Each analytical essay should be 800-1000 words and may develop and focus on a pa

Each analytical essay should be 800-1000 words and may develop and focus on a particular technical and cultural theme.
After studying the previous postings, you have enough background knowledge to watch a film methodically and academically research a particular cultural aspect that interests you in collecting essential information about your essay topic—answering the questions what, who, when, where, and why.
I will upload one student example
please use easy language
Topics researched include but are not limited to cinematic qualities, media and censorship, culture, tradition, music, religion, morality, ethics and dilemmas, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and social classifications.
Before starting your next essay project, PLEASE study the posted INSTRUCTIONS!
To improve your film analysis process and essay composition, follow the instructions in the next section.
Must watch first:

Watch it now for free before it disappears!
The Circle (Panahi):

First, address main general ideas about the cinematography of Mudbound (2017), i

First, address main general ideas about the cinematography of Mudbound (2017), identifying techniques such as POV, composition, angle, camera movement, lens, lighting and color, and discussing how the cinematography contributes to the telling of the film story. Tip: reference and cite information from the textbook and Module Content. (minimum 100 words)
Then, support the main ideas addressed using ONE specific example in the film.Take a still/screen picture of a chosen scene/moment of the film
Indicate the techniques used IN THE PICTURE you chose, explaining how these techniques are technically defined and how they contribute to the telling of the scene/moment. Address all the techniques listed below:Shot Type (ELS, LS, FS, MLS, MS, MCU, CU or ECU) (minimum 30 words)
Angle (eye-level, high, low, birds-eye or dutch) (minimum 30 words)
Camera Movement (tilt, pan, dolly, crane, steadicam or handheld), if used (minimum 30 words)
Lighting (low or high key, soft or hard) (minimum 30 words)
Color (minimum 30 words)

Create an experience that could be an offshoot of a “blockbuster” TV series (e.g

Create an experience that could be an offshoot of a “blockbuster” TV series (e.g., a Game of Thrones theme park) and present it somehow. This experience should not be purely a TV or film experience (i.e., sequel or prequel). It could be a video game, theme park ride, book series, podcast, VR/AR experience, toy, or pop-up cultural event.
Key questions to think about…
What is the content premise of my blockbuster TV series (e.g., original IP), and how can it best be translated into a media that serves the “story world” of the original IP?
Who is the core audience for this? Are you trying to expand the reach of the IP or concentrate on growing core fandom within the existing audience?
From an economic standpoint, will this be a paid experience or value added (e.g., free) experience? Where does this fit into the value chain for the original IP?
Is it a partnership where the original IP collects a license fee, or will the original IP fully own and control the rights to retain any or all revenue in-house?
I recommend doing this as a small deck (PDF from Canva or Power Powerpoint). Be direct and succinct with your message/pitch. No more than 5-8 slides (including the cover). No references are needed as I will be looking for your understanding of how to start a franchisable piece of media or prolong/extend its current lifecycle.

Everything is in the file provided. You must actually shoot the video. I would p

Everything is in the file provided. You must actually shoot the video. I would prefer male tutor to do this assignment. I already have the script and will provide once assigned. DO NOT TAKE THIS ASSIGNMENT IF YOU WILL NOT DO THE ACTUAL SHOOTING AND YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TOOLS. Thank you. All the instructions must be followed.

Things to consider when researching your film: 1. Director (biography of the fil

Things to consider when researching your film:
1. Director (biography of the filmmakers)
2. Current events (the milieu surrounding the making of the film, social and political background)
3. Culture (food, music, religion, values of the people in the film)
4. Screening history (where did the film show? What audience did it reach? What is the significance of the films distribution?)

(answer_2) is the story that need fix about the middle (Instead of divorcing his

(answer_2) is the story that need fix about the middle (Instead of divorcing his wife, he argues with her and pushes her down the stairs, causing her to fall and die. The police come to investigate, arrest the husband, and begin investigations into the murder and gang case)
appley it to this
BEM 352 – Film Analysis I
Fall 2023
Touch of Evil (1958)
You will be shown 1 scene from the selected film. Compare and contrast the uses of technical/formal aspects in this scene.
– How do these aspects operate in terms of character, dramatic tone and/or story?
– How does camera angle, camera movement, composition, lighting, sound, editing, wardrobe, etc. reflect what takes place within the narrative?
When discussing the technology of how the scene is assembled, use film terminology whenever possible:
Some examples (not all will apply):
Cut, Dissolve, Fade, Superimpose
Tilt, Pan, Dolly, Truck, Track, Crane
Long Shot, Mid Shot, Close Up, Extreme Close Up, Over the Shoulder
Jump Cut, Match Cut, Parallel Editing, Split Edit (L-cut)
High Contrast(low key), Low Contrast(high key), Focal Length, depth of field
Sound/Music; diegetic/non-diegetic, Voice-over, pace, and tone
Break your analysis down into the following categories and address the questions:
Briefly introduce the scene: what do you think its purposes are?
– What events does it present?
– Does it aim to create an emotional response in the spectator,
such as sadness, excitement or laughter?
Discuss important aspects of the mise en scène:
What messages do these elements communicate to the viewer?
– What sort of location/s is/are represented?
-What important props appear in the sequence? How do they
create meanings for the viewer?
– How does costume contribute to the viewer’s understanding
and of the sequence?
Discuss the cinematography.
– Do you notice anything interesting in the framing and/or
composition of any shots?
– Is energy created through camerawork?
– Is the scene high or low key lighting? Why?
Discuss the editing:
– How does it create rhythm and meaning?
– Are there more cuts in some parts of the sequence than others?
– Did you notice the use of any common techniques, such as
establishing shots at the start, master angle, eyeline match or
Discuss the use of sound and music
– What are the main sources of sound in the sequence?
Is there music? If so, what does it add to the sequence? What is diegetic and non-diegetic?
– Are particular diegetic sound effects used to enhance the
experience of the audience?
Discuss any special effects or in-field effects
Scene link for reference outside of class:
Touch of Evil (1958)

Out of the theorists we have encountered so far this semester, with whom do you

Out of the theorists we have encountered so far this semester, with whom do you agree with the least?
Please write a short (1000-1200 word) paper summarizing the theorist’s claims and voicing your disagreements with them, whether these are with the premises, the evidence, the argumentation, the ethics, or any other aspects of the theory.
Articulate an alternative position of your own. Use a screening from the course to date as a point of comparison, showing how your perspective is more equipped to account for what you see in the film.
What other material from the course is helpful in articulating this alternative position? Please show how at least one of the other readings is more closely aligned with, and supportive of, your own perspective.

(1) This film outlines the lives of three men who played majors roles in the dev

(1) This film outlines the lives of three men who played majors roles in the development of radio. Write down some brief notes (biographical, inventions, etc.) for the following: 50 words each
Lee de Forest
Edwin Howard Armstrong
David Sarnoff
(2) Italian inventor Guilielmo Marconi played a major role in inventing wireless (radio) telegraphy—the ability to send the dots and dashes of telegraphy through radio frequencies. What did he not conceive of?
(3) What was the significance of the Audion tube?
(4) What was the “surprise” that ship operators heard coming their wireless telegraph headsets on Christmas eve, 1906?
(5) Which inventor, described by other radio engineers as a “true genius”, would “spend a lifetime defending his work against the false claims of others”?

Attached the instruction for this film analysis. Please watch the movie first: A

Attached the instruction for this film analysis.
Please watch the movie first: All About Ah-Long
The total word should be no more than 1000 words – Now I wrote 942 words. However, I didn’t meet some requirements and need to add some sources.
– so I need someone to help me delete some useless content (300 words) and write 300 words to meet the requirements.
Requirement: revise 300 words (not included the reference page).