I want to you revise this essay and write a comment in each change you made( why did you made this change )
Analyzing Social Injustice in Charlie and The Chocolate Factory Adaptations
The narrative lens of social justice in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and its film adaptations deeply delves into social injustices. Stemming from Roald Dahl’s 1964 novel, this theme takes on layers that resonate uniquely in the 1971 and 2005 film versions. These works show that social injustice shapes character dynamics and mirrors societal norms and values. Simultaneously, themes of privilege, fairness, and disparity are spotlighted in the setting of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, prompting audiences to contemplate the complexities of social institutions. This evaluation aims to unveil the nuanced commentary embedded within these stories by scrutinizing how social injustice is depicted across each rendition. Identifying Social Injustice in Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
In his 1964 children’s book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl deftly crafted a story that captivated readers while offering a moving critique of social injustice. Dahl showed his compassion and eloquence in the character of Charlie Bucket, a character he created to portray a kid from humble beginnings facing the harsh realities of economic inequality. Charlie’s struggle to afford clothes and food, surrounded by classmates who lived lavishly. According to Roald Dahl in his book ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ (1964), Charlie, upon returning from school, sees the enormous, rich chocolate factory and the children purchasing the chocolates that he has been dreaming about, but he is unable to afford to buy it, so this is a powerful example of the extreme disparity that permeated the era’s culture. Additionally, the narrative addresses the more significant systemic issues of social injustice and economic inequalities that were prevalent then rather than simply describing individual circumstances. Subsequently, Roald Dahl’s writing vividly depicts the challenges individuals like Charlie face, whose resilience amid adversity underscores the deeply rooted inequalities within society. The contrast between Charlie’s limited means and the extravagance of his peers highlights the stark social divide, exposing the harsh consequences of economic disparities and unfair social structures. In ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ (1964), A notable example is Charlie’s pleasure on his birthday when his family can only afford to buy him one Wonka chocolate bar every year. This draws attention to the financial hardships his family is experiencing in stark contrast to the wealth and luxury of the Wonka chocolate company. Charlie’s perseverance and optimism in the face of adversity highlight the glaring disparities in society, where socioeconomic class frequently determines one’s access to resources and possibilities. Through Charlie’s journey, Dahl deftly conveys a poignant message that resonates with readers, inviting them to confront the injustices in their communities and foster dialogue around social justice and equality.
Analyzing the 1971 Film Adaptation
The 1971 film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory subtly tackles social injustice. It uses characters like August Gloop and Veruca Salt to reflect income disparity. Additionally, the movie suggests the wealth divide between the rich and poor using these two characters. In Mel Stuart’s film ‘Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’ (1971), Excess and luxury are symbolized by Augustus Gloop, who is shown as a gluttonous kid from a wealthy family. His unrestricted eating habits are a reflection of his privileged upbringing. While Veruca Salt, the pampered daughter of a wealthy businessman, on the other side, epitomizes consumerism and entitlement. Her lack of empathy and desire for immediate pleasure highlight the gap between money and compassion. These characters gently draw attention to the disparity in income between the rich and the poor, highlighting the ways in which economic inequality affects people’s views and behaviors. The film not only hints at these rich-poor gaps, but it’s more about imparting ethical lessons. It doesn’t directly discuss the more extensive societal inequalities. Instead, the movie draws attention to character flaws more than apparent cut systemic issues, which it uses to deliver moral values and encourage character growth. This depiction of people of different statuses subtly integrates social inequality into the story.
In contrast to Veruca Salt, which symbolized great wealth and power, August Gloop represented luxury and enjoyment (Stuart 1917). By showcasing these diverse personalities, the film indirectly addresses social inequality rather than directly addressing systemic disparities. Therefore, the film emphasizes moral lessons on behavior and personal values while utilizing character dynamics. By interweaving social commentary and character development, this approach adds depth to the plot. It allows for a more complex examination of social issues within whimsical and imaginative scenarios.
Examining the 2005 Film Adaptation
In Tim Burton’s 2005 film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the character Mike Teavee is introduced. Mike’s love for technology paints a big picture: a society getting too involved in tech and feeling less. The movie provides a powerful look at how this hurts society by showing how TV changes kids. It shines a light on what happens when parents don’t pay enough attention and, at the same time, teaches about how tech can change a whole society. Moreover, this film tells a tale of shifting cultural attitudes, evidenced by Mike’s constant presence on screens. He loves speed and excitement, which shows how today’s culture depends more and more on tech. However, the movie also talks about how using screens too much can be dangerous and discusses how advances in tech can change how society interacts and change family life. Mike Teavee’s excessive screen time is specifically addressed in a noteworthy scene in the 2005 film rendition of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” Mike’s father, Mr. Teavee, realizes the detrimental effects his son’s infatuation with video games and television is having on their family life. This event serves as an example of how technology can impact human connections and conventional family dynamics. Moreover, the effects of Mike’s excessive consumption in screens later appear when he gets transformed and shrunk via Wonka’s creation of television (Burton 2005). This transition is a warning about the possible risks of relying too much on technology and the results of choosing virtual relationships over in-person contacts. Ultimately, this film provides an intelligent view of today’s world as it depicts the issues with how fast tech grows. Also, it shows how the way society talks and connects is changing. All these are evidenced through the story of the character Mike Teavee.
“Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” adaptations across a variety of media provide an engaging examination of social injustice and its effects on both specific characters and larger society systems. By illustrating the hardships of characters such as Charlie Bucket in the face of economic injustice, Roald Dahl’s first novel established the framework for further exploration of themes of privilege, justice, and inequality. In addition to teaching moral lessons about behavior and personal values, the 1971 film adaption gently addressed socioeconomic inequality by utilizing characters like Augustus Gloop and Veruca Salt to symbolize income discrepancy. In the same way, the character of Mike Teavee was established in the 2005 film adaptation to highlight the shifting social views of technology and its effects on society. The movie explores the risks of technology addiction and the possible repercussions of giving priority to virtual relationships over in-person interactions through Mike’s excessive screen time. Each of the adaptations provides a nuanced commentary on social injustice by combining morality, fantasy, and social critique. This allows viewers to participate in stimulating conversations about the intricacies of social structures and the value of empathy and compassion in combating inequality. By examining these adaptations, we can learn important lessons about how literature and movies can be used as platforms for examining and challenging social issues, which encourages us to consider our own roles in bringing about a more fair and just society.
Works Cited
Burton, Tim. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. 2005.
Dahl, Roald. Charlie and Chocolate Factory. 1964. Stuart, Mel. Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. 1971.
here is my professor comments.
– Meets rhetorical situation: Mostly – falls away from task at times – Title, intro, two+ BP, conclusion: yes! – Thesis with topic sentences: yes! – Works Cited: yes! – MLA formatting: yes! – Effective/ethical textual evidence: sometimes, not always clear what you’re pulling from each film. – No outside sources: yes! – Paper formatting (3, double space, 12/TNR font): yes! – Clear theme/issue and two filmic adaptations: identified, but not always followed – Effective organization strategy: No – Veruca paragraph and Mike Tevee parts are misplaced or not clearly supportive of thesis.
also here is the assignment requirement if you to see them:
In this comparative essay, you will analyze and compare how filmic adaptations embody a key theme, issue, character or other singular focus from a literary text. In this three page essay (not including Works Cited), you will analyze either The Secret Life of Walter Mittyor Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and their filmic adaptations. Once you’ve picked a story narrative, you will then need to note a singular change found in the text (short story/novel) and each filmic adaptation.
To help you find the larger purpose for this change, you should ask “what does [text] say about [theme/issue] and how is that represented in the adaptations”? If you follow the Secret Life of Walter Mitty track, you will ultimately need to discuss the 1939 short story, 1947 film, and 2013 film. If you follow Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, you would need to discuss the 1964 children’s book and the two films: 1971 and 2005.
*** Note, I have taken out the option to write on the 2023 Wonka. I will explain this in class.**
As an example, I might explore “fatphobia” as a theme in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I would need to establish that this is a theme in the text and then explore how the the 1971 film and 2005 film portray fatphobia. I would need a clear claim, such as:
“Despite a more modern approach, the 2005 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory uses similar filmic elements as the 1971 Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory to portray fatness as inherently bad”
“Both filmic adaptations further the them of “fatness” as inherently bad through their portrayal of Augustus.”
The 2005 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory provides a better version of Augustus by playing on audience’s expectations of “fatness.”
Rhetorical Situation
Audience: Professors within the HU/COM department
Task: Analyze and compare the treatment of a singular adaptive element (theme, issue, character, etc) and its representation in two filmic adaptations
Context: You can assume that readers will know of the artifacts, but may have not seen or read them in some time. Purpose: Identify and discuss trends between an original artifact and it’s adaptations and argue why these differences matter
Essay Structure and Minimum Requirements:
Must include an engaging title, intro, at least two body paragraphs, and a conclusion
Provide and follow a clear, engaging thesis, supported by topic sentences
Create a Works Cited (may be attached at end or on new page – up to you!)
Use MLA formatting throughout
Effectively and ethically uses textual evidence (from class texts and films) to support your claims
Do not use outside sources – this is a close analysis essay!
Have 3 double-spaced pages, 12 pt. Times New Roman black font
Clearly identify the theme/issue in the artifact and explore two filmic adaptations
Implement an effective organization strategy (suggestion: dedicate one body paragraph per film)
Category: Film
After watching Seeds of Destruction and reading the primary sources by Harriet J
After watching Seeds of Destruction and reading the primary sources by Harriet Jacobs and Frederick Douglass, you will write a 500–750-word analytical essay (approx. 2-3 pages). First, develop a historical question that the film and the primary sources raises in your mind. Then, using your best English, write an essay that makes a debatable argument and supports that thesis by presenting and analyzing evidence from the film and the primary sources. Tip: When you read Harriet Jacobs’ narrative, pay attention to the chapter breaks. You are expected to read only chapters 5, 6, and 10. The pages before and after these chapters are not necessary for the course.
Use these two theories symbolic interactionism theory and organizational cultura
Use these two theories symbolic interactionism theory and organizational cultural theory in how relate to the movie hidden figures.
Here is the information you need include.
Introduction – What will the reader find in your paper?
Body – Concise and coherent application of chosen theory to the communication found in the film.Analysis 1Brief summary of the chosen theory that includes theorist, year, and key points
Analysis – Important tenets of the first theory applied appropriately to interaction between characters in the movie. Any quotes included from the movie are properly cited.
Analysis 2Brief summary of the chosen theory that includes theorist, year, and key points
Analysis – Important tenets of the second theory applied appropriately to interaction between characters in the movie. Any quotes included from the movie are properly cited.
Conclusion – Advocacy for your workSummary of your thoughts
Support for position created in your analysis
Paper Specs
Create a cover page with your name, course number, assignment title, and word count.
Paper should be 1800 – 2000 words.
Do not include cover page, headings, quotes, or references in your word count.
All required sources in this module, including textbooks, provided pdfs, and course videos should be used to support your thoughts, ideas, conclusions, etc., that you present throughout this paper. Sources from previous modules and courses should also be used when appropriate. Include a heading for each rubric line. Do not combine multiple rubric lines under a single heading.
A minimum of six sources should be cited and referenced. Outstanding papers will use more than the required minimum number of sources. Do not quote your sources. Paraphrase, cite, and reference using APA format.
Double-space your paper.
Use 12-point Times New Roman font.
Use APA style to document references and in-text citation.
Here is the feedback given from the last paper you wrote for me.
Use the APA manual for help in creating citation/reference formats. Your encyclopedia references are off to a good start, but are incomplete.
Your West & Turner reference is to the 2nd ed. We’re using the 7th edition for this class. If you’re using a much older version, that could be a problem.
Remember to cite your film in your text. Your film reference is incorrect. Please see the manual re how to cite and reference a film; you will continue to discuss films as the course progresses.
Alphabetize your reference list for ease of use for your reader.
In APA style, italicize the name of your film throughout your text.
Since many people retain much of their historical knowledge through popular cult
Since many people retain much of their historical knowledge through
popular culture outlets, students will produce an original film critique
of the Spike Lee film X (1992). Watch the documentary Malcolm X:
Make It Plain (1994) as a juxtaposition to X. Is the Spike Lee film a
realistic portrayal of the life of Malcolm X? Both projects came out
before Manning Marable’s controversial book on Malcolm X. Craft a thesis and research essay that compares/contrasts the
portrayal of Malcolm X through the popular film medium in X versus
the documentary Make It Plain.
➢ Based on your research, does this appear to be an accurate portrayal
of Malcolm X’s life—why or why not? If not, offer suggestions on how
the filmmaker could have produced a more accurate representation.
➢ Given that this is a popular film and not a documentary, did Spike Lee.
have an obligation to stay completely true to the story? at least five, double-spaced pages in length (using a
professional font).
Since many people retain much of their historical knowledge through popular cult
Since many people retain much of their historical knowledge through
popular culture outlets, students will produce an original film critique
of the Spike Lee film X (1992). Watch the documentary Malcolm X:
Make It Plain (1994) as a juxtaposition to X. Is the Spike Lee film a
realistic portrayal of the life of Malcolm X? Both projects came out
before Manning Marable’s controversial book on Malcolm X. Craft a thesis and research essay that compares/contrasts the
portrayal of Malcolm X through the popular film medium in X versus
the documentary Make It Plain.
➢ Based on your research, does this appear to be an accurate portrayal
of Malcolm X’s life—why or why not? If not, offer suggestions on how
the filmmaker could have produced a more accurate representation.
➢ Given that this is a popular film and not a documentary, did Spike Lee.
have an obligation to stay completely true to the story?
Analyze the communication and interpersonal interaction in the movie Coach Carte
Analyze the communication and interpersonal interaction in the movie Coach Carter using these two theories Expectancy Violations Theory Social Exchange Theory and Social Penetration Theory. Write a 1800 word essay. Introduction – What will the reader find in your paper?
Body – Concise and coherent application of chosen theory to the communication found in the film.Analysis 1Brief summary of the chosen theory that includes theorist, year, and key points
Analysis – Important tenets of the first theory applied appropriately to interaction between characters in the movie. Any quotes included from the movie are properly cited.
Analysis 2Brief summary of the chosen theory that includes theorist, year, and key points
Analysis – Important tenets of the second theory applied appropriately to interaction between characters in the movie. Any quotes included from the movie are properly cited.
Conclusion – Advocacy for your workSummary of your thoughts
Support for the position created in your analysis
Paper Specs
Create a cover page with your name, course number, assignment title, and word count.
Paper should be 1800 – 2000 words.
Do not include cover page, headings, quotes, or references in your word count.
All required sources in this module, including textbooks, provided pdfs, and course videos should be used to support your thoughts, ideas, conclusions, etc., that you present throughout this paper. Sources from previous modules and courses should also be used when appropriate. Include a heading for each rubric line. Do not combine multiple rubric lines under a single heading.
A minimum of five sources should be cited and referenced. Outstanding papers will use more than the required minimum number of sources. Do not quote your sources. Paraphrase, cite, and reference using APA format.
Double-space your paper.
Use 12-point Times New Roman font.
Use APA style to document references and in-text citations.
5-page minimum written Essays: you will address a chosen topic and connect it to
5-page minimum written Essays: you will address a chosen topic and connect it to the trends and cinematic movements discussed in class. Your topic must fall within the historic period of our class and must match the various international film movements we discussed in class. Any production after 1945 from any country or regional culture should not be considered. Successful papers will require thorough research beyond the class discussions and sometimes multiple movies to review. Compare techniques and themes in films from two cinemas – i.e., American Birth of a Nation with FrenchNapoleon, etc. Analyze a film within the context of a time, place, or movement, covered in class – i.e., Battleship Potemkineand Soviet Montage Cinema, Safety Last and the Hollywood Comics period, etc.
Analyze a director/auteur’s career from this period – pick a technique (close-ups, lighting, set design, etc.) and discuss its uses in a film from this period. Example: editing in Intolerance, lighting, and camera in The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, etc.
Select a film from and deeper into a movement/cinema from the studied period that you’d like explore more. Example: Hollywood social realism, the battle of the sizes and the war between film and TV, Post-war Classicism in France, The Hollywood war on the Code, the impact of format and color, the collapse of the studio system, Exploring the subconscious in German cinema, and many more… WRITTEN ESSAY:4-5 pages long. 12 pt. Courier font, double-spaced. Margins – top/bottom 1”, sides 1.25”. Place your name, course number, the assignment, the title of the movie and the due date in a separate cover page. Quotations and paraphrasing should be kept to a minimum. You are expected to footnote all references, attach your bibliography and footnotes on a separate page. Footnotes and bibliography in Chicago style (use owl.purdue.edu as reference)Example of footnote for book: First name last name, Title of Resource. (City of publication: Publisher, year published), page #.Example of footnote for article: First name last name, “Article Title,” in Name of Journal/Magazine/Newspaper/etc. (City of publication: Publisher, year published), page #.Example of footnote for film: First name last name, Title of Resource, directed by First name Last name (Release year; City: Studio/Distributor), medium.If a resource is referenced again, it would look like this: Last name, page #. Sources should all be listed alphabetically in bibliography at the end of the project. Your written assignments should be free of spelling and grammatical errors and formatted to the specs indicated above. They should have an exceptional writing style that shows your creative approach, uses descriptive language, and contains unique ideas that will make me want to read the paper. Assignments should demonstrate a high level of effort, a deep understanding of the concepts presented in class, and a thoughtful analysis of the movie or topic and the cinematic period. Succinct film plot summaries or synopsis, (no longer than one page!) are absolutely required for every movie analysis. And BTW: summaries are not part of the analysis! All statements need to be backed up with specific examples, such as scenes, sequences, dialogue, or shots from the movie itself. The research for your paper should come from a variety of credible sources. Quotations and paraphrasing should be used sparingly, and properly indicated in correct citation format. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will lead to failing your essay. It is the instructor’s discretion on whether this will be reported to the office of student affairs. The 5-page length does not include your name, course name, assignment page number, footnotes, or bibliography/credits.A/ Narrative or Plot (10 Points)
Relate details of the events, actions or characters which are important in the film, and which lead to and support your view of the movie’s theme. Usually it is good to start with the question: Who did what and why?” Also, consider What is the genre of the film? and What is the national tradition of the film? Remember to begin with a research of the movie’s and the director’s background within the particular cinematic movement of the period.
B/ Formal elements (15 Points)
Please address the following formal elements in the selected movie:
* Writing
* dialogue
* Sets (if studio), settings (if location), or both
* Camera (angle, framing, focus, composition, movements)
* Lighting (contrast, high key, low key)
* Editing (cuts, parallel editing, cross-cutting, effects, rhythm, pace)
* Sound (use of sound, creative sound effects)
* music
* Acting (style of acting, performance, etc.)
* Design, external features, costumes, make-up
Not every one of these formal elements will be equally important in each movie. Comment on what is significant to the movie you are analyzing. Be sure to tell me how the elements function in the movie, what purpose do they serve.
C/ Theme (15 Points)
I will phrase the meaning of “theme” in a number of different ways in order to distinguish it from the narrative: the central argument of the film, the point of the story, the thesis of the movie, a summary of the meaning of the plot, a general statement of the intention of the film, what the movie is about, an interpretation of the narrative. Also address any secondary or tertiary themes that the story development of the film might bring to the attention of the viewer.
Your assignment is to conduct topic research and prepare a comprehensive set of
Your assignment is to conduct topic research and prepare a comprehensive set of facts, knowledge, and conversation on three different topics. You will be speaking on a live podcast with a few guests, so it is crucial to use correct grammar, spelling, and concise language. You have been tasked with conducting a comprehensive analysis of the US Virgin Islands. Your topic research should highlight both positive and negative aspects of the region, while also acknowledging its failures in some major areas and successes in others. You may use color coding, quotations, evidence, and even refer to comments and information provided by the US Virgin Islanders themselves. Your topic research should provide solid arguments, innovative ideas, and clear thinking, supported by concrete evidence.
To gather insightful information, you can use social media news and examine the heart of the USVI. The three topics you need to research are:
#1 State of the USVI
#2 The feel of the people of the USVI
#3 Is there pride in the USVI?
Part 1 assignment Island Draft uploaded Turn my three-act play into a fully-dev
Part 1 assignment Island Draft uploaded
Turn my three-act play into a fully-developed and insightful script for a film production. Very Shottas and Breakfast Club styled, in my opion, but way more serious
In the end. Act Three, I want to do what happened to everyone in the end study in my character bios so you can reference that. Also, I’d like to do a scene on each with Michael, which starts from the courtroom, similar to how the movie Dope and how Ray Liotta in Goodfellas goes on a rant in the courthouse while the trial is going on, and then have him leaving the courthouse after his rant about gun violence the changes it brings the friends family loved ones, Then shift to a beach and then him explaining what happened to everyone and then turn back an email o that Michae cna saying I’m telling the story what do you think happened he became a writer and decided to share his story make it dramatic than a gunshot and the sound of waves crashing as the camera and as Michael walks the shore. Then, we see him go further and further with the sounds of crashing waves.
Part 2
I entirely need to develop my playwright, Moko Jumbie, as it is inspired by my love of the game The Quarry PS4, and I want to up the lore and horror use the quarry for ideas DO NOT PLAGARISE! the horror. I have laid out my ideas, so run with them. I developed a playwright and film treatment and script for this idea. I have attached the draft.
Write an alternative ending to one of the films assigned in class. Your alternat
Write an alternative ending to one of the films assigned in class. Your alternative ending should be about 1-2 double-spaced pages. In addition, include a brief statement (1-2 pages) explaining the significance of the alternative ending. Remember that in your 1-2 page statement you must include a clear thesis that explains your intention, think about the aesthetic choices, the themes we have discussed in class from the films. The following questions that will help you write your statement:
Why have you selected this film for your Creative Assignment? Provide details of the reasons for your choice. (Approximately 250 words)
What images or scenes of the movie do you think are the most important to you? And why? (Approximately 250 words)
What are the concepts that make it possible to reflect on the film you have chosen? Explain which ones and elaborate your answer in detail and in-depth. (Approximately 250 words)
Choose one of the following movies: Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (Ana Lily Amirpour, 2014), 1h 41 min
Drunktown’s Finest (Sydney Freeland, 2014), 1h 35 min)
The Infiltrators (Christina Ibarra and Alex Rivera, 2019), 1h 35min
Moonlight (Barry Jenkins, 2016), 1h 5min Mosquita y Mari (Aurora Guerrero, 2012), 1h 25 min Pariah (Dee Rees, 2011), 1h 26 min