Reply to at least two classmates (three for an Exemplary grade) who presented different theories. Three response postings are needed for an “Exemplary” grade.
Response posts must support your replies to classmates by offering one added reference that gives support for the material that is addressed by your classmates OR by offering one additional reference that challenges the material presented by your classmate.
Be sure to explain why your reference either supports or challenges your classmates’ post.
All posts must cite information taken from other sources with in-text citations and complete references.
offer advice to your classmates
discuss firsthand experiences with family or domestic violence.
Simply agree or disagree with your classmates’ posts. Offer analysis and evidence of critical thinking.
1) Katasha Rhone
MondayAug 28 at 11:56am
The Yeardley Love case provides an opportunity to apply attachment theory and gain insight into the dynamics that may have led to the tragedy. Attachment theory, developed by John Bowlby, emphasizes the importance of early relationships, particularly the bond between an infant and caregiver, in shaping an individual’s emotional and relational patterns throughout life. According, to Bowlby, he stressed that “attachment behavior is held to characterize human beings from cradle to grave”( Bowlby, 1977 p. 203). This theory suggests that a person’s attachment to their primary caregiver during infancy can significantly affect adult relationships, including intimate partnerships.
Using attachment theory, it is possible to analyze how disrupted attachment patterns could have influenced the behavior of the individuals involved in Yeardley Love’s case. If one or both individuals experienced disrupted attachment relationships during their formative years, it could have resulted in specific attachment styles influencing their behavior in romantic relationships.
The attachment framework identifies four attachment styles: secure, dismissing, fearful, and preoccupied. These styles stem from an individual’s beliefs about themselves and others. Understanding Attachment Styles: People can have four different attachment styles. The first is secure attachment, meaning individuals with this style have a favorable view of themselves and their partners. They are comfortable with intimacy and independence and have good communication and conflict-resolution skills. The second style is dismissing attachment, where people have a favorable view of themselves but a negative view of others. They tend to avoid emotional closeness and may not consider relationships important. The third style is fearful attachment, where individuals have negative opinions of themselves and others. They struggle with trust and fear rejection, creating a push-pull relationship dynamic. Finally, the fourth style is preoccupied attachment, where people have negative self-views but positive views of others. They may rely heavily on their partners and experience high levels of relationship anxiety.
In the Yeardley Love case, one or both individuals may have had attachment styles contributing to their relationship dynamics. For instance, if one person had a fearful attachment style, they might have struggled with insecurity, jealousy, and mistrust, which could have led to conflicts and escalated situations. On the other hand, the other individual may have had a dismissing attachment style, leading them to emotionally detach or undervalue the relationship, which could have caused misunderstandings and conflicts.
It is crucial to note that attachment theory is just one of several perspectives that can provide insights into complex interpersonal dynamics. It should be considered alongside other factors, such as personality traits, life experiences, cultural influences, and societal norms. Furthermore, although attachment theory can offer valuable insights into the potential origins of specific behavioral patterns, it is not a comprehensive explanation for all aspects of intimate partner violence.
Parveen Azam Ali, Paul B. Naylor, Intimate partner violence: A narrative review of the biological and psychological explanations for its causation,
Aggression and Violent Behavior, Volume 18, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 373-382, to an external site..
Wikimedia Foundation. (2023, August 18). Murder of yeardley love. Wikipedia.
2) Dawn Hill
MondayAug 28 at 4:20pm
Feminist perspectives are united by a common central underpinning: Intimate partner violence is fundamentally a gender issue that cannot be adequately understood through any lens that does not include gender as the central component of analysis (Lawson, 2012, p. 579). One thing that feminist sociological theories have in common with a family violence perspective is that they both reject the notion that intimate partner violence is the result of individual aberrations or deviance or that it reflects pathology of abnormal families. (Lawson, 2012, p. 580). The Murder of Yeardley Love although does not relate to family, it does relate to intimate partner violence. To dig more into the history of the abuser, we may very well find some abnormal behaviors within the family, which may have possibly led to the detriment of this abuser, resulting in the death of Yeardley Love.
In the case of Yeardley Reynolds Love murder, the feminist theory could be explained by the history of intimate partner violence. Sadly, this 22-year-old victim was murdered because of partner violence by her boyfriend, George Wesley Huguely V. Her boyfriend of a little over two years, who was the abuser and then accused murderer, was controlled by his alcohol addiction. It was Huguely’s aggressive behavior, triggered by alcohol, that caused their relationship to be on and off as referenced in Wikipedia, “Murder of Yeardley Love” (2012). Although feminism is about all genders seeking equality, in this case, the fact that both college students played sports and appeared to be rising students, that was not the major factor; the problem was the boyfriend’s aggression and abusive behavior stemming from excessive drinking. He sent the victim threatening emails and text messages post break-up and a violent encounter in which lacrosse player had to break up as referenced in Wikipedia, “Murder of Yeardley Love” (2012). According to the feminist perspective, the theoretical focus on family conflict in understanding intimate partner violence is misguided because the basis of intimate partner violence is seen as domination, not conflict of personal interest. (Lawson, 2012, pp. 580 & 581). The boyfriend wanted to dominate Love as shown by his actions.
The role taken for this discussion is the psychologist role as the psychologist seeks to determine the behavior behind the act of violence. There is no excuse and no words which could ease the pain in which the family of the victim experienced and will live with them for the remainder of their lives, it can be beneficial to learn preventive methods to avoid this senseless event to continue to occur. In reviewing the case, there may have been underlying issues such as anger, or even his own grief which led to his excessive drinking. Some individuals can drink and function all at the same time; however, as harmful as this is, some end up victimizing others, then the result is they also become a victim. The case shows Love’s murder was not premediated, but the abusive act stemmed from alcohol which led to her death, hence the conviction of her boyfriend. His previous behavior showed he had problems which should had been addressed. He could have obtained treatment, anger management and therapy which could have possibly saved both lives and helped to change the abuser while holding him accountable for his actions.
Lawson, J. (2012). Sociological Theories of Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of human
behavior in the social environment. 22(5), 579-581.
Murder of Yeardley Love. (2012, May 10). In Wikipedia.
Category: Human Services
For this journal assignment, you will complete the SMART goal/objective workshee
For this journal assignment, you will complete the SMART goal/objective worksheet template. You will identify career goals and expand them into SMART goals using the provided worksheet.
I am interested in being able to provide resources to all families that I work with through the arts.
SMART goal/objective worksheet template.
Identify at least three proposed interventions for your program. What is the pur
Identify at least three proposed interventions for your program.
What is the purpose and objective of each proposed intervention?
Include appropriate resources, including location and referrals, for your interventions.
Despite DCFS efforts, there are still difficulties and unmet needs in Illinois’ child welfare program. The ongoing exposure of adolescents to abusive and neglectful surroundings is a severe flaw. This may be caused by failure to intervene promptly, lack of resources as child welfare organizations frequently face financial constraints that make it difficult to provide timely and adequate services to families in need, and structural problems that make it difficult to protect vulnerable children effectively (Illinois Department of Children & Family Services, n.d.). In addition, they lack assistance for aging youth.
Assignment Directions Based on the case you selected, please respond to the foll
Assignment Directions
Based on the case you selected, please respond to the following:
What is the ethical dilemma based on the National Organization of Human Services Professional standards?
Why is this a problem/challenge?
Who would be the best person to consult in this situation?
How would you address this ethical dilemma?
What challenges could working with this child and family pose for you as a human service professional?
What personal values or self-bias could potentially impact your ability to work effectively with this child and family?
What self-care strategies would you practice to respond to the ethical dilemmas, conflicting values, and self-bias?
Congratulations! You were selected for an interview for your dream job. For the interview, you must discuss a potential ethical dilemma that could arise from your work with children and families. You will be presented with a case example and will need to identify the ethical dilemma according to the ethical standards set forth by the National Organization for Human Services Professionals. You will need to refer to the Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals as a guide in your response.
This is the case I selected
You are a human service professional working in an elementary school providing psychoeducational workshops for a group of 6th grade girls. One of the girls has been referred to to you because of absences and tardiness, and because it appears she has been cutting. The student did not show up for the first three appointments but finally kept the fourth appointment. She is tentative and withdrawn. She asks if she can trust you to tell you a secret and asks that you not tell anyone else. You realize that her help-seeking is in a very tentative, fragile state, and you would like to increase her trust with you and the likelihood that she will engage in services. You explain confidentiality to her, and she discloses that she is being sexually abused by her stepfather. She tells you that if you tell anyone, she will get beaten by her stepfather as he has threatened to do this.
For this assignment, you will select a client from the Client Assessment and Tre
For this assignment, you will select a client from the Client Assessment and Treatment Plan and complete all components of the Biopsychosocial Assessment form for your client. When details from the case are vague or missing, you are encouraged to elaborate and add to the case to create a richer client picture.
This assignment is intended to mimic the initial report that you would write for a new client. It culminates with a treatment plan for your selected client in Week 9. A biopsychosocial assessment is completed during and after the first session with a client. It is a report that offers a comprehensive overview of the client. If you have never written or seen a biopsychosocial report, please research examples online. The report used at a particular organization or by a particular counselor may be different, but all reports have domains (health history, education, legal history, and drug/alcohol history) in common.
This assignment is not a traditional paper like you have written in other courses. A few things to note:
While you would not be citing professional literature throughout a typical biopsychosocial assessment, for this assignment (and all others in this course), you should support your statements with frequent references to peer-reviewed journal articles from the past 5 years.
Provide APA formatted in-text citations and list all references used in the Reference field of the form.
Remember that your work for this assignment should be written primarily in your own words. Avoid cutting and pasting information from the case into your report; it is better to find a way to summarize this information in your own words.
To complete the assignment, fill out all fields of the Biopsychosocial Assessment form in the Client Assessment and Treatment Plan. Incorporate a comprehensive discussion of the following areas:
Describe the client’s demographic information and current symptoms listed as DSM-5-TR Sexual Dysfunctions symptoms. Refer to Week 7: Sexual Dysfunctions.
Describe the client’s behavior, including any developmental crises, disability, psychopathology, and situational and environmental factors that affect both normal and abnormal sexual behavior.
Describe the client’s demographic information including age, gender, and race.
Describe the client’s cultural background, including ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation.
Detail the cultural norms specific to the client’s identified populations.
Identify ethical and cultural considerations relevant to the client’s identified sexual issues.
Cite relevant ACA ethical codes specific to the client’s circumstances.
Describe the client’s family, social, and community backgrounds.
Describe the role of family systems in the treatment of mental and emotional disorders related to issues of human sexuality.
Describe the role of social networks and community systems in the treatment of mental and emotional disorders related to issues of human sexuality.
Describe the client’s personal background. This includes:
Developmental history.
Disability status.
Educational history.
Military service.
History of trauma.
Employment status.
Legal status.
Financial status.
Other circumstances such as transportation, housing, et cetera.
Medical background.
Substance use background.
Mental health background.
The possible impact of events in the client’s history on current symptoms.
Identify other professionals that you anticipate will be involved in the care for this client as the treatment continues.
Explain how you will arrange for communication with them and what you are likely to communicate to each of them.
Describe specific strategies for working with the client to address their identified issues.
Support your discussion and ideas with relevant human sexuality research findings the support the identified strategies.
Your resulting written report should be concise, balanced, and logically organized, and conform to APA format for references and in-text citations.
Incorporate references as appropriate into fields of the form via in-text citations.
List all references used in the References field.
You will provide a statement of the problem you are addressing and a review of t
You will provide a statement of the problem you are addressing and a review of the existing literature related to the problem and program you are designing.
The continued exposure of minors to abusive and neglectful environments in Illinois. The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS)
Abstract: One-paragraph summary and overview of the final project-overview (half page).
Introduction: Problem Statement
Provide a statement of the problem(s) your program is addressing.
Define the target population your program will be serving.
Explain the related social problem(s), the area of practice/concentration, agency setting, and geographical location-local, state, national, global, virtual (half page).
Literature Review: The literature review summarizes current peer-reviewed research on the research problem or topic. It explores the cause, risk factors, background history, and theoretical perspectives related to the problem and the proposed program.
Part I: The Problem
Significant and Relevance: Does the research support the problem statement? Does it confirm, expand or refute your problem statement?
Etiology: Causes and risk factors related to the problem. Cultural, social, political, and religious values and practices affecting the problem, including any ethical or legal issues.
Social and economic costs to society related to the problem (one and a half pages).
Part II: The Program
Provide a background history on the program or, if a new program, background history on relevant or similar programs.
What programs currently exist?
Where are there gaps in the system?
How does your program fulfill an unmet need or gap for the target population, in the service delivery system and service area? (One and a half pages.) (Note: This part of the assignment relates to the Unit 3 Discussion.)
Identify organizational functions and discuss responsibilities. Analyze methods of advocacy in chosen human services programs.
provide a background history of your program, or if this is a new program, provi
provide a background history of your program, or if this is a new program, provide relevant historical information on similar programs.
Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS)
What similar programs currently exist?
Where are there unmet needs and/or gaps in the system?
the continued exposure of minors to abusive and neglectful environments in Illinois.
How does your program fulfill this unmet need or gap for your target population within the service delivery system and in your identified service area?
Possibly help with temporary/permanent housing for youth to be safe.
I am attaching the proposal document that explains criteria. I need a proposal t
I am attaching the proposal document that explains criteria. I need a proposal thesis to submit. Which eventually will turn into a research paper.
Additional information:
For this activity, submit a document describing your research paper topic and include your proposed thesis statement that addresses a research question or hypothesis that is the center of your paper around which your arguments or analyses will be centered.
Directions Read the following article: Mother Tongue Maintenance Among North Ame
Read the following article:
Mother Tongue Maintenance Among North American Ethnic Groups Download Mother Tongue Maintenance Among North American Ethnic Groups, Robert W. Shrauf
Address the following:
What are some of the factors behind both the loss and persistence of native languages?
Does losing or maintaining one’s native language have any impact on one’s degree of acculturation or assimilation?
You must post your answer first before you can see your peers’ responses. After your initial post, reply to two or more of your classmates’ postings (three additional postings are needed for an “Exemplary” grade).
Initial responses and replies should be at least 150 words and of high quality.
The Initial Post is Wednesday, August 16, 2022 by 11:59 PM.
The Replies are due by Sunday, August 20, 2022 by 11:59 PM.
Make sure to support your opinions with facts and resources. All sources should be cited in proper APA format.
Do not:
Offer advice to your classmates
Simply only agree or disagree with your classmates
The ability to locate and utilize information relative to Health and Human Servi
The ability to locate and utilize information relative to Health and Human Services is an important component of many health and human service jobs. Some of the areas included in HHS programs are:
Legal/illegal immigration
Violence in the Media
Sexual Harassment
Criminal Justice
Hunger / Homelessness
Mental Illness
As an example, the area of “poverty” was selected from the above list to locate information and relevant reports. To accomplish this, the following was entered into a search engine (such as Google or MSN): “Health and human services and programs dealing with poverty.” One of the 1, 490,000 “hits” was titled: “Poverty Guidelines, Research and Measurement.” Upon searching this website, an elaborate set of focus subtitles was found. Under the heading “Poverty Research Centers” six more references were discovered. As the interest was focused on discovering what information was available, the search centered on “The National Poverty Center.” An examination on this site under that heading yielded numerous areas regarding new research opportunities, informing the policy community, and training for young researchers. Your specific assignment follows. Start with an exploration of what can be found in several of the areas listed above. Then, identify one area and prepare a descriiptive post outlining the information in this site. You may want to experiment with various areas in order to understand the unusually large number of resources / programs, but also the kinds of information