4 page in which you: Analyze the manner in which Zappos’s leadership has fost

4 page in which you:
Analyze the manner in which Zappos’s leadership has fostered a culture of ethics in the company.

Suggest two actions that other companies can take in order to mimic this culture.

Determine the major impacts that Zappos’s leadership and ethical practices philosophy have had on its stakeholders.
Examine three of the ethical challenges that Zappos faces. Recommend three actions that Zappos’s leadership should take in order to address these ethical challenges.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the core values in relation to developing a culture of ethics.

Determine the manner in which the core values support the stakeholder’s perspective.

Analyze the major ethical challenges that Zappos has faced.

Determine whether or not you would have resolved these challenges differently than Zappos’s management.
Provide a rationale for your response.

  Evaluate the leadership of a leader in your organization, or prior organiza

Evaluate the leadership of a leader in your organization, or prior organization, in terms of the seven habits of ethical leaders.
Determine one area in which this leader could improve upon, and suggest one action that this leader could take in order to do so. Note: Please do not identify workplaces or leaders by name.

   A PPT with around 1000 words. Prepare a presentation script for the PPT

A PPT with around 1000 words.
Prepare a presentation script for the PPT that is under 20 minutes (it should be edited in a conversational style and submitted to me as a Word document).
“Assignment Submission Form AS1 MN7028SR Aug 24” is the grading rubric for this assignment.
The rest of the content consists of teaching PPTs.
I need you to complete the task strictly according to the grading rubric.
You must read all the course materials before completing the task.
If the submitted content does not meet the requirements, I will request unlimited revisions until I am satisfied.
If the content is not up to standard or you refuse to revise it, I will request a refund.
If you cannot accept the above conditions, please do not place a bid.
“Transferring the Toyota lean cultural paradigm into India_implications for human resource management” is relevant reading material. Very important. Must read.

Review one article from the Occupational Safety & Health Administration Newsr

Review one article from the Occupational Safety & Health Administration Newsroom.
Evaluate the overall importance of OSHA. Next, give your opinion of whether OSHA offers enough protection or overregulates the safety of workers. Support your response with specific details from the selected news story.

  Examine two of the major HR ethical issues multinational corporations face

Examine two of the major HR ethical issues multinational corporations face when operating globally.
Recommend two preventative actions that HR departments can take in order to lessen the occurrence of these ethical issues. Provide a rationale for your response.

  Examine two of the major HR ethical issues multinational corporations face

Examine two of the major HR ethical issues multinational corporations face when operating globally.
Recommend two preventative actions that HR departments can take in order to lessen the occurrence of these ethical issues. Provide a rationale for your response.

Signature Assignment: respond to ten scenarios   Design an explanation for wh

Signature Assignment: respond to ten scenarios
Design an explanation for what motivates Alexis Dixon to struggle to be “normal like everyone else.”
Compose a paragraph to explain how both Rebecca and Cheryl Hines are “both risk-takers.” 
Create a list of reasons that LaSonya Moore did not allow the acceptance or rejection of her ethnic identity to influence her beliefs about learning and school.
Plan how you would explain to a high school class how Nicholas Formato (aka Nick Holes) is the personification of integrated task orientation. You will need to explain what that means as well.
Combine Principle #36 – “Past performance guides future motivation” with the story of Nick Lowery found in our textbook.
Formulate a theory of Jessi Colter’s possible egoistic or altruistic motives.
Invent a description of how Alec Torelli is the type of person described by the “broken and build” view of motivation.
Hypothesize how Darren Soto became a motivational leader.
Examine Robert Knowling, Jr.’s example of how core values, candid communication, and organizational alignment contributed to his work motivation.
Write a paragraph using Amanda Boxtel as an example of an evolution of someone’s behavior that occurred through belief change.

Signature Assignment: respond to ten scenarios   Design an explanation for wh

Signature Assignment: respond to ten scenarios
Design an explanation for what motivates Alexis Dixon to struggle to be “normal like everyone else.”
Compose a paragraph to explain how both Rebecca and Cheryl Hines are “both risk-takers.” 
Create a list of reasons that LaSonya Moore did not allow the acceptance or rejection of her ethnic identity to influence her beliefs about learning and school.
Plan how you would explain to a high school class how Nicholas Formato (aka Nick Holes) is the personification of integrated task orientation. You will need to explain what that means as well.
Combine Principle #36 – “Past performance guides future motivation” with the story of Nick Lowery found in our textbook.
Formulate a theory of Jessi Colter’s possible egoistic or altruistic motives.
Invent a description of how Alec Torelli is the type of person described by the “broken and build” view of motivation.
Hypothesize how Darren Soto became a motivational leader.
Examine Robert Knowling, Jr.’s example of how core values, candid communication, and organizational alignment contributed to his work motivation.
Write a paragraph using Amanda Boxtel as an example of an evolution of someone’s behavior that occurred through belief change.

  : Describe theories that human service organizations may have used in their d

: Describe theories that human service organizations may have used in their design and implementation of a human service program.
People are generally familiar with the range of human service organizations that form their community’s “safety net”. Some organizations in the community network provide assistance to families and children, others may help people who are homeless or who have disabilities of some kind. People also have a general notion of how these organizations are organized, e.g., staffing, services, funding.
This first assignment asks you to use management theories reviewed in the readings as a “lens” with which to describe a human service organization in your community.
Select an HSO in your community you are familiar with either as an employed staff member or as a client of the organization or simply a member of the community. Conduct an online search of the organization and describe the organization in terms of the community need it seeks to address, the population served, the program services it offers.
Using the text and suggested readings, discuss the various theories the organization would use to design and implement program services. Since every program has multiple dimensions, your response should include theories for those multiple dimensions, e.g., the internal and external dimensions of an organization. For reference, use the competing values framework to outline your discussion.
Describe the leadership theories that might characterize the leadership of the HSO to provide services

Read the presentation entitled, “Why Lead like Jesus (attached)?” In no less th

Read the presentation entitled, “Why Lead like Jesus (attached)?” In no less than 500 words and using at least 2 scholarly articles and class text (attached) discuss and answer all of the following questions:
What are some of the challenges of leading like Jesus in an organization?
What are some of the cultural characteristics that can diminish servant leadership, and how can they be overcome?
Provide a list of “best practices” for an organization dedicated to practicing servant leadership in the area of HR policies, training and leadership development, customer service, and decision-making.