Assignment Content For this assignment, you will work to develop your definition

Assignment Content
For this assignment, you will work to develop your definition of terms and study assumptions. You should add these sections, as well as the framework section from last week, to your existing paper that you submitted in Week 4 for a full review by your Chair in the classroom (Part 1) and your URM in Teams (Part 2). While your Chair will review your entire chapter, your URM will review your alignment components.
Review the following sections of the “Doctoral Phase 2 – Precis” section of the CDS Dissertation Guide on CDS Central:
Definition of Terms
Assumptions, Limitations, and Delimitations

Develop your Definition of Terms and Assumptions sections. (Note: You will develop the Limitations and Delimitations sections in next week’s assignment.)
Adhere to the Doctoral Phase 2 – Precis template found in the CDS Dissertation Guide.
Note: Definitions should be precise and you should use terms consistently throughout the document, cite sources, write definitions at operational level, and do not use dictionary definitions.
Combined, these sections should be 1-3 pages long. You may use previous coursework when developing your dissertation phase deliverables.
Be sure to support all aspects with peer reviewed literature and include APA formatted references.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Complete the following 2 parts to this assignment

Please, use the information below and see attachment for further information Sen

Please, use the information below and see attachment for further information
Sentinel town is a rural area, residents live mostly in trailer parks. The town has all race/ethnicity, age and both genders, but there is a lot of Hispanic/Latino about 33%. It has sign of poverty with median annual income between 25,000- 30,000dollars per annum.
On the street, I can see tractors by farmland, trucks, cows and goats grazing, a sawmill, service station, trees, mountains, school bus, clinic, trailer parks, meat processing plant, Sherrif’s office, church, meat processing plant, chicken clucking, two elderly women sitting on a bench, men and women standing by the street, noise of children playing and a train passing.
I did not see any disabled person, A church named Unity Non-Denominational Church. All denominations are welcomed.
A target population in Sentinel town is elderly African American women, they have history of Osteoarthritis, Depression, and breast cancer.

Chose any one (1) cardiovascular or respiratory conditions Name your condition

Chose any one (1) cardiovascular or respiratory conditions
Name your condition of your choosing and write a brief descriiption of the condition/disease, brief clinical manifestations, and interventions that can be taken to lessen the affects of this condition/disease. How will you educate your patient on this disease process and necessary changes for home care.

Gibbs Reflective Cycle: Please revise the English, ensuring correct sentence str

Gibbs Reflective Cycle: Please revise the English, ensuring correct sentence structures, correcting any grammatical/spelling errors, and making it sound professional. Ensure that the total number of words (excluding cover and end references) is 500 max. Lastly, please ensure that the format is APA7 for both in text and end references. Thank you

For main DQ responses, you must have at least 250-270 words with at least two ap

For main DQ responses, you must have at least 250-270 words with at least two appropriate references for each Topic DQ. Please begin to search for peer-reviewed journal articles written within the past 5 years, to back up some of your thoughts. Don’t just stick to your textbook. Reach out and find some new literature. This will help you learn to use the library as well as make you more comfortable finding updated research for evidence-based practice implementations within your own facilities

At this point I need HELP, my professor is getting upset, I thought I was do oka

At this point I need HELP, my professor is getting upset, I thought I was do okay but this is the message she sent and attached is the paper along with her corrections. Please reach out to me for any clarifications, I am at the verge of been asked to drop out due to continuous repetition from the professor.
I am writing about diabetes, please free free if you need to work around the topic to a much better one.

Prepare an evaluation (5-7 pages) of an existing QI initiative to determine if t

Prepare an evaluation (5-7 pages) of an existing QI initiative to determine if the initiative is effective.
In the first assessment, you analyzed an adverse event or a near miss, and outlined a QI initiative to address it. This assessment will give you practice and the confidence to evaluate a quality care initiative in much the same way you might in your health care setting to help determine if the initiative is effective.
Imagine you have been asked to prepare and deliver an analysis of an existing QI initiative at your workplace. The QI initiative you choose to analyze should be related to a specific disease, condition, or public health issue of personal or professional interest to you. The purpose of the report is to assess whether the specific quality indicators point to improved patient safety, quality of care, cost and efficiency goals, and other desired metrics. Your target audience is nurses and other health professionals with specializations or interest in your chosen condition, disease, or public health issue.
In your report, you will:
Analyze a current QI initiative in a health care setting.
Identify what prompted implementation of the QI initiative.
Evaluate problems that arose during the initiative or problems that were not addressed.
Evaluate the success of a current QI initiative through recognized benchmarks and outcome measures as required to meet national, state, or accreditation requirements.
Identify the core performance measurements related to successful treatment or management of the condition.
Evaluate the impact of the quality indicators on the health care facility.
Incorporate interprofessional perspectives related to the success of actions used in the QI initiative as they relate to functionality and outcomes.
Recommend additional indicators and protocols to improve and expand outcomes of a current quality initiative.
Ensure your analysis conveys purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 2: Plan quality improvement initiatives in response to routine data surveillance.
Recommend additional indicators and protocols to improve and expand outcomes of a quality initiative.
Competency 3: Evaluate quality improvement initiatives using sensitive and sound outcome measures.
Analyze a current quality improvement initiative in a health care setting.
Evaluate the success of a current quality improvement initiative through recognized benchmarks and outcome measures as required to meet national, state, or accreditation requirements.
Competency 4: Integrate interprofessional perspectives to lead quality improvements in patient safety, cost effectiveness, and work life quality.
Incorporate interprofessional perspectives related to the success of actions utilized in a quality improvement initiative as they relate to functionality and outcomes.
Competency 5: Apply effective communication strategies to promote quality improvement of interprofessional care.
Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.

Rubric and Instructions are attached. I included pdf of 5 sources also. You are

Rubric and Instructions are attached. I included pdf of 5 sources also. You are free to use some of your own, but must be peer reviewed and written less than 5 years ago. Please follow instructions entirely. I also included my discussion post and her feedback. One of the solutions must be from my preceptor. I will text her today and let you know her solution once I’ve received an answer. I will also give you her information so you can quote in the paper. If you have any questions, please text me.

The purpose of this assignment is to incorporate the instructor-recommended revi

The purpose of this assignment is to incorporate the instructor-recommended revisions or changes from the Topic 3 “Rough Draft – Research Critiques and Evidence-Based Practice Proposal” to develop a 1,500-1,750-word final draft.
Use the “Research Critiques and Evidence-Based Practice Proposal Guidelines” document to organize your essay. Questions under each heading should be addressed in the structure of a formal paper.
You are required to cite a minimum of four peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the past 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

Examine workflow processes in your place of employment for areas that may need i

Examine workflow processes in your place of employment for areas that may need improvement.
Explore the literature for a technology that could be utilized to improve that workflow process.
When introducing workflow redesign or a new technology there are many steps to consider.
Who does this impact?
What are the costs?
How do we know it is successful?
For this assignment create a PowerPoint presentation using the waterfall or agile method for a workflow redesign in your project.
Requirements10-12 slide presentation not including title or reference slides.
Discuss design from start to finish (for instance…)
What is your workflow redesign or technology being implemented? Why is it needed?
What are the costs, risks, benefits?
How will the optimal redesign be chosen and created?
How will it be implemented and by who?
How will you know if your redesign is successful? How long until you know?
What maintenance is needed (guidelines updated, new software etc)?
Include at least 3 recent peer-reviewed journal articles to support your proposed workflow redesign.