1# When examining the various risk factors that adolescents face, such as child abuse and neglect, eating disorders, drug use and abuse, delinquency and antisocial behaviors, as well as academic problems, it can be challenging to determine which poses the greatest risk. However, after careful consideration, I believe that drug use and abuse may present the most significant danger to adolescents.
Drug use and abuse can have far-reaching consequences for young individuals, affecting their physical and mental health, social relationships, academic performance, and overall well-being. Substance abuse can lead to addiction, impaired cognitive function, increased risk-taking behaviors, and even potential legal issues. Moreover, the use of illicit substances can often be a gateway to more severe substance abuse problems and addiction later in life.
While child abuse, neglect, eating disorders, delinquency, and academic problems are undoubtedly serious concerns, the potential long-term effects and widespread impact of drug use and abuse make it a particularly critical risk factor for adolescents. It is crucial for us to address this issue comprehensively by implementing prevention programs, providing education and resources, and fostering a supportive environment for at-risk individuals.
Question for the class: What do you believe are effective strategies that can be employed to prevent and combat adolescent drug use and abuse within our communities?
2# There are many risk factors that adolescents face daily. Drug abuse, depression, self-harm, eating disorders, obesity, child abuse, unprotected/risky sexual activity, youth violence, underage drinking, thoughts of suicide, & illegal activities are some of the many factors that adolescents face.
I believe that suicide thoughts/attempts and self-harm pose the greatest risk to adolescents because these behaviors often lead to the death of the child. Self-harm and suicidal thoughts/attempts can be a sign of mental health issues, depression, worthlessness, hopelessness, extreme emotional pain, and lack of control. Adolescents who self harm or have suicidal thoughts/attempts most times do not wish to die, they just want to escape the pain of their reality. It is very important as mental health workers and parents that we are non-judgmental and take time to listen to what these children are feeling and have to say.
I am raising my 14 year grandson who has been recently diagnosed with Prodromal schizophrenia Disorder, ADHD, and Bipolar disorder. My grandson has self-harmed himself on numerous occasions. He has threatened suicide in the past and I have had to call 211, 911 and even voluntary services from DCF. I have had my grandson placed in an impatient mental health facility and also an outpatient program. He is currently in an emotional supported private school. I have raised 7 daughters, several other children and also grandchildren who have have various issues growing up. Self-harm & suicidal tendencies have been the hardest thing for me to have to deal with. I have to keep my home safe and free of anything that he may try to use to hurt himself. He has cut himself for a period of time, he has experimented with drugs, and also risky behaviors in school and in the community. He is currently on medication and sees a psychiatrist every 2 weeks. He is constantly on his phone and he doesn’t seem to understand the seriousness of his inappropriate social media posts and interactions. It has and continues to be a challenge to get him the help he needs, I worry about him daily. I have buried one child (my daughter Kiara), I don’t want to bury another.
Do you think peer pressure and/or social media are factors that contribute to the risky behavior in adolescents?
Category: Human Resource Management homework help
1# Understanding physical development and brain functioning is crucial for ado
1# Understanding physical development and brain functioning is crucial for adolescent mental health therapists. Adolescence is a period of significant biological and neurological changes, making it essential for therapists to have a comprehensive understanding of these processes. By understanding physical development, therapists can recognize the impact of hormonal changes, growth spurts, and sexual maturation on an adolescent’s emotional well-being.
Knowledge about brain functioning allows therapists to comprehend how the adolescent brain develops and functions. The brain undergoes substantial structural and functional changes during adolescence, particularly in areas responsible for decision-making, impulse control, and emotional regulation. Understanding these changes helps therapists tailor their interventions and support strategies to meet the unique needs of adolescents.
Additionally, understanding physical development and brain functioning helps therapists recognize the potential impact of mental health conditions on an adolescent’s overall well-being. Some mental health disorders, such as ADHD, depression, or anxiety, can manifest differently in adolescents due to their changing bodies and brain development. Therapists who are knowledgeable about these processes can identify early warning signs, differentiate between normative and atypical behaviors, and provide appropriate interventions. A comprehensive understanding of physical development and brain functioning equips adolescent mental health therapists with the knowledge and tools necessary to provide effective support and interventions that address the specific needs of their young clients.
Question to the class: How might an understanding of physical development and brain functioning contribute to the development of effective treatment plans for adolescents with mental health concerns?
2# It is important to understand the physical development of adolescents because it is ever-changing until they reach a certain age, and with the changes, there are different actions and feelings that come with the changes, there are thoughts they may not understand or changes in the body that cause a reaction to others that they are not ready for or understand, also the brain is growing and trying to absorb all this stuff that is happening, one must understand how the adolescent may be thinking and what actions one might experience.
In response to your peers, identify the leadership skills your classmates discu
In response to your peers, identify the leadership skills your classmates discuss.
1# One supervisor that stood out to me was when I was working at a hotel as a maid. She knew who she had to be on top of to get their floors completed and the ones she could leave to their floors and would have everything completed for the day on time and to the hotel standard. She was straight to the point and talked to everyone with respect. I think that to have employees that want to show up to work and that will have value in their work, you have to show them respect. In my opinion, respect is a big deal in my opinion and I believe many supervisors demand respect but lack the ability to show the people who work under them the same respect they want. Do you think that respect plays a significant part in the workforce?
Thinking back to my seventeen years of service in the Army, I have encountered many different supervision styles and have had dozens of supervisors. One supervisor stood out from the rest, not only for the lessons he taught me but the way the lessons were taught. Jason was two military grades above me, accomplished and proficient in his craft. His supervision style was supportive and formative supervision. Supportive supervisors create an encouraging and empathetic environment, offering emotional support, listening to the supervisee’s concerns, and providing assistance when needed. Constant support and encouragement gave me confidence in my abilities as a cannon crew member. Self-assurance enabled me to take on more challenging tasks and responsibilities, contributing to my professional growth as a soldier. Jason also provided formative supervision; formative supervision aims to enhance the skills and knowledge of the supervisee. It includes ongoing feedback, training, and development opportunities to promote growth as a professional.
Constructive feedback was the most helpful aspect Jason provided with his supervision style. Constructive feedback gave me the guidance and resources needed to develop my skills and knowledge to be a proficient cannon crew member. What aspects stood out to you? The way the constructive feedback or lesson was reciprocated, Jason had very calm and controlled way of conveying his message. A calm demeanor encourages active participation and a willingness to explore new ideas between trainee and supervisor. My experience with Jason as supervisor and trainee has impacted me significantly; formative and supportive supervision is the method that trains, enhances, and promotes growth in trainees with great effectiveness. I will take the lessons learned for Jason and apply them every opportunity.
In response to your peers, suggest ways to apply the evaluation or evaluation p
In response to your peers, suggest ways to apply the evaluation or evaluation process to future work performance.
1# To be honest, my last job was about four years ago when I was working for a call center so my memory of my last performance evaluation, but I will do my best to answer the questions. When they did their evaluation they listened in on one of your calls to see if you were adequately answering the calls’ concerns about their mortgage and if you were not disrespectful or showing any attitudes or tones while doing so. They also ensured you followed protocol when confirming they were the people that could talk about that information on the mortgage so we were not giving out someone’s information. After they listen to the call they would call you to their office and let you know what you did wrong or if you need to fix anything, they also made sure to let you know what you did right and made sure you had positive feedback. I think to keep employees you need also to make sure you are letting them know they are doing good because no one likes to get negative feedback. Do you think that it is important to show positive feedback as well as negative feedback?
My most recent performance evaluation involved a meeting with my supervisor at my current job to discuss my goals, accomplishments, and areas for improvement. They had decided I showed enough initiative and promised to be considered for a promotion and a raise. I went from an entry-level front-of-house staff to a shift lead supervisor. We also reviewed the new things I would have to learn for the new position and what would be expected of me, and my supervisor provided feedback on my performance. It was a helpful process to reflect on my work and set new goals for the future. I also had the opportunity to provide input and feedback on any concerns or issues. My supervisor actively listened and addressed my concerns, ensuring my perspective was valued in the evaluation process. It was a collaborative and constructive experience. This evaluation was super helpful in introducing me to the new role I would soon be undertaking and clarifying my work expectations and priorities. It helped me prioritize my tasks and goals and guided me on where to focus my efforts and how to align them with the organization’s objectives.
Do you think an evaluation is the time to introduce an employee to a new position?
Now it is time to consider the kinds of jobs that will fit your organization. I
Now it is time to consider the kinds of jobs that will fit your organization. In this weeks assignment, you will also consider the supervisory needs for these jobs.
For this assignment you are asked to build upon the Unit 2 Assignment and delv
For this assignment you are asked to build upon the Unit 2 Assignment and delve deeper into how your cultural roots may have some influence on your thinking about the helping process.
Please be sure to address all of the following in your assignment:
Describe the helping process. What do you personally think it means to help?
For the questions below, be sure to make connections in your writing as to the role your life experiences and beliefs play into the work you will do with diverse clients.
How might your cultural roots influence your thinking about the helping process?
How might your beliefs influence the suggestions you make to clients?
Analyze how your beliefs lay the groundwork for the strategies from which you will draw in working with diverse individuals, families, and groups.
Focusing on the stages of the helping process as described in the text, what do you consider to be the most important tasks of a human service professional in each of the different stages?
Describe some of the challenges that you might experience as a helper in each of the stages.
Reflect on any biases or prejudices (i.e., hot buttons) that might interfere with your learning to become an effective helper.
What types of client and client issues will be the most difficult for you to work with, and why?
What type(s) of client(s) will you be most drawn to work with, and why?
Describe how you may recognize challenges in your work and what can you do to work on those areas that are limitations
10 slide PowerPoint presentation with Speaker Notes. Scenario Imagine you work a
10 slide PowerPoint presentation with Speaker Notes.
Imagine you work as an HR professional for the company you selected in the first assignment in Week 3. The company has been having issues with their current performance evaluation process. Some of the issues include the data collection process, proper documentation, and making appropriate decisions on employee performance. Your manager has asked you to evaluate and update their current performance evaluation process and present it as a training module to a group of new supervisors in your organization. Apply the revised or improved evaluation process to the specific job you created in the Week 3 assignment. Note that your manager has asked you to present the new process in the form of a PowerPoint presentation.
Based on what you know about performance evaluations, use the Strayer Library or the Internet to research and select a performance evaluation tool that you believe is best suited for your company. Create a PowerPoint presentation with speaker’s notes to present this new tool to new supervisors.
Create a PowerPoint presentation to present this new tool to new supervisors. Include the following points:
Explain the benefits of using performance evaluations.
Assess the existing performance evaluation used in the organization.
Create a sample of the performance evaluation tool selected for the company.
Justify the selection of the performance evaluation tool.
Develop a detailed, step-by-step description of the evaluation process.
The PowerPoint presentation should be a minimum of 10 slides with corresponding speaker’s notes, in addition to a title slide and references slide. Include graphics as needed to improve, enhance, or clarify the content.
For help with research and writing, access the library or review library guides.
Note: The assignment requirements outlined above correspond to the grading criteria in the assignment scoring guide, so be sure to address each point.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Create a performance evaluation process, including the benefits, type of performance evaluation, evaluation tool, and process steps.
As you study social problems and social welfare policies in this course, it may
As you study social problems and social welfare policies in this course, it may become evident that the extent of inequality in society is often related to the way economic and political systems are structured.
As you study social problems and social welfare policies in this course, it may
As you study social problems and social welfare policies in this course, it may become evident that the extent of inequality in society is often related to the way economic and political systems are structured.
“What Makes a Top 100 Hospital?” Your assignment is to visit the website of one
“What Makes a Top 100 Hospital?” Your assignment is to visit the website of one of the top 100 hospitals on the list in this linkLinks to an external site.:
Top Hospitals: https://www.healthgrades.com/quality/americas-best-hospitals?filter=top100Links to an external site.