These are the teachers instructions: Topic Most fixed forms presumably began whe

These are the teachers instructions:
Most fixed forms presumably began when a poet sat down and decided to write a poem within certain parameters: “I’m going to write a fourteen line poem that uses ABBAABBACDECDE rhyme scheme,” or something like that. Your job for this response paper is to do just that: in the first paragraph, explain what your constraints are going to be—you might say how many syllables each line can have, or you might prescribe a set rhyme scheme, or you might demand that each line start with the letter M. It’s really up to you, as long as you choose three constraints and explain what they are.
After you’ve done that, write a poem that adheres to the constraints you’ve identified.
Finally, write a concluding paragraph in which you discuss the process. Was it more or less difficult than you thought it would be? Did you end up finding that there’s a kind of freedom in being constrained? Would this encourage you to write in other fixed forms? Also, give the verdict—did it result in a good poem?
Short Paper Guidelines
The essay falls within the 1000-1500 word range, and doesn’t use superfluous or “filler” words to achieve it.
The essay presents a clear response to the prompt, and adequately and effectively supports its argument using clear logic, textual reference, and convincing rhetoric.
For prompts that do not require an argument, the essay clearly achieves the stated goals and thoroughly responds to all aspects of the prompt.
The essay indicates a high level of proofreading. It clearly, efficiently, and elegantly makes its points, and uses appropriate citation methods if necessary.

The poem “Piedra Negra Sobre Una Piedra Blanca” was written by the renowned Peru

The poem “Piedra Negra Sobre Una Piedra Blanca” was written by the renowned Peruvian poet César Vallejo.
a VERY brief biography of the poet,
VERY brief description of relevant historical and cultural background (perhaps focusing on events or factors that may be visible in the poem)
a brief translation history of the poem chosen (so far as you can tell from research)
a |MORE detailed close reading/interpretation of the translated poem, and
a MORE detailed meditation on process and the choices made in translation; the essay must be accompanied by a bibliography.

Read Dana Gioia’s controversial 1991 essay on American poetry, “Can Poetry Matte

Read Dana Gioia’s controversial 1991 essay on American poetry, “Can Poetry Matter,” posted in the Week 4 folder, OR Bob Hicok’s recent Essay “The Promise of American Poetry” (both in the Week 4 Module).
Gioia’s essay is still a touchstone for discussion of American poetry, and still attracts discussion and debate. Gioia’s essay explored the reasons, in the preceding decades, why American poetry had little influence on or relevance to American culture–why it was perceived as elitist, super-personal, “clubby,” or socially disengaged.
Hicok’s essay prompted a huge and testy discussion within the poetry community, as you can see if you sample a few of the comments. Some responders thought Hicok’s essay was an example of, white fragility—a discomfort or defensiveness prompted by evidence of racial injustice—or exemplified some privileged assumptions, especially given the current state of publishing still skews favorably toward whites and particularly white males. Some, however, found his willingness to stand aside—despite the sense of loss to his hope of a legacy—honest and necessary and brave. What do you think?
1. Pull out 2 main ideas from Gioia’s or Hicok’s essays and think about them in the context of the international poetry we have read this term. What sort of social commitment or historical responsibility have you detected in the poets we’ve read this term? How might these international poets respond to these American poets and their arguments about poetry’s power and the poet’s role? What, based on what you’ve read this term, IS poetry’s purpose, from your perspective?
2. Read some of the poems on the Poems of Protest, Resistance, and Empowerment website, How do these American poems seem different from the “poetry of the English speaking world” with which we started the term (such as Bishop and Larkin)? How do they compare to the international poetry we’ve read in this class? For instance, is the U.S. poets’ political agenda more overt, less overt? Can you find a poem from this historically broad selection of protest poems that remind yous of a poem you read from Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, Asia, Europe? (You don’t have to answer ALL these questions–just wanted to stimulate your thinking…).

The poem is Piedra Negra Sobre Una Piedra Blanca Investigate the sound qualities

The poem is Piedra Negra Sobre Una Piedra Blanca
Investigate the sound qualities of the poem in its original language. Ideally, you should listen to a recording or have a native speaker read the original poem. After listening to the poem, create a phonetic transcription of the poem. This should be a representation, in English letters, of what you hear as you listen to the poem.
Note: you do not have to be a linguist or use fancy phonetic characters to do this activity–simply write out in English letters what you are hearing, word by word or sound by sound.
Follow the way it is done in the file provided
create a slide like the one below

In halls of knowledge, minds take flight, A journey grand, from day to night. Bo

In halls of knowledge, minds take flight,
A journey grand, from day to night.
Books and lessons, wisdom’s key,
Education sets our spirits free.
Teachers guide with patient care,
Igniting flames of curiosity rare.
Each lesson learned, a stepping stone,
To futures bright, yet to be known.
In classrooms wide or digital space,
Education’s light finds its place.
Empowering hearts, expanding views,
The gift of learning forever renews.
So let’s embrace this noble quest,
With open minds and hearts abreast.
For through education’s open door,
Lies the world’s treasures, forevermore.

write a poetry explication of one of the poems below. A poetry explication is di

write a poetry explication of one of the poems below. A poetry explication is different than a critical paper, so pay attention to my directions. You can also look at my example of Christian Wiman’s “Prelude,” which is on our D2L page. Rather than a critical paper that focuses on one element of a text and makes a deep, narrow argument about that one element, an explication gives a more thorough and broad explanation of the poem’s meaning. In your first paragraph, describe the poem’s main idea/message/argument as a whole. What is the main thing the poem is trying to say or accomplish? In the following paragraphs, take me through the poem line-by-line, stanza-by-stanza, or section-by-section to show how the poem achieves the main claim that you describe in paragraph one. You can also include analysis on other elements such as the title or formal elements, but do your best to connect that discussion to the poem’s meaning. You do not need a standard introduction or conclusion.