Research Activity Part 2–Conduct Survey and Post Raw Data With a final survey i

Research Activity Part 2–Conduct Survey and Post Raw Data
With a final survey in place, take the questions/prompts and conduct 10 surveys. You may choose to survey people you know or total strangers if you account for the type of sample (group of people) you use.
Please post all of the details of your data. For open-ended questions/prompts, make sure that you submit the full transcriipt for each response. For example:
Respondent #1:
1) A;
2) female;
3) sleeping;
4) As a result of 9/11 I’m afraid to fly;
5) yes
6) etc.
7) etc.

You would then do the same for the other nine respondents. This will allow for a more detailed analysis where cross-referencing between responses can be conducted (e.g. 80% of the women surveyed said that they are now afraid to fly, etc.).
Survey Questions
1. Demographics
i. Age:
ii. Gender:
iii. What region of the United States do you currently reside in?
2. Defining American Values
i. In a few words, describe what comes to your mind when you think of “American values.”
ii. Choose three values you believe are integral to the American identity from the following options:
a) Patriotism
b) Equality
c) Hard work
d) Family
e) Individualism
3. Changes in American Values
i. In your perspective, has there been a change in American values in the past few decades? (Yes/No). If affirmative, kindly briefly explain the values you believe have undergone alterations.
4. Factors Influencing Change
i. Choose the elements you think have influenced any observable changes in American values:
a) Media influence
b) Economic changes
c) Political climate
d) Social movements
5. Preservation of American Values
i. What, in your view, has contributed to the preservation of the conventional American value system? Give an instance of a cultural component or organization that helps to uphold these ideals.
6. Values Ranking
i. Rank the following values in order of personal importance (1 being the most important, 5 being the least important):
a) Patriotism
b) Equality
c) Hard work
d) Family
e) Individualism
7. Future Outlook
i. Do you anticipate further changes in American values in the coming decades? (Yes/No). If yes, briefly share your thoughts on what might drive these changes.
Thank you for completing our survey. Your insights are valuable in helping us analyze potential shifts or preservation in the American value system.

In this assignment choose and describe a digitally-related community event or pr

In this assignment choose and describe a digitally-related community event or practice done by an Indigenous community or community of color that works to support the well-being and empowerment of that community. Analyze the event using two keywords or key phrases from the course lecture notes or readings. You can use various presentation modes.
Book we read in class that you can use: The Intersectional Internet
Writing & Presentation Quality:
This is a descriiptive and analytical paper/presentation.
All writing and presentation composed with academic quality: Punctuation, capitalization, spelling, well-constructed sentences, easy to understand writing, organization, and the writing has been proofread/spellchecked for typos.
Paper: The body of the paper should be four to five pages in length. 1000 to 1500 words double spaced (4 to 6 pages)
Utilized two keywords/phrases
Fully explained the phenomenon/practice
Contained a quality explanation of the empowerment/community well-being elements
Used correct in-text references and correctly formatted reference section at the end in APA or MLA style

Research Activity Part 2–Conduct Survey and Post Raw Data With a final survey i

Research Activity Part 2–Conduct Survey and Post Raw Data
With a final survey in place, take the questions/prompts and conduct 10 surveys. You may choose to survey people you know or total strangers if you account for the type of sample (group of people) you use.
Please post all of the details of your data. For open-ended questions/prompts, make sure that you submit the full transcriipt for each response. For example:
Respondent #1:
1) A;
2) female;
3) sleeping;
4) As a result of 9/11 I’m afraid to fly;
5) yes
6) etc.
7) etc.

You would then do the same for the other nine respondents. This will allow for a more detailed analysis where cross-referencing between responses can be conducted (e.g. 80% of the women surveyed said that they are now afraid to fly, etc.).
Survey Questions
1. Demographics
i. Age:
ii. Gender:
iii. What region of the United States do you currently reside in?
2. Defining American Values
i. In a few words, describe what comes to your mind when you think of “American values.”
ii. Choose three values you believe are integral to the American identity from the following options:
a) Patriotism
b) Equality
c) Hard work
d) Family
e) Individualism
3. Changes in American Values
i. In your perspective, has there been a change in American values in the past few decades? (Yes/No). If affirmative, kindly briefly explain the values you believe have undergone alterations.
4. Factors Influencing Change
i. Choose the elements you think have influenced any observable changes in American values:
a) Media influence
b) Economic changes
c) Political climate
d) Social movements
5. Preservation of American Values
i. What, in your view, has contributed to the preservation of the conventional American value system? Give an instance of a cultural component or organization that helps to uphold these ideals.
6. Values Ranking
i. Rank the following values in order of personal importance (1 being the most important, 5 being the least important):
a) Patriotism
b) Equality
c) Hard work
d) Family
e) Individualism
7. Future Outlook
i. Do you anticipate further changes in American values in the coming decades? (Yes/No). If yes, briefly share your thoughts on what might drive these changes.
Thank you for completing our survey. Your insights are valuable in helping us analyze potential shifts or preservation in the American value system.

You will limit your paper to at least 1500 words or three paragraphs or simply o

You will limit your paper to at least 1500 words or three paragraphs or simply one or two page essay. Besides our textbook, you need to use other credible sources to back up your ideas. The paper is due on Nov 21, Tuesday midnight and it should be submitted in text entry form. You must compose one whole essay and the following points/questions must serve as your guide in writing the reaction paper:
Introduce your essay by describing the historical context of ancient moral tradition in Greece. Describe briefly in your own words the ancient philosopher’s moral views in general.
Compare Aristotle’s moral view with Epicureanism (Epicurus) and Stoicism (Epictetus). Which of them is commonly followed by popular culture regarding moral principles and their view on happiness? Which moral principle do you follow most and why? Explain the relevance of the ancient moral principles from question number 2 to ANY of the following moral issues: abortion, mercy killing, racial injustice, and death penalty. Evaluate the practice of abortion, mercy killing,racial injustice, and death penalty in today’s American society. Comment on how applicable and relevant the ancient moral principles would be to the present moral issues.

The module presented several contemporary cases of international debates around

The module presented several contemporary cases of international debates around cultural patrimony, the idea that a particular culture or nation has strong claims of ownership over artifacts produced in their territory that also are of particular cultural and/or historical value.
Not everyone thinks about the field of art history as ripe for ethical dilemmas, but perhaps that makes for a good test case for us to consider early in the course (since people are less likely to have firmly entrenched views about the issues involved).
Because these cases also are complex and cross international borders, they also can be good to help reveal how different viewpoints can impact applying ethical theories.
Select one of the news items posted in the module (either the case of the Byzantine frescoes, the Kohinoor diamond, or the Benin Bronzes) and analyze how at least two different ethical approaches would respond to the problem. For example, what would a Virtue Ethicist say would be the best course of action, or a Deontologist, a Utilitarian, etc. Or, how would two of those ethical approaches understand what the conflict at the heart of the issue is really about?
Support your analysis with at least one direct (and cited) quotation, either from the news stories related to the examples and/or the philosophy readings and resources we have discussed in the course.
Remember, you are not necessarily making an argument for what you would do personally; you are developing an analysis of what particular ethical approaches would advise as actions to solve the problem.
(This analytical reading journal actually is our first practice for the format of the applied ethics case analysis you will do later in the course in your final paper.)

Similar to your Analytical Reading Journal 2 on Kant, demonstrate that you have

Similar to your Analytical Reading Journal 2 on Kant, demonstrate that you have an understanding of Aristotle’s moral theory and approach (his emphasis on virtue and human flourishing) by:
summarizing his theory of ethics and then,
analyzing the potential strengths and weaknesses of applying this theory in daily life.
Use specific examples to develop your analysis, but remember to write in the third person (avoid the first person/”I” and writing from a personal perspective). Support your analysis with direct (and cited) quotations from the readings.
Extra advice: Work to develop a thick understanding of virtue.
What does that mean?
Sometimes the words we use in philosophy and ethics can be deceptively simple. For example, words like “good,” “bad,” “moral,” or “honest” have every day definitions that any adult human will know. Yet often, our use of these words in everyday conversations is “thin,” meaning it is less developed or less substantial (and therefore open to misunderstanding or misinterpretation in how it is applied).
Think about a time you might have disagreed with someone and gone back and forth about an issue, only for one of you later to respond, “Well, why didn’t you just say so earlier?!” as you realize you are closer in agreement than you thought. It may have been a miscommunication, but more likely, you both were probably using “thin” concepts to try to have a deeper discussion about something that mattered to you. “I want you to respect me.” “I do respect you…” “But you didn’t x, y, z….” “But I did a, b, c….” etc. In a conversation like this, the participants are using a thin concept of respect instead of a thick (fully developed) one and so can end up talking past each other as they make their points and try to work through an issue.
When writing philosophy and using higher-level ethical reasoning, we want to develop more substantial and detailed meanings of terms and concepts in our analysis so that they can help us evaluate situations or make ethical decisions. Philosopher Bernard Williams suggested that when we do so, our moral concepts become “thick,” meaning specific, fully developed, and grounded in particular cultural contexts. What makes “a good man” in Ancient Greece may not mean the same thing as “being a good person” in 17th century England or today, so we need to take time to illustrate and delineate how we understand and use the words and concepts we use.
That is always true when we are writing about ethics. But it is especially true when we are writing about virtue ethics and concepts like “good,” “happiness,” and “character.”

You will limit your paper to at least 1500 words or three paragraphs or simply o

You will limit your paper to at least 1500 words or three paragraphs or simply one or two page essay. Besides our textbook, you need to use other credible sources to back up your ideas. The paper is due on Nov 21, Tuesday midnight and it should be submitted in text entry form. You must compose one whole essay and the following points/questions must serve as your guide in writing the reaction paper:
Introduce your essay by describing the historical context of ancient moral tradition in Greece. Describe briefly in your own words the ancient philosopher’s moral views in general.
Compare Aristotle’s moral view with Epicureanism (Epicurus) and Stoicism (Epictetus). Which of them is commonly followed by popular culture regarding moral principles and their view on happiness? Which moral principle do you follow most and why? Explain the relevance of the ancient moral principles from question number 2 to ANY of the following moral issues: abortion, mercy killing, racial injustice, and death penalty. Evaluate the practice of abortion, mercy killing,racial injustice, and death penalty in today’s American society. Comment on how applicable and relevant the ancient moral principles would be to the present moral issues.

Similar to your Analytical Reading Journal 2 on Kant, demonstrate that you have

Similar to your Analytical Reading Journal 2 on Kant, demonstrate that you have an understanding of Aristotle’s moral theory and approach (his emphasis on virtue and human flourishing) by:
summarizing his theory of ethics and then,
analyzing the potential strengths and weaknesses of applying this theory in daily life.
Use specific examples to develop your analysis, but remember to write in the third person (avoid the first person/”I” and writing from a personal perspective). Support your analysis with direct (and cited) quotations from the readings.
Extra advice: Work to develop a thick understanding of virtue.
What does that mean?
Sometimes the words we use in philosophy and ethics can be deceptively simple. For example, words like “good,” “bad,” “moral,” or “honest” have every day definitions that any adult human will know. Yet often, our use of these words in everyday conversations is “thin,” meaning it is less developed or less substantial (and therefore open to misunderstanding or misinterpretation in how it is applied).
Think about a time you might have disagreed with someone and gone back and forth about an issue, only for one of you later to respond, “Well, why didn’t you just say so earlier?!” as you realize you are closer in agreement than you thought. It may have been a miscommunication, but more likely, you both were probably using “thin” concepts to try to have a deeper discussion about something that mattered to you. “I want you to respect me.” “I do respect you…” “But you didn’t x, y, z….” “But I did a, b, c….” etc. In a conversation like this, the participants are using a thin concept of respect instead of a thick (fully developed) one and so can end up talking past each other as they make their points and try to work through an issue.
When writing philosophy and using higher-level ethical reasoning, we want to develop more substantial and detailed meanings of terms and concepts in our analysis so that they can help us evaluate situations or make ethical decisions. Philosopher Bernard Williams suggested that when we do so, our moral concepts become “thick,” meaning specific, fully developed, and grounded in particular cultural contexts. What makes “a good man” in Ancient Greece may not mean the same thing as “being a good person” in 17th century England or today, so we need to take time to illustrate and delineate how we understand and use the words and concepts we use.
That is always true when we are writing about ethics. But it is especially true when we are writing about virtue ethics and concepts like “good,” “happiness,” and “character.”

The module presented several contemporary cases of international debates around

The module presented several contemporary cases of international debates around cultural patrimony, the idea that a particular culture or nation has strong claims of ownership over artifacts produced in their territory that also are of particular cultural and/or historical value.
Not everyone thinks about the field of art history as ripe for ethical dilemmas, but perhaps that makes for a good test case for us to consider early in the course (since people are less likely to have firmly entrenched views about the issues involved).
Because these cases also are complex and cross international borders, they also can be good to help reveal how different viewpoints can impact applying ethical theories.
Select one of the news items posted in the module (either the case of the Byzantine frescoes, the Kohinoor diamond, or the Benin Bronzes) and analyze how at least two different ethical approaches would respond to the problem. For example, what would a Virtue Ethicist say would be the best course of action, or a Deontologist, a Utilitarian, etc. Or, how would two of those ethical approaches understand what the conflict at the heart of the issue is really about?
Support your analysis with at least one direct (and cited) quotation, either from the news stories related to the examples and/or the philosophy readings and resources we have discussed in the course.
Remember, you are not necessarily making an argument for what you would do personally; you are developing an analysis of what particular ethical approaches would advise as actions to solve the problem.
(This analytical reading journal actually is our first practice for the format of the applied ethics case analysis you will do later in the course in your final paper.)

Write outline essay on John Q and use utilitarianism and virtue ethics as the et

Write outline essay on John Q and use utilitarianism and virtue ethics as the ethical theories….. Write in 1st person and use in-text and post reference citation. This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin so a low score is needed. I have included an attachment as an example.
Stage One of the Ethical Analysis Essay – Create an Outline
Instructions: The purpose of this assignment is to write an outline as the first step of the Ethical Analysis Essay that is due near the end of the term. The Ethical Analysis Essay requires that you analyze a film’s ethical dimensions that include its characters and the story.
First, select a film from the list of available works. If you cannot access these films, you may select a different film, but you will require prior approval from your instructor.
Films for Ethical Analysis Essay
John Q (2002) – Story centers on a man whose nine-year-old son desperately needs a life-saving transplant. When he discovers that his medical insurance will not cover surgery costs and alternative government aid is unavailable, John Q. Archibald takes a hospital emergency room hostage in a final attempt to save his child.
Next, view the film and then write an outline. This outline should be written using the following subheadings (Introduction and Ethical Analysis). Write 2-5 sentences for each criterion (Introduction and Ethical Analysis). The outline be a minimum of 250 words in length.
Introduction (Film Synopsis & Ethical Theory)
Brief film synopsis that includes the medical ethical dilemma present in the film.
Ethical theory you have chosen to apply to the film. Select one (or more):
Virtue Ethics
Utilitarian Ethics
Moral Sense Theory (Conscience)
Social Contract Theory
The Ethics of Care
Kantian Ethics
Moral Relativism
Ethical Analysis:
1.) Moral values present in the film (as they relate to the ethical theory you have chosen)
2.) Moral conflict or instances of moral values in conflict
3.) Moral of the story or what can be learned from applying the ethical theory to the story