Nursing research question: Capstone Part 1: Among hospitalized elderly patients

Nursing research question:
Capstone Part 1: Among hospitalized elderly patients with Delirium (p), how do acuity-based nursing assignments (I), compared to non-structured nursing assignments (C), impact the frequency of falls (O)?
I need 6 pages of nursing research and extra pages for references.
Capstone Part 1: Research Question, Literature Review, & Methods Total Value 30%
This written assignment is designed to address the student’s ability to conduct a literature review, identify a gap, and create a research question to fill this gap. Students will pick a vulnerable population from the list provided by the faculty and conduct a literature search on a topic of interest within the population. Students will also complete a condensed research methodology section for a proposed intervention. This capstone project will continue in BSN 610 and BSN 716.
Note: Paper MUST be written in the third person voice. Headings and subheadings must be used in the paper as per APA.
1) Introduction: An introduction to the project preparing the reader for the expected content of your paper (1paragraph)
2) Research Question: State your research question that has been approved by the faculty (1 sentence at the end of the introduction)
3) Search strategies: key terms, limits on search, Boolean operators, databases used (1 paragraph)
4) Literature Review: Pick 5 articles to include in your literature review and write a paragraph on each describing
the aim/purpose of the study, the research question, the design/methodology, the findings, and the implications (max 1 paragraph per article)
5) Synthesis of findings: Discuss the major themes and gaps in the literature identified through the review (1paragraph)
6) Methods: State and explain the theory (nursing or non-nursing, seminal citations used), design, population, sample, sampling strategy, data collection, and analysis of your proposed project. *All projects must use a pre/post test design for the proposed evaluation that will occur in subsequent courses* (1 page max)
7) Conclusion: Conclusion to your paper (1 paragraph)
Grammar and APA 7th ed.:
Papers must be submitted in a Word document, typed, double spaced, font 12, Times New Roman script, 1-inch margins, 6 pages maximum of text (not including title page or reference page). Each student’s name and student number should
appear on the title page, as per APA format. Students must use current (in last 5 years, except for seminal theory references), scholarly references and use APA citation formatting throughout.
In the following I will add one example for you and another one is instruction.

You will be making a scenario that centers on a fictitious patient that you will

You will be making a scenario that centers on a fictitious patient that you will be treating. You will pick one of the mental health diagnoses that we have been studying, but it needs to be approved by me first. Use the following guidelines to help you along your way. The final project will be a PowerPoint presentation with the following content enclosed including a reference page You will upload the presentation in canvas and will also present it to the class.
Project Guidelines and Grading Criteria:
Patient initials-Age, height, weight, BMI, vital signs, allergies, gender (5 points)
Patient social history-this will include facts about their family life, occupation, recreational aspects, religious or cultural aspects of personal life. (20 points)
Health history to include-diagnosis, patient’s chief complaint, history of present illness, allergies, current medications, past medical history, past surgical history, psychiatric history, family history of illness. (20 points)
Provide information about lab and diagnostic tests that the patient may receive as part of the illness. (10 points)
Signs and symptoms of the illness that your patient is presenting with (20 points)
Also, provide a summary that describes what you have learned from researching and doing this presentation. (15 points)
Use a minimum of 2 credible sources. These sources can be found from evidenced-based articles, peer-reviewed articles, and or textbooks. (10 points)

In this assessment, you are required to demonstrate that you understand how an O

In this assessment, you are required to demonstrate that you understand how an Older Adult can develop mental health problems associated with cognitive decline leading to cognitive impairment associated with dementia. You must use the clinical scenario provided below.

In your capacity as a Registered Mental Health Nurse, you have been asked by the Local GP to complete a comprehensive assessment and devise a person-centred recovery focused care plan for Mr McFarlane, an Older Adult presenting with mental distress associated with cognitive decline. The GP referred Mr. McFarlane to you after seeing him on the previous day. You arrange to meet Mr McFarlane at the Local GP Practice. Mr. McFarlane is accompanied by his wife.

Assessment Task
> Discuss the presenting problems and formulate the potential evolving problems for Mr McFarlane.
>Identify and describe the appropriate assessment tool/s that can be used to complete a comprehensive assessment for Mr McFarlane.
>Discuss the physical and psychological factors that may affect the assessment.
>Identify 2 Theoretical Models of Successful Ageing and critically analyse how these models of ageing can be applied to Mr McFarlane.
>Discuss the potential psychiatric diagnoses for Mr McFarlane.
>Discuss the most appropriate treatment and management plan for Mr McFarlane.
You must reference your assignment using the APA 7 Referencing System.

No sub heading please

Hi Please pls find the attached uploaded files with this order. Please use text

Hi Please pls find the attached uploaded files with this order.
Please use textbook Pathophysiology: a practical approach 5th edition 2024 by L. Story (available online) as one your references.
Also pls highly consider the rubrics grading when writing the content of this paper; thanks!

Hi please respond to my professor’s response or feedback on my post, For referen

Hi please respond to my professor’s response or feedback on my post,
For references please use one of your referxbed a textbook: Pathophysiology: a practical approach 5th edition by L. Story 2024. (I believe this can be found online ).
And pls check rubric grading I uploaded with this order as well- and highly consider when writing this paper: thanks for your help!

Identify an epidemiological observational study from the literature conducted in

Identify an epidemiological observational study from the literature conducted in the between 2017 and 2022 ( I recommend using the search terms epidemiology and nursing in CINAHL and limiting your search by research and dates). Be sure to include a complete citation for your selected study.
Briefly describe the study design used and why you think the researchers chose the design. Evaluate the quality of the study and the potential impact on advanced practice nursing.

See PHIL 3125 (document attached). See example of good annotated bibliography al

See PHIL 3125 (document attached). See example of good annotated bibliography also attached.
Find three scholarly essays published after 2005 that deal with your topic from an ethical perspective. My topic of choice is : Cultural competence and education in psychiatric nursing with indigenous patients.
A scholarly essay is one that has been published in a peer-reviewed academic journal, or as a chapter in a book published by an academic press. Look for articles in journals and databases specifically devoted to medical ethics especially in nursing and mental health. Google Scholar can be a good source for locating articles, but you should not use Wikipedia or any AI-assisted search.
Once you’ve located three appropriate articles, read them and then write a summary of each one. Your summary should explain what each article was about, what ethical issues have been identified, and a judgment about how good, helpful, persuasive, practical, or clear the article was. Your summaries should each be half a page long (single-spaced).
Finally, write a two-page (single-spaced) overview of the project. Begin with a brief descriiption of the topic, and explain why you think it’s ethically important. In addition to the questions in the previous paragraph, you may ask where your articles led you. What do you think the central ethical issues are? What did you learn about ethical challenges that you face in your practice as an RPN, and how will you respond to those challenges? What changes in mental health care, if any, do you recommend? Add any other information that you feel is important.
The document that you submit will contain a title page with your name and student number, the topic you have chosen, the course name and number, the due date, and the instructor’s name. The overview comes next, followed by the individual summaries. Each individual summary should start with the citation for the article in APA format. Leave a space between the citation and the summary. Collect all of the summaries together in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. If you need more information about what your bibliography is supposed to look like, there is an illustration of excellent student work provided for you on the course home page. . Did you notice any approaches to your topic that helped to illustrate the ethical theories we examined in the first part of the course? Are some ethical theories better in helping to resolve the ethical questions you’ve uncovered? Did you notice ethical principles like beneficence, non-maleficence, justice and autonomy playing a role?

Please read discussion number one, which is written by the student, and provide

Please read discussion number one, which is written by the student, and provide a response (75-100 words). Cited per APA (7th ed) comparing the nursing protocols discussed in discussion number one to the nursing protocol in discussion number two (discussion number two is written by me). Ensure that your cultivated responses are complete and rationale is provided from text or other scholarly resources. So, basically, you are comparing two discussions. The first one is written by the student , which is the main one, and the second one is mine. Please only use references from the last five years only. We need to mention what are the mutual things (for example both focus on patient educations) and then we need to mention the differences. I attached the rubric as well.
Discussion number one:
Medication errors are unfortunate and can potentially cause significant harm to the patient. In To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System, from the Institute of Medicine, the impact of medication errors on patient mortality was highlighted and resulted in policies emphasizing safe medication administration (Institute of Medicine, 2000).
When I worked in the hospital setting, systems such as barcode scanning ensured that the right medication was administered to the right patient at the right time. In my current position, my patients are intellectually and developmentally disabled adults who live in residential homes, and even in this setting, medication administration protocols must be followed.
Direct Support Personnel who work with my patients are trained under an Approved Medication Administration Personnel (AMAP) program, which covers safe medication administration procedures (OPWDD, 2020). I ensure that orders are followed, provide additional training, and staff follow the rights of medication administration, including the right patient, drug, route, time, and dose (Hanson & Haddad, 2023).
It helps when patients can say what medications they expect to receive, but most patients are non-verbal and cannot articulate this information. Due to the vulnerability of this population, the medication administration protocol must be followed to prevent harm.
Hanson, A., Haddad, L.M. (2023). Nursing Rights of Medication Administration. StatPearls,
Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Kohn, L. T., Corrigan, J. M., & Donaldson, M. S. (Eds.). (2000). To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System. National Academies Press (US).
New York Office for People With Developmental Disabilities. (2022). Medication Administration Training Curriculum for Direct Support Staff,
Discussion number 2:
The nursing protocol I have recently worked with is Chronic Care Management (CCM). It is a Medicare-sponsored virtual care program for patients with chronic conditions. Implemented in a primary care office, the program promises continuous, remote care and lets patients monitor and manage their home health. The main aim of the CCM is to ensure that patients acquire regular care and supervision to help prevent their condition from worsening (Tandan et al., 2024).
A dedicated virtual care team allows patients to access CCM anytime, anywhere, without appointments or office visits (Dufour et al., 2023). The team coordinates cross-provider care to achieve the patient’s health goals. CCM helps patients avoid serious health events like emergency department visits or falls by engaging patients via regular, coordinated check-ins and communication. It also intends to lower long-term healthcare bill costs by addressing such issues before they become problematic.
Medicare guidelines and evidence-based practices in chronic disease management underline the development of the CCM protocol (Gibbs et al., 2021). The informed consent form explains the personalization of care and coordinated support. CCM builds on focusing on patients’ health and quality of life and helps people manage their condition effectively. The program’s structure provides an opportunity to continue interacting with healthcare providers, resulting in improved health outcomes and increased effectiveness in chronic care.
Dufour, E., Bolduc, J., Leclerc-Loiselle, J., Charette, M., Dufour, I., Roy, D., … & Duhoux, A. (2023). Examining nursing processes in primary care settings using the Chronic Care Model: an umbrella review. BMC Primary Care, 24(1), 176.
Gibbs, J. F., Guarnieri, E., Chu, Q. D., Murdoch, K., & Asif, A. (2021). Value-based chronic care model approach for vulnerable older patients with multiple chronic conditions. Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology, 12(Suppl 2), S324.
Tandan, M., Dunlea, S., Cullen, W., & Bury, G. (2024). Teamwork and its impact on chronic disease clinical outcomes in primary care: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Public Health, 229, 88-115.