Need help editing my essay. This was written last year and I need it updated so

Need help editing my essay. This was written last year and I need it updated so it is up to date with current times. Absolutely no plagiarism or AI technology. I don’t need u to write a whole new paper pls edit the paper I provided about Russia and Ukraine. Chicago style formatting. Just edit and add/ remove information to make it up to date and better. Please finish on time and again no plagiarism or AI pls. Thank you very much.

Writing Assignment Assignment Instructions Writing Assignment #2 – The President

Writing Assignment
Assignment Instructions
Writing Assignment #2 – The President
Length: 850 words or more
80 Points
Imagine a scenario where Earth has been attacked by an alien civilization. The first attack results in the destruction of an entire US city, shocking the American public and drawing the entire world into a war, with the United States leading the fight to protect our planet.
In this scenario, consider the various roles of the American President. Explain how the President might respond in each of these roles. What powers or resources would they possess? What constitutional limits or constraints would they face?
Remember to Include:
☐ A focus on several of the roles we explored in lecture
(Head of State, Chief Executive, Commander in Chief, Chief Diplomat, Party Chief, or Chief Legislator)
☐ At least one quote from our textbook.
☐ Real examples from US history or modern politics.
☐ A well-formatted Works Cited page.
Background Details:
Although your essay will be a product of imagination, it will require you to describe the actions that a real-world President would take in the aftermath of this catastrophic event. Remember to base your analysis in the actual powers and constitutional limits of the American President.
Be sure to answer the prompt fully, use examples, and write at least 850 words. You may draw upon materials covered in class, including the course textbook, as well as outside articles and resources that you find. Please be sure to quote and cite properly. This assignment will be submitted as a .doc, .docx, or a .pdf file. When you are ready to submit your assignment, click on the submit button and upload your assignment file.
Formatting Guidance:
Font: Times New Roman (size 12) or Calibri (size 11)
Page Margins: No greater than 1 inch.
Spacing: Double Spaced
Style: Chicago or MLA preferred.
Grading Rubric:
Grading RubricNeeds Work
(0 – 69%)
(70 – 79%)
(80 – 89%)
(90 – 100%)
Content is incomplete.
Major points are not clear and /or persuasive.
Assignment is too short.
Content is not comprehensive and /or persuasive.
Major points are addressed, but not well supported.
Examples are inadequate or do not address course concepts.
Content is inconsistent with regard to purpose and clarity of thought.
Assignment is too short.
Content is somewhat comprehensive and /or persuasive.
Major points are addressed, and supported.
Examples and connections are relevant and address course concepts. .
Content is consistent with regard to purpose and clarity of thought.
Assignment is the appropriate length.
Content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive.
Major points are stated clearly and are well supported.
Examples are excellent and address course concepts.
Content and purpose of the writing are clear.
Assignment is the appropriate length.

Assignment Instructions Writing Assignment #2 – The President Length: 850 words

Assignment Instructions
Writing Assignment #2 – The President
Length: 850 words or more
80 Points
Imagine a scenario where Earth has been attacked by an alien civilization. The first attack results in the destruction of an entire US city, shocking the American public and drawing the entire world into a war, with the United States leading the fight to protect our planet.
In this scenario, consider the various roles of the American President. Explain how the President might respond in each of these roles. What powers or resources would they possess? What constitutional limits or constraints would they face?
Remember to Include:
☐ A focus on several of the roles we explored in lecture
(Head of State, Chief Executive, Commander in Chief, Chief Diplomat, Party Chief, or Chief Legislator)
☐ At least one quote from our textbook.
☐ Real examples from US history or modern politics.
☐ A well-formatted Works Cited page.
Background Details:
Although your essay will be a product of imagination, it will require you to describe the actions that a real-world President would take in the aftermath of this catastrophic event. Remember to base your analysis in the actual powers and constitutional limits of the American President.
Be sure to answer the prompt fully, use examples, and write at least 850 words. You may draw upon materials covered in class, including the course textbook, as well as outside articles and resources that you find. Please be sure to quote and cite properly. This assignment will be submitted as a .doc, .docx, or a .pdf file. When you are ready to submit your assignment, click on the submit button and upload your assignment file.
Formatting Guidance:
Font: Times New Roman (size 12) or Calibri (size 11)
Page Margins: No greater than 1 inch.
Spacing: Double Spaced
Style: Chicago or MLA preferred.

Presentation guidelines and mandatory reading source will be in the file attache

Presentation guidelines and mandatory reading source will be in the file attached. The presentation is about Primordialism and modernism and can it go beyond that. The key points that need to be mentioned in the presentation and be leveraged are that neither of those are good choices and neither offers a lesser evil as they’re both equally evil. Primordialism is too deterministic and absolute in the sense that it doesn’t account for change or evolution, and Modernism as we know it is far too eurocentric and capitalist for me to be able to agree with. Modernism fails because it reporduces capitalism. I think we should let go of our history and culture and traditions; Islam is a part of the Maldives’ history, culture, and traditions; a large part in fact. And what you call culture in the Maldives are largely based off of superstition in the past – it is mixed with Islam, and now it has reproduced itself into a culture of patriarchy, closeted misogyny, violent repression, and homogeneity. And then comes in modernism, with capitalist modernisation, those things have in fact evolved into modernist frameworks. Now we have ancient rites and rituals except “modernised” and mass reproduced as an instrument of the political and economic machine in capitalism. Cultures change and evolve – Impermanence paired with equitable, compassionate social evolution at a collective level is best. The issue is that when you ask which one is better – primordialism or modernism the question in and of itself is that it creates a dichotomy, and dichotomies are never helpful. Look beyond the question and the choices you’re given. Please do not use sources from books, just articles from google scholar apart from the source mentioned in the mandatory reading in the presentation guidelines file.

I) Select a case that has been heard in oral argument.

I) Select a case that has been heard in oral argument. 2023
II) In your own words, under the header Facts of the Case, describe the facts of the case. (15 points)
III) Which laws / constitutional provisions are relevant to the case? Under the header Relevant Law, explain. (15 points)
IV) Find the case in ScotusBlog.
Under the headers Petitioner Position and Respondent Position, describe the positions of both sides of the case. (15 points)
V) Describe one amicus curiae brief filed in support of each side (so, two total.) (10 points)
Use the headers Petitioner: Amicus Curiae Brief Example and Respondent: Amicus Curiae Brief Example.
VI) Describe two issues on which the Justices were focused.
• If oral arguments have been held, provide 1–2 excerpts from oral arguments to illustrate each of those issues (so, four total—ideally, for each issue, choose a question from a Justice, and then an additional question countering or building on the first question.)
• If oral arguments have not been held yet, anticipate what questions might be raised. To this end, look at petitioner & respondent briefs on SCOTUSblog and essays on SCOTUSblog—or even at the appeals court record.
Use the header QUESTIONS / ANTICIPATED QUESTIONS (15 points total)
VII) Predict the outcome of the case; explain your prediction. If the case has already been decided explain the outcome.
Use the header Outcome. (10 points).
VIII) Due date 4/30 midnight.
IX) Clarity, punctuation, style, etc. (20 points)
1) Alexander v. SC State Conference of the NAACP
SUMMARY: A case in which the Court will decide whether South Carolina’s congressional redistricting plan constitutes an unconstitutional racial gerrymander.
• (be sure to page down)
• (note that the material under the heading “SCOTUSblog Coverage” is for various cases; the material for the specific case is below that, listing proceedings and orders, by date.)
ORAL ARGUMENT: 10/11/2023

FORMATTING RULES: TYPEFACE: Times New Roman (or equivalent serif typeface for Li

TYPEFACE: Times New Roman (or equivalent serif typeface for Linux users, e.g. Libertine)
FONT SIZE: 12-point (body) / up to 16-point (section headings) (but otherwise it is your choice of font size/weight and typeface for headings)
SPACING: paragraphs: double-spaced / abstract, long direct quotes, headings/labels: single-spaced
MARGINS: 1″ (page), 0.5″ (header and footer)
HEADER: “[Student’s Last Name] – Pierce SP2022” (right-aligned, include on ALL pages)
FOOTER: “Page # of [TOTAL PAGES]” (centered, include on all pages except the title page)
TITLE PAGE: The abstract must be single-spaced, 12-pt. Times New Roman font (with reasonable margins), but everything else on the title page may be formatted as you like. Get creative if you like (i.e. add a photo, color, fancy fonts, whatever), just make sure it’s not difficult to read. The title page must include:
your full name
course/professor info: “01:790:300:[##] Intro to Political Science Methods, Professor Pierce, Spring 2022” (where [##] = your class section: 01, 02, or 03)
date of submission
your paper title
the 100-word abstract
ORGANIZATION: Use headings to organize your paper, labeled according to the paper sections listed below. You may opt to add subheadings too if you like.
CITING SOURCES: Use parenthetical citations (not footnotes) to cite references within your paper, and a properly formatted entry in your bibliography for every source cited in your paper
Abstract (100 words)
Introduction (400–500 words)
Data & Methods (600–800 words)
Results & Analysis (400–500 words + tables/graphs)
Conclusion (300 words)
Appendix (OPTIONAL)
Included on the title page
not more than 20 words
formatting (see guidelines above)
What is the paper about? The title presents a concise statement of the theoretical issues that are investigated in your paper.
100 words
Included on the title page
12pt. Times New Roman, single-spaced
What is the paper about? What topic is the author studying? What was the primary finding?
The abstract is a single paragraph that provides a summary of the entire article, including your findings.
400–500 words
Starts at top of Page 2
No heading needed for this section
What is the article about? What does the author plan to do in the paper? Why should we care about this problem/study? What is the author trying to test or show?
This section introduces the topic and theory of the paper and discusses what the paper contributes to existing knowledge on the topic. The introduction should be compelling, with the goal of enticing readers to continue reading.
600–800 words
What data did the author use and how does the author plan to analyze them? What were the units of analysis? What is the sample? Is the sample a good representation of the entire population? If not, how are they different?
The methods section provides information about what the author studied and the way they conducted their analysis. This includes operationalization and measurement of variables, data sources, information about the participants or units of analysis, the procedures, and what the author expects to find if their research hypothesis is correct or not.
400–500 words + tables/graphs
minimum results to include: any relevant descriptive statistics for your IV, DV, and all control variables (e.g. mean/median/mode, standard deviation, min/max values; create a histogram or bar chart showing distribution for each of the DV and IV; at least one bivariate regression (DV & IV) with table of results and graph; at least one multivariate regression with all control variables;
linear regression analysis – interpret the following stats for each regression (for those who must additionally do logistic regression, don’t forget to read chapter 9 and then see HP or Burcu for help):
for each IV/control variable: sign (+/-) of Beta (besides intercept), t and related p-value, does zero (0) fall within the 95% confidence interval? whether yes or no, what does this mean?
for full model: R-squared, F/p-value;
use the Betas to write out the equation;
report the number of observations in each model
can you reject the null hypothesis? can you accept your research/alternative hypothesis?
Be sure to interpret all stats.
Comparison of bivariate and multivariate regressions? Did the relationship (significance) between your IV and DV change when you added control variables? If so, how? what does this mean? If no, what does this mean?
What did the author find? The results section explains what the author found when they analyzed the data. This section can be quite technical, reporting the results in detailed technical tables.
This section should include tables and figures (well-formatted).
NOTE: You should also submit a copy of your DO file with all of your analysis HERE.
300 words
What does it all mean and why is it important? What were the author’s overall findings? Why are these findings important? What limitations does the author identify? What should be studied next on this topic?
In this section, the author discusses what the results mean and how the study contributes to existing knowledge on the topic. Here, the research questions are answered and it should be clear at this point whether the hypotheses were supported. In the conclusion, the author usually relates the paper back to the larger context and suggests avenues for future research.
This is where the author lists all references used in the paper. This includes attribution for any ideas or work referenced in the paper, along with citing the codebooks for any datasets used.
STYLE: APSA, Chicago Manual (author-date), or APA
HANG-INDENT: First row of each reference should not indented, second and all subsequent rows of each multi-row reference should be indented 0.5 inches
Do not include URLs for academic journal articles
If you have lots of extra tables and graphs, stick them here.

I was given back my midterm exam because I got a grade of D (55) The professor i

I was given back my midterm exam because I got a grade of D (55)
The professor is giving me a chance to resubmit the midterm. I need assistance with fixing my errors. Attached is my midterm exam and instructions for review. I also attached the documents on which the midterm is based.

The academic study of International Relations is in the process of “discovering”

The academic study of International Relations is in the process of “discovering” history, especially of regions outside of the “the West.” In particular, scholars are now looking to Asia’s past to generate theoretical insights to enrich IR theory in order to overcome Eurocentrism. Given this background, write a review essay after reading ONE of the following two articles. Your essay must succinctly summarize the article’s core argument(s) and tell us how the article contributes to our understanding of great power politics and/or of the making/shaping of the international order. (NOTE: This is a research essay even as it ‘reviews’ one of the essays below. The essays below engage in certain debates. You will need to familiarize yourself with those debates).
a. Peter Perdue, “The Tenacious Tributary System,” Journal of Contemporary China 24:96 (2015): 1002—1014,
Also use these references “if appropriate” and relevant:
China’s Challenges and International Order Transition : Beyond Thucydides’s Trap Huiyun Feng and Kai He
Debating worlds: contested narratives of global modernity and world order Book edited by Daniel Deudney; G. John Ikenberry; Karoline Postel-Vinay 2023 Partner Politics:
Russia, China, and the Challenge of Extending US Hegemony after the Cold War in Security Studies Article by Michael Mastanduno 27/05/2019
Global Monetary Order and the Liberal Order Debate in International Studies Perspectives Article by Carla Norrlof; Paul Poast; Benjamin J Cohen; Sabreena Croteau; Aashna Khanna; Daniel McDowell; Hongying Wang; W Kindred Winecoff 01/05/2020
See also attached docs.

Students will develop a final project exploring a question/theme/text/issue of o

Students will develop a final project exploring a question/theme/text/issue of one’s choosing related to our course material. I selected Policy Brief for the format. The goal of this assignment is to clearly and effectively communicate a depth of engagement with the course material, and an understanding of the central concepts, debates, and controversies that constitute the field of American Political Thought. I have attached a copy of the syllabus so you may pick anything related to the works you see there. If you have any further questions, please let me know, thank you.