Sequencing and Coding Major Authors, Theories, and Approaches Since the early 19

Sequencing and Coding Major Authors, Theories, and Approaches Since the early 1900s, many individuals and organizations have contributed to the shared purpose of developing youth into good people and citizens who work well with others to build and maintain strong communities. In this assignment, you will create an annotated, weighted, and coded timeline of important individual and organizational contributors. Step 1. Research Use the readings, presentations, and your independent research to identify major philosophers, theorists, program developers, researchers, and organizational leaders who have contributed between 1900 and present-day to our understanding of how to teach youth to be virtuous and socially skilled citizens who can help maintain and improve communities. Also identify contributing organizations, relevant theories, and model programs. Step 2. Create Create a timeline to include individual contributors and important organizations, theories, philosophies, and program models. You will need at least ten entries. The starting point can be any year between 1900 to 1940. The endpoint is the present. This timeline can be created in segments on multiple PowerPoint slides to allow for more entries. You can also use a tool from the Digital Tools Center linked on the Module 1 Learning Objects page, or you may use a timeline creation tool you find online. Step 3. Annotate Annotate your entries and code them in some way as belonging to or connected with one of several current approaches or schools of thought. You can code by using your own categories or another scheme or typology you discover. The use of Vessels’ Taxonomy (quadrant diagrams) to code differences in theory, philosophy, and methodology is an option but not required. Step 4. Submit Submit your timeline and a one-page narrative refection as separate documents. Use APA format and include a title page and references page. NOTE: Time-Sensitive Preview Preview assignment instructions for Module 4. Coordinate and schedule in advance the teacher interview and the classroom observation. Follow your district’s policies regarding permission and informed consent for gathering data through teacher interviews and classroom observations and avoid using any names of teachers and students in your data forms and assignment paper

Due at 9pm today GUIDELINES: Amelia Earnhardt 1. At least 1,000 words of writ

Due at 9pm today
Amelia Earnhardt
1. At least 1,000 words of writing, double-spaced. Aim for more rather than fewer – fewer than 1,000 words will affect your grade.
2. Include your name, course information, and due date in the upper left corner.
3. Include a title.
4. Use MLA citation style and include:
a. In-text citations
b. A PROPERLY FORMATTED works cited page
c. A minimum of 3 scholarly sources. The use of ANY website that ends in .com, .org, or .net is prohibited and will result in a 0 on the assignment. You may ONLY use books and resources from the library, websites ending in .edu, Google Scholar, and Google Books. Anyone can create a .com and look like they know what they′re talking about. The use of Wikipedia,, or any similar site is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in an immediate 0 on the assignment.
d. You must cite ALL information from sources – paraphrasing, summarizing, and direct quotes.
e. Each paragraph should have a MINIMUM of TWO citations – all information from sources MUST be cited!
f. Use the OWL at Purdue for help with citations and the works cited page: to an external site.
g. You can also use these YouTube tutorials for help: In-Text Citations TutorialLinks to an external site. Works Cited Page TutorialLinks to an external site.

Works Cited Page MLA 9th Edition: Creating References in MLA
4. Use proper sentence structure, grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
5. Do NOT use text lingo/abbreviations.
6. Do not refer to yourself in the paper (″I think…″). Research papers aren′t interested in what you think – they′re interested in facts.
Failure to include in-text citations or a works cited page will result in an automatic 0 on the assignment. Plagiarism (and it will be run through a filter for this) will result in an automatic 0. The use of ANY generative AI is strictly prohibited and will result in an automatic 0 on the assignment.
Important Info

The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.

Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)

U.S. History Book Review Instructions : You have been asked to compose a book re

U.S. History Book Review Instructions :
You have been asked to compose a book review. Report the main arguments and evidence of a book, AND evaluate
the book’s arguments and use of evidence. Your paper should follow the standard
requirements of a college-level thesis statement and should be about 750-1000 words
long In Turabian.
Your paper should cover the following elements:
first, a clear identification of the
author’s main point, or THESIS;
second, the DEVELOPMENT, or the manner in which
the author proves the thesis; Finally, your CRITIQUE of the work.
1. The thesis is the unifying principle of the whole book. It is the central argument that
the author intends to unpack and prove. Although most good authors make numerous
arguments in a history book, there is typically one central, defining idea that ties
everything together. You will need to identify and thoroughly communicate the author’s
central thesis in your own words. If you find a sentence that you believe directly
identifies the thesis, that’s fine! However, do not merely put the thesis in quotes. You
must use your own words.
2. The development is how the author goes about elaborating upon and backing up his
thesis. Here is where you identify the historian’s use of sources. Here also is where you
consider the conclusions the author draws from the sources he is using. Although you
will need to summarize the major points made by the author as you describe the book’s
development, you will need to go beyond merely reporting what the author says and
moving into the realm of analyzing and critiquing what he or she says. Consider the
nature of the historical evidence used. Consider the organization of the book. Consider
the topics addressed, as well as the topics left untreated.
3. The critique is not a criticism of the book. Instead, it is your evaluation of the book’s
thesis, use of evidence, organization, overall effectiveness, and contribution to the study
of history in general. In your critique, you will consider whether a particular point of
view (normally a neutral necessity) and/or a particular bias or prejudice (normally an
avoidable negative) shaped the author’s arguments and use of evidence. You will also
consider whether the book is well-written and useful for the student, the general reader,
or only the advanced specialist.
You will need to be careful about your tone as you discuss your critique. You need to
avoid gushing (if you loved it) or ranting (if you hated it). Although you should freely
express your overall assessment of it (and the reasons why you are assessing it as such),
use even-toned, academic language (generally meaning avoiding “I” statements). You
are making a scholarly argument and should approach your topic (and your readers) with
scholarly respect.

here is the prompt provided: One of the many fields of historical endeavor is r

here is the prompt provided:
One of the many fields of historical endeavor is research in immigration history. You need to be part of this larger ongoing process of inquiry. So for this assignment, you should identify and interview and immigrant to the United States and then write an interview paper based on what you have discovered and learned. This paper should be five-to-ten pages in length doubled-spaced (half that length, if single-spaced). Among other issues, the interview and the paper should deal with conditions in the “old country,” why that person wanted to come here or had to come here, how they came, and what problems they face or faced in assimilation and acculturation. In your paper, you should compare and contrast this individual’s experience with the New Immigration of the late 19th and early 20th century and with recent immigration streams. Your immigrant can come from anywhere in the world, and what you find is what you find, whether or not your immigrant’s experience conforms to the generalizations. There is no right answer. 5 pages in mla format double spaced.
here’s the interview I conducted: (subjects name is bar)Personal Journey: Can you share your personal immigration story? What motivated you to leave your home country and settle in a new one?
Bar left from israel when he was 5 and moved for his dads work which was a tech company which ended up staying long enough for a green card which he had for 10 years so he could become a resident. This kept him in the usa and if he went back hed lose his green card so he stayed to get dual citizen ship. Lived in boston and then newton.
He was young enough that it wasnt too hard and learning english was new for him but he picked it up quickly since he was young. Sports culture and holidays were big culture shocks for him.
He did one year at Plymouth for college and after doing a year he found it too expensive and went to pursue other things.
Was working as a caddy when he was 12 and never had a traditional office job that gave him an issues. He later came to build his own business.
His father was a well spoken in israel but knew osme broken english before relocating and felt out of place not being able to communicate and express himself and felt reall yout of place.
Values everything america stands for because life in israel is 10x more difficult to live, work, buy a home. Many immigrants who work hard to come into the country leagally respect the values because they know it’s so much better then the alternative. Immigrants are the backbone of this. When they are grateful to be here verses their born country when they have to live 7 in a bedroom and can’t make a living wage.
If he stayed in israel at the end of his schooling they’re put thru a rigorous testing and placed into a certain branch in the military. Which helps get them in the real world. The best branch would be tech etc. you can’t just be a fighter bc u want to be. The world there is extremely competitive because there is so many people in such a small area. Minimal jobs available. The dream 1% of people can do well in their placement and potential get a job in the us, bars uncle did cyber security and once he finished his stint in t
3 years in military for men 2 for women. Everyone could get called into war if needed if under 35 once a year you have to go back to basic training for a week.
Cultural Identity: How has your cultural identity evolved or changed since immigrating? Are there aspects of your culture that you have retained or adapted in your new home?
Kept his religion in the sense of spending time with friends and families. Celebrates passover. Brings a lot of middleeastern food back here for his meals. Values that alot
Picked up love of sports culture and new england lifestyle. Secluded four seasons which it embraces all compared to the one hot season and crowded beaches in israel.
Finds it that people shouldn’t pass judgment if they havent experienced the other culture in question or arent educated on the subject which is an issue currently relating to israel.
Has experienced people assuming things about him and his culture or using slurs towards or around him but hasnt experienced direct hatred. Mostly ignarnce through school and grew up in a town that was predominantly jewish so he didn’t experinece a lot of hatred.
Family Dynamics: How has immigration impacted your family dynamics? Have there been any significant changes in relationships or roles within your family since immigrating?
The worst part of immigrtaing is his family being so far away and dealing with a 7 hour time difference and doesnt usually see them for a year or +
His dad: hard to communicate, was older and didn’t have friends, felt alienated, so he wayed the pros and cons and went b ack.
Reflections: Looking back on your immigration journey, what have been the most significant lessons or insights gained? How has immigration shaped your perspective on life, identity, and belonging?
Embrace travelling and get new perspectives to be grateful for our country which isn’t the case in every country. Jobs are readily available here it’s not the case in israel.
We have a lot of freedom here in the USA that we don’t take advantage of
Move to a different state if u dont like taxes or specific laws or weather thats not what it’s like anywhere else

Read the attach speeches from Malcom X and Martin Luther King. In 250 words, cre

Read the attach speeches from Malcom X and Martin Luther King. In 250 words, create a discussion post that addresses the following questions (no need to number the questions, just write your post in paragraph form):
1. What is the overall tone of the Malcolm X speech?
2. In your own words, what is Malcolm X trying to say in this excerpt?
3. Is the tone of Malcolm X’s speech similar or different from MLK’s Speech? In what ways?
4. Who’s speech do you feel is more inspiring? Why?
5. Based on both speeches, who do you feel would be the more effective Civil Rights leader? Why?