Strategic Integration and Comprehensive Analysis
Building on the work you completed in Units 1 and 2, this assignment extends your exploration into dynamic interactions between various components of the value chain of your chosen organization and management role. Using the scenario above, your initial chosen organization, and management role selections, you will deepen your investigation and provide conclusive remarks on how the value chain drives competitive advantage.
Execute the following steps to complete the Part 3 of this assignment:
Assignment Requirements:
Step 1: Strategic Integration and Comprehensive Analysis
Analyze how each value chain component (from idea generation to customer delivery) is optimized to boost competitive advantage within your chosen organization versus the competitor organization.
Examine the role of customer insights and feedback in shaping both your organization’s and the competitor’s value chain strategies, investigating how these insights contribute to customer value creation and competitive positioning.
Investigate the optimization of product, service, information, and funds flow through integration and collaboration across the value chain, highlighting potential synergies and the impact on enhancing competitiveness.
Step 2: Strategic Application of Value Chain Enhancements
From the perspective of your chosen management role, detail strategic initiatives that will help to integrate and optimize the newly combined value chain.
Highlight key areas such as technology adoption, cross-functional team efficiencies, and strategic procurement as crucial leverage points.
Discuss potential barriers to integration and propose viable solutions to ensure smooth operational transitions.
Step 3: Final Presentation and Strategic Recommendations
Develop a slide detailing the strategic recommendations for the merger or acquisition, providing conclusive remarks on integration of the value chains of both organizations.
Map out the expected impacts on competitive advantage, customer satisfaction, and long-term organizational sustainability.
Summarize the long-term strategic vision for the newly formed entity, emphasizing the expected synergies and market potential.
Audience, Reasoning, and Research
The presentation addresses the appropriate audience.
Uses reasoning skills to support your statements, ideas, and decisions.
Uses various peer-reviewed academic research resources to substantiate your thoughts, opinions, and ideas.
Verbal Narration and Notes
Speaks loudly enough to be heard; varying voice pitch and volume to ensure audience interest and attention.
Pronounces words correctly and enunciates clearly.
Each slide has professionally written notes substantiated with research.
APA Style
Apply APA style to in-text citations with no errors.
Apply APA style to references with no errors.
Resources should be from reliable and/or scholarly sources.
Writing Conventions
Writing should be focused, concise, and organized.
Articulate at a college level.
There should be few or no grammar or punctuation errors.
Use non-offensive, inclusive, and respectful language.
This is your assignment. There is no minimum word or slide count. However, you will be assessed on your ability to demonstrate high levels of critical thinking, problem solving, decision-making, research, and analysis skills. Your analysis should be comprehensive, clearly articulated, and well-researched, demonstrating a sophisticated understanding of how value chain management practices are applied within the selected company. Ensure your presentation includes citations from various sources beyond the textbook, demonstrating extensive research and engagement with the topic.
Category: Management homework help
I SENT THE CASE STUDY I SELECTED FILE Overview This assignment introduces you
This assignment introduces you to the strategy development process, which sets the stage for a strategic plan. The purpose is to apply management principles to create management plans that include strategy formulation, business analyses and industry trends, and organizational characterization. This type of planning puts management theory into practice.
Using the case study you selected in Week 2, research the company and its industry (that is, companies in the same line of business). Rely upon course readings about 21st-century management practices, as well as additional research in the Strayer Library and on the Internet. The MGT599 Library Guide provides information about using resources for your research.
Write a 3-5 page paper in which you:
Examine the company’s current business strategy and development supported by examples from research.
Business strategies may include what differentiates the company, its position around technology, its organizational characteristics, and so on.
Your examination of the company’s strategy includes how it approaches the problem or issue addressed in the case study.
Your discussion must reflect a correct understanding of the concept of strategy (distinct from tactics).
Evaluate the effectiveness of strategies used by industry competitors to address business problems or issues. Base your response on the following:
Research competitors in the industry and describe their competitive strategies.
Explain whether these strategies are successful. Provide specific examples.
Address whether your chosen company could follow these strategies.
Formulate strategies for your chosen company supported by your findings about industry trends and your company’s organizational characteristics.
Explain how your recommendation can be implemented and how its success can be measured.
Explain the specific steps to apply your recommendation.
Suggest a follow-up method for measuring the success of your recommendation.
Use at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Conduct an industry analysis to inform strategy development for a given company.
View RubricWeek 3 Assignment – Strategy DevelopmentWeek 3 Assignment – Strategy DevelopmentCriteriaRatingsPtsExamine the company’s current business strategy and development supported by examples from research.28 to >25.2 ptsExemplaryExamined the company’s current business strategy and development supported by examples from research.25.2 to >22.4 ptsCompetentExamined the company’s current business strategy and development supported by examples from research, but the examination was incomplete.22.4 to >19.6 ptsNeeds ImprovementExamined the company’s current business strategy and development supported by examples from research, but the examination was incorrect or was not supported by examples from research.19.6 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDid not examine the company’s current business strategy and development supported by examples from research./ 28 ptsEvaluate the effectiveness of strategies used by industry competitors to address business problems or issues.28 to >25.2 ptsExemplaryEvaluated the effectiveness of strategies used by industry competitors to address business problems or issues.25.2 to >22.4 ptsCompetentEvaluated the effectiveness of strategies used by industry competitors to address business problems or issues, but the evaluation was incomplete.22.4 to >19.6 ptsNeeds ImprovementEvaluated the effectiveness of strategies used by industry competitors to address business problems or issues, but the evaluation was incorrect.19.6 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDid not evaluate the effectiveness of strategies used by industry competitors to address business problems or issues./ 28 ptsFormulate strategies for your chosen company supported by your findings about industry trends and your company’s organizational characteristics.35 to >31.5 ptsExemplaryFormulated strategies for your chosen company supported by your findings about industry trends and your company’s organizational characteristics.31.5 to >28 ptsCompetentFormulated strategies for your chosen company supported by your findings about industry trends or your company’s organizational characteristics, but not both.28 to >24.5 ptsNeeds ImprovementFormulated strategies for your chosen company, but they were not supported by findings about industry trends nor your company’s organizational characteristics.24.5 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDid not formulate strategies for your chosen company supported by your findings about industry trends and your company’s organizational characteristics./ 35 ptsExplain how your recommendation can be implemented and how its success can be measured.35 to >31.5 ptsExemplaryExplained how your recommendation can be implemented and how its success can be measured.31.5 to >28 ptsCompetentExplained how your recommendation can be implemented and how its success can be measured, but the explanation was incomplete.28 to >24.5 ptsNeeds ImprovementExplained how your recommendation can be implemented and how its success can be measured, but the explanation was incorrect.24.5 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDid not explain how your recommendation can be implemented and how its success can be measured./ 35 ptsProvide at least three quality references.7 to >6.3 ptsExemplaryProvided quality resources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate.6.3 to >5.6 ptsCompetentProvided quality resources that are credible, relevant, or appropriate, but not all three.5.6 to >4.9 ptsNeeds ImprovementProvided references, but they are not credible, relevant, or appropriate.4.9 to >0 ptsUnacceptableNo references provided./ 7 ptsClarity, writing mechanics, and SWS formatting requirements.7 to >6.3 ptsExemplaryWriting has very few spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors; few fragments, comma splices, and run-ons. 0–2 errors present.6.3 to >5.6 ptsCompetentWriting has spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors that are distracting in a few places; few fragments, comma splices, and run-ons. 3–4 errors present.5.6 to >4.9 ptsNeeds ImprovementWriting has spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors that are distracting in some places. 5–6 errors present.4.9 to >0 ptsUnacceptableWriting has spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors, including fragments, comma splices, and run-ons, that distract from the message. More than 6 errors present./ 7 pts
PLEASE CLICK ON THE ARTICLE BELOW Week 3 Discussion – Game Theory and Segmenta
Week 3 Discussion – Game Theory and Segmentation
Read the article, Game TheoryLinks to an external site.. In the article, the authors discuss a classic case of game theory (zero-sum games) of the Prisoner’s Dilemma (PD). There are many variations of this game in use.
Suggest how organizations could apply PD to their businesses’ strategy formulation, diversification strategy, and industry analysis fundamentals. Present evidence and provide support for your response to strengthen your position
The multidomestic strategy implies separately adjusting offerings and compet
The multidomestic strategy implies separately adjusting offerings and competitiveness with respect to conditions prevalent in every country, while paying heed to local preference, with `think local, act local’ as the basic proposition (Gamble et al., 2021).
The Low-Cost Provider Strategy is powerful when price competition among riva
The Low-Cost Provider Strategy is powerful when price competition among rival sellers is especially vigorous. The products of rival sellers are essentially identical and are readily available from several sellers. There are few ways to achieve product differentiation that have value to buyers. And buyers incur low cost in switching their purchases from on seller to another (Gamble, Peteraf, Thompson Slide 90).
Using the five Generic Competitive Strategies; Low cost provider, broad differe
Using the five Generic Competitive Strategies;
Low cost provider, broad differentiation, focused low-cost, focused differentiation and est provider strategies. List the difference for each one within the levels of business strategy.
Describe the benefits and risks associated with each of the five business level strategies.
I sent the article Drilling for Data Week 2 Discussion – Strategic Value Analy
I sent the article Drilling for Data
Week 2 Discussion – Strategic Value Analysis
Read the article Drilling for Data 2020Links to an external site..
Argue for or against this statement:
“A company should determine its goals and values before performing an industry analysis.”
Explain your reasoning. You may also use examples from other industries to support your response.
For this week’s discussion response, complete the SWOT matrix to highlight th
For this week’s discussion response, complete the SWOT matrix to highlight the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the company (as approved by the instructor). Each SWOT category should include four items. Use the SWOT matrix template below.
SWOT Matrix Template.
Start with a brief overview of your business: company name and what you are selling (a maximum of 3 sentences).
Submit the completed SWOT Matrix.
Discuss the opportunities you identified in your SWOT Matrix to clarify how you can increase your sales by pursuing those opportunities.
Review the link SWOT Analysis: How To With Table and ExampleLinks to an external site. for additional information.
I have included the information for the company that you will use to create the SWOT matrix
Each student will upload their final inquiry assignment. Provide an approxi
Each student will upload their final inquiry assignment.
Provide an approximately 10-12 page (excluding references and tables/figures) critical review of your topic. Your job is to integrate each of the components to date into a comprehensive, critical review. This will include your topic summary/literature review as well as potential resources for a practitioner of the topic. Your assignment should contain:
APA Style Cover Page
Introduction of your paper – explain the purpose of your paper, the value/benefits/importance of examining this topic and corresponding tool, and put forth a thesis statement about the topic. (1-2 paragraphs)
Topic Summary/Literature Review – produce a final draft of your literature review/summary of the topic (be sure to paraphrase and appropriately cite your sources) taking into consideration all feedback (4-5 pages).
Discussion and Justification of Selected Tools – discuss the one tool you selected using the following headings/subheadings:
Tool Name & description (about 1-2 pages).
Focus – concerns, relationships, insights, and studies regarding the tool. Be sure to paraphrase most writing and, when appropriate, strategically use direct quotes as you appropriately cite all sources in APA format. There must be at least 3, but ideally 4 or more references.
How to use the tool
When to use the tool
Conclusion – brief summary of findings that includes a discussion on the alignment of your findings from the literature review and your toolbox. For example, did the scholarly articles within your literature review align with the “pop” and/or scholarly sources you referenced in your toolbox? Also, include a discussion of how a practitioner using the tool might further inform/advance the research of the topic. For example, are there any research questions you have as a result of understanding the tool? (about 1 page)
Reflection – professional and personal discoveries or takeaways, including how the concepts and tools of your research relate to your current experiences and future experiences. Second, discuss the process of researching and writing and how you utilized AI in the paper (if at all). Where did it help, where did it go wrong, and what are some ethical considerations for future use (about 1-2 pages)?
Reference Page – The paper should follow APA style and formatting, including a list of all references, proper APA formatting, etc.
**The final paper should incorporate feedback (e.g., AI generated, faculty, peer, writing center) and will be measured on how feedback was incorporated. Final papers will also be measured regarding progress from the first draft to the final draft of the paper.
The Signature Assignment will allow you to examine a Content Theory or Process
The Signature Assignment will allow you to examine a Content Theory or Process Theory below and its Perspective on Motivation.
Content Theories: Emphasize the needs that motivate people.
• Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
• Alderfer’s ERG Theory
• Herzberg’s Two-Factory Theory
• McClelland’s Acquired Needs Theory
Process Theories: Explain how people select behavioral actions to meet their needs and determine whether their choices were successful.
• Locke’s Goal-Setting Theory
• Adams’s Equity Theory
• Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
Customers, both external and internal are a key element of a successful business, and an organization’s internal customers are the employees. One of the fundamental keys to a successful organization is successful employees (Bartosh, 2015). Managers are more than supervisors who plan, organize, lead and control. Dynamic managers are one of the most vital elements of employee success (Bartosh, 2015). Therefore, it is wise for a manager to recognize not only what makes him or her an effective manager, but also, to understand what makes employees successful, productive, and highly motivated. To accomplish this managers must understand a management theory that complements his or her skill set, personality traits, and problem-solving style.
Submit a 5-6 page Evaluative Signature Assignment. Your Signature Assignment is to choose and examine a Content or Process Management Theory that interest you. This assignment should also contain your perspective and insights. Research and provide support from scholarly or peer-reviewed journals.
Use five or more sources outside the course textbook and proofread your work before submitting for grade. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. There is no penalty for going over 6 pages.
The assignment is to be completed in the most current APA or CMS Style format.