[06:27, 12/05/2024] Makau Ngila: Lecciones Cultural (Cultural Lessons) Two Promp

[06:27, 12/05/2024] Makau Ngila: Lecciones Cultural (Cultural Lessons) Two Prompt: Using Studio and a presentation software such as Power Point, create a video presentation (using the ‘screenshare option on Studio provided in Canvas) exploring a cultural topic related to Mexican history during any point from 1910 to present day). Your presentation should balance 1) an overview of the topic meant to inform a general audience with 2) a deeper analysis that makes a nuanced argument or assertion (a thesis). Remember to include any/all necessary historical context that a general audience would need. Make sure to provide necessary names, definitions and dates. When creating your podcast, please use at least: One (1) scholarly, tertiary source (like a scholarly textbook or encyclopedia) Two (2) scholarly, secondary sources (like an article in an academic journal or edited volume/anthology) Two: (2) primary source ( these can be textual or visual or audio) Include a final slide providing bibliographic information from all sources used. An excellent podcast: Is informative, factually-accurate, and compelling. Strikes a balance between accessibility for a general audience with nuanced analysis for a scholarly audience. Draws on diverse and relevant sources to inform the producer(s)’s discussion of the topic. Is well-structured, so as to present a coherent narrative and analysis of the topic. Makes use of all required sources and cites them using proper bibliographic form. See “Citation Reference” link in Canvas. [09:44, 12/05/2024] Makau Ngila: Discussion Twelve Respond to all prompts with substantive, informed answers In Frazier and Cohen’s article, “Defining the Space of Mexico ’68: Masculinity in the Prison and ‘Women’ in the Streets,” discuss the authors lens and thesis. How did gender shape experiences and activism during the 1968 student movement in Mexico? Specifically, discuss the experiences of male student leaders imprisoned in Lecumberri. How did that experience shape the narrative of their role in the movement? What are specific ways in which women participated in the student movement, and why/how were they excluded from popular (and academic) recollections of the movement? Discuss primary sources included in Elena Poniatowska’s Massacre in Mexico. What stood out to you? What did you find most valuable for understanding the Tlatelolco massacre, and why? What did you find confusing or difficult to understand? Unread postHL Hector Loredo Apr 19 8:58am Last reply Apr 21 4:50pm Reply from Hector Loredo In Frazier and Cohen’s article, “Defining the Space of Mexico ’68: Masculinity in the Prison and ‘Women’ in the Streets,” discuss the authors lens and thesis. In Frazier and Cohen’s article, the authors adopt a critical lens to examine the events surrounding the 1968 student protests in Mexico City. They analyze two key locations during the protests: the prison, which they argue represents masculinity and state power, and the streets, where the presence of women and marginalized groups challenged traditional gender roles and power structures. The article’s central thesis revolves around the intersection of gender during 1968. Frazier and Cohen argue that the physical spaces of the prison and the streets served as sites where gender norms were contested and reaffirmed. They suggest that within the male-dominated space of the prison, notions of masculinity were rigidly enforced through acts of violence and domination. “The prison dynamic encapsulated a particular relationship between suffering and thriving that was mediated by a constant threat of violence.” (Frazier, Cohen, Pg. 632). On the other hand, the streets played significant roles in the protests for women, challenging patriarchal structures and asserting their agency. “Women had a very important role because we participated just like men” (Frazier, Cohen, Pg. 653). “These kinds of street initiatives are key to understanding the movement’s success in gathering support outside universities and secondary schools”(Frazier, Cohen, Pg. 642). Overall, Frazier and Cohen’s lens considers gender as a critical factor in understanding historical events and social movements. How did gender shape experiences and activism during the 1968 student movement in Mexico? Specifically, discuss the experiences of male student leaders imprisoned in Lecumberri. How did that experience shape the narrative of their role in the movement? What are specific ways in which women participated in the student movement, and why/how were they excluded from popular (and academic) recollections of the movement? Gender played a significant role in shaping experiences and activism during the 1968 student movement in Mexico. Male student leaders imprisoned in Lecumberri faced unique challenges that influenced the narrative of their role in the movement. Their imprisonment also helped their position as symbols of resistance. On the other hand, women played crucial roles in the student movement, actively participating in protests, organizing events, and providing essential support to their male partners. “Women not only supplied political prisoners with their daily rations but also donated their professional services as doctors, lawyers, psychiatrists, teachers, and journalists.” (Frazier, Cohen, Pg. 648). However, their contributions were often marginalized or overlooked. Women faced exclusion from leadership positions and were frequently relegated to supporting roles, reinforcing traditional gender roles and hierarchies within the movement. Discuss primary sources included in Elena Poniatowska’s Massacre in Mexico. What stood out to you? What did you find most valuable for understanding the Tlatelolco massacre, and why? What did you find confusing or difficult to understand? The Massacre in Mexico” by Elena Poniatowska is a paperwork that dives into the tragic events of the Tlatelolco massacre that occurred on October 2, 1968, in Mexico City. Poniatowska’s primary sources include interviews with survivors, eyewitness accounts, official documents, and journalistic reports. What stands out to me the most about Poniatowska’s paper is the use of primary sources she gathered. One of the most valuable aspects of Poniatowska’s approach is her inclusion of multiple perspectives. By including versions from various individuals involved in the events leading up to the massacre, she offers readers a complete view of the social tensions and government response. However, one of my challenges was the sources and viewpoints presented in the book. Poniatowska brings together interviews, historical documents, and her narrative, which can sometimes make it difficult to follow between firsthand accounts and the author’s interpretation. Overall, Poniatowska’s use of primary sources in “Massacre in Mexico” offers an effective and immersive exploration of one of the darkest moments in Mexico’s history. Make it 12 to 15 pages

Respond to all prompts with substantive, informed answers In Frazier and Cohen’s

Respond to all prompts with substantive, informed answers In Frazier and Cohen’s article, “Defining the Space of Mexico ’68: Masculinity in the Prison and ‘Women’ in the Streets,” discuss the authors lens and thesis. How did gender shape experiences and activism during the 1968 student movement in Mexico? Specifically, discuss the experiences of male student leaders imprisoned in Lecumberri. How did that experience shape the narrative of their role in the movement? What are specific ways in which women participated in the student movement, and why/how were they excluded from popular (and academic) recollections of the movement? respond each prompt in 2 pages

[09:44, 12/05/2024] Makau Ngila: Discuss primary sources included in Elena Ponia

[09:44, 12/05/2024] Makau Ngila: Discuss primary sources included in Elena Poniatowska’s Massacre in Mexico. What stood out to you? What did you find most valuable for understanding the Tlatelolco massacre, and why? What did you find confusing or difficult to understand? Unread postHL Hector Loredo Apr 19 8:58am Last reply Apr 21 4:50pm Reply from Hector Loredo In Frazier and Cohen’s article, “Defining the Space of Mexico ’68: Masculinity in the Prison and ‘Women’ in the Streets,” discuss the authors lens and thesis. In Frazier and Cohen’s article, the authors adopt a critical lens to examine the events surrounding the 1968 student protests in Mexico City. They analyze two key locations during the protests: the prison, which they argue represents masculinity and state power, and the streets, where the presence of women and marginalized groups challenged traditional gender roles and power structures. The article’s central thesis revolves around the intersection of gender during 1968. Frazier and Cohen argue that the physical spaces of the prison and the streets served as sites where gender norms were contested and reaffirmed. They suggest that within the male-dominated space of the prison, notions of masculinity were rigidly enforced through acts of violence and domination. “The prison dynamic encapsulated a particular relationship between suffering and thriving that was mediated by a constant threat of violence.” (Frazier, Cohen, Pg. 632). On the other hand, the streets played significant roles in the protests for women, challenging patriarchal structures and asserting their agency. “Women had a very important role because we participated just like men” (Frazier, Cohen, Pg. 653). “These kinds of street initiatives are key to understanding the movement’s success in gathering support outside universities and secondary schools”(Frazier, Cohen, Pg. 642). Overall, Frazier and Cohen’s lens considers gender as a critical factor in understanding historical events and social movements. How did gender shape experiences and activism during the 1968 student movement in Mexico? Specifically, discuss the experiences of male student leaders imprisoned in Lecumberri. How did that experience shape the narrative of their role in the movement? What are specific ways in which women participated in the student movement, and why/how were they excluded from popular (and academic) recollections of the movement? Gender played a significant role in shaping experiences and activism during the 1968 student movement in Mexico. Male student leaders imprisoned in Lecumberri faced unique challenges that influenced the narrative of their role in the movement. Their imprisonment also helped their position as symbols of resistance. On the other hand, women played crucial roles in the student movement, actively participating in protests, organizing events, and providing essential support to their male partners. “Women not only supplied political prisoners with their daily rations but also donated their professional services as doctors, lawyers, psychiatrists, teachers, and journalists.” (Frazier, Cohen, Pg. 648). However, their contributions were often marginalized or overlooked. Women faced exclusion from leadership positions and were frequently relegated to supporting roles, reinforcing traditional gender roles and hierarchies within the movement. Discuss primary sources included in Elena Poniatowska’s Massacre in Mexico. What stood out to you? What did you find most valuable for understanding the Tlatelolco massacre, and why? What did you find confusing or difficult to understand? The Massacre in Mexico” by Elena Poniatowska is a paperwork that dives into the tragic events of the Tlatelolco massacre that occurred on October 2, 1968, in Mexico City. Poniatowska’s primary sources include interviews with survivors, eyewitness accounts, official documents, and journalistic reports. What stands out to me the most about Poniatowska’s paper is the use of primary sources she gathered. One of the most valuable aspects of Poniatowska’s approach is her inclusion of multiple perspectives. By including versions from various individuals involved in the events leading up to the massacre, she offers readers a complete view of the social tensions and government response. However, one of my challenges was the sources and viewpoints presented in the book. Poniatowska brings together interviews, historical documents, and her narrative, which can sometimes make it difficult to follow between firsthand accounts and the author’s interpretation. Overall, Poniatowska’s use of primary sources in “Massacre in Mexico” offers an effective and immersive exploration of one of the darkest moments in Mexico’s history. [10:02, 12/05/2024] Makau Ngila: Discussion Eleven Respond to five (5) prompts (minimum two from each reading) with substantive, informed answers from this week’s readings. From Alexander, “Aleman’s Revolution”: For Alexander’s chapter, “Alemán’s Revolution,” discuss President Alemán’s administration–particularly his government’s approach to development. How was his government similar to other Latin American governments of the era, and how was it unique? Based on the Alexander’s chapter, evaluate the successes and shortcomings of the Alemán regime. What is Import-Substitution-Industrialization (ISI) and what are some examples of it under Alemán? What sorts of goods did Mexico begin to produce during this period that it never had before? Why did Alemán devalue the peso? What was the rational? What were some of the long-term consequences of Alemán’s economic policies? Compare the Alemán government’s approach to urban development and agricultural development. What were the intended–and unintended-consequences of in each sector? From Dina Berger, “A Drink Between Friends”: How did the tourist sector change from the early 1940s through the 1950s? What did this mean for the national economy and Mexican culture? How did tourism effect US-Mexican relations? Give specific examples from the text. How did tourism “transform” Mexico City? Why did Salvador Novo and others see nightclubs and tourism as having a “modernizing” effect on Mexico? What were some of the negative consequences of tourism in Mexico, according to critics? Respond to each prompt in 2 pages

Lecciones Cultural (Cultural Lessons) Two Prompt: Using Studio and a presentatio

Lecciones Cultural (Cultural Lessons) Two Prompt: Using Studio and a presentation software such as Power Point, create a video presentation (using the ‘screenshare option on Studio provided in Canvas) exploring a cultural topic related to Mexican history during any point from 1910 to present day). Your presentation should balance 1) an overview of the topic meant to inform a general audience with 2) a deeper analysis that makes a nuanced argument or assertion (a thesis). Remember to include any/all necessary historical context that a general audience would need. Make sure to provide necessary names, definitions and dates. When creating your podcast, please use at least: One (1) scholarly, tertiary source (like a scholarly textbook or encyclopedia) Two (2) scholarly, secondary sources (like an article in an academic journal or edited volume/anthology) Two: (2) primary source ( these can be textual or visual or audio) Include a final slide providing bibliographic information from all sources used. An excellent podcast: Is informative, factually-accurate, and compelling. Strikes a balance between accessibility for a general audience with nuanced analysis for a scholarly audience. Draws on diverse and relevant sources to inform the producer(s)’s discussion of the topic. Is well-structured, so as to present a coherent narrative and analysis of the topic. Makes use of all required sources and cites them using proper bibliographic form. See “Citation Reference” link in Canvas.

The lectures for this week touched briefly on the Ancient Olympics to give some

The lectures for this week touched briefly on the Ancient Olympics to give some connections to the first Modern Olympics in 1896 before moving onto our first case study: The Berlin Olympics in 1936. Before we dig into our first case study in Module 3, I want you to get some practice seeing the Charter as a historical document by referencing the Fundamental Principles of Olympism (page 8) as detailed in the current (2023) Olympic Charter Links to an external site..
Reference the Charter to answer these questions:
How does the Olympic Charter reflect our moment in time?
What in the current (2023) charter contrasts with Coubertin’s Olympic ideals as I described in the lecture?
For this Reflection, respond to the questions above using at least 1 specific example from the current charter and the Modern Olympics lecture. Also, what is at least one of the Fundamental Principles in the current Charter do you think might have been threatened in 1936?
You should write at least 300 words for this Reflection and will upload a Word (.docx) or PDF to Turnitin for submission. That interface is better for grading. This Reflection will be shorter than many of the others, but it is good practice for citing specific evidence to support your interpretations.
Below is the Chicago-style citation for the page with the Olympic Charter. You can click any Olympic Charter link there to get to the PDF. I′m sending you to this page instead of directly to the Charter PDF because I want you to see the IOC page and note you can access the Charter for most any year from this site.
International Olympic Committee (IOC). Olympic Charter, in force as of 15 October 2023. Accessed April 30, 2024. https://olympics.com/ioc/olympic-charter Links to an external site.
please write this and cite everything using apa, have a lot of in text cites

For this assignment we need to write a 700-800 word essay in which you analyze t

For this assignment we need to write a 700-800 word essay in which you analyze the primary sources mentioned in the instructions document below. Your essay should cite and engage at least three primary passages (from the assigned readings); these should be in support of your argument. No additional research is expected—in fact, it’s discouraged. Make sure you cite the sources for your information, and especially the primary sources, using footnotes.
The essay should have a solid thesis (an argument) that is supported with evidence. Feel free to use direct quotations from primary sources – but efficiently: quoting too much wastes valuable space, especially since you only have two pages for this exercise.
In the attached file section you’ll find all the primary sources that were assigned to us, and also the primary source we should analyse.