Invention Project The Gilded Age was a time where human technology was increasin

Invention Project
The Gilded Age was a time where human technology was increasing at a rapid pace. Things that generations before had never even imagined were now a reality, such as moving pictures (movies), telephones, electricity, etc. Many of these inventions were to make the lives of people easier – many things used today come from this time period. You will be doing exactly that. Inventing something that could make humanity better.
You will be inventing something for public use.
You need to come up with something that does not exist already.
Think about what you would change about one area of society, and then make an invention that fixes that.
You will have to come up with a plan to tell the public about your new invention and make a company
Logo / image / drawing of the item – you can even build it if you feel like you can.
Tag Line
Company Name
Who you are targeting with your invention (to sell to and who will use it)
Where you will advertise this item (magazines, newspapers, flyers/posters, TV commercials, etc.)
How much will you charge for this product, or will you even charge?
Are you selling to make a profit or to better humanity?
Why should people care about your invention? – what need does it fill or what problem does it solve?
You will make a website (using Google Sites)
Everything covered in sections 1 and 2 (above) should be on this website.
You will be allowed to work in groups of no more than 3
pairs or choosing to work alone is also fine.
You will be given several classes to work on this project, and it will need to be done by the end of the week.
Grading Rubric – TEST GRADE – 100 points
Info about Your Invention – 15 pts
What is it, how does it work, what problem in society is it meant to solve, and why did you do that. Give us all of the backstory and all that we need to know about your invention.
This would be an “About Us” Page
Company Information – 15 pts
You have created a company with a color scheme, logo, tagline, and name.
Analysis – 20 pts
You have stated how you will advertise, who you will target, and where you will primarily advertise your product.
Clearly identify how much you will charge for the product and if not, how will you get it to your target market.
Grammar – 15 pts
Spelling, Capitalization, Sentence Structure, and proper punctuation.
On Task Behavior – 10 pts
You use class time to actively work on/complete your project.
I do NOT have to ask you to stay on task, get off your phone, or anything that is not in line with the project.

Website – 25 pts
The website is organized, user friendly, and includes all of the information mentioned above.

1) The primary source documents include four separate accounts of the First Crus

1) The primary source documents include four separate accounts of the First Crusade. What are the major themes of each? What is the overall picture of the First Crusade that emerges from looking at all of them together?
2) Why are the Normans so important in the story of the Middle Ages?
3) What did you find interesting, important, and/or surprising in the materials for Unit 9?

These are open-book, multi-paragraph, long, and not-timed essays. Although there

These are open-book, multi-paragraph, long, and not-timed essays. Although there are no minimum or maximum words count or length, you must write multi-paragraph well-structured, well-thought essays that are analytical, directly answer the questions and deliver the message(s) that you are asked to deliver. Read the uploaded rubric carefully. It’s in the Files Download Filessection on Canvas site as well as a page on Canvas. You can use the textbook, presentation, articles, films, and the Internet sources. If you are using the Internet, just say according to xyz and provide the link. No Wikipedia please.
The long essays cover all the subjects and materials from the beginning of the semester until the time of the exam.
In the Long Essay weeks, no reading is assigned so that you will have time to focus on all previous subjects and allocate your time to write the essay.
To avoid plagiarism read the academic integrity section in the syllabus carefully. All the answers will be evaluated by the Turnitin app for plagiarism. Essay 1 Prompt:
Compare and contrast the European colonists’ policy and treatment towards the indigenous Indians with that of the Black Africans. Explain these behaviors from legal, social, and economic perspectives. What was the result of these policies for the America’s environment before the Civil War?

you will present what you consider to be the most important 1) Biblical themes,

you will present what you consider to be the most important 1) Biblical themes, 2) values, and 3) principles that apply to Biblical Ethics and how you would apply them. 1) Biblical themes. Describe briefly the Biblical themes from this course on Ethics you consider most
important, how they relate to patient care, and how you might apply them personally in your
professional practice.
2) Values. Describe briefly the values related to our topics on ethics that you consider most important,
how they relate to patient care, and how you might apply them personally in your professional practice.
3) Principles. Describe briefly the principles related to our topics of ethics that you consider most
important, how they relate to patient care, and how you might apply them personally in your
professional practice.

Choose a movie related to World War II (to watch) and write a review. Examples a

Choose a movie related to World War II (to watch) and write a review. Examples are “Saving Private Ryan,” “The Tuskegee Airmen,” among others.
On the film review: 750 words double-space First, provide a synopsis and summarize the story and/or contents of the film; include comments on the main historical characters. Second, discuss the story in relation to the information you read in the textbook. Third, express your critical opinion of the story and/or its dramatization? Write the report as an essay with full sentences and paragraphs. Do not use bullet points. Your ideas must be expressed in your own words and the report must be written in an academic format. See section on plagiarism (of the syllabus). Write in the third person and refrain from using “I” or “you”. You will also have to need integrate somethings from the PowerPoint that will be linked below into the paper. Addtionally, PLEASE refrain from using ANY types of AI becasue my school does use AI detection to go over all papers.

The pdf I am providing is an example of how the assignment is supposed to look c

The pdf I am providing is an example of how the assignment is supposed to look completed. The pdf is about the United States. MY COUNTRY IS SPAIN. Include citations throughout the assignment just like in the pdf example. Please DO NOT utilize AI or Plagiarism, this is for a final project. Here are the exact instructions that the professor explained: Significant Historical Factors that Shape the Culture. Describe at least 5 events that have changed the way the culture, citizens, and consumers behave. Be able to explain why this factor is critical to consumers and the marketplace. Do not simply recite 5 events that occurred in the country’s recent or ancient history. You are most likely to get this section wrong….it is not just facts. Analyze,
describe, and evaluate and employ a chronological approach as much as possible.

Evaluating Primary Sources-Document 16.3 .docxPRIMARY SOURCE 16.3 The Azamgarh P

Evaluating Primary Sources-Document 16.3 .docxPRIMARY SOURCE 16.3 The Azamgarh Proclamation (1857), Bahadur Shah The Indian leaders of the Rebellion of 1857 issued numerous proclamations. The Azamgarh Proclamation, excerpted below, is one of many. The emperor, Bahadur Shah, issued it in August 1857 on behalf of the mutineers who had seized the garrison town of Azamgarh. It attacks the British for subverting Indian traditions and calls on the rebellion’s followers to restore the precolonial order. Identify the rebels’ main grievances against the English. Analyze the role of religion in the rebellion. Explain the significance of commerce and property for the rebels. 25th. August, 1857. It is well known to all, that in this age the people of Hindoostan, both Hindoos and Mohammedans, are being ruined under the tyranny and oppression of the infidel and treacherous English. It is therefore the bounden duty of all the wealthy people of India, especially of those who have any sort of connection with any of the Mohammedan royal families, and are considered the pastors and masters of their people, to stake their lives and property for the well being of the public. With the view of effecting this general good, several princes belonging to the royal family of Delhi, have dispersed themselves in the different parts of India, Iran, Turan, and Afghanistan, and have been long since taking measures to compass their favourite end; and it is to accomplish this charitable object that one of the aforesaid princes has, at the head of an army of Afghanistan, &c., made his appearance in India; and I, who am the grandson of Abul Muzuffer Serajuddin Bahadur Shah Ghazee, King of India, having in the course of circuit come here to extirpate the infidels residing in the eastern part of the country, and to liberate and protect the poor helpless people now groaning under their iron rule, have, by the aid of the Majahdeens [religious warriors], erected the standard of Mohammed, and persuaded the orthodox Hindoos who had been subject to my ancestors, and have been and are still accessories in the destruction of the English, to raise the standard of Mahavir. Several of the Hindoo and Mussalman chiefs, who have long since quitted their homes for the preservation of their religion, and have been trying their best to root out the English in India, have presented themselves to me, and taken part in the reigning Indian crusade, and it is more than probable that I shall very shortly receive succours from the West. Therefore, for the information of the public, the present Ishtahar, consisting of several sections, is put in circulation, and it is the imperative duty of all to take it into their careful consideration, and abide by it. Parties anxious to participate in the common cause, but having no means to provide for themselves, shall receive their daily subsistence from me; and be it known to all, that the ancient works, both of the Hindoos and the Mohammedans, the writings of the miracle-workers, and the calculations of the astrologers, pundits, and rammals, all agree in asserting that the English will no longer have any footing in India or elsewhere. Therefore it is incumbent on all to give up the hope of the continuation of the British sway, side with me, and deserve the consideration of the Badshahi, or imperial Government, by their individual exertion in promoting the common good, and thus attain their respective ends; otherwise if this golden opportunity slips away, they will have to repent of their folly, as it is very aptly said by a poet in two fine couplets, the drift whereof is “Never let a favourable opportunity slip, for in the field of opportunity you are to meet with the ball of fortune; but if you do not avail yourself of the opportunity that offers itself, you will have to bite your finger through grief.” No person, at the misrepresentation of the well-wishers of the British Government, ought to conclude from the present slight inconveniences usually attendant on revolutions, that similar inconveniences and troubles should continue when the Badshahi Government is established on a firm basis; and parties badly dealt with by any sepoy or plunderer, should come up and represent their grievances to me, and receive redress at my hands; and for whatever property they may lose in the reigning disorder, they will be recompensed from the public treasury when the Badshahi Government is well fixed. . . . Section II—Regarding Merchants. It is plain that the infidel and treacherous British Government have monopolized the trade of all the fine and valuable merchandise, such as indigo, cloth, and other articles of shipping, leaving only the trade of trifles to the people, and even in this they are not without their share of the profits, which they secure by means of customs and stamp fees, &c. in money suits, so that the people have merely a trade in name. Besides this, the profits of the traders are taxed, with postages, tolls, and subscriptions for schools, &c. Notwithstanding all these concessions, the merchants are liable to imprisonment and disgrace at the instance or complaint of a worthless man. When the Badshahi Government is established, all these aforesaid fraudulent practices shall be dispensed with, and the trade of every article, without exception, both by land and water, shall be open to the native merchants of India, who will have the benefit of the Government steam-vessels and steam-carriages for the conveyance of their merchandise gratis; and merchants having no capital of their own shall be assisted from the public treasury. It is therefore the duty of every merchant to take part in the war, and aid the Badshahi Government with his men and money, either secretly or openly, as may be consistent with his position or interest, and forswear his allegiance to the British Government. Section III—Regarding Public Servants. It is not a secret thing, that under the British Government, natives employed in the civil and military services, have little respect, low pay, and no manner of influence; and all the posts of dignity and emolument in both the departments, are exclusively bestowed on Englishmen for natives in the military service, after having devoted the greater part of their lives, attain to the post of soobadar (the very height of their hopes) with a salary of 60r. or 70r. per mensem; and those in the civil service obtain the post of Sudder Ala, with a salary of 500 r. a month, but no influence, jagheer, or present. . . . Therefore, all the natives in the British service ought to be alive to their religion and interest, and, abjuring their loyalty to the English, side with the Badshahi Government, and obtain salaries of 200 or 300 rupees per month for the present, and be entitled to high posts in future. If they, for any reason, cannot at present declare openly against the English, they can heartily wish ill to their cause, and remain passive spectators of passing events, without taking any active share therein. But at the same time they should indirectly assist the Badshahi Government, and try their best to drive the English out of the country. . . . Section IV—Regarding Artisans. It is evident that the Europeans, by the introduction of English articles into India, have thrown the weavers, the cotton dressers, the carpenters, the blacksmiths, and the shoemakers, &c., out of employ, and have engrossed their occupations, so that every description of native artisan has been reduced to beggary. But under the Badshahi Government the native artisans will exclusively be employed in the services of the kings, the rajahs, and the rich; and this will no doubt ensure their prosperity. Therefore these artisans ought to renounce the English services, and assist the Majahdeens, engaged in the war, and thus be entitled both to secular and eternal happiness. Section V—Regarding Pundits, Fakirs and other learned persons. The pundits and fakirs being the guardians of the Hindoo and Mohammedan religions respectively, and the Europeans being the enemies of both the religions, and as at present a war is raging against the English on account of religion, the pundits and fakirs are bound to present themselves to me, and take their share in the holy war. . . . Lastly, be it known to all, that whoever, out of the above named classes, shall after the circulation of this Ishtahar, still cling to the British Government, all his estates shall be confiscated, and his property plundered, and he himself, with his whole family, shall be imprisoned, and ultimately put to death. Source: Ainslie T. Embree (ed.), 1857 in India: Mutiny or War of Independence? (Boston: D. C. Heath, 1963), pp. 1–3.
Above is the required text to read and the required questions to answer. There are 11 questions so there should be 11 paragrsphs

Explain why the period between 1870 and 1900 is known as the Gilded Age. Who ori

Explain why the period between 1870 and 1900 is known as the Gilded Age.
Who originally came up with the term, “Gilded Age”?
Why does the term apply to this era, according to the historians from the 1920s who first made the term a mainstream label for the 1870s to 1900 years? I need 200 words with citation and references …. No k12 citation.

Transportation plays a vital role in the business logistics/supply chain managem

Transportation plays a vital role in the business logistics/supply chain management process. Compare and contrast how regulation versus deregulation has impacted transportation. Ask yourself what were the major influences on both regulating and deregulated the transportation industry. What effects has globalization had on regulations? How have customers benefited from regulation or deregulation?
The paper should be a minimum of 1000 words and 7-10 references. APA format should also be used. You will be graded on content, grammar, and format. Your work should be supported by peer-reviewed articles from the University library, Government websites, and/or GAO reports.

Assignment Description Parents and families are the main allies in your work wit

Assignment Description
Parents and families are the main allies in your work with students with disabilities. They are your partners and can provide rich, detailed information about their children that you do not know. When children have a disability, their parents are often their primary advocates. Parents and families have a very different experience with their child than you do, so it is helpful to seek out their perspectives as often as you can.
You can approach this assignment in one of the following two ways:
You may interview an individual parent or parents of a child with disabilities.
In this assignment, you will learn about how parents view disability and about the ways they advocate for their children. You will need to take notes during the interview or parent meeting.
Assignment Instructions
Complete the following:
Identify a parent or a parent group to serve as the participants you will interview or observe.
Develop a list of questions to ask the parents if you decide to conduct an interview. Note: If you observe a parent group, you will want to make note of these same items. Your goals for the interview are to:
1.-Analyze how the parents view their child’s disability.
2.-Describe positive and negatives experiences they have had during the child’s schooling.
3.-Describe the relationships they have developed with stakeholders at the school. Consider teachers, therapists, administrators, et cetera.
4.-Analyze the ways in which the parents advocate for their children’s best interests.
Address the four points listed above in your video. Also, reflect on what you learned from the parents and how that impacts your work with students with disabilities.