In your current event assignment, please address each of the following:
Provide a summary of the article (include source, date, important people and events, place/location).
Explain the connection to the information we studied in Units 1 and 2.
Use the following questions/prompts as a guide:
How does this current event article connect to the unit we are currently studying?
What impact did the past have on the events taking place today? Is it political, economic and/or social?
Describe specific historical events/people/documents that are involved and explain how they are involved.
What does the current event article tell us about the past?
What predictions do you have on this event affecting the future?
Provide a reflection on your personal opinions regarding the current event article and the historical event it is connected to.
Make sure to provide a hyperlink to the article (check to make sure the hyperlink works).

Instructions Please pick two of the three questions below to answer in the form

Please pick two of the three questions below to answer in the form of a typed essay. You should aim to write about a three to five page answer for each question, although I care more that you answer the question you choose thoroughly and that you provide enough historical details to support your assertions. Your essay should be double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12-font type, and contain one-inch margins. Good luck!
How did the former Roman province of Britannia evolve over the six and a half centuries following the departure of Roman legions in 410 CE? What were the crucial political, social, and/or cultural shifts that occurred during these centuries that created “England” in your opinion?
2. Under various medieval English kings, beginning with Henry I and continuing through to Edward III, England developed certain political, legal, and governmental institutions that were formative of a common Anglo-American legal and political culture that endures to this day. First, what were these innovations and how/why did they came come about? Secondly, of the various innovations you choose to write about in your essay, which one was the most significant and why?
3. Compare and contrast the various British Reformations that occurred in the sixteenth century both in terms of their origins and their consequences. Why did England have one kind of Reformation, Scotland another, and Ireland hardly one at all?
Explanation of issues
The student’s work is excellent; it exhibits a very high degree of proficiency with respect to this learning objective.
Evidence – Selecting and using information to investigate a point of view or conclusion
The student’s work is excellent; it exhibits a very high degree of proficiency with respect to this learning objective.
Influence of context and assumptions
The student’s work is excellent; it exhibits a very high degree of proficiency with respect to this learning objective.
Student’s position (perspective, thesis/hypothesis)
The student’s work is excellent; it exhibits a very high degree of proficiency with respect to this learning objective.
Conclusions and related outcomes (implications and consequences)
The student’s work is excellent; it exhibits a very high degree of proficiency with respect to this learning objective.

Debrief Questions What was your overall impression of the interprofessional educ

Debrief Questions
What was your overall impression of the interprofessional education activity on disability and ethics?
What did you learn about disability?
Debrief-Application to practice
How does participation in the interprofessional education activity on disability and ethics increase the knowledge and skills related to disability identification?
How does participation in the interprofessional education activity on disability increase your knowledge related to ethical issues and challenges?
What did you learn about the best standards of care when working with individuals who have a disability?
How relevant was the interprofessional education activity on disability and ethics to your current professional education?
Not relevant, somewhat relevant, moderately relevant or very relevant
How much did the interprofessional education activity on disability and ethics reflect on your behaviors when interacting with persons with disabilities?
Not relevant, somewhat relevant, moderately relevant, or very relevant
What skills did you develop?
What did you learn about working in multidisciplinary or interprofessional teams?
What is your one takeaway after completing this interprofessional educational activity?

This is an 9 page essay assignment, double spaced. In our Domino text ch 5 “Plan

This is an 9 page essay assignment, double spaced.
In our Domino text ch 5 “Planning a Tragedy” p 99, we read in the middle of the page in reference to us – the United States of America – “For the nation to maintain its global commitment to anticommunism, South Vietnam had to be saved.” But on p 120 we learn South Vietnam was a “corrupt, illegitimate government.” And on p 124 “in Vietnam, enough was never enough.” These quotes are just brief background to apply the three rules of strategic thinking on p 126 to the early phase of our American war in Vietnam. In your own words as much as possible, what are these 3 rules? Use evidence from ch 5 to support your understanding of how effectively (or not) we (USA) applied these rules as we took our dive “Into the Abyss, 1965-1966.” (ch 6 Domino) Use several supporting documents from ch 5 “America’s War” in our Documents text.
How did our government and military present “The Mirage of Progress” (ch 7) On p 153 Sir Robert Thompson warned that we (USA) were using “a military solution to [solve] the political problem in Vietnam…” as we unleashed our “killing machine.” What is the most effective propoganda you find In the Documents text ch 4 “Selling Patriotism”?
Ch 8 in Domino presents a significant turning point in our American war in Vietnam: “Tet and the Year of the Monkey, 1968.” The photograph on p 167 “became symbolic of the Tet offensive.” Please explain why. Pages 174-5 describe the March 25, 1968 meeting of the so-called “Wise Men.” What was significant in President Johnson’s (LBJ hereafter) conclusion that “the establishment bastards have bailed out.”? (p 175)
Here in America 1968 brought the election of Richard Nixon to the presidency, and Domino’s ch 9 “The Beginning of the End, 1969-1970.” On p 197 we learn about the effort to pick “up where the French left off” with our policy of “Vietnamization” reinventing the failed French policy of jaunissement, or yellowing of the fight against…the Viet Minh (Knutson’s preferred understanding), or North Vietnam (the American Government’s presentation). How did this effort go?
The Tet Offensive had led “Fighting Abe” Abrams to recognize that it had been “a psychological and political and therefore strategic disaster.” Our own military’s “new strategic assumptions” (both quotes p 196) contibuted to the My Lai Massacre, covered in Domino pages 204-205, and Documents text pages 131-136. Now it is also time to use our My text as well. Briefly explain/describe this perhaps most horrific single incident in our war in Vietnam.
Another counterproductive effort in our Vietnam War was President Nixon’s ordering an invasion of Cambodia, found on pages 209-214 in ch 9 “The Beginning of the End, 1969-1970.” Why was this invasion such a catastrophe?
Briefly describe “The Fall of South Vietnam, 1970-1975.” What doe this have to say about our American War in Vietnam?
Course Materials Olson, James S. and R. Roberts. Where Domino Fell. (Blackwell Publishing, 2008) Olson, James S. and R. Roberts. My Lai. (Bedford Books. 1998) Young, Marilyn B., John J. Fitzgerald, and A. Tom Grunfeld. The Vietnam War: A History in Documents. (Oxford University Press, 2002) The Ken Burns series on The Vietnam War is being streamed onto Moodle site The PBS series Vietnam: A Television History and the related guide available on the Internet at:
Please put a heading on each as you usually do.

You will need to research not only the event, but also the historical figure, an

You will need to research not only the event, but also the historical figure, and write the paper ″in character.″ Your final paper must be 5–7 pages of text, plus a title page and APA-formatted reference page. You must include properly cited graphics, such as pictures, maps, and graphs if you like. You must use and cite at least 5 scholarly sources; Wikipedia, encyclopedias, and websites that are intended for a general audience are not scholarly sources. You may supplement (not replace) the 5 scholarly sources with news articles. Outline and 5 sources attached (may change if needed). Please have 5 complete pages and a reference page. Can I please receive the essay on Sunday 21st for review?

Your essay will be written in 12-point Times New Roman Font, double-spaced, be 6

Your essay will be written in 12-point Times New Roman Font, double-spaced, be 6-8 pages in length,
and include a bibliography. The essay will be clearly structured with an introduction, middle section,
and conclusion, in which a clear historical argument is presented and sustained throughout the essay.
All the information is on the file.
-Each question you answer it is a page of 400-500 words, so 6 pages total.
-follow the rubric
-the link for the primary source
-refrenced using Chicago-Style citation

First, choose a film from the provided list, each selected for its complex and i

First, choose a film from the provided list, each selected for its complex and insightful documentation of the lived experience of people of African ancestry. Watch the film thoroughly and focus on the characters, setting, and themes. Then, examine the historical and cultural context of the film, considering the time period, location, and relevant historical events or social movements. Your task is to submit a two to three-page analysis, a detailed discussion on how the film portrays the lived experience of people of African ancestry, and your reflection on how the film influenced your understanding of these experiences. This analysis, due by the specified deadline, should be well-organized and articulated, offering both academic and personal insights into the diverse and rich tapestry of African ancestry experiences as depicted in cinema.
Please choose one film to watch from the list below (on netflix) and write an analytical essay.
Passing Blood Brothers: Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali Fences Mudbound The Tuskegee Airmen
Rustin Self Made Marshall Race The Best of Enemies Stamped from the Beginning In Our Mother′s Gardens Who We Are Colin in Black & White 13th

Please read these instructions carefully. If you have a question or confusion, l

Please read these instructions carefully. If you have a question or confusion, let me know it sooner rather than later.
For this online essay you will choose ONE question from those given below. Your essay must be 1,500 words long at minimum. I will only count the main body of your answer in determining the word count, not the title page, references, footnotes, or bibliography. If you write more than 1,500 words, I will stop reading your essay after 1,800 words and grade only what I have read. The deadline for this assignment is April 7, 2024, by 11:59 p.m. PST. No late work will be accepted.
Upload your work for this assignment in ONE file on this page. That file must be in ONE of the following file formats: txt, doc, docx. You will be able to enter this page as many times as you wish before the assignment deadline. Upload that ONE file on this page by clicking on the ‘Submit’ button on this page. Waiting until the last moment to upload your paper, when many others may be doing the same, is not recommended. I will not accept papers submitted outside of our Canvas course platform. They must be submitted on this page and by the posted deadline. What Am I Looking For in Your Work for this Essay Assignment? (it’s no secret):
Has the student in their essay –
Demonstrated factual and chronological knowledge of the key events, themes, and people that we have covered so far in our assigned work.
Avoided using AI content.
Taken a position and argued their position or thesis on the question posed. Arguing a position means supporting your thesis by drawing on the assigned textbook and at least TWO of the primary sources assigned up to and including the week when the essay is due. Demonstrated the ability to interpret historical information by using analytical skills, such as using primary sources skillfully, contextualizing, and comparing and contrasting sources.
Cited (given proper credit to) the sources used by using quotation marks to set off quoted material from the assigned sources and citing all sources immediately after the quoted material with parenthetical citations or footnotes? (for example: Mr. Van, “The Principal Themes in our Class,” http:smc.canvas.3495968)
Used no other outside sources other than the assigned readings, primary sources, and the discussion assignments — unless otherwise directed by the instructor? (Papers using non-assigned materials will receive a Zero Grade.)
Written a clear, grammatically correct, well-organized essay, free of misspellings and basic writing rules? Has s/he punctuated properly? Do they announce their thesis in the first paragraph and argue that thesis in the body of the essay? Is that thesis strong (arguable)? Do they finish their essay with a conclusion? That is, have they written college-level work? (To learn how to write a good history essay, refresh your memory HERE.)
The Questions
Choose ONE question for this assignment among those below. If you submit answers to more than one question (please don’t), I will grade only the first essay.
For each essay, you must take a position and argue your position or thesis on the question posed. Arguing a position means supporting your thesis by drawing on the assigned textbook and at least TWO of the primary sources assigned up to and including the week when the essay is due. Then citing what you’ve borrowed or used.
Assess this claim: “When Europe colonized the ‘New World’ in the period from 1492 to 1700, the native peoples it encountered in the Americas responded to European colonization in several different ways.” What were those ways? How did each of the ways of each nation state differ from those of its rivals (who were those rivals?)? Fashion a thesis in which you support this claim, then back all you write with the material assigned so far in our course. Include at least the significant use of two primary sources that were given in the modules. A main theme in our course is Race and Ethnicity. Assess this statement in light of our assigned readings, both the primary and secondary sources presented in our course so far: “…in general, the history of race in the U.S. from 1680 to 1820 was marked by almost continuous discrimination and setbacks for racial minorities, such as African Americans and Native Peoples.” Do you agree with this statement? Fashion a thesis in which you take a position on this claim, then back all you write with the material assigned so far in our course. Include at least the significant use of two non-textbook assigned primary sources that are given in the modules for the time period of this question. Finally, for the sake of fairness, be sure to answer the chief criticisms or counterclaims that can be made against your thesis. Assess this statement in light of our assigned readings: “…in the period from 1607 to 1820, women’s roles in the colonies and (afterward) the young Republic were radically transformed, a process that brought them near political equality with men.” Do you agree given the period we’ve looked at so far in our course, up to 1820? Fashion a thesis in which you take a stand on this claim, then back all you write with the material assigned since the First Essay. Include at least the significant use of two non-textbook assigned primary sources that were made in this period. Finally, for the sake of fairness, be sure to answer the chief criticisms or counterclaims that can be made against your thesis.

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to thi

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Write two three-page term paper. Three pages or more of writing, typed and double spaced, using a Times New Roman font of 12. There should be a title page and one-inch margins should be utilized throughout the paper. Must be submitted as Microsoft Word file attachment. By March 20 2024.
Students need to discuss what is the article about, what is the author trying to argue, and what are your thoughts. The article that I chose is Causes of the War with the United States” by Josefina Zoraida Vazquez.
Professor: I take off one point for each error that I see and that includes grammar, punctuation, spelling, errors in spacing and incorrect margins. I also do not want to see any quotes or quotations in any paper that is turned in to me. I take off two points for
each quote that I see in a paper. Any paper that you turn in to me must be written entirely in your own words. Which means that the use of any Artificial Intelligence
(AI) will also not be tolerated.
Requirements: Minimum 3 Full Pages Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages | .doc file
Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure to include an introduction paragraph with a clear thesis statement in the last sentence of the introduction paragraph and a conclusion paragraph.
Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions.
No plagiarism & No Course Hero & No Chegg. The assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Please be sure to include at least one in-text citation in each body paragraph.

Instructions Federal laboratories, universities, or industrial laboratories? Ba

Federal laboratories, universities, or industrial laboratories? Based on the course readings, which institutional setting contributed most significantly to the development of physics in the 20th century? Explain your rationale with examples. Additionally, did 20th century physicists have more significant achievements on earth or in space (including all institutional settings)? Explain why. Finally, which physicist made the greatest contribution? Explain how. You must cite and discuss a primary source written by him or her.
Paper Outline (Use Subheadings for Parts A, B, and C):
Title Page
Part A: Institutional Setting Answer
Part B: Earth or Space Answer
Part C: The Selected Physicist
Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or bibliography).
Format: APA, MLA, or Chicago Manual of Style. For assistance visit:
Paper Requirements:
Formatting – 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced, 1-inch margins
Cite the readings for the week. Cite ONE primary source written by your selected physicist. As a reminder, a primary source “is a document or physical object which was written or created during the time under study. These sources were present during an experience or time period and offer an inside view of a particular event.” Click here to learn the difference between primary and secondary sources:
Cite ONE scholarly source from peer reviewed journals or books found in the APUS library. What is a secondary source? “A secondary source interprets and analyzes primary sources. These sources are one or more steps removed from the event.” Web sites are not approved research for this assignment. There is to be NO USE OF WEBSITES in your answer under any circumstances for this part of the assignment. Scholarly and peer reviewed research only. Click here to learn what makes a source “scholarly”: Click here for how you find peer reviewed or scholarly sources:
Include a bibliography.
Please submit as a Word document.