Personal Narrative Through Music: A Rhetorical Analysis of My Life Playlist

Required Length: 1,000 words minimum
For this assignment, you will compose a miniature playlist of 3-5 songs that serves to in some way tell the story of your life. A personal narrative asks you to reflect on your experiences using the kind of critical rhetorical distance we’ve encountered in some of our course readings. But how else might writing about your life and these songs demonstrate your understanding of rhetorical principles? After all, a song—like an essay, a video, a speech, or anything else that relies on verbal or nonverbal communication—is a rhetorical situation. Each song relies on elements of the rhetorical triangle (author, audience, message) and has a purpose, and the choices made within the song—not only the lyrics, but the sound of the music and its arrangement—likely reveal the use of other rhetorical concepts explained in our textbook. Remember those Greek terms logos, pathos, ethos, humos, and kairos (Links to an external site.)? Are those concepts relevant to the songs? Are they relevant to the moment(s) in your life that you have chosen to write about?

Post Content:

This assignment requires you to create a personal playlist of 3-5 songs that reflect key moments in your life. You will analyze these songs through a rhetorical lens, considering how their lyrics, sound, and structure connect with your experiences.

🚨 Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily! 🚨

Step 1: Select Your Songs and Moments

  • Choose 3-5 songs that represent significant moments or themes in your life.
  • Reflect on why each song is meaningful—does it remind you of an event, a person, or a personal transformation?
  • Consider how each song conveys emotion and meaning beyond just lyrics.

Step 2: Structure Your Essay (3-5 Paragraphs Minimum)

  1. Introduction (1 Paragraph)

    • Introduce your playlist and its purpose in telling your life story.
    • Briefly mention how music, like writing, is a rhetorical act that conveys messages through sound, lyrics, and emotion.
    • Present your thesis: How do these songs capture your personal journey?
  2. Body (3-5 Paragraphs – One for Each Song)

    For Each Song, Include:

    • Personal Connection: Explain why this song is significant in your life.
    • Rhetorical Analysis:
      • Author: Who created the song? What was their intent?
      • Audience: Who is the song meant for? How does it connect with listeners?
      • Message: What is the song communicating?
      • Appeals: How does the song use ethos (credibility), pathos (emotion), logos (logic), kairos (timing), or humos (humor) to connect with listeners?
      • Musical Elements: How do the melody, tone, or rhythm contribute to its meaning?
  3. Conclusion (1 Paragraph)

    • Summarize how your playlist tells the story of your life.
    • Reflect on how music, like writing, uses rhetorical tools to create meaning.
    • End with a final thought: How does analyzing music help you better understand communication and storytelling?

Step 3: Final Review Checklist ✅

✔ Have you selected 3-5 songs and explained their significance in your life?
✔ Have you analyzed the rhetorical elements of each song?
✔ Is your writing structured, clear, and engaging?
✔ Have you followed the word count and formatting guidelines?

By following this structured approach, you’ll create a compelling personal narrative that demonstrates both self-reflection and rhetorical awareness.

Realistic Career Aspirations, Income Predictions, and Cost of Living Analysis

Discuss, realistically, your professional aspirations and how you will attain them.
Predict your level of income during the first year after graduation, five years after, and then ten years after. Make sure you research starting salaries of persons in your chosen field (in your local community). Do you consider this to be low, middle or high income?
Research the cost of living in your area. About how much each month are you be able to spend on an apartment or home if you spend 50% of your monthly income for housing? Will this afford you a living space in the place you plan to live in your community? Why or why not?
Based on the cost of living in your area, will you be able to purchase a home? If so, when will you purchase one, what will be the cost, and how will you save to make at least a 25% down payment for the home? What will be your approximate house payment each month for the home? Is this more or less than you anticipate spending if you spend 50% of your monthly income for housing? Does this monthly payment include taxes and insurance? What would be the cost of those each month?
Write your answer as one 3-5 paragraph essay. Your essay should be at least 500 words and appropriately have an introduction, body, and conclusion.
The references you use for cost of living and salaries may include your textbook or any other reliable sources. You should be sure to cite your source within the essay and list a bibliographical reference to the source at the end of the essay using the APA format.

Post Content:

This essay requires a detailed exploration of your career goals, income expectations, and financial planning in relation to the cost of living in your local area. Your response should be well-researched and structured, incorporating sources to support your claims.

🚨 Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily! 

Step 1: Plan Your Essay Structure (500+ Words, 3-5 Paragraphs)

Your essay should include:

  1. Introduction (1 Paragraph)

    • State your career aspirations realistically and explain why you chose this path.
    • Briefly mention the importance of financial planning for your future.
    • Provide a thesis statement outlining the focus of your essay (career goals, income expectations, and cost of living analysis).
  2. Body (2-3 Paragraphs)

    Paragraph 1: Career Aspirations and Income Predictions

    • Describe your chosen career field and your short-term and long-term goals.
    • Research and state the starting salary for professionals in your field in your local area (cite sources).
    • Predict your income in year 1, year 5, and year 10, based on industry trends and potential promotions.
    • Classify your income level (low, middle, or high) based on economic standards.

    Paragraph 2: Cost of Living and Housing Affordability

    • Research the cost of living in your area (cite sources).
    • Calculate how much you can afford to spend on housing if you allocate 50% of your monthly income.
    • Compare this amount to actual rental or housing costs in your local area.
    • Explain whether this budget would allow you to live comfortably where you plan to reside.

    Paragraph 3: Homeownership Feasibility

    • Discuss whether you will be able to afford a home based on your projected income and savings plan.
    • Research local home prices and estimate when you might purchase one.
    • Calculate the 25% down payment and explain how you will save for it.
    • Estimate your monthly mortgage payment (including taxes and insurance) and compare it to the 50% housing budget from earlier.
  3. Conclusion (1 Paragraph)

    • Summarize your career expectations and financial plan.
    • Reflect on whether your career choice will provide financial stability for your desired lifestyle.
    • Mention any potential adjustments you might need to make based on cost-of-living realities.

Step 2: Conduct Research and Cite Sources

  • Use reliable sources (government websites, salary databases, real estate market reports).
  • Cite all sources in APA format both in-text and in a reference list at the end.

Step 3: Final Review Checklist ✅

✔ Does your essay clearly outline your career path and financial projections?
✔ Have you researched and cited reliable sources for salaries and cost-of-living data?
✔ Is your writing structured, clear, and free of grammatical errors?
✔ Have you followed the word count and formatting requirements?

By following this structured approach, you’ll craft a strong, well-researched essay that effectively evaluates your professional and financial future.


Exploring Identity Through Bio-Poetry

q Compose a bio-poem that responds to the question: “Who/What are you?” This is a question many have pondered.
q This activity helps students clarify important elements of their identities by writing a poem about themselves. Bio-poems help students analyze, and perhaps understand, certain aspects of their identity (some of which are often more obvious and familiar) by asking them to focus on factors that shape identity, such as experiences, relationships, hopes, interests, fears, apprehensions, etc. Bio-poems provide structure and are a way for students to think more critically about their individual traits, experiences, and character. (Source:
q As you construct your poem, here are points to consider:
a) What are you? How do YOU identify?
b) “Are you Black or African American?”
c) “Are you Latino/a or Hispanic?”
d) “Are you White or Caucasian?
e) “Are you Asian or Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or Filipino?
In other words, is your identity based on a particular ethnicity that may be defined by others?
q Your poem should consist of 20-25 lines. (Source )

Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Your Bio-Poem:

Step 1: Understand the Prompt

You are tasked with writing a bio-poem that responds to the question “Who/What are you?” This is an exercise in self-reflection, where you’ll explore your identity through the lens of your personal experiences, relationships, hopes, and fears. The goal is to create a poem that helps you critically think about what shapes you as an individual.

Step 2: Reflect on Your Identity

Before you begin writing, take a moment to reflect on the aspects of your identity you want to focus on in your poem. These can include:

  • Cultural identity: What is your ethnicity? Are you Black, African American, Latino, Hispanic, White, Asian, etc.?
  • Personal identity: What are your interests, passions, and hobbies? What do you care about deeply?
  • Emotional and social identity: What are your relationships like with family, friends, and community? What fears, hopes, or dreams do you have?
  • Experiences that shaped you: Think about key events or people that have influenced your life and shaped who you are today.

Step 3: Understand the Structure of a Bio-Poem

A bio-poem typically consists of 20-25 lines. Below is a general structure you can follow:

  1. Line 1: Your first name
  2. Line 2: Who are you (a brief description or something important about you)
  3. Line 3: Three things you love (these can be people, activities, ideas)
  4. Line 4: Three things you fear
  5. Line 5: Your goals or dreams
  6. Line 6: A description of your family or significant relationships
  7. Line 7: A significant event or memory
  8. Line 8-10: More details that represent your experiences, personality, and identity
  9. Line 11-20: You can add more descriptive elements that reflect different sides of your identity
  10. Line 20-25: End with a powerful statement about who you are or a conclusion that reflects your essence

Step 4: Start Writing Your Poem

Here’s an example of what a bio-poem might look like:

[Your Name]
Loyal, curious, passionate
Lover of music, books, and adventures
Fears loneliness, failure, and the unknown
Dreams of traveling the world and making a difference
Child of hard-working parents, devoted sibling
Remembering the summer spent volunteering at the shelter
Always learning, always growing, always questioning
Friend to those who need support, ally to those who struggle
Born in [City/Country], raised in [Place], shaped by [Event/Experience]
Seeker of truth and wisdom, always moving forward
Laughter is my escape, compassion is my guide
Strong in my beliefs, open to new perspectives
Striving for balance, peace, and kindness
A [Student/Artist/Leader], shaping tomorrow with today’s lessons
I am someone who believes in hope and resilience,
Determined to leave a legacy of compassion and understanding
A unique individual, forever becoming
[Your Name] — a work in progress, yet always enough

Step 5: Revise and Edit

Once you have written your bio-poem, take time to revise it:

  • Make sure the poem flows naturally and feels authentic.
  • Review your word choices to ensure they best represent who you are.
  • Ask yourself: Does this poem accurately reflect my identity and essence?
  • Consider having someone you trust read it to give feedback.

Step 6: Final Proofreading

  • Check for spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors.
  • Make sure your poem is clear, concise, and authentic.

SEO-Friendly Title Suggestions:

  1. Exploring Identity Through Bio-Poetry
  2. Who Am I? A Bio-Poem Reflection on Self and Identity
  3. Understanding Yourself: A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Bio-Poem
  4. Crafting Your Bio-Poem: Uncovering Who You Are

By following these steps, you’ll be able to write a bio-poem that thoughtfully reflects your identity. This process will not only help you learn more about yourself but also create a meaningful, creative piece of writing.

Jefferson’s Vision for the United States: Is It Still Alive?

Your introduction should introduce the topic of your essay, give the background of the key issues, state your thesis, and forecast the key elements of the body of your paper. The body of your essay must offer supporting points, discussion, and examples. Your conclusion should revisit your thesis and give a summative indication of the value of your argument. For this paper, you may not use first or second person pronouns. Use no contractions and use no abbreviations. Remember that you MUST support your argument by using quoted (and cited) excerpts from the readings and by using cited paraphrases and summaries. Total quoted material must not exceed 10% of paper itself. You must refer to and quote properly any sources; these should be referenced properly in your Works Cited/Reference List; use at least 3 direct quotes. Keep in mind that this assignment is not about your opinion, but rather about your ability to craft and support an effective argument. The topic is What is the type of nation envisioned by Jefferson? How does the nation he envisions differ from the type of rule under which the colonies found themselves before the American Revolution? Consider the issues addressed later in United States history by King and Reich, and then argue whether Jefferson’s vision for the United States is still alive, or has it been compromised? Develop your argument with specific and well-developed examples, and use cited excerpts from the readings.

Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!

Step 1: Understand the Assignment Prompt

Carefully read the prompt to grasp the key requirements. This essay requires you to analyze Thomas Jefferson’s vision of the United States and compare it to colonial rule before the American Revolution. Additionally, you must assess whether Jefferson’s vision remains intact today by engaging with the ideas of King and Reich. Your argument must be supported with cited textual evidence.

Step 2: Conduct Preliminary Research

  • Review Jefferson’s writings, particularly the Declaration of Independence and other relevant works, to understand his vision.
  • Examine historical records on colonial rule and the factors that led to the American Revolution.
  • Analyze the works of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Reich to understand their perspectives on American society.
  • Identify at least three strong direct quotes to use as textual evidence.

Step 3: Outline Your Essay

Creating a structured outline will help ensure clarity and coherence in your argument.


  1. Introduce the Topic: Provide background on Jefferson’s vision and the contrast between his ideals and colonial rule.
  2. Present Your Thesis Statement: Clearly state your main argument regarding whether Jefferson’s vision is still alive or has been compromised.
  3. Preview Key Points: Briefly indicate the major sections of your argument.

Body Paragraphs

Each body paragraph should contain a clear topic sentence, supporting evidence, analysis, and a transition to the next idea.

  1. Jefferson’s Vision of the Nation
    • Discuss Jefferson’s ideals, focusing on democracy, individual liberty, and agrarianism.
    • Provide cited excerpts from Jefferson’s writings.
  2. Comparison to Colonial Rule
    • Explain the key characteristics of British rule over the American colonies.
    • Highlight the oppressive policies that Jefferson sought to eliminate.
    • Use cited historical evidence to support this comparison.
  3. Evaluation of Jefferson’s Vision in Modern America
    • Analyze how Jefferson’s vision has evolved over time.
    • Discuss how Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Reich address issues of inequality, democracy, and economic power.
    • Provide specific examples from their writings to illustrate whether Jefferson’s ideals are upheld or compromised.

Step 4: Craft a Strong Conclusion

  1. Restate the Thesis: Summarize your main argument regarding the status of Jefferson’s vision today.
  2. Summarize Key Findings: Briefly revisit the main points discussed in the body paragraphs.
  3. Offer a Final Thought: Conclude with a thought-provoking statement about the relevance of Jefferson’s ideals in contemporary society.

Step 5: Properly Cite Sources

  • Use proper citation format (MLA, APA, or Chicago as required by your instructor).
  • Ensure all direct quotes, paraphrases, and summaries are cited.
  • Include a properly formatted Works Cited or Reference List.

Step 6: Revise and Proofread

  • Check for clarity, coherence, and logical flow.
  • Ensure there are no grammatical errors, contractions, or abbreviations.
  • Verify that quoted material does not exceed 10% of your paper.
  • Confirm that all sources are properly referenced.

By following these structured steps, you will craft a compelling, well-supported academic paper that effectively addresses the assignment requirements.

debatable issue that relies on empirical research rather than opinion or belief

The research paper must use documented research gathered from outside sources (minimum of 5 sources). You will choose a specific argumentative topic, subject to instructor approval. This essentially is an argumentative paper in which you use empirical research to prove your thesis. Avoid topics that are rooted in a belief system (faith) or just a matter of opinion. The research paper must be written in the 3rd person academic style. Among other things, this means that you may not use first or second person pronouns, contractions, or abbreviations. Also, no more than 10% of the paper may consist of direct quotations. Longer excerpts (40+ words) must be presented in block indent format.

Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!

Writing a research paper can feel overwhelming, but breaking it down into clear steps will make the process much easier. Follow this structured guide to ensure your paper meets all requirements:

Step 1: Choose an Appropriate Argumentative Topic

  • Select a debatable issue that relies on empirical research rather than opinion or belief.
  • Ensure your topic is specific and narrow enough to be thoroughly researched.
  • Get your topic approved by your instructor before proceeding.

Step 2: Conduct Thorough Research

  • Gather at least five credible sources (scholarly articles, books, reputable websites).
  • Take detailed notes and organize your research based on key arguments.
  • Keep track of citation details to properly document sources later.

Step 3: Develop a Strong Thesis Statement

  • Your thesis should clearly state your argument and the main points you will discuss.
  • Make sure it is concise, specific, and debatable—avoid vague or overly broad statements.

Step 4: Outline Your Paper

A clear outline will help you stay focused and organized. Structure your paper as follows:

  1. Introduction
    • Start with a hook to engage the reader.
    • Provide background information on the topic.
    • End with a strong thesis statement.
  2. Body Paragraphs (at least 3)
    • Each paragraph should focus on one main argument supporting your thesis.
    • Use empirical evidence (facts, studies, statistics) to back up your points.
    • Cite all sources properly to avoid plagiarism.
  3. Counterarguments & Refutations
    • Address potential opposing views and refute them with evidence.
  4. Conclusion
    • Summarize your main points without repeating them verbatim.
    • Restate the significance of your argument and suggest further areas of research.

Step 5: Write in a Formal, 3rd-Person Academic Style

  • Do not use first-person (“I,” “we”) or second-person (“you”).
  • Avoid contractions (e.g., use “do not” instead of “don’t”).
  • Do not exceed 10% direct quotations—paraphrase when possible.
  • For quotations longer than 40 words, use a block indent format.

Step 6: Revise, Edit, and Proofread

  • Check for clarity, coherence, and logical flow.
  • Ensure all sources are cited correctly in APA/MLA/Chicago format (as required).
  • Proofread for grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.

By following this step-by-step guide, you’ll be able to structure your research paper effectively and meet all assignment requirements. Start early, stay organized, and take it one step at a time! 🚀



How Jung Goes Beyond Freud Concerning the Unconscious

2 page double spaced paper on “How does Jung go beyond Freud concerning the unconscious?” using the text A World of Ideas by Lee A Jacobus and pages 477-499

Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, two of the most influential figures in psychology, both explored the unconscious mind but diverged in their theories regarding its structure and function. While Freud’s model of the unconscious was primarily based on repressed desires and personal experiences, Jung expanded the concept to include a collective dimension. In A World of Ideas by Lee A. Jacobus, Jung’s perspective, particularly from pages 477-499, is examined in relation to Freud’s, highlighting how Jung’s contributions extend beyond Freud’s initial framework.

Freud conceptualized the unconscious as a repository of repressed thoughts, desires, and traumatic experiences. He divided the psyche into three components: the id, ego, and superego. The id housed primal instincts and unconscious drives, the superego contained moral constraints, and the ego mediated between them. Freud’s focus was on uncovering hidden desires, often sexual or aggressive in nature, through psychoanalysis. He believed that the unconscious mind was shaped by personal experiences, particularly from childhood, and that repressed material influenced behavior in ways individuals could not consciously control.

Jung, who initially worked closely with Freud, eventually broke away from his mentor due to fundamental disagreements about the nature of the unconscious. Unlike Freud, Jung proposed a two-tiered model of the unconscious: the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. The personal unconscious was similar to Freud’s concept, containing repressed experiences and forgotten memories. However, Jung’s introduction of the collective unconscious was groundbreaking. He argued that this deeper layer of the unconscious was shared among all humans and contained archetypes—universal symbols and themes present across cultures and historical periods.

Jung’s collective unconscious suggests that human behavior is not solely shaped by personal history but also by inherited, universal experiences. He identified archetypes such as the Hero, the Shadow, and the Anima/Animus, which appear in myths, religious traditions, and dreams across diverse societies. This expansion of the unconscious beyond individual experience allowed Jung to develop a more holistic understanding of the psyche, one that incorporated spirituality, mythology, and the shared human experience.

Moreover, Jung moved beyond Freud’s emphasis on pathology and repression by introducing the concept of individuation—the process by which individuals integrate different aspects of their psyche to achieve wholeness. He believed that personal growth involved not just resolving repressed conflicts but also embracing the deeper, symbolic dimensions of the unconscious. Unlike Freud, who focused on childhood traumas and neurotic behavior, Jung emphasized self-discovery and psychological integration as a lifelong process.

In conclusion, while Freud laid the foundation for the study of the unconscious, Jung expanded the concept in profound ways. His introduction of the collective unconscious, archetypes, and the individuation process moved psychological theory beyond Freud’s model of repression and personal conflict. By incorporating mythology, spirituality, and universal human experiences, Jung provided a more expansive view of the unconscious, demonstrating that it is not merely a repository of personal traumas but also a gateway to deeper self-awareness and connection with humanity’s shared past.



My Journey with Reading and Writing: A Personal Literacy Narrative

Compose a 600-800 word, 5-paragraph essay on the following topic:
“Tell a story about your personal literacy narrative: your early experiences with reading and writing that have shaped your thoughts and feelings about both.”
Rough Draft
(including Story Board): 20% Essay Rough Drafts
Final Draft: : 50% Essays Final Drafts
Questions to address:
Who influenced you to read, or who had a negative influence on your progress as a reader and a writer?
What is your personal experience with literacy (reading and writing)?
What are specific instances that stand out in your memory about reading and writing?
To conclude, what would you change about your literacy narrative?
12-pt., Times New Roman font
Top left of the first page
Dr. Lawson
ENG 113
Due date of the FINAL DRAFT written as day, month, year (21 September 2015)
Title (centered): Literacy Narrative Essay

Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Your Literacy Narrative

1. Understanding the Assignment

  • Purpose: This essay is an opportunity for you to reflect on your personal experiences with reading and writing and how they have shaped your perspective. It’s important to explore both the positive and negative influences on your literacy development.
  • Scope: You need to focus on your journey with literacy—who helped or hindered your reading and writing, and how these experiences shaped your thoughts and feelings about literacy today. The narrative should include key moments that stand out and a reflection on what you would change.

2. Title and Formatting

  • Title: Your title should be centered on the page. A potential title could be something like “My Journey with Words” or “The Road to Becoming a Reader and Writer.”
  • Formatting: Use 12-pt Times New Roman font, double-spaced text. Follow all formatting requirements, such as your name, instructor’s name, class, and due date in the top left corner of the first page.

3. Introduction: Setting the Stage

  • Begin by introducing the concept of your literacy narrative. You don’t need to dive into specifics immediately, but set the stage for the reader to understand the journey you’re about to take them on.
  • Example: “My journey with reading and writing has been a rollercoaster of challenges and victories, shaped by moments of encouragement and discouragement from those around me. It began in my early childhood, when books and stories were gateways to new worlds, but it wasn’t always an easy road.”

4. Who Influenced You to Read or Hindered You?

  • Reflect on the people who have influenced your literacy development, both positively and negatively. Did a family member or teacher encourage you to read? Was there someone who discouraged you or made you feel that reading and writing were difficult?
  • Example: “My grandmother was a huge influence in my life, encouraging me to read aloud to her every evening. She made reading feel magical, as though each book opened a door to a new adventure. On the other hand, a teacher in elementary school criticized my writing, making me doubt my abilities for years.”

5. Your Personal Experience with Literacy (Reading and Writing)

  • Discuss your own experiences with both reading and writing. How did you feel about each? Did you struggle with one more than the other? What were your favorite books or assignments? Were there moments of success or failure that shaped your attitudes toward reading and writing?
  • Example: “Reading came easily to me at first, and I quickly became fascinated with stories about faraway places. Writing, however, was a different challenge. My early compositions were full of errors, and I didn’t always know how to express myself clearly, which made writing assignments feel overwhelming.”

6. Specific Instances That Stand Out

  • Focus on specific moments in your literacy development that stand out in your memory. These could be moments of achievement, challenges, or turning points. What experiences made a lasting impression on you?
  • Example: “I remember the first time I wrote an essay that received an ‘A’ grade. I had spent hours drafting and revising, and when the teacher returned my paper, I felt an immense sense of pride. It was in that moment that I realized the power of persistence in writing.”

7. What Would You Change About Your Literacy Narrative?

  • Reflect on what you might change about your own literacy journey. Would you have approached reading or writing differently if you could go back? Would you have sought help sooner? How might you have handled obstacles in a different way?
  • Example: “If I could change one thing, it would be to embrace my struggles with writing earlier. Instead of letting them discourage me, I would seek more help and push myself to write more often, knowing that practice was the key to improvement.”

8. Conclusion: Reflecting on Your Literacy Journey

  • Summarize your literacy narrative by reflecting on how you view reading and writing now, considering how your experiences have shaped your current attitudes toward these activities.
  • Example: “Looking back on my literacy journey, I realize that both the ups and downs have contributed to the reader and writer I am today. I have learned to embrace challenges, knowing that each experience, whether positive or negative, is an opportunity for growth.”

9. Final Draft Preparation

  • Ensure your essay is 5 paragraphs minimum (introduction, body, and conclusion).
  • Revisions: Make sure to revise your rough draft based on feedback (if any) and ensure clarity and coherence throughout the paper.
  • Check Formatting: Ensure you adhere to the guidelines: Times New Roman, 12 pt font, double-spaced, and the correct header and title page.

My Perfect Utopia: A Vision of an Ideal Society

Write an informative essay in which you explain your vision of utopia. Describe three aspects of your utopia using supporting details. What’s the topic of the essay? Your vision on the perfect society. What is the purpose of the essay? To inform readers readers of your idea of a utopia. To generate ideas about what makes a utopia, think about the many factors that affect a community or society. Consider these topics: people, government, rules and laws, economy, technology, location.

Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!

Step 1: Understand the Assignment

Your task is to write an informative essay explaining your vision of utopia. This means you will describe what you think a perfect society looks like and support your ideas with details.

Step 2: Brainstorm Your Utopia

Before writing, consider these aspects of a society and decide how they would function in your utopia:

  • People – What kind of values, behaviors, and culture do the citizens have?
  • Government – What type of government exists? Is it a democracy, monarchy, or something new?
  • Rules and Laws – What laws ensure fairness and happiness?
  • Economy – How does your society handle jobs, money, and resources?
  • Technology – How advanced is technology, and how does it benefit the people?
  • Location – Where is your utopia? Is it on Earth, in space, or somewhere else?

Step 3: Organize Your Essay Structure

Your essay should follow a clear structure:

Introduction (First Paragraph)

  • Start with a hook (a question, quote, or interesting statement) to grab attention.
  • Introduce the topic by briefly explaining what a utopia is.
  • End with a thesis statement that outlines the three main aspects of your utopia you will discuss.

Body Paragraphs (Middle Paragraphs)

Each paragraph should focus on one aspect of your utopia:

  1. First aspect (e.g., government) – Describe how it works and why it benefits society.
  2. Second aspect (e.g., economy) – Explain how resources are distributed and how people’s needs are met.
  3. Third aspect (e.g., technology) – Discuss how advancements improve daily life.

Each paragraph should:

  • Start with a topic sentence introducing the aspect.
  • Include supporting details and examples.
  • Use transitions to connect ideas smoothly.

Conclusion (Last Paragraph)

  • Restate your vision of utopia.
  • Summarize the key points discussed.
  • End with a thought-provoking statement or question to leave an impact.

Step 4: Revise and Proofread

  • Check for grammar and spelling mistakes.
  • Ensure your ideas flow logically.
  • Ask yourself: Does my essay clearly describe my utopia?

By following these steps, you’ll create a well-structured, engaging essay that effectively presents your vision of a perfect society. Now, start brainstorming and writing your ideal utopia! 🚀

Overcoming Language Barriers

Topic- The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
To answer the prompt I want you to write how English is my third language. Hebrew and Russian are first.
Must be a 12th grade student level
Not high vocabulary please
5 pharagraph

Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!

The Lessons We Learn from Challenges

Learning a new language is never easy, and for me, English was my third language. I grew up speaking Hebrew and Russian at home, and when I started learning English, I struggled a lot. At first, I felt frustrated and even embarrassed when I couldn’t express myself clearly. However, this challenge taught me patience, perseverance, and the importance of stepping outside my comfort zone.

One of the hardest parts of learning English was in school. I often felt left out during class discussions because I couldn’t find the right words fast enough. Reading and writing were also difficult, especially when it came to grammar. I remember failing my first big English essay because I misunderstood the assignment. That failure made me feel like I would never be good at the language.

Instead of giving up, I decided to work harder. I practiced every day by reading books, watching movies with subtitles, and speaking with classmates. I asked teachers for extra help and started writing in a journal to improve my grammar. Slowly, I began to feel more confident. The more I practiced, the better I became, and I even started enjoying reading and writing in English.

Over time, my efforts paid off. I started participating more in class and even helped other students who were struggling with writing. The experience taught me that challenges can be overcome with persistence. It also showed me that making mistakes is part of learning, and instead of being afraid of failure, I should use it as motivation to improve.

Looking back, I am grateful for the struggle of learning English. It shaped me into a more determined and resilient person. Now, I don’t just see English as a subject in school—I see it as a skill that has opened doors for me. This challenge taught me that success comes from hard work, and no obstacle is too big if you keep trying.

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Comparing Emily Dickinson’s “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” and Robert Browning’s “Porphyria’s Lover”

INSTRUCTIONS ARE UPLOADED Compare and contrast the following poets work below Emily Dickerson “ Because I could not stop for death “and Robert Browning “ Porphyria’s Lover

Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!

Step-by-Step Guide to Comparing Emily Dickinson’s “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” and Robert Browning’s “Porphyria’s Lover”

In this assignment, you need to compare and contrast the works of Emily Dickinson and Robert Browning. Both poets explore themes of death and love, but they do so in different ways. Here’s how you can break down and structure your analysis effectively.

Step 1: Read and Understand Both Poems

Start by thoroughly reading both poems:

  1. “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” by Emily Dickinson:
    • This poem explores the inevitability of death and the journey that comes with it.
    • The speaker is taken on a carriage ride with Death personified, symbolizing the passage from life to death.
    • Themes of time, immortality, and the quiet, inevitable nature of death are central to this work.
  2. “Porphyria’s Lover” by Robert Browning:
    • This poem tells the story of a man who has a psychotic obsession with his lover, Porphyria.
    • It presents a twisted relationship where the speaker, after a passionate encounter, murders Porphyria to preserve their love forever.
    • Themes of power, love, control, and obsession are prevalent in this poem.

Step 2: Analyze the Poems

1. Theme of Death

  • Dickinson’s Poem:
    • In “Because I Could Not Stop for Death”, death is portrayed as a polite, inevitable force that comes for everyone. The speaker does not choose death but rather, death “kindly” stops for her.
    • Death is treated as a journey, one that is calm and peaceful. The final stanza shows the speaker’s transition to eternity, suggesting a natural acceptance of death.
  • Browning’s Poem:
    • In “Porphyria’s Lover”, death is violent and tied to the speaker’s obsession. The speaker murders Porphyria in an effort to make her love eternal and unchanging. Death here is linked to the speaker’s desire for control over their lover and a desperate attempt to preserve a fleeting moment of passion.

2. Treatment of Love

  • Dickinson’s Poem:
    • The poem hints at a sense of detachment and acceptance regarding life and love. Love is not central in the traditional sense but is more a part of the larger journey with death. The relationship with Death is more metaphorical.
  • Browning’s Poem:
    • In “Porphyria’s Lover”, love is portrayed obsessively. The speaker’s love for Porphyria is twisted, as he believes that by killing her, he can preserve their love forever. This showcases a dark, possessive form of love where the speaker’s emotions override any empathy for the woman.

3. Narrative Voice

  • Dickinson’s Poem:
    • The narrative voice in “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” is calm, reflective, and almost detached. The speaker seems to accept death’s arrival without much fear, allowing death to take her gently. This contributes to the poem’s serene tone.
  • Browning’s Poem:
    • The speaker in “Porphyria’s Lover” is manic and unreliable. The tone is dark, and the speaker’s thoughts are disjointed and filled with obsessive love. This creates an unsettling atmosphere as the speaker’s descent into madness becomes apparent.

Step 3: Compare and Contrast

Now that you’ve analyzed both poems, start to compare and contrast their similarities and differences:


  • Both poets explore the theme of death.
  • The act of death is presented as part of a larger journey or obsession. For Dickinson, it’s a natural journey; for Browning, it’s a compulsive, violent act.
  • Both speakers seem detached from reality, though in different ways—Dickinson’s speaker is calm and accepting, while Browning’s is obsessive and disconnected from moral boundaries.


  • Tone: Dickinson’s tone is calm, serene, and philosophical, while Browning’s tone is unsettling, obsessive, and tragic.
  • Love vs. Death: In Dickinson’s poem, death is an inevitable journey, while in Browning’s poem, love and death are intertwined in a destructive, controlling manner.
  • Characterization of Death: Dickinson personifies death as a gentlemanly figure, while Browning’s depiction is violent and linked to the speaker’s madness.

Step 4: Structure Your Response

Your comparative analysis should be structured logically:

  1. Introduction (1 paragraph):

    • Introduce both poems and the poets.
    • Provide a brief overview of the themes you’ll be comparing and contrasting (death, love, narrative voice).
  2. Comparison of Themes (2-3 paragraphs):

    • Discuss the treatment of death in both poems.
    • Analyze how love is depicted in each work.
  3. Comparison of Narrative Voice and Tone (2 paragraphs):

    • Contrast the narrative voice in each poem.
    • Discuss how the tone impacts the themes of the poems.
  4. Conclusion (1 paragraph):

    • Summarize the key similarities and differences between the two poems.
    • Reflect on how each poet uses death and love to explore deeper philosophical questions.

Step 5: Edit and Proofread

  • Check your analysis for clarity and coherence.
  • Ensure that each comparison is well-supported with specific examples from both poems.
  • Proofread for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

By following this guide, you’ll be able to write a thoughtful and well-organized comparison of Emily Dickinson’s “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” and Robert Browning’s “Porphyria’s Lover.” Good luck with your writing!