2 page essay answering these questions What were some of the motivations and goals of fascism, as described by Mussolini and Hitler? Why do you think these fascists emphasize the dehumanizing of people, whether it be perceived outsiders (e.g. the Jews) or even their own citizens (e.g. Italian men)?
I am attaching the pages to reference only in this essay need quotes and page numbers listed
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Category: History
• Evaluate and analyze primary and secondary sources. • Analyze and
• Evaluate and analyze primary and secondary sources.
• Analyze and interpret evidence to formulate a solid thesis statement in response to the Midterm Exam Essay Question and compose a cogent argument in support of the thesis statement.
Directions: The Midterm Exam essay question is based on the accompanying document excerpts (1—7) and pertinent information from your textbook. As you analyze the document excerpts, I suggest that you consider both the source of each document and the author’s point of view. Be sure to:
1. Carefully re-read pertinent information from your textbook.
2. Read each document carefully, (documents are located at the end of the exam directions) noting key phrases and words that address the document-based question.
3. Based upon your own knowledge of the topic and on the evidence found in the documents and the required online textbook for the course, formulate a thesis statement that directly answers the Midterm Exam essay question.
4. Citing a minimum of THREE of the primary source document excerpts is mandatory. The citations must include a brief, direct quote from three out of the seven documents. DO NOT OVER QUOTE. Please cite the document following the quote, for example:
“The position of the United States, between the two Old Worlds and the two great oceans, makes the same claim” (Document 2).
Citations from the Openstax text should indicate the section number, for example:
‘Religious leaders and Progressive reformers joined businesses in their growing interest in American expansion, as both sought to increase the democratic and Christian influences of the United States abroad” (22.1).
5. After you have finished composing your essay exam response on your computer, please save it as a standard word document or PDF file, Times New Roman, 12 point-font, single-spaced.
6. Your 1200-1700 word response to the Midterm Essay Exam is due Saturday evening, March 30, 2024 by 11:59 PM, Pacific Time. Standard essay form (i.e., an introduction containing the thesis statement as the last sentence of this first paragraph, at least three body paragraphs with solid analysis of the supporting evidence, and a fully developed conclusion paragraph is required. DO NOT exceed the word limit. Only course materials may be used in answering the Midterm essay question; citing/quoting outside sources is prohibited. No previously submitted course work for this course (i.e., Module Assignments/Responses) or any course (including high school/college courses) may be used.
7. Plagiarism is the use of an entity’s and/or someone else’s ideas, words, creations, etc., in a manner that suggests that you are the originator. All work that is not based on your own original thoughts/interpretations must be properly cited. Copying from the textbook and/or simply including the page number without putting quotations around the statement(s) used in assignments/critiques/exams is plagiarism. Copying and pasting off the Internet and/or the use of artificial intelligence and/or copying another classmate’s discussion forum assignment are expressly forbidden. Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, is an academic integrity violation and will be treated accordingly.
MIDTERM EXAM ESSAY QUESTION: Assess the degree to which imperialism was a legitimate policy for the United States to follow during the late 19th/early 20th centuries.
Document 1:
More than a decade before the Spanish-American War, Rev. Josiah Strong, a prominent Protestant clergyman, wrote Our Country, a book that became both popular and influential. This passage, taken from Strong’s book, advocates imperialism as a policy of the United States.
“It seems to me that God, with infinite wisdom and skill, is training the Anglo-Saxon race [Strong meant Americans of British and German descent] for an hour sure to come in the world’s future–this race of unequaled energy, with all the majesty of numbers and the might of wealth behind it—the representatives . . . of the largest liberty, the purest Christianity, the highest civilization . . . will spread itself over the earth this powerful race will move down upon Mexico, down upon Central and South America, out upon the islands of the sea, over upon Africa and beyond. And can anyone doubt that the result of this competition of races will be the ‘survival of the fittest?’”
Document 2:
Another American proponent of imperialism was a top U.S. Navy officer, Alfred T. Mahan. Mahan’s views were well known and popular with many. This excerpt comes from a book he wrote shortly before the Spanish-American War, titled The Interest of America in Sea Power (1897).
“Americans must begin to look outward. The growing production of the country demands it. An increasing volume of public sentiment demands it. The position of the United States, between the two Old Worlds and the two great oceans, makes the same claim. “
Document 3:
The initial decision whether or not to annex the Philippines was made by President McKinley. In the following excerpt, he explains why he recommended annexation to the U.S. Senate. He was speaking to a group of religious leaders when he made this statement.
“I walked the floor of the White House night after night until midnight; and I am not ashamed to tell you, gentlemen, that I went down on my knees and prayed Almighty God for light and guidance. . . . And one night late it came to me this way . . .
1. That we could not give them back to Spain—that would be cowardly and dishonorable;
2. that we could not turn them over to France or Germany—our commercial rivals in the Orient—that would be bad business and discreditable;
3. that we could not leave them to themselves—they were unfit for self-government—and they would soon have anarchy and misrule there worse than Spain’s was; and
4. that there was nothing left for us to do but to take them all, and to educate the Filipinos, and uplift and civilize and Christianize them, and by God’s grace do the very best we could by them, as our fellowmen for whom Christ also died.”
Document 4:
U.S. Senator George F. Hoar represented Massachusetts in Congress from 1869 until his death in 1904, and was a major opponent of imperialism. The following excerpt comes from a speech Hoar made in January 1899, in opposition to the treaty annexing the Philippines.
. . .” the question with which we now have to deal is whether Congress may conquer and may govern, without their consent and against their will, a foreign nation, a separate, distinct, and numerous people, a territory not hereafter to be populated by Americans under the Declaration of Independence you cannot govern a foreign territory, a foreign people, another people than your own . . . you cannot subjugate them and govern them against their will, because you think it is for their good, when they do not; because you think you are going to give them the blessings of liberty. You have no right at the cannon’s mouth to impose on an unwilling people your Declaration of Independence and your Constitution and your notions of freedom and notions of what is good.”
Document 5:
Albert Beveridge, a Republican senator from Indiana, supported imperialism. How did he justify this policy in the following excerpt from a speech he made in the U.S. Senate in 1900?
“The Philippines are ours forever. . . . We will not retreat. . . . We will not repudiate [renounce] our duty. . . . We will not abandon our opportunity in the Orient. We will not renounce our part in the mission of our race, trustee, under God, of the civilization of the world. And we will move forward to our work . . . with gratitude . . . to Almighty God that He has marked us as His chosen people, henceforth to lead in the regeneration of the world the Pacific is the ocean of the commerce of the future The power that rules the Pacific . . . is the power that rules the world.”
Document 6:
Henry Cabot Lodge, a Republican senator from Massachusetts, also supported imperialism. How did Lodge defend imperialism in this statement from a Senate speech made in 1900?
“. . . we are in the Philippines as righteously [honorably] as we are there rightly and legally.
The taking of the Philippines does not violate the principles of the Declaration of Independence, but will spread them among a people who have never known liberty, and who in a few years will be as unwilling to leave the shelter of the American flag as those of any other territory we ever brought beneath its folds.”
Document 7:
The prospect of the United States becoming an imperialistic nation galvanized a strong opposition, and many opponents rallied around the newly created American Anti-Imperialist League. Here are some excerpts from the Anti-Imperialist League’s platform which was adopted during the 1900 presidential campaign.
“We hold that the policy known as imperialism is hostile to liberty and tends toward militarism, an evil from which it has been our glory to be free. We regret that it has become necessary in the land of Washington and Lincoln to reaffirm that all men, of whatever race or color, are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We maintain that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. We insist that the subjugation of any people is ‘criminal aggression.’
We hold, with Abraham Lincoln, that ‘no man is good enough to govern another man without that other’s consent.’”
This is the part 1 of the project and I need to choose an option to do this proj
This is the part 1 of the project and I need to choose an option to do this project in the second part and I will write an essay. You can choose any of the theme listed in the instructions.
Purpose: This “Part I” assignment is essential for successful completion of your Final Project, and it alone counts for 5% of your entire grade. This step assures you’ve reviewed the Final Project options, chosen one, and begun work on it. You will get a jump-start by drafting an outline, annotating two scholarly sources, and submitting your theme, topic, time period, format, thesis, and a paragraph on your overall approach.
One of the biggest challenges of this project is choosing a narrower topic, era, movement, or concept to analyze within one of these broader themes:
* Democracy and diversity: How democratic is our democracy?
* Identity: What does it mean to be an American?
* Culture: How has culture unified or divided Americans?
* Politics and Citizenship: What does it mean to be an American citizen? What is the role of the government?
For instance, you could address the broad theme of American democracy by focusing on the fight to protect voting rights during the 1960s. Or you could examine the issue of Culture by analyzing protest music of the Vietnam War era. Within the broad theme that you select from the options, it’s most helpful to narrow your focus to both a topic/concept AND a time period, i.e. voting rights/1960s, protest music/Vietnam era, women’s suffrage/Roaring Twenties, or labor wars/Age of Industrialization. This will help to keep the project a manageable size by honing in on a specific idea and limit the scope of your research to a time period. When you’re choosing a topic, think about the things in the course so far that have struck you – events, people, or movements. Go back to that material in the course and see what you’d like to investigate further.
Time Period Options (you aren’t restricted to the periods below, they are just general options to consider):
* 1865-1890
* 1890-1920
* 1920-1945
* 1945-1968
* 1968-present
* Research and find two scholarly sources that will provide information and context for your project. Watch the How to Use GALILEO Discover Search video to learn more about searching in GALILEO. Annotate your two sources (see the Annotating Sources: Creating Your Annotated Bibliography video for help on how to do this) and include information from your sources in your outline below. Need help with this? Use the embedded librarians – they’re there to help!
* Write out an organizational outline of your project. Even if you’re not writing an essay, treat this outline as if you were – bullet out topics you want to explore in your video or presentation, questions you’d like to ask in an interview, or annotations for songs you’re including in each “paragraph.” Shoot for outlining 5-6 “body paragraphs” at this stage, in addition to your introduction and conclusion (you may add more as you go along). The more detailed your outline, the more feedback and guidance your instructor will be able to provide to make sure you’re on the right track. Feel free to copy the format on the Creating an Outline page to get you started. Don’t be surprised, if, while writing your outline, you discover more about your topic and your thesis and/or other choices change as a result! This is the very nature of learning.
* When you’re done, list the following at the top of your outline document: your broad theme, narrower topic/concept and time period, and the format or modality you’ve chosen. Underneath that, write your refined thesis – what you’re attempting to argue or show. Improving and refining your thesis is one of the key aspects of this project – don’t merely repeat what you submitted in the Unit 4 Brainstorm discussions. Check the following resources:
* Building a Strong Thesis Statement and Writing Advice
* the UNC Writing Center page on developing Thesis Statements
* Finally, after your thesis, write an informal paragraph explaining your overall approach to your project: why your topic and format/modality go together well, and the progression of your argument or position – how do your different points/questions/songs connect and hang together? How do the two sources you found support your thesis? If you have specific questions for your instructor on how to do any of these, include them as well.
File submissions: Please submit your file as a DOC.X or PDF file.
Grading Criteria:
* You’ve submitted each of the requirements: two annotated sources, an outline, theme, topic/concept, time period, format/modality, refined thesis statement and approach paragraph.
MLA Format Directions: Your essay should be formatted as follows: It should have
MLA Format Directions:
Your essay should be formatted as follows: It should have an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Additionally, each essay question must be answered in at least three full paragraphs but no more than 3.5 (not including the cover page). Your essay should be Double-Spaced, in Times New Roman style, in 12-point font, and in MLA format. Lastly, your essay must have a cover page and In-text citations. If you are unfamiliar with MLA format or writing an essay, you can get assistance from the following: NetTutor, on Canvas, the writing center, or the Academic Support Center. Here is the link to the academic support center.
Approved Historical Resources
Course E-Book Introduction to Western Civilization, vol. 1, 5th edit.
Essay Questions: Remember you must answer both questions to receive credit, and you must cite your source
1. How can Muhammad be described as both a prophet and a statesman?
2. What was and is the legacy of the Carolingians?
https://nerd.wwnorton.com/nerd/259657/r/goto/cfi/106!/4?lti=true – EBook link. please access this link for the text. i will attach my Login and PASSCODE.
In a two page essay , describe the voting process (how does a person get elected
In a two page essay , describe the voting process (how does a person get elected). From the voter (citizen) to the elected official. Include the works cited within the two pages, MLA format. Use the powerpoint and resources provided to complete. The powerpoint is attached. I am also including other resources to use for this assignment: https://ballotpedia.org/Voting_in_Texas https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/pamphlets/largepamp.shtml Voting in Person Texas has uniform Election Days in November and May of each year, offering voters the chance to make their voices heard in local, state, and federal elections, including local and statewide ballot propositions that impact the everyday lives of Texas communities. Voting in Texas is county-based, meaning that on any given Election Day, there are really 254 separate elections occurring at the same time. This decentralized system allows choices for county governments – which oversee elections – while simultaneously ensuring that every county operates under the same election laws as set forth in the Texas Election Code. In this section, you will learn how to find your polling place in your county of registration, what to bring to the polls to identify yourself, what type of voting systems you will be using, and what to expect when you go to cast your vote. Additionally, this section provides helpful information for voters with disabilities who may need additional assistance at the polls.
In Texas there are two major party affiliations. In your own words explain wheth
In Texas there are two major party affiliations. In your own words explain whether you believe the two party system is needed or not. The 2 parties are Republican Party and Democratic party. I am all for Democratic.
For your Unit 3 Complete assignment, write a narrative essay in which you addres
For your Unit 3 Complete assignment, write a narrative essay in which you address each topic
listed below. Use at least three scholarly sources and remember to demonstrate a thorough
understanding of the READ and ATTEND sections in your essay. Cite your sources in APA format.
Amidst cultural divides, the nation slid from consumer boom to Great Depression bust
in the 1920s.
The New Deal of FDR changed the nature of American government.
World War II transformed the U.S. domestically and internationally
Select one of the module learning objectives listed below and provide an extende
Select one of the module learning objectives listed below and provide an extended response of about 500 to 1000 words in length. Include references to at least three historical documents and information from at least two different chapters of the Module Resource Book.
Evaluate how government policies about citizenship and land rights shaped the assimilation of Native Americans into mainstream society after the Civil War.
Describe how expansion of the railroad industry changed the American economy, perceptions of time and space, and labor for racial minorities after the Civil War.
Describe how innovations in technology and business changed daily life for American workers and consumers.
Explain what Mark Twain meant when he coined the term “The Gilded Age” and evaluate how it describes the relationship between corporations and government.
Compare the views of human life described by famous ancient figurs from China, S
Compare the views of human life described by famous ancient figurs from China, Sima Qian, Ji Kang, and Tao Qian. Comment on these views of life and their life choices in the light of various Chinese philosophical ideas. Be sure to use concrete examples from your readings to support your argument, but do not cite long passages. The examples should be from the works in the pdf attachment files.
Part 1: Now that you have had the opportunity to explore and discover various Af
Part 1: Now that you have had the opportunity to explore and discover various African American concerns, problems and issues, I would like you to think about this question:
If you had all the money, power and influence in the world, what would you change? In other words, what problem are you passionate about solving in the African American community? Explain why you are passionate about this issue and don’t forget to respond to two of your classmates. If you don’t have an A.A. problem you would like to solve, then review the Talmage textbook or the videos I posted or go to A.A. websites or the A.A. online library and explore more topics or issues. Once you have decided on a topic click on, “Start A New Thread” and post your topic in the “Subject” box, so your classmates and I can see your topic. I will respond by approving your topic or I may ask you to narrow your topic down or change your topic to an international topic. Please do not post your topic in a classmate’s reply because it will get lost in the discussions and I may not be able to find it. Furthermore, everyone should post early, so I can provide feedback on your topic. Waiting until the last day to post a topic can delay your topic approval which can cause you to start your paper late. Finally, everyone must have a different A.A. issue they would like to solve because this will be your topic for the African American Issues Course Project Paper. Also, please start your discussion with, “If I had all of the money, power, and influence in the world, I would…” Pay special attention to the discussion’s end date.
So far mental health, stereotype of black women, and homelessness is taken. A.A stands for African American.