Select a United States Health Care System problem. Write a 10-page assessment paper. Use APA Format. Title page (1 page), abstract (150-250 words on 1 page), introduction (1 full page), content pages including a conclusion (6 full pages) and reference list (1 page or more)
Reference should include a minimum of 5 peer reviewed journal articles and the text book. Use the provided APA assignment template. Only Microsoft Word assignment documents will be accepted for grading. PDF or Google word assignment will be assigned zero.
Select a current health care system problem. Making use of outside resources is highly recommended. The paper should offer information and insight on the topic. Prior to assignment submission feel free to consult with the course instructor/professor to make sure you are on the right track. Write a 10-page assessment paper. Use APA 7th Edition Format. Title page (1 page), Abstract (150-250 words on 1 page), Introduction (1 full-page), Content pages including a Conclusion (6 full pages) and reference list (1 page or more)
Reference should include a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed journal articles and the textbook. Minimum of 6 references. You can use the textbook as the foundation of your paper, but it is required to use at least 5 peer-reviewed journal articles outside resources. (2019 – 2023). It is allowed to use textbooks, dissertations, and government websites as additional resources. Organizational websites (.org, .net & .com), newspapers, magazines, and blogs are not acceptable as resources for this assignment. The references should be listed in the reference list at the end of the paper. Each source must be cited at least once in the text of the paper. Direct quotes are not recommended and you will be penalized for any direct quotes. We expect undergraduate students to read the sources and write in their own words while listing & citing their resources in the text. The quality of written assignments is strongly based on the ability of students to do critical thinking. The papers need to follow the American Psychology Association (APA, 6th ed.) writing style for academic and scholarly papers
You should use the APA 7th Edition Assignment Example APA7eGuide.pdf
in pages of the APA 7th Edition Guideline provided or submit your assignment in APA 7 format. Only Microsoft Word assignment documents will be accepted for grading. PDF or Google word document assignment will be assigned zero.
Category: Environmental Science
i-need-help-with-a-stakeholders-portion-in-a-paper-1 to 3 pages and 2-slides Ess
i-need-help-with-a-stakeholders-portion-in-a-paper-1 to 3 pages and 2-slides
Essay description –
Wildlife protection. A developer has proposed to build vacation homes on a large lakefront parcel in Manistique, Michigan, an Upper Peninsula tourist community, but piping plover breeding pairs, an endangered species under the ESA, have been spotted on the property. Piping plovers nest in the open near the water’s edge and are skittish around people; their decline has been attributed primarily to habitat loss and recreational use of their habitat. The community needs to decide how to maintain the tourism industry (its primary tax base) while protecting wildlife and complying with federal law.
Piping Plovers: The Adorable Shorebird That Everyone Wants to Save ( Link for further description of problem
There are roughly ____ chemicals on the ATSDR Priority List of Hazardous Substances
(1 Point)
2.TRUE or FALSE. Almost all toxic chemicals are only used for, or released into the environment by, industrial processes like manufacturing and energy production.
(1 Point)
3.TRUE or FALSE: Once released into the environment, most toxic chemicals remain in that place (i.e., most toxic chemicals “stay put” after their release and are not transported by human activities or natural processes).
(1 Point)
4.TRUE or FALSE. Very few toxic chemicals are capable of accumulating in biological tissues or persisting in the environment for long periods of time.
(1 Point)
5.TRUE or FALSE: If you don’t work in a facility that uses or processes toxic chemicals, you are probably not exposed to toxic chemicals.
(1 Point)
6.TRUE or FALSE. If a chemical is not carcinogenic (i.e., if it does not cause cancer), you probably don’t have to worry about it much.
(1 Point)
7.TRUE or FALSE: Some toxic chemicals are more harmful to children than to adults.
(1 Point)
8.TRUE or FALSE. In the U.S., all toxic chemicals are subject to bans or limitations on use or environmental standards.
(1 Point)
9.What federal agencies are involved in regulating toxic chemicals? Spell out the acronyms and give the abbreviations.
(1 Point)
In this lab project, you will work with the En-ROADS simulation model developed
In this lab project, you will work with the En-ROADS simulation model developed by Climate Interactive and MIT SloanSustainability Initiative to create a scenario that can mitigate global warming to the internationally agreed target of less than 2 °C, and ideally 1.5 °C. En-ROADS is an interactive tool for simulating the long-term impacts of policy actions on global warming. This includes policies affecting energy supply, energy efficiency, carbon emissions prices, land use, and other factors that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Since En-ROADS is a global model, the policy levers simulate if the action were applied to the entire world. En-ROADS does not attempt to address the complex nuances of how different countries and political groups might respond to each policy.
En-ROADS is grounded in the best-available science about climate impacts; solutions; and the complex interactions of the climate, energy, land, population, and economic systems. As you are completing the En-ROADS simulation model, and work toward your mission of recommending global policies and investments, keep the following goals in mind:
Limit global warming. Global warming above 2 °C will cause dangerous and irreversible impacts that will harm our prosperity, security, health, and lives. Limiting warming to less than 2 °C is not without challenges either (we are already seeing impacts today); however, it is a benchmark by which scientists and world leaders believe we can lower the risks to a more manageable level.
Preserve and create a healthy economy. Your policies should strive to lead a global energy transition that would preserve and create a healthy global economy. You must decide how to balance the short-term costs of climate actions with the long-term costs of damages from climate inaction. Note that financial costs are not explicitly predicted in the model as they are uncertain and controversial. You may offer your own hypotheses on the financial impacts of different decisions.While assessing the economics, also consider the potential to offset short-term costs with additional cobenefits, for example, benefits to the economy, public health, national security, and other areas which could augment the direct benefits of mitigating global warming.
Promote equity and a just transition. Consider the impacts of your policies for both developed and developing countries, and between the rich and poor people within such nations. Consider whether your policies will disproportionately harm certain groups and how to mitigate such harms (e.g., If you favor policies that would reduce or shut down fossil fuel use, how will your policies address the resulting unemployment of people employed by the fossil fuel industry?). Also consider how opportunities for the new green economy can be shared more equitably and not leave marginalized groups behind.
Protect the environment. Many environmental challenges besides climate change threaten human welfare—for example, water shortage, air and water pollution (smog, particulates), soil loss, plastic pollution, anoxic zones (dead zones) in rivers and oceans, extinction of species, and so on. Your proposals should minimize these other harmful effects on the environment.
Be realistic but not cynical. Imagine a scenario of what could be possible if human civilization operates at its best.
To complete this lab,Open En-ROADS Here are some available resources to help you understand how to use this model. You will likely find the En-ROADS Control Panel guide particularly helpful for this project.En-ROADS Control Panel
En-ROADS User Guide
En-ROADS frequently asked questions
En-ROADS Videos
More information on En-ROADS is available at The En-ROADS Climate Solutions Simulator
Develop a scenario to meet your goals. Use En-ROADS to develop your vision of how to successfully limit global warming to less than 2 °C—and ideally 1.5 °C—per the Paris Agreement
Submit a write-up expressing your vision. After developing your preferred scenario, write a thoughtful and concise response to the questions that follow in this prompt. Develop your vision and approach on the issues. Instructions on how to format your write-up are at the end of this activity prompt.
Your En-ROADS lab assignment will be a 3- to 5-page memo describing your proposal.
Policies: Utilize the En-ROADS Assignment Section One Plan to address the following:Name of your plan.
Screenshot of the main En-ROADS interface with results.
Bullet points summarizing the most-important policies and outcomes.
Pasted text from Actions & Outcomes documenting assumptions and policy settings used.
Pasted URL of your scenario.
In your Section 1 content, you may also choose to share screenshots of specific graphs that caught your attention and are worth noting. Refer to the Illustrative Example Download Illustrative Example included with the template for guidance on what your Plan should look like.
Climate: How well do you think your proposal does in meeting the Paris climate goals? If it does not meet the goal, why is this acceptable to you?
Economy: If the world followed your recommendations, how would the economy be different at various points in the future, for example, 2030, 2050, and 2100, and so on? In what ways would it be better? In what ways would it be worse?
Equity: How can your proposal strive to increase equity across different nations and different peoples?
Environment: To what extent might your proposal mitigate other environmental challenges (e.g., biodiversity, pollution, water, and air quality)? To what extent might your proposal cause or worsen other environmental problems?
Realism without cynicism: What would it take for your proposal to be realized? What barriers might arise in the implementation of your proposals, and how might they be addressed? To get started, what actions and priorities are needed as soon as possible from businesses, civil society, governments, or the public?
Winners/Losers: Who would be the biggest winners and losers globally in your proposed future? Create a table with two columns for winners and losers.
Surprises from En-ROADS: What surprised you about the behavior of the energy and climate system as captured in the simulation? For example, what actions had a bigger or smaller effect than you thought? Did you discover why?
Feelings: How did your insights from the model and this assignment make you feel? (feelings as in emotions, not thoughts)
Hope and personal action: Do any trends in the world give you hope that your proposals are possible? What can you personally do to help create the necessary changes?
The Simulating Climate Futures in En-ROADS Laboratory memo write-up,must be 3 to 5 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft Word
must include a separate title page with the following in title case:title of memo write-up in bold fontSpace should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.
student’s name
name of institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus)
course name and number
instructor’s name
due date
must utilize academic voice.Refer to the Academic Voice resource for additional guidance.
must use at least 1 credible source in addition to the course text, for 2 total sources.The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source.
Topic Problem description: Invasive carp in the Chicago River threaten to invade
Problem description: Invasive carp in the Chicago River threaten to invade Lake Michigan Policy intervention: Proposed state and federal funding to install deterrents at Brandon Road Lock and Dam
I WILL ATTACH TWO RESOURCES TO START WITH AND MUST USE Policy analysis Part 1: Problem identification and assessment criteria (16 pts) In this assignment, you will also do some additional research – find 1 or more additional sources (these may include other news articles, policy documents such as administrative code or program descriptions, or peer-reviewed journal articles) to better understand the Natural Resource/Environmental (NRE) problem, policy, and values at stake. You will then write a memo that draws on what you read in Cubbage Ch. 4 “Policy Analysis and Criteria for Decisions.” Your memo will describe the problem and the policy intervention proposed or implemented to address it. Then you will use two relevant criteria to assess the policy and identify an appropriate data source you could use for assessment. Data source examples discussed in class include:…,,, https://habitatsuitabilitymodeling-natureserve.hub…, Finally, you will give a recommendation.
Formatting: Please write in memo format (see optional template below). You are writing as a policy analyst for a large NRE organization that is considering legislative advocacy on this policy issue (for the purposes of this assignment, choose an organization that seems most relevant to the issue; examples include.,,,
Address your memo to the organization’s director of policy advocacy. The memo should be approximately 4 pages in length (double spaced) and follow the written assignments format described in the syllabus. Because this assignment will be written in memo format, you may consider strategic use of section headers and bullet points to highlight key information (these do not need to be double spaced). A reference list at the end should include the original article and your 1+ additional sources in APA format. Check out these memos as examples of this type of writing (but note that these are external memos whereas yours are internal)…,…
Your memo should address the following:
(2 pt) Summarize the NRE problem.
(2 pt) Describe the policy intervention (description should include the entity creating the policy and the entity implementing it (these may be different) and how the policy works (does it incentivize behavior? regulate? acquire land? etc…).
(3 pts) Choose an assessment criterion from those described in Cubbage Ch. 4 that is most relevant to the issue (e.g., ecosystem services, market efficiency, equity). Explain why you chose that criterion for your case, then assess the extent to which the policy intervention meets this first criterion, based on the information you have. Finally, identify and explain at least one type of primary data you would need to conduct a thorough assessment.
(3pts) Choose one other assessment criterion. Explain why you chose that criterion for your case, then assess the extent to which the policy intervention meets this second criterion, based on the information you have. Finally, identify and explain at least one type of primary data you would need to conduct a thorough assessment.
(3 pts) Finally, give your opinion: did the policy response you read about adequately address your two criteria? If not, what changes to the policy should your organization advocate for to make it meet these criteria?
(3 pts) Correct formatting and style
At least 3 (the two we gave and 1+ additional) sources cited in APA style. (1 pt)
Minimal typographical or grammatical errors (1 pt), followed formatting rules and paper is well-written (e.g., flows well, clearly laid out, etc.) (1 pt)
Policy analysis Part 2: Stakeholder assessment and engagement (14 pts)
In this assignment, you will build on the analysis you began in Part 1, continuing with the same topic and articles from Part 1, but you may add 1-2 additional sources, as needed, to support your assessment. Assuming you are in the same organizational position as before, your memo will first present a rainbow analysis (described in lecture) to identify what stakeholders affect and are affected by the NRE problem (there should be at least 5 stakeholder groups identified, including those involved in creating the policy intervention(s)). Then, for each of the affected stakeholder groups, you will assess where they fall on Arnstein’s Ladder of Citizen Participation and justify why you think they are in that position. Finally, you will make a recommendation about whether the policy intervention and/or policy process should be changed with respect to community engagement. Formatting: Use the same instructions for Part 1 (with the addition of the Rainbow Diagram figure). The memo should be approximately 4 pages in length (double spaced) and follow the written assignments format described in the syllabus. You can use the memo template below. For this part, you have the option to add an additional source to help understand how different stakeholder groups are affected by or involved in the process of the policy. For instance, an environmental group might post a policy position on their website that explains their stance. Your memo should address the following: (1 pts) Briefly remind the reader of the NRE problem and policy.
(5 pts) Using the rainbow diagram template above, fill in the positions of relevant affecting and affected stakeholders (at least 5 groups, with at least 2 affected non-governmental stakeholder groups). Then clearly explain in the text why you placed each group in the particular place in the diagram.
(2 pts) For each of the affected groups identified, assess which position you think they are in on Arnstein’s Ladder of Citizen Participation and justify why you think they are in that position. Note: Arnstein’s ladder focuses on non-governmental stakeholder power, so only include non-governmental affected groups for this portion of the analysis.
(3 pts) Make a recommendation about whether your organization should advocate for the policy intervention and/or process to be changed with respect to community participation. For instance, should there be additional opportunities to bring certain groups into the dialogue? Remember, not all policies need to have complete citizen control—your recommendation on participation should be appropriate to the problem and type of policy.
The title is: Assessing the Efficacy of Integrated Green Infrastructure in Enhan
The title is: Assessing the Efficacy of Integrated Green Infrastructure in Enhancing Stormwater Management and Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in London, Ontario
I have to do a research report for civil engineering, the topic that I chose is “Assessing the Effectiveness of Integrated Green Infrastructure in Enhancing Stormwater Management and Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in London, Ontario”. However the title should be reduced to no more than 10 words, it has to be 20 pages long and free of plagiarism. The instructions are attached below. It also includes an example of how the report is going to be evaluated and an example of a previous year’s student report…
Include 5 sources formatted in APA 6th edition.
“I would appreciate your assistance in creating a poster and preparing a present
“I would appreciate your assistance in creating a poster and preparing a presentation for a topic titled ‘How greenhouse gases caused global warming/cooling in Earth’s past.’ The instructions for the poster and presentation are provided in the document. The presentation should be at least 5 minutes long, and the poster requires at least 5 figures, with correct sizes(File type: can be PPT or PDF (note: it must be true 36×36, not scaling it to 36×36).) I look forward to your guidance on this project.
Use “The Science behind the story” reading on pp264-265 in Withgott Chapter 12 t
Use “The Science behind the story” reading on pp264-265 in Withgott Chapter 12 to complete this assignment or other sources. You may use AI on this Assignment; state which AI you used and date of time of using it. See the Course Syllabus for the university AI statement that must be included in your submission.
Background: You graduated from Tennessee Tech, moved to Kansas for a job, and were appointed to the Kansas Governor’s Board of Water Policy for the State. You are one of five members. The underground aquifer underneath the surface of your state has been over pumped for irrigation of agricultural crops, cities, and industry. Wells are starting to run dry. The state’s biggest city is growing so fast that more water is needed for the increasing urban population. Agricultural production is down. A 10 year long drought is affecting the state and other Plains states.
Would you propose steps to increase supply, decrease demand? Mitigate or adapt to the impact of decreased water?
Don’t forget to apply the three pillars of sustainability!
Instructions Use “The Science behind the story” reading on pp264-265 in Withgott
Use “The Science behind the story” reading on pp264-265 in Withgott Chapter 12 to complete this assignment or other sources. You may use AI on this Assignment; state which AI you used and date of time of using it. See the Course Syllabus for the university AI statement that must be included in your submission.
Background: You graduated from Tennessee Tech, moved to Kansas for a job, and were appointed to the Kansas Governor’s Board of Water Policy for the State. You are one of five members. The underground aquifer underneath the surface of your state has been over pumped for irrigation of agricultural crops, cities, and industry. Wells are starting to run dry. The state’s biggest city is growing so fast that more water is needed for the increasing urban population. Agricultural production is down. A 10 year long drought is affecting the state and other Plains states.
Would you propose steps to increase supply, decrease demand? Mitigate or adapt to the impact of decreased water?
Don’t forget to apply the three pillars of sustainability!
Assignment Directions Choose any landcover in America from the website (Dont use
Assignment Directions
Choose any landcover in America from the website (Dont use the same I attached)
Part 1 (4 pts): write a brief description of your sitegeneralize landcover / land use information from
characterize the site briefly – at least 2 metrics (eg, population density or economic makeup)source:
source 2:
Part 2 (3 pts): identify trends in data for the following variables and make a graph for one or more: pH, NO3, SO2/SO4, NH4
find the data tab for your site
(eg, for ntn-AB35 the link is as follows,
download weekly OR monthly data and open it in excel
Dr Schmidt will go through tutorial of making a graph on 3/14 save Excel file for graph to be uploaded by 3/19
Part 3 (3 pts) Add graph from Excel OR trend plot from NADP website for at least one variable. Make sure:X axis is labelled
Y axis is labelled
No chart title is provided
Part 4 (5 pts) 4: Answer: (a) when did pH, NO3, and/or SO2 (or SO4) hit their peak (focus on the variable you looked at)?
(b) what has the trend looked like since?
(c) what about NH4 (when did it hit it’s peak if any; what has the trend looked like?) (d) Propose at least one reason for any of these trends based on your info in part 1.
EC for post: Research the main impacts of acid rain in this general area particularly at the time it peaked.
Find regional information online about how the locality and/or state has been dealing with acid rain, even if as instigated through the clean air act– eg, utility incentives or renewable energy infrastructure
If you have negative numbers in your data that is affecting your graph, you can simply erase the number (when you have the cell selected, press the “delete” button on your keyboard). However, if you are creating a line graph where each point is connected, this will break up your connected lines. You can deal with this by calculating the midpoint of the two adjacent points, or just change your graph to a scatterplot without the connections.
Look at the attached photo it should look similar to those attached