Research Activity Part 2–Conduct Survey and Post Raw Data
With a final survey in place, take the questions/prompts and conduct 10 surveys. You may choose to survey people you know or total strangers if you account for the type of sample (group of people) you use.
Please post all of the details of your data. For open-ended questions/prompts, make sure that you submit the full transcriipt for each response. For example:
Respondent #1:
1) A;
2) female;
3) sleeping;
4) As a result of 9/11 I’m afraid to fly;
5) yes
6) etc.
7) etc.
You would then do the same for the other nine respondents. This will allow for a more detailed analysis where cross-referencing between responses can be conducted (e.g. 80% of the women surveyed said that they are now afraid to fly, etc.).
Survey Questions
1. Demographics
i. Age:
ii. Gender:
iii. What region of the United States do you currently reside in?
2. Defining American Values
i. In a few words, describe what comes to your mind when you think of “American values.”
ii. Choose three values you believe are integral to the American identity from the following options:
a) Patriotism
b) Equality
c) Hard work
d) Family
e) Individualism
3. Changes in American Values
i. In your perspective, has there been a change in American values in the past few decades? (Yes/No). If affirmative, kindly briefly explain the values you believe have undergone alterations.
4. Factors Influencing Change
i. Choose the elements you think have influenced any observable changes in American values:
a) Media influence
b) Economic changes
c) Political climate
d) Social movements
5. Preservation of American Values
i. What, in your view, has contributed to the preservation of the conventional American value system? Give an instance of a cultural component or organization that helps to uphold these ideals.
6. Values Ranking
i. Rank the following values in order of personal importance (1 being the most important, 5 being the least important):
a) Patriotism
b) Equality
c) Hard work
d) Family
e) Individualism
7. Future Outlook
i. Do you anticipate further changes in American values in the coming decades? (Yes/No). If yes, briefly share your thoughts on what might drive these changes.
Thank you for completing our survey. Your insights are valuable in helping us analyze potential shifts or preservation in the American value system.