A 500 -750 word (2-3 pages double spaced) reflection essay on;
Explain and analyze why the Holocaust is relevant to and has helped us understand the present.
Category: History
The assignments circled, they are not hard at all but I don’t have time to do it
The assignments circled, they are not hard at all but I don’t have time to do it.
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Your assignment is to write a 3 page essay examining the narratives I have provi
Your assignment is to write a 3 page essay examining the narratives I have provided answering this question: in what ways were the roles of African American men significantly different from the roles of African American women before the Civil War?
There are many ways to approach this essay, but my recommendation is to approach the topic thematically. Pick 2-3 themes, like family, work, or health, etc., create an argument and use the sources to support your argument.
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Please answer one of the following questions in essay format. Your answers will
Please answer one of the following questions in essay format. Your answers will need to be typed, double spaced, Times New Roman 12pt Font, with 1 inch margins. In addition, you will need to cite from the lecture, your textbook, and readings using footnotes in Turabian style, consult http://www.press.uchicago.edu/books/turabian/turabian_citationguide.htmLinks to an external site. for more assistance). Ideally, the entire part of your exam should be 4-6 pages. The Textbook is Give Me Liberty An American History Since 1865, Seventh Brief Edition, Authors: Eric Foner, Kathleen DuVal, Lisa McGirr
Discuss the United States’ views towards the Cold War. What started the war? What made both the Soviet Union and United States fear war? In domestic politics, how did the United States view communists and suspected subversion? What was American foreign policy during this time? Did the Cold War ever go “hot”? When, and what happened? Trace your answer from 1945 to a least 1975.
Discuss the Civil Rights Movement, from the end of the Second World War through at least 1968. What were the critical events? Discuss the events of the era, the successes and failures of the movement, and to what extent the government aided in the era. By 1968, what had changed? In addition, what do the 1965 Alabama Literacy Test and the 1957 film Crisis in Levittown tell us about racial issues of American society in both the North and South during the Era?
Discuss the war in Vietnam, approx. 1965-1973. How did American involvement begin? How did it end? Examine the American conduct in the war, and how it shaped American society. Be as specific as possible in detailing our role in the war. When did the war turn? What was the ultimate result of the conflict?
This is my work. SO you need to read it and read my two other peers and reply on
This is my work. SO you need to read it and read my two other peers and reply on their post.
The British colonialism of South Africa and India speaks to their notion of the world during the colonial period. In South Africa, the economic factors were driving forces for the expansion of the UK, with the first stage being the search for precious minerals such as gold and diamonds. Through this, we realize that the Victorians were more interested in material gain, which, in their way, was achieving wealth by looting the territories around the world. Additionally, the British rule imposed the idea of “white over colored” within the society in the heartland of South Africa. From the British standpoint, they were who your society is and showed it the way out of instability (Thakur & Vale, 2020).
Likewise, in India, the British also drove out their commercial designs. Colonizing the resources from India, the British utilized anything from spices, textiles, and agricultural products to reinforce their own empire and become the center of global economics. This economic-backed colonization reflected the British idea of India being valuable to them as a colony while not viewing the Indian state as a partner, however.
The Rudd Concession was a one-sided deal that allowed Rhodes and the British South Africa Company to get exclusive rights to mineral rights and trading concessions in the region that is now known as Zimbabwe. These rights allowed them to profit from the region’s natural resources. This was carried out without the residents of the area being consulted or given the opportunity to negotiate. The Rudd Concession granted Rhodes the right to seize any land that was deemed necessary for the company’s operations, as well as the right to recruit and arm an African police force in order to protect the company’s interests. Additionally, Rhodes was granted the right to recruit an African police force. In exchange for his services, Lobengula received a one-time payment of one hundred pounds as well as an annual payment of one hundred pounds, in addition to a number of rifles and ammunition. Also, these contracts were mostly immeasurable, were designed to favor British interests but exhibit the hierarchies that came with the colonial empires (Porter, 2020). Leaders such as Lobengula may have signed such deals because they might be under various factors, including British military power, promises of advanced technologies, and a likely circumstance of ignorance of the full malicious implications of the treaties.
Lobengula’s decision to ratify Rhodes’s Rudd Concession can be interpreted as a part of the political art of sportive diplomacy and of adjusting to the alternations of the geopolitical landscape. British imperialism conveyed not only arbitrary actions and power imbalances but also cruel and institutionalized oppression of weaker people.
I’m working on K-12. In this assignment, you will combine all of the information
I’m working on K-12. In this assignment, you will combine all of the information you have learned this week to evaluate a teaching scenario. For each learning context, you will be observing a teacher in the classroom. After watching the video, answer the questions, based on your context, using the information from the week as your guide. Respond to either the K-12 or adult learning questions, but not both.
To structure your writing,
Your audience will be another group of colleagues and/or a teaching supervisor. You are reporting on how the teaching/ideas are best-practice based on what you have learned so far.
Your role is that of someone who is observing teaching practices of an ELL teacher.
The format will be an essay.
The purpose is to evaluate the teaching practices for best-practices, according to research (class content you have learned so far)
Children or Students in a K-12 Learning Context
Watch Differentiated instruction and the English language learner Links to an external site.
Comprehensible Input
Teachers Incorporate Comprehensible Input
Affective Filter Theory
Tools, Tools, Tools
Summary: Differentiated Instruction and the English Language Learner
Address the following items in your paper:
Thinking of all of the information we have learned related to planning for ELLs,
Describe how the teachers use comprehensible input hypothesis and what can be done to include more comprehensible input.
Explain if and how the teachers are using communicative language teaching.
Evaluate how students might vary in their interactions during lessons based on their proficiency with basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS) and cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP).
Determine what language objectives might be important for ELLs to be successful in this lesson? Determine what language objectives might be important for ELLs to be successful in this lesson? https://digital.films.com/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=60329
Isaac’s Storm Monograph Analysis In a well-written and thoughtful essay, answer
Isaac’s Storm Monograph Analysis
In a well-written and thoughtful essay, answer the following six questions concerning the monograph, Isaac’s Storm, by Erik Larson.
To do well on this essay you must fully answer all of the questions in an essay form. Please do not simply write the question’s number and the answer. Make it an essay.
Important: you must cite specific information in the book that corresponds to your points. A simple parenthesis with a page number is fine for citation, e.g. (175).
Finally, the only material you can reference is the book itself. Please do not use outside sources or summaries. That would do more harm than good since it would be plagiarism. Plagiarism is bad- as in failing the entire class bad.
Questions to answer:
Why did Larson write this book? What was the main point he was trying to get across? Was he effective in convincing you about his point? There is more to this book than simply telling the story of the Galveston hurricane.
Besides Mother Nature, of course, who or what do you think was most at fault for the tragedy in Galveston? Was such a large loss of life preventable? How do the ideas of the late Gilded Age and the “certainty” of technology play into the disaster? Give specific examples from the book with citation..
Which story or vignette (short account or story) of the hurricane did you find most intriguing, engaging, or perhaps terrifying? Explain what happened with citation. Why did Joseph and Isaac become estranged after the storm? Back this up with details from the book.
Besides just being a history of a tragedy, what can be learned from Isaac’s Storm? Is there a lesson or at least a warning in the book? Back this up with example and citation.
Finally, in a concluding paragraph, briefly write what you thought of the book. Did you like or dislike it? What worked and what did not? Be honest here. I like to get feedback to decide if I will continue to use the book in the future.
Format and Grading:
There is no min or max page length. However, these are large questions. Most good essays will fall between 4 – 5 full pages.
Only submit a .doc, .docx, or a .pdf
In-text citation (do not just give a Works Cited)
Just use the page number of the book for the in-text citation.
12pt Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial
Much of your grade comes from how well you use specific examples in the book. You really need to show throughout the essay that you read and understood the book.
Make sure to fully answer all five questions.
The essay, by itself, is worth 150 points. The remainder of your score comes from the points earned on your four monograph quizzes.
I’ve attached the instructions and reading material to complete this essay. Plea
I’ve attached the instructions and reading material to complete this essay.
Please read instruction carefully.
Thank you!
I have also attached the instructions in the file. This is what I have right now
I have also attached the instructions in the file. This is what I have right now (file: ANTH2250_Final) but I don’t think I answer it well, could you read the texts and edit it so that it answers the question? PLEASE DO NOT USE AI or plagiarize as they heavily check for this. Thank you so much!
Racism and rationalization: Comment on these quotations with respect to the ideas of racism and rationalization.
The first thing which brought me to my senses in all this racial discussion was the continuous change in the proofs and arguments advanced. (Du Bois 99)
The American Negro has the great advantage of never having believed that collection of myths to which white Americans cling: that their ancestors were all freedom-loving heroes …. The tendency (among African Americans) has really been, insofar as this was possible, to dismiss white people as the slightly mad victims of their own brainwashing. (Baldwin, 101-02)
In the following pages, I examine four popular arguments against horizontal nuclear proliferation and suggest that all four are ideological and orientalist…. Each of these four arguments could as easily be turned backwards and used to delegitimate Western nuclear weapons …. It is my argument that, in the production of this binary distinction [between a modern, ration West and a backward, irrational Oriental world], possible fears and ambivalences about Western nuclear weapons are purged and recast as intolerable aspects of the Other…. Our discourse on proliferation is a piece of ideological machinery that transforms anxiety-provoking ambiguities into secure dichotomies. (Gusterson 115)
Can you include/integrate or use 4 primary sources that are from the following
Can you include/integrate or use 4 primary sources that are from the following secondary sources into the paper:
[1] George Sanchez, Boyle Heights: How a Los Angeles neighborhood became the future of American Democracy (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2021)
[2] An Minian, Undocumented Lives: The Hidden History of Mexican Migration (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2017)
[3] Renee Tajima-Peña and Virginia Espino, No más bebes (DC: Latino Public Broadcasting, 2015)
[4] PBS, Latin Music USA (DC: Latino Public Broadcasting)
This was the prompt of the paper:
Why is Boyle Heights a neighborhood that represents the future of American democracy? Using the experience of Boyle Heights residents with repatriation, internment, WWII, urban renewal, highway construction, the 1965 Immigration Act and deindustrialization in Los Angeles, explain the why of the different ways people in this working-class neighborhood responded to these complicated challenges. You must use Chicago.
The best analyses will use primary sources and rely on the analysis by assigned peer-reviewed sources that discuss the connections between ethnic Mexican lives, U.S. institutions and U.S. cultures to make points and generalizations about the time-period and conditions of people’s lives. Using these scholarly sources, mining them for primary sources, you will address change in Mexican/American lives, conditions and outlooks between World War II and the present. You must cite at least four primary sources AND two peer-reviewed secondary sources.
The paper must use two key events or decades, choosing a key flashpoint or catalyst for change. (World War II, the Cold War, The Great Society, the seventies, the Reagan Era, The Clinton era, & The Bush era)
Make sure to use subscriipts and cite the 4 primary sources in the bibliography. If you need access to any of the sources let me know. I would rather not share my university info to access the sources, but I you need them to find the primary sources let me know.