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appley it to this
BEM 352 – Film Analysis I
Fall 2023
Touch of Evil (1958)
You will be shown 1 scene from the selected film. Compare and contrast the uses of technical/formal aspects in this scene.
– How do these aspects operate in terms of character, dramatic tone and/or story?
– How does camera angle, camera movement, composition, lighting, sound, editing, wardrobe, etc. reflect what takes place within the narrative?
When discussing the technology of how the scene is assembled, use film terminology whenever possible:
Some examples (not all will apply):
Cut, Dissolve, Fade, Superimpose
Tilt, Pan, Dolly, Truck, Track, Crane
Long Shot, Mid Shot, Close Up, Extreme Close Up, Over the Shoulder
Jump Cut, Match Cut, Parallel Editing, Split Edit (L-cut)
High Contrast(low key), Low Contrast(high key), Focal Length, depth of field
Sound/Music; diegetic/non-diegetic, Voice-over, pace, and tone
Break your analysis down into the following categories and address the questions:
Briefly introduce the scene: what do you think its purposes are?
– What events does it present?
– Does it aim to create an emotional response in the spectator,
such as sadness, excitement or laughter?
Discuss important aspects of the mise en scène:
What messages do these elements communicate to the viewer?
– What sort of location/s is/are represented?
-What important props appear in the sequence? How do they
create meanings for the viewer?
– How does costume contribute to the viewer’s understanding
and of the sequence?
Discuss the cinematography.
– Do you notice anything interesting in the framing and/or
composition of any shots?
– Is energy created through camerawork?
– Is the scene high or low key lighting? Why?
Discuss the editing:
– How does it create rhythm and meaning?
– Are there more cuts in some parts of the sequence than others?
– Did you notice the use of any common techniques, such as
establishing shots at the start, master angle, eyeline match or
Discuss the use of sound and music
– What are the main sources of sound in the sequence?
Is there music? If so, what does it add to the sequence? What is diegetic and non-diegetic?
– Are particular diegetic sound effects used to enhance the
experience of the audience?
Discuss any special effects or in-field effects
Scene link for reference outside of class:
Touch of Evil (1958)