Required Length: 1,000 words minimum
For this assignment, you will compose a miniature playlist of 3-5 songs that serves to in some way tell the story of your life. A personal narrative asks you to reflect on your experiences using the kind of critical rhetorical distance we’ve encountered in some of our course readings. But how else might writing about your life and these songs demonstrate your understanding of rhetorical principles? After all, a song—like an essay, a video, a speech, or anything else that relies on verbal or nonverbal communication—is a rhetorical situation. Each song relies on elements of the rhetorical triangle (author, audience, message) and has a purpose, and the choices made within the song—not only the lyrics, but the sound of the music and its arrangement—likely reveal the use of other rhetorical concepts explained in our textbook. Remember those Greek terms logos, pathos, ethos, humos, and kairos (Links to an external site.)? Are those concepts relevant to the songs? Are they relevant to the moment(s) in your life that you have chosen to write about?
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This assignment requires you to create a personal playlist of 3-5 songs that reflect key moments in your life. You will analyze these songs through a rhetorical lens, considering how their lyrics, sound, and structure connect with your experiences.
Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily! 
Step 1: Select Your Songs and Moments
- Choose 3-5 songs that represent significant moments or themes in your life.
- Reflect on why each song is meaningful—does it remind you of an event, a person, or a personal transformation?
- Consider how each song conveys emotion and meaning beyond just lyrics.
Step 2: Structure Your Essay (3-5 Paragraphs Minimum)
Introduction (1 Paragraph)
- Introduce your playlist and its purpose in telling your life story.
- Briefly mention how music, like writing, is a rhetorical act that conveys messages through sound, lyrics, and emotion.
- Present your thesis: How do these songs capture your personal journey?
Body (3-5 Paragraphs – One for Each Song)
For Each Song, Include:
- Personal Connection: Explain why this song is significant in your life.
- Rhetorical Analysis:
- Author: Who created the song? What was their intent?
- Audience: Who is the song meant for? How does it connect with listeners?
- Message: What is the song communicating?
- Appeals: How does the song use ethos (credibility), pathos (emotion), logos (logic), kairos (timing), or humos (humor) to connect with listeners?
- Musical Elements: How do the melody, tone, or rhythm contribute to its meaning?
Conclusion (1 Paragraph)
- Summarize how your playlist tells the story of your life.
- Reflect on how music, like writing, uses rhetorical tools to create meaning.
- End with a final thought: How does analyzing music help you better understand communication and storytelling?
Step 3: Final Review Checklist 
Have you selected 3-5 songs and explained their significance in your life?
Have you analyzed the rhetorical elements of each song?
Is your writing structured, clear, and engaging?
Have you followed the word count and formatting guidelines?
By following this structured approach, you’ll create a compelling personal narrative that demonstrates both self-reflection and rhetorical awareness.