Find information (e.g. an article) that discusses the local broadcasting agreeme

Find information (e.g. an article) that discusses the local broadcasting agreements in MLB. Explain your observations about [1] Which teams make the most money from local broadcasting agreements? [2] Which teams make the least? [3] Do you see differences in how these teams perform based simply on the amount of revenue they generate from local television contracts?

Watch the video below and answer the questions afterwards. Scroll down a little

Watch the video below and answer the questions afterwards. Scroll down a little for the video.…
1. What do you see in yourself in this video?
2. What do you need to consider about working with others based on this info? What do the traits help us understand about managing others? What do they not tell us?

The goal of this activity is to help you reflect on anxiety and worry triggers.

The goal of this activity is to help you reflect on anxiety and worry triggers. Analyze how anxiety impacted your health through social, and environmental triggers. Then, create a brief plan to manage your stress to academic, financial, social, and career goals. You will be asked to do this in a 3 step process.
First, select time in your life where you struggled with worry or anxiety. Describe what triggered this feeling, what you were thinking, and how that impacted your health. This should be about 1 paragraph of information or 50-100 words.
Second, analyze what about the environment or others contributed to anxiety in this situation (i.e., comparison to others, not meeting expectations from yourself, or not knowing how things would turn out). In this time period, what made the feelings/thoughts worse or better. This should be about 1 paragraph of information or 50-100 words.
Third, create your plan. What did you do during that time to manage the stress (health choices, socially, behaviorally, financially)? Was it effective? What would you have changed or done the same if new anxiety developed? This should be about 1 paragraph of information or 50-100 words.
The guidelines for the activity include:
This should be in 12-point Times New Roman font
It should be double spaced
It should be done with the course lecture and content as a reference. PLEASE REFERENCE ATTACHED SOURCES
Sources- watch

its a physiology of exercise lab based on the measurement of aerobic oxygen cons

its a physiology of exercise lab based on the measurement of aerobic oxygen consumption. Its a paper lab where you’re supposed to calculate only either subject 1 or subject 2 and graphing both subjects data. I would prefer for the calculations to be based on subject 2. And for the graphs it is a scatter graph and a linear graph for both subject 1 and subject 2 done on excel, please include the “r value” on all graphs.

its a physiology of exercise lab based on the measurement of aerobic oxygen cons

its a physiology of exercise lab based on the measurement of aerobic oxygen consumption. Its a paper lab where you’re supposed to calculate only either subject 1 or subject 2 and graphing both subjects data. I would prefer for the calculations to be based on subject 2. And for the graphs it is a scatter graph and a linear graph for both subject 1 and subject 2 done on excel, please include the “r value” on all graphs.

Directions: After reading the powerpoint Major health problems write a 2 paragra

Directions: After reading the powerpoint Major health problems write a 2 paragraph essay about what you have learned. Your reflection should include 2 things that stood out to you and how do you believe this ties into kinesiology. You will be given 5 points for the length, it must be 2 paragraphs, 5 points for each topic and how they tie into kinesiology. lastly you will be given 5 points for your opinion of what you learned.

This assignment asks you to answer the questions below for all three of the case

This assignment asks you to answer the questions below for all three of the case studies. You will need to describe;
Describe the type/s of aggression displayed in the case study (reactive, instrumental, or assertive, etc…)
Apply a theory that best explains the type of aggression demonstrated (instinct, frustration-aggression, social learning, etc..)
Your answer should be 2 paragraphs for each case study
You should answer all of the questions for each case study.
Font size should be 12-point, times new roman, double spaced, and have a running head and page number.
Support your answers with research and citations from our readings and the lectures
Attached below are the case studies as well as sources. I ask that if you can complete the task while only referring to the provided sources then please do so, if not you are welcome to use other peer-reviewed scholarly sources. Please properly cite all sources.

This assignment asks you to answer the questions below for all three of the case

This assignment asks you to answer the questions below for all three of the case studies. You will need to describe;
Describe the type/s of aggression displayed in the case study (reactive, instrumental, or assertive, etc…)
Apply a theory that best explains the type of aggression demonstrated (instinct, frustration-aggression, social learning, etc..)
Your answer should be 2 paragraphs for each case study
You should answer all of the questions for each case study.
Font size should be 12-point, times new roman, double spaced, and have a running head and page number.
Support your answers with research and citations from our readings and the lectures
Attached below are the case studies as well as sources. I ask that if you can complete the task while only referring to the provided sources then please do so, if not you are welcome to use other peer-reviewed scholarly sources. Please properly cite all sources.

Its a lab where I must show excel sheets with 2 different kinds of graph for eac

Its a lab where I must show excel sheets with 2 different kinds of graph for each part, (a scatter graph and a line graph with the r value which I will include an example to follow) these 2 different kinds of graphs should be done for parts a-f. At the end there’s 3 short questions based on the information of the graphs.
first pic is an example of what all the graphs should look like(a scatter and line graph each for all parts). the second pic is the data that will be used and the third pic is the actual lab instructions

Information needs to be based on the lecture slides and videos. No tracing! When

Information needs to be based on the lecture slides and videos.
No tracing! When asked to draw structures, tracing will be considered a violation of the academic honesty policy outlined in the syllabus.
Drawings must be legible and understandable to receive credit.
Assignments must up uploaded as a single pdf document, otherwise you will be deducted 5 points from your final score.