Choose one student who is representative of the type of student you plan to teach or are currently teaching.
Following each module, summarize the special health considerations that will influence this student’s performance in the classrooms. Make sure to use a pseudonym for your student to ensure anonymity. Model case studies are provided (see below) for your reference.
In summary, your paper should include:
Overview information from each module as it pertains to your student – Module one, two, three and four,
and Bibliography.
Category: Education
Three Part Assignment Part 1: Standardize Testing This article by the Organizat
Three Part Assignment
Part 1: Standardize Testing
This article by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development titled, “Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes” talks about how standardized assessments are high stakes in determining not only student learning, but measuring effectiveness of schools and determining school funding. How does teacher evaluation play a role in this? School evaluations? How students learn what is provided by state standards? If we know that students learn best in other ways and by formative assessment, why are standardized test used and used in such high stakes?
Part 2:Hand in Hand!!
Teaching and Learning go hand in hand!!
Attached is a PDF from the North Platte Public Schools in Nebraska called, “Factors that Impact Teaching and Learning”.
According to the goals on this document, who are the principle players responsible for student learning? (Notice I did not say Principal – which is a person – your prinicpal is your PAL). How did this district aim to improve or ensure high quality student learning? Do you agree with this? Why do you think that parents and students were not included on this list?
Part 3: The Learning Process
In the article, “7 Important Factors that May Affect the Learning Process” by Puja Mondal, there are factors that affect learning that directly relate to the students and others that derive from other sources. After reading this article, make a T chart that categorizes the factors in this article as to “Student-Based” vs “Other”. The idea here is to gauge how much learning is impacted by the receptable and their motivation/abilities (student) and the provider of knowledge (teacher, schools, etc). What do you think is most important? Why do you think so?
Take some time now to answer the following questions. If you have trouble answer
Take some time now to answer the following questions. If you have trouble answering any of the questions, go back and review the Perspectives & Resources pages in this module. Your answers need to be only as long as it takes to answer the question. Remember, I really appreciate parsimony.
1. Give a school-based example of two of the following: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, or extinction.
2. Discuss at least two benefits of conducting an FBA to address problem behaviors.
3. Watch the video below and fill out the ABC analysis form on Kira, the girl in the white shirt. What do you think is the function of Kira’s behavior? (see the video in the middle of the page here (link)
4. Nigel’s problem behavior includes cursing, making derogatory comments toward other students, yelling, spitting, and shoving chairs. Which direct observation method would you use to collect data on Nigel’s problem behaviors?
Explain your answer.
5. Look at the matrix for Nigel. Use this information to determine a possible function of the behavior and to develop a hypothesis statement.
Use this framework to answer this question
The function of Nigel’s behavior was _______
Hypothesis statement: Nigel will ___________(behavior), when ____________ (antecedent/trigger for problem behavior), in order to ____________ (consequence).
Example: When the teacher is not looking at Sam (antecedent), he will throw pencils across the room (behavior – be specific here), he does this in order to get student attention
6. Look at Nigel’s graph. The objective of the function-based intervention was to reduce the instances of Nigel’s problem behaviors (i.e., cursing, making derogatory comments toward other students, yelling, spitting, shoving chairs) during a twenty- minute small-group activity. Is the intervention successful? If you were the teacher, would you keep, modify, or discontinue the intervention? Explain your answers.
7. Discuss why it is important to evaluate implementation fidelity. Be sure to explain the role of social validity ratings.
Question This task is a group presenation, consistence of 4 stuents, the follow
This task is a group presenation, consistence of 4 stuents, the following 2 questions are my part of the precentation, each question should not be written more than 300 words. 600 words in total
Use the following 4 different assessments that i have pasted to this page bellow, you will be using them (4 assessments) to answer the following 2 questions. Focuse on the intervention aspect.
Outline the steps in data collection and analysis method to check the success of the proposed intervention. (How will you know if there is improvement?). 300 words for this part
Question 2
How will you ensure continuous improvement from this intervention?
(From this we have choice) 300 words for this part.
i have attached all the information that you need on the document, please work off it only.
I have chosen you to work on my presentation as you have better understanding, because you have worked on my previous assessment and this presentation is linked to my previous paper.
Thank you in advance
You are a teacher in an educational institution. Your HOD has informed you that
You are a teacher in an educational institution. Your HOD has informed you that the syllabus is being reviewed and he wants you to evaluate a textbook from a partner publisher.
You must submit a report in which you critically analyze the suitability of the textbook for a specific group of students in your institution.
Week 8 brings us to the topic of Diverse Perspectives of Identity, Gender, Abili
Week 8 brings us to the topic of Diverse Perspectives of Identity, Gender, Abilities, and Language. Students come to our schools and classrooms with their own backgrounds and stories. Making each student feel comfortable and accepted is an important role for educators.
This week you have two discussion board questions. You need 1 post for EACH question and 2 different additional resources cited for EACH question
Read Chapter 8, and complete the following activity: Discuss why school communit
Read Chapter 8, and complete the following activity: Discuss why school community relations/public relations are every employee’s responsibility, and address what happens when employees criticize the school in public
To answer the questions effectively, consult our textbook, your class notes, the
To answer the questions effectively, consult our textbook, your class notes, the internet (not AI), and your own work. It would be best if you made references (i.e.: textbook, website, r presentation name, page numbers from books, paragraphs on websites, title of slides and slide number, etc.) when using information from these places.
I have attached all the notes and some slide decks and the text book used for the class Elementary and Middle School Mathematics, Canadian Edition, 6th edition
Published by Pearson Canada (July 12, 2021) © 2022
John A. Van de Walle Virginia Commonwealth UniversityKaren S. Karp Johns Hopkins UniversityJennifer M. Bay-Williams University of LouisvilleLynn M. McGarvey University of Alberta
Please consider being a kindergarten teacher to answer these questions and keep in mind the Canadian BC curriculum.
Here are the questions!
Question 1:
Tom Romberg makes an analogy between music and mathematics. In music, there is a relatively limited notational system of notes and lines on paper. There are also 13 musical theories that involve the structure of scales and harmonies and rules for composition. Many excellent musicians study this theory and have learned this notation. “However,” Romberg says, “no matter how many of the artifacts of music one has learned, it is not the same as doing music.”
Geraldine Brooks has said, “A book is more than the sum of its materials. It is an artifact of the human mind and hand.” There are mechanics of writing to consider when creating a piece of writing, the elements of a story one must include, and the storyline that can be created or retold. However, even if the author learns all these parts of creating a story, it is not the same as creating a story that captures the human heart and mind.
The author of the site, Fred Astaire Dance Studios (Fred Astaire Dance Studios Bloomfield Hills | Dance Lessons & Classes | Bloomfield Hills), wrote a post on the connection between dance and doing dance. In dance, many people believe that it is just a series of steps—learn the steps, have your partner learn the steps, then you can dance! Many excellent dancers study the theory and have learned the steps. While dance is a sequential order of steps, the author feels it is so much more! You have to learn EVERY part of dance! It involves emotion, drama, acting, and presentation.
The quote: Dancing is more than just learning steps. I always tell people, “You can learn steps. You can go online, watch YouTube, buy a book, but that’s not going to make you a dancer.” So, no matter how many of the artifacts of dance one has learned, it is not the same as doing the dancing. It goes on to say: “The connection is everything.”
Briefly explain how these example stories relate to mathematics, as it applies to what we have discussed in this course as best practice for teaching and learning math and the design and structure of BC’s Mathematics curriculum. Be sure to make at least one reference to one of the above small stories and one reference to the BC Curriculum website to support your explanation.
Question 2:
Make the number 327 with your base 10 materials. One way to do this requires exactly 12 pieces. Can you show 327 with 28 pieces? Why or why not? Is there more than one way to do that? What else can you find out about ways to show 327?
Suppose that you were to use this above task with a group of Grade 3 children. Describe some things you would do in each of the following three phases of teaching: Introduction, Development (Disclosure and Practice), and Closure.
Question 3: (choose one)
Make a list of different forms of communication that are necessary and used in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Then, include all the reasons you can think of that lend support to the idea that different forms of communication in math facilitate understanding and learning. Be sure to reference your ideas as needed.
A parent has challenged you about the validity of teaching math using inquiry strategies vs. using traditional methods. Create a chart, or similar method for comparison, which explains the pros and cons/benefits and drawbacks of both methods. Then, justify how you would employ inquiry in your classroom. Be sure to reference your ideas as needed.
Question 4:
David is attempting to use percents to try and explain why ½, 2/4, and 3/5 are the same. He figured out that 3/5 is 60 percent. He also soon realizes that ½ is 50 percent.
“Is ½, 2/4, and 3/5 the same? So, where would you put 3/5 on this line?” the teacher asks.
“Hmmm,” David replies, “this is hard.”
The teacher suggests using colour tiles, fraction bars, and a number line to see if this can support David’s thinking.
David’s responses indicate that his understanding is partial at this point. The teacher suggested using colour tiles and fraction bards because he thought David’s ability to reason spatially was stronger than his ability to reason with the numerals or the number line model. The teacher is always looking for ways to help students move from their stretches (weaknesses) to strengths. The teacher sees value in letting students explore different possibilities and use inquiry to learn. Many teachers are often hesitant about this, preferring students to follow their line of reasoning (or that outlined in a textbook) rather than letting students struggle with finding their own way.
Thinking about this scenario, answer the following three questions:
What do you think about a teacher’s attempt to link David’s spatial understanding and reasoning through colour tiles or fraction bars (using concrete examples of fractions and percentages) in order to compare 2/4 and ½ and 3/5 on the number line (putting it into a more abstract form on a number line)?
What would you do at this point?
What is the role of confusion/allowing students to struggle in student learning?
Question 5:
To learn about place value, children benefit from a variety of experiences. According to the textbook, they should estimate and count large numbers of objects, work with concrete materials, draw/make pictures of their thinking, relate our number system to money, look for patterns in written numbers, and explore numbers in everyday contexts.
How might a teacher help students be engaged in activities that require them to compare the sizes of numbers and think about the logic of numerical symbols, as they relate to place value? Note: If it helps, you may choose to specify a grade level to focus on.
Canada uses the metric system for measurement, and items sold in Canada need to be labeled using metric units. Students learn this in 3 steps:
1. making comparisons
2. using models of measuring units
3. using measuring instruments
Briefly explain an activity for each step of learning that follows a particular theme/cross-curricular theme. Include key vocabulary needed, manipulatives/tools needed for the activity, possible misconceptions, and ways of knowing the student has learned or mastered the step.
Question 6:
Clearly and thoroughly describe a problem-solving activity that children could do independently of the teacher while working in pairs. For example, if the teacher is leading a small group centre, what could students be doing at another centre in pairs that involve problem-solving?
When thinking of an activity, keep in mind that the activity should not be entirely symbolic, but there should be counters or other manipulatives involved. There should also be an oral component to the activity as the two children work together. Be sure to describe and cite any activities that you might use if necessary.
Synthesize/Apply/Reflect Create a Directed Reading Activity (DRA) for any text a
Create a Directed Reading Activity (DRA) for any text appropriate for your students. Use all five (5) components from pgs. 333-336 in the text. Use each component as a heading in your assignment. Reflect on how this is different from the lesson you traditionally teach or the way you have been taught.
Assignment Guidelines
Your assignment must include:
Grade Level
The title and author of the text you have chosen
Detailed descriiption of each of the five components of a Directed Reading Activity:
Motivation and development of background
Directed story reading
Strategy or skill-building activity
Follow-up practice
Enrichment activities
A reflective paragraph discussing how this type of lesson is different from the way you traditionally teach or the way you have been taught
References cited from the course
Analyze the pre-test and post-test data to determine which standards students pe
Analyze the pre-test and post-test data to determine which standards students
performed well on and which they struggled with. Based on this analysis, identify students who
will require interventions to help them master these standards.