This is M & M presentation for Internal medicine resident: admitting team they

This is M & M presentation for Internal medicine resident:
admitting team they missed compartment syndrome on first day which is a medical emergency. please review initial assessment on 10/17 to see if pt had sign and symptoms of compartment syndrome. I also upload orthopedic report and all imaging. ill will going to upload more stuff!
below is brief hospital course.

Hospital Course
50-year-old male presents for left lower extremity pain. Patient also reports having sore throat for the past few days that has improved. Ultrasound of the left lower extremity showed a nonocclusive thrombus in the left posterior tibial vein. Labs remarkable for sodium 126 and creatinine 1.42. Patient was admitted and later found to have suspected necrotizing fasciitis and compartment syndrome requiring fasciotomy and subsequent debridement procedure with orthopedic surgery. Patient noted to have anemia and hematology was consulted., Did downtrend and needed transfusion. Patient also received IV iron. Patient was maintained on anticoagulation for his DVT. Infectious disease was consulted and patient placed on IV antibiotics. Patient noted to have strep wound infection as well as bacteremia and recommendation is for continued IV antibiotics for 6 weeks with an end date of 11/29/2023 with cefazolin. Of wound vacs were placed and will need to be changed every 3 days. Patient will need continued PT as well. Discussed with patient need to follow-up with primary care, cardiology, orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery as well as infectious disease after discharge. Discussed with the patient the need to followup with their PCP and the specialists listed above after discharge for further management. Also instructed the patient to return to the ED should their symptoms return/worsen. The patient understood and agreed with the discharge plan and was discharged to facility in stable clinical condition.

This is M & M presentation for Internal medicine resident: admitting team they

This is M & M presentation for Internal medicine resident:
admitting team they missed compartment syndrome on first day which is a medical emergency. please review initial assessment on 10/17 to see if pt had sign and symptoms of compartment syndrome. I also upload orthopedic report and all imaging. ill will going to upload more stuff!
below is brief hospital course.

Hospital Course
50-year-old male presents for left lower extremity pain. Patient also reports having sore throat for the past few days that has improved. Ultrasound of the left lower extremity showed a nonocclusive thrombus in the left posterior tibial vein. Labs remarkable for sodium 126 and creatinine 1.42. Patient was admitted and later found to have suspected necrotizing fasciitis and compartment syndrome requiring fasciotomy and subsequent debridement procedure with orthopedic surgery. Patient noted to have anemia and hematology was consulted., Did downtrend and needed transfusion. Patient also received IV iron. Patient was maintained on anticoagulation for his DVT. Infectious disease was consulted and patient placed on IV antibiotics. Patient noted to have strep wound infection as well as bacteremia and recommendation is for continued IV antibiotics for 6 weeks with an end date of 11/29/2023 with cefazolin. Of wound vacs were placed and will need to be changed every 3 days. Patient will need continued PT as well. Discussed with patient need to follow-up with primary care, cardiology, orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery as well as infectious disease after discharge. Discussed with the patient the need to followup with their PCP and the specialists listed above after discharge for further management. Also instructed the patient to return to the ED should their symptoms return/worsen. The patient understood and agreed with the discharge plan and was discharged to facility in stable clinical condition.

This is M & M presentation for Internal medicine resident: admitting team they

This is M & M presentation for Internal medicine resident:
admitting team they missed compartment syndrome on first day which is a medical emergency. please review initial assessment on 10/17 to see if pt had sign and symptoms of compartment syndrome. I also upload orthopedic report and all imaging. ill will going to upload more stuff!
below is brief hospital course.

Hospital Course
50-year-old male presents for left lower extremity pain. Patient also reports having sore throat for the past few days that has improved. Ultrasound of the left lower extremity showed a nonocclusive thrombus in the left posterior tibial vein. Labs remarkable for sodium 126 and creatinine 1.42. Patient was admitted and later found to have suspected necrotizing fasciitis and compartment syndrome requiring fasciotomy and subsequent debridement procedure with orthopedic surgery. Patient noted to have anemia and hematology was consulted., Did downtrend and needed transfusion. Patient also received IV iron. Patient was maintained on anticoagulation for his DVT. Infectious disease was consulted and patient placed on IV antibiotics. Patient noted to have strep wound infection as well as bacteremia and recommendation is for continued IV antibiotics for 6 weeks with an end date of 11/29/2023 with cefazolin. Of wound vacs were placed and will need to be changed every 3 days. Patient will need continued PT as well. Discussed with patient need to follow-up with primary care, cardiology, orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery as well as infectious disease after discharge. Discussed with the patient the need to followup with their PCP and the specialists listed above after discharge for further management. Also instructed the patient to return to the ED should their symptoms return/worsen. The patient understood and agreed with the discharge plan and was discharged to facility in stable clinical condition.


The below are prompts for a response. You must respond to each prompt.
PLEASE provide a reflection.
Provide your understanding of the pathophysiology in regard to the final NP diagnosis.
What are the next appropriate steps in management?
(Don’t just think of medication for management treatment)

Be sure to include supporting citations for responses.

this assignment is to produce an outline for an informative speech on a health c

this assignment is to produce an outline for an informative speech on a health care related topic. the description given on the assignment page is below. needs 3 sources in APA. attached is an example outline and the template for the outline provided by the professor.
as for topics, I’m open to any suggestion, but I think something to do with emergency medicine, or EMS might be good. Maybe the importance of high quality bystander CPR for cardiac arrest survival. but again, I’m open to anything.
Informative Speech
The purpose of the informative speech is to inform an audience about an important issue, object, person, process or event. Whatever topic you select, it is critical that this topic has a health-related focus. Through the informative speech, students will be introducing a new topic to the audience, addressing an existing topic in a new way, or adding to audience members’ knowledge about something that is already familiar to them. This specific assignment is focused on drafting an outline to support an informative speech. When drafting your outline, keep the steps below in mind.
-Identify a topic you wish to inform your classmates on.
-Using material covered in class (and examples provided in the textbook), draft a formal outline.
-Include a specific purpose and central idea at the top of the outline.
-This outline must include a formal introduction (including a thesis statement), main body and conclusion.
-Speech outlines should also include transitions.
-All main points and supporting evidence must be included in this outline.
-All information in this outline must be communicated in full-sentences.
-Information included in the outline must be clear and easy to follow.
-Information in the outline must be well-reasoned and assertions are supported.
-Proper spelling and punctuation must be used in the outline.
-Speech outlines must include at least three citations to support information in the speech. These outlines should include in-text and full-length citations. A formal reference page must be included at the end of the speech.
-Standard formatting scheme (e.g., APA, AMA, MLA, etc) must be used for the in-text citations and reference page.

“Describe your interest, goals, and qualifications in serving on the committee a

“Describe your interest, goals, and qualifications in serving on the committee as a member and/or in a specific leadership position(s). If you would like to apply for more than one leadership position, please rank your interest in each and briefly explain why.”
Applying for: chair- elect position
Applying for subcommittee chairs (Listed in order of interest): 1) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, 2) Newsletter, 3) Career Development/Networking, 4) Medical Student Section
Descriiption of Subcomitees:
1) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Advances DEI initiatives and collaborates with the ASRA Pain Medicine Diversity SIG on newsletter articles and webinars promoting DEI, cultural competency training, outreach to underrepresented groups, and more.
2) Newsletter: Recruits and supports trainees in authoring articles for the ASRA Pain Medicine News.
3) Career Development/Networking: Organizes events to support trainee career development such as the annual Pain Program Directors Virtual Meet and Greet and fellowship-related webinars.
4) Medical Student Section: Supports and facilitates medical student interest and engagement in regional anesthesia and pain medicine and the ASRA Pain Medicine community.
Attached are previous personal statements to gain information about myself

Essays are intended to test students’ ability to assess information, to formula

Essays are intended to test students’ ability to assess information, to
formulate arguments and to critically evaluate different alternatives to
issues or problems.
The paper must provide your views on the question – ‘Is it possible to
live stress free?’ assisted by referenced research.
You need a clear thesis statement – (do check how to write a thesis
statement) and provide an argument supporting your view using
critical analytics of information in the construct of the paper.
Specifically, your paper needs to:
Articulate differing influences effecting ageing including those of the
‘ageing theories’
Clear analysis of good and bad stress
Relate central theme of ageing, stress and the skin
Paper must align to the stated Learning outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 (do
check these on page 4 of the unit guide).
3000 words and with peer-reviewed cited references.
Paper via Turnitin by due date. Turnitin Score is marked.
1. Reflect on and interpret a variety of ageing theories
2. Critically discuss the range of influences (biological, social, environmental) that affect the ageing
3. Analyse and discern the signs and symptoms of the ageing body, with specific reference to the
integumentary system and its structure and functions
4. Differentiate various factors contributing to stress and ageing
6. Distinguish between good and bad stress and construct an argument for distress as the underlying
cause of disease
Use of medical terminology to be used –
APA 7th edition referencing all ideas must include in text citation – only use journal articles with DOI and FULL list of authors recommended at least 15 canuse more

-Correlation between Social cognition and vicarious experience and Medication -S

-Correlation between Social cognition and vicarious experience and Medication
-Studies tested Social cognition and vicarious experience in diabetics patients
-studies BMI and WHR in diabetic patients
-Correlation between Social cognition and vicarious experience and WHR
compare as a discussion for the results uploaded for these 4 topics, as seen in the files i sent