as long as it is a mainstream news source (so no InfoWars or any of that silliness). PLEASE AVOID PUNDITRY SHOWS (SUCH AS RACHEL MADDOW/TUCKER CARLSON/ANDERSON COOPER/ETC). 2) Write a one full page paper with a header that includes the name of the program, the dates/times watched, and the channel/source. 3) The bulk of the one-page paper should connect at least one of the course readings to at least one topic that was featured in the news over the two week period. If you miss an entry, you will lose 20 points.
Here is the video
Connect this video with the articles provided
Requirements: 1 Full Page Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions
No plagiarism & No Course Hero & No Chegg. The assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Please be sure to include at least one in-text citation in each paragraph(s).
Please be sure to only view, read, use, and cite the sources provided only. No outside sources allowed.
One of the top publishing outlets in the field requests that you submit an artic
One of the top publishing outlets in the field requests that you submit an article for publication on the ongoing conflict situation in Yemen. The editors ask you to conform to the publication guidelines, which require that articles are between 1,200-2,500 words in length.
In your article manuscript, you must provide your assessment of the merits of the three potential scenarios for a future settlement in Yemen laid out in the following proposal
for a political settlement to the conflict from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), available at this website: to an external site.
To provide your assessment of the WINEP proposal, options include (1) explaining why one of the three scenarios is the best solution to the conflict; (2) proposing a blend of those three scenarios as the best choice for conflict resolution; or (3) providing an in-depth critique of at least 2 of these scenarios. For further background on this conflict, please see this Council on Foreign Relations backgrounder ( to an external site.) and this conflict tracker ( to an external site.), which you can use as factual sources.
In addition providing your analysis of the merits of the WINEP proposal, please also include in your paper an examination of the following topics:
Are any of the insights gained from peace studies/international human rights (Module 7) and/or geopolitics/ideology (Module 6), or perhaps another module, useful for resolving the conflict situation in Yemen? Why or why not?
Is your chosen position a challenge to, or consistent with, any of the traditional or non-traditional theoretical approaches to International Relations? Why or why not?
As always, please be sure to engage directly and substantially with the materials assigned and provided in this course; in addition to the course materials, you can also cite other print or online sources that you find helpful and reliable. Please submit the essay/report as a double-spaced document in 12-point font.
MUST USE THIS : THIS is my layout Title: Navigating the Complexities of a Political Settlement in Yemen: A Critical Assessment of the WINEP Proposal
The ongoing conflict in Yemen has brought immense suffering to its population, exacerbating an already dire humanitarian situation. As various stakeholders strive to find a path towards peace and stability, the proposal presented by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) offers three potential scenarios for a political settlement. In this article, I will provide a critical assessment of these scenarios while also examining insights from peace studies, international human rights, and geopolitics. Furthermore, I will analyze the compatibility of my chosen position with traditional and non-traditional theoretical approaches to International Relations.
Assessment of the WINEP Proposal:
The WINEP proposal outlines three potential scenarios for a political settlement in Yemen: a centralized government model, a federal system, and a decentralized governance approach. Each scenario presents its own set of advantages and challenges.
1. Centralized Government Model:
This scenario advocates for a return to a centralized government structure, with power vested predominantly in the capital, Sana’a. Proponents argue that a strong central authority could better address the country’s security challenges and ensure the provision of public services. However, this approach risks marginalizing diverse regional interests and exacerbating grievances among marginalized groups, potentially fueling further conflict.
2. Federal System:
The federal system proposed by WINEP aims to decentralize power, granting substantial autonomy to Yemen’s regions. This model acknowledges the country’s ethnic, religious, and tribal diversity, seeking to accommodate various identities within a unified state framework. While federalism offers the potential for greater local governance and representation, its implementation requires careful delineation of powers to prevent fragmentation and maintain national cohesion.
3. Decentralized Governance:
The third scenario suggests a decentralized governance approach, wherein power is dispersed across multiple local authorities. This model prioritizes grassroots participation and local decision-making, potentially fostering greater accountability and responsiveness to community needs. However, concerns arise regarding the capacity of local entities to effectively govern and coordinate, as well as the potential for conflict between rival factions vying for control.
Assessment and Analysis:
Upon evaluating the merits of the WINEP proposal, I find that a blend of the federal system and decentralized governance holds the most promise for resolving the Yemeni conflict. Combining elements of both models could allow for the accommodation of regional identities and grievances while maintaining a degree of national unity. However, such a hybrid approach must address challenges related to power-sharing, resource allocation, and the establishment of effective governance structures at both the central and local levels.
Insights from Peace Studies/International Human Rights:
Peace studies and international human rights offer valuable perspectives for resolving the conflict in Yemen. Principles of conflict resolution emphasize the importance of inclusive dialogue, reconciliation, and addressing the root causes of conflict, including social, economic, and political inequalities. Additionally, human rights frameworks advocate for the protection of civilian populations, accountability for human rights abuses, and the promotion of democratic governance. Incorporating these insights into peacebuilding efforts can help foster trust among warring factions and lay the foundation for a sustainable peace process.
Geopolitics/Ideology and International Relations:
The conflict in Yemen is deeply intertwined with geopolitical rivalries and ideological divides, reflecting broader power struggles in the Middle East region. Traditional realist approaches to International Relations emphasize the role of state actors, power dynamics, and national interests in shaping international relations. In the case of Yemen, competing interests among regional powers, including Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates, have further complicated efforts to reach a political settlement. Non-traditional approaches, such as constructivism, highlight the importance of norms, identities, and social constructions in shaping international politics. In Yemen, sectarian divisions, tribal affiliations, and ideological narratives have contributed to the perpetuation of conflict, underscoring the need for a nuanced understanding of the social and cultural dynamics at play.
In conclusion, the WINEP proposal offers valuable insights into potential pathways for a political settlement in Yemen, but each scenario presents its own set of challenges. A hybrid approach that combines elements of federalism and decentralized governance may offer the best chance for accommodating diverse interests while maintaining national cohesion. Drawing on insights from peace studies, international human rights, and geopolitics, policymakers and stakeholders can work towards a comprehensive and inclusive peace process that addresses the root causes of conflict and promotes sustainable stability in Yemen.
must use as refernces Adel Dashela. 2023. “Political Settlement in Yemen: Challenges and Future Prospects,” Washington Institute for Near East Policy (May 23). Available at to an external site.
Kali Robinson. 2023. “Yemen’s Tragedy: War, Stalemate, and Suffering,” Council on Foreign Relations (May 1, 2023). Available at to an external site.Center for Preventive Action. 2024. “War in Yemen,” Council on Foreign Relations (January 12). Available at to an external site.
Is the international politics moving towards a regionalization of global governa
Is the international politics moving towards a regionalization of global governance? discuss
in 2000 words. Please adopt a systematic approach in the layout, content and referencing.
I’m not sure how many references must be used
Length: The presentation must be 10-15 slides long if using PowerPoint (excludin
Length: The presentation must be 10-15 slides long if using PowerPoint (excluding cover and reference pages) or 3-5 minute long if using a video presentation.
Font should not be smaller than size 16-point
Parenthetical in-text citations included and formatted in APA style
Title/Introduction slide required
References slide minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to textbook if cited)
Use the speaker notes to elaborate on the content on the slides
General Facts: A twelve year old child was brutally raped. The child did not die
General Facts: A twelve year old child was brutally raped. The child did not die. After a presentation of facts, where the victim testified at trial, the defendant was found guilty of First Degree Rape. Louisiana state law allows a person who is convicted of first degree rape where the victim is thirteen years of age or younger eligible for a death penalty sentence. Under these general facts, do you believe the death penalty is appropriate?
Consider the following: Decisions made by the Supreme Court, secondary sources, perhaps secondary sources from other disciplines, etc. For the purposes of your arguments, the fact that Louisiana has a statute that allows the death penalty in this scenario should not be enough to justify the death penalty. In other words, you are free to argue that despite the legislature’s statute, the death penalty is not appropriate. Or you can argue that this statute is warranted. Quite simply, answer these two questions: 1.) should the death penalty be applied in this case? and 2.) why or why not?
Good papers will include secondary sources and will be free of typographical errors. Include a works cited page as well. There is no page limit to your response. Do not plagiarize. Finally, if you find prior rulings by the Supreme Court that involved similar facts, it is not enough to simply regurgitate their reasons as your own arguments. Supreme Court justices can be wrong. I want to know what YOU think.
General Facts: A twelve year old child was brutally raped. The child did not die
General Facts: A twelve year old child was brutally raped. The child did not die. After a presentation of facts, where the victim testified at trial, the defendant was found guilty of First Degree Rape. Louisiana state law allows a person who is convicted of first degree rape where the victim is thirteen years of age or younger eligible for a death penalty sentence. Under these general facts, do you believe the death penalty is appropriate?
Consider the following: Decisions made by the Supreme Court, secondary sources, perhaps secondary sources from other disciplines, etc. For the purposes of your arguments, the fact that Louisiana has a statute that allows the death penalty in this scenario should not be enough to justify the death penalty. In other words, you are free to argue that despite the legislature’s statute, the death penalty is not appropriate. Or you can argue that this statute is warranted. Quite simply, answer these two questions: 1.) should the death penalty be applied in this case? and 2.) why or why not?
Good papers will include secondary sources and will be free of typographical errors. Include a works cited page as well. There is no page limit to your response. Do not plagiarize. Finally, if you find prior rulings by the Supreme Court that involved similar facts, it is not enough to simply regurgitate their reasons as your own arguments. Supreme Court justices can be wrong. I want to know what YOU think.