Based on the Destinations NEXT Futures Study from 2021Destinations NEXT Futures

Based on the Destinations NEXT Futures Study from 2021Destinations NEXT Futures Study from 2021 – Alternative Formats , prepare a written or visual essay that explores the following:
What is the role of a DMO in the current tourism landscape? What should DMOs be focused on moving forward in terms of developing a destination’s brand and sustainable tourism? What issues should they be concerned about?
Select a DMO and describe how they are or could be using the information you discuss in bullet points two and three.
Support your arguments with in-text APA citations. Note: for information on APA, see the Syllabus & Course Info page.
If you are writing a paper, ensure it is 3-5 pages in length.

I need 2 assignment done. 1st assignment need to be in it own word document and

I need 2 assignment done.
1st assignment need to be in it own word document and label 1st assignment. The manager of a restaurant has just received an income statement report comparing the establishment’s financial performance this year to last year’s performance. After reviewing the Excel workbook report below, answer the questions that follow to help the manager better understand the operation and its financial performance:
Week 7 Discussion.xlsx
What was the difference between the operation’s food sales this year from the previous year?Does this mark an improvement or a decline?
What was the difference between the operation’s beverage sales this year from the previous year?Does this mark an improvement or a decline?
What was the difference between the operation’s total sales this year from the previous year?Does this mark an improvement or a decline?
Did the operation spend more or less for food when comparing this year’s expense to last year’s expense?By how much?
Did the operation spend more or less for beverages when comparing this year’s expense to last year’s expense?By how much?
What was the amount of increase in management costs this year compared to last year?
What was the amount of increase in staff costs this year compared to last year?
What was the amount of increase in total labor costs this year compared to last year?
In what area or areas were this year’s expense less than last year’s expense?
What was the amount of profit made in the establishment this year?What was the amount of profit made last year?
Why do you think the operation’s cost of sales food this year is higher than last year?
Why do you think the operation’s cost of sales beverage this year is lower than last year?
2nd assignment need to be in it own word document and label 2nd assignment You have been recently hired as general manager of a restaurant. It is September 1, and you must prepare the operating budget of this establishment for the first quarter of the upcoming calendar year and submit it to the corporate office. Since you have been at the operation for only a month or so, you must rely solely on historical data. You gather sales reports and records for the months of January through August of the current year.Using the data and the Excel budget worksheet provided below, prepare the operating budget for Lucky’s for the months of January through March of the upcoming year. Also, here is the information you determined from the most recent sales and costs records:Week 7 Assignment.xlsx
Sales are 10 percent higher than those of the same month during the previous year.
Food cost percentage is steady at 32 percent.
Fixed labor costs are steady at $9,000 per month.
Variable labor costs are 15 percent of sales.
Occupancy costs will remain steady at $2,000 per month.
Other controllable costs are expected to be $10,000 per month.
Marketing costs have been fixed at $1,000 per month.
For January, February, and March of last year, Lucky’s sales revenues were as follows:January: $60,000
February: $50,000
March: $55,000

Using data analytics skills and following the suggestion of the article, “How to

Using data analytics skills and following the suggestion of the article, “How to Get Smart on a New
Industry”, students will identify a non-hospitality company or product that could differentiate itself and
benefit from adding a hospitality component.
Thoroughness of section: Is there a clear reason why this was selected vs. something else? Is the reason
backed by data (can be reviews, rankings, surveys, etc.)? Does the explanation of why this industry could
differentiate itself and benefit from hospitality make sense?

Hospitality and Cultural Suitability in the Emergency Room: (20 slides or more)

Hospitality and Cultural Suitability in the Emergency Room:
(20 slides or more) PowerPoint infographic presentation of the nature and quality of language in the Emergency Room to improve communication and hospitality among ER staff, phrases and words of hospitality and etiquette in ER for ER staff during patient journey. This will be one hour seminar to introduce Hospitality and Cultural Suitability in the Emergency Room and I want to emphasize on the hospitality language that should be used by ER staff during patient journey from the time they arrive at the ER until the time the leave the ER. phrases and words of hospitality to improve patient experience. (phrases at each level should be mentioned with illustration) like introducing name and the service that she or he will provide. please provide pre and post course evaluation form other than the slide presentation.

Hi I need 2 assignments done 1st assignment in it own word document. Using the

Hi I need 2 assignments done
1st assignment in it own word document. Using the information on page 282, including the four steps for management decision making and figure 10.3 on page 283, complete the following case study of FSM2033 Bistro:
FSM2033 Bistro features an appetizer pizza that has been popular for several years. The standardized recipe calls for the pizza to be served cold after being cut into 12 equal-sized pieces, and the pizza is topped with cream cheese and smoked salmon. The garnish is a dollop of crème fraîche with caviar on all 12 pieces.
The presentation is not like the menu description, and the temperature and texture are incorrect as well. Lately, the pizza is being served on the hot crust, making the cream cheese soft and causing the crème fraîche to melt into the smoked salmon. Some servers have mentioned this to the chef and have stopped recommending the once-popular appetizer. Additionally, the manager has noticed that sales are down for this item.
Prompt: Write a detailed description of what persons in each of the following positions should do to identify the cause of the problem and correct it: server, cook, and manager. As you develop each employee’s role in the problem-solving process, think about three things:
What will you do that will improve consistency and quality?
What are the specific actions you will take?
How should the changes be implemented? How much time will be needed to make these changes?
The 2nd assignment Using the Excel workbook that is in conjunction with the reading assignment found in this week’s content complete the following by applying your Knowledge:If the food cost is 30 percent, how much did the food actually cost?If the beverage cost is 25 percent of beverage sales, how much did the beverages cost?
If the labor cost is 28 percent, how much money does that represent and how much is left over for other costs and profit?
If a 33 percent food cost is required and a menu item sells for $16.95, what is its cost supposed to be?
Sales at your restaurant for the month of October are $685,324. If a 25 percent labor cost is expected, what would that be in dollars?
Calculate, using the XLSX document below, the income statement and budget forecast comparison. (Sample on page 291). After completing the form determine the monthly variance for each category. See below: Week 6 Assignment – Italian Restaurant Analysis.xlsx.
Finally, after completing the variance determine action steps that you would take to control the costs. For a real-life example, imagine that the numbers you are looking at. Have been caused by the pandemic COVID19. As a manager what changes do you suggest for getting costs back in control while still maintaining quality (see all of chapter 10 and referenced chapter 7 on page 290). What would be your priorities?

Complete Part 4 of your Final Project: Food & Beverage. This should include the

Complete Part 4 of your Final Project: Food & Beverage. This should include the following information:
Cocktail hour: specialty drinks, service style & cost per person
Main course menu: include service style & cost per person
Description of how food & beverage fir the theme/vision of the wedding
Wedding cake (or like) & cost per person
Reception timeline (from cocktail hour through clean up)
Cocktail hour floor plan and reception seating chart (using Smartdraw or a software of your choosing)
Full list of reception items (number of centerpieces, napkins, etc.)
Diagram of table setting (formal? informal?)
Table furnishings, centerpieces, toasting goblets, cake knife, topper (if applicable)

Complete Part 4 of your Final Project: Food & Beverage. This should include the

Complete Part 4 of your Final Project: Food & Beverage. This should include the following information:
Cocktail hour: specialty drinks, service style & cost per person
Main course menu: include service style & cost per person
Description of how food & beverage fir the theme/vision of the wedding
Wedding cake (or like) & cost per person
Reception timeline (from cocktail hour through clean up)
Cocktail hour floor plan and reception seating chart (using Smartdraw or a software of your choosing)
Full list of reception items (number of centerpieces, napkins, etc.)
Diagram of table setting (formal? informal?)
Table furnishings, centerpieces, toasting goblets, cake knife, topper (if applicable)

Training Magazine is a 55-year-old professional development magazine written for

Training Magazine is a 55-year-old professional development magazine written for training, Human Resources, and business management professionals in all industries that advocate training and workforce development as a business tool. Training also produces world-class conferences, expositions, and digital products that focus on job-related, employer-sponsored training and education in the working world. It also ranks and awards the top 100 companies in Learning and Development under the category of ‘Training APEX Awards.’ Top 100 Award winners are the organizations with the most successful learning and development programs in the world—and the Top 100 has been the premier learning industry awards program for 20 years.
Further below is a list of the top 5 companies out of the 100 winners in 2023. Choose any one company and as a team submit a 4-page (does not include the worksheet, title, and reference pages) write-up that answers the following questions about that company:
What makes this company great in learning and development?
Explain the relationship between training and the company’s business goals and objectives.
While synthesizing your thoughts and writing, apply critical concepts learned in Chapters 1 and 2. If theory integration is not done, you will lose points.
Note: Sub-title each section, do not write questions as is in the final paper. Remove all assignment instructions from the final submission.
Important assignment details- Please read before beginning the assignment.
Your assignment should have a cover page that includes (1) title, (2) date, (3) group number, and (4) group member names. Don’t forget to include the names of team member/s who did NOT contribute to the assignment.
This report should be typed using Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, with 1” margins, and be no longer than four (4) pages. This does NOT include the worksheet, title, and reference pages.
Your grade on the report will be based on your ability to critically analyze the topic and apply principles of training and development.
All written work that uses material from other sources (direct quotes, paraphrased sentences, images, etc.) MUST cite the source from which the work was drawn. Please use APA format for this bibliography. Plagiarized work (i.e., any uncited work that is not your own) will not be accepted.
All written assignments should be thoroughly proofread and polished for final submission.

Hospitality and Cultural Suitability in the Emergency Room: (20 slides or more)

Hospitality and Cultural Suitability in the Emergency Room:
(20 slides or more) PowerPoint infographic presentation of the nature and quality of language in the Emergency Room to improve communication and hospitality among ER staff, phrases and words of hospitality and etiquette in ER for ER staff during patient journey. This will be one hour seminar to introduce Hospitality and Cultural Suitability in the Emergency Room and I want to emphasize on the hospitality language that should be used by ER staff during patient journey from the time they arrive at the ER until the time the leave the ER. phrases and words of hospitality to improve patient experience. (phrases at each level should be mentioned with illustration) like introducing name and the service that she or he will provide. please provide pre and post course evaluation form other than the slide presentation.