The first step in in your project design is to identify the problem you want to

The first step in in your project design is to identify the problem you want to solve and develop your problem statement. Please refer to this website(at the bottom) for examples of a problem statement. Then think about a problem that you will potentially address through an innovative project. Using the format in the example, develop your own problem statement including:
1. Problem – A problem statement is a short, clear explanation of an issue or challenge that sums up what you want to change. It helps you, team members, and other stakeholders to focus on the problem, why it’s important, and who it impacts.
2. Background – Collect information from the research and previous experience with the problem
3. Relevance – Talk to multiple stakeholders who are impacted by the problem (We will dive into this more in depth in module 2 when we think about needs assessment, but for this assignment try to think about how the problem is relevant to the population you seek to serve)
4. Objectives – Use the SMART goals framework (included as a link in the example) to develop a few measurable objectives.
I would like my statement to focus on :
Secondary Public Schools Administrative Organization
How they approach the minority in critical situations

Write a reflection ( no more than two pages) about the following questions: 1.

Write a reflection ( no more than two pages) about the following questions:
1. How much did you know about
design thinking before you started?
2. How does design thinking fit with
my philosophy or my beliefs about
learning? How does this approach
support student learning? What
theories might this connect to?
3. What worked in your project and
what challenges did you encounter?
4. What did you learn through engaging
in design thinking during the group
5. What did you learn about yourself
as a learner?
6. What has this experience revealed
to you about your own relationship
to technology?
7. What aspects stretched your thinking?
8. Did you learn any new skills?
9. What did you learn were your biggest
areas for improvement?
10. How you worked as a team eg.
(a) The communication processes.
(b) Your contribution and effectiveness
as a team member.
(c) How will you use what you
learned in the future?
(d) What are the implications in using
this design thinking approach in
your own teaching?
(e) How do you think students would
like the design thinking process?
( f) What role would you play as a
(g) What would you need to put in
place or find out more about?
(h) What literature supports your
claims in response to the questions
Please weave the literature to support your thinking through. Use the Digital technologies Victorian Curriculum.
I will send you the Rubric
I will send you my answers for the questions.
Use bold headings for the questions and answer the question under the bold heading.

Instructions Remember, a research question is a clear inquiry asking just one qu

Remember, a research question is a clear inquiry asking just one question and eliciting more than a simple yes or no response. Begin your research question with ‘what’ or ‘to what extent does’ rather than does, do, or can. Generally quantitative research questions also do NOT start with ‘how’ or ‘why’ because there is not a statistical analysis that can answer all of the reasons why or how something occurs (this is more of a qualitative inquiry). The only exception is ‘how much’ which denotes a numerical answer. Once your research questions have been developed, you will need to create corresponding null and alternative (also known as a research hypothesis) hypotheses for each research question. Remember, the null hypothesis indicates a non-significant relationship or difference will exist while an alternative hypothesis indicates a significant relationship or difference will exist.
Research questions and hypotheses are divided into three categories (descriiptive, correlational, differences) that answer three types of claims (frequency, association, or causal).
Descriiptive research questions do not use inferential statistics. These include frequencies, means, percentages, variance, etc. The frequency claims made that are based off of this data can only be used to summarize or describe the data (i.e., the current sample) and cannot generalize to a larger population of individuals.
Correlational research questions are used when the researcher wants to examine the association (i.e., relationship) between variables. The approach is commonly used to see how two or more variables covary (vary together). In other words, do higher values on one variable correlate to higher values on the other? For example, to what extent does studying correlate with grades? If a regression analysis is added, these questions can also be used to determine whether one or more variables can be used to predict another variable. Only association claims can be made from research questions that have correlational research questions. Correlation does not equal causation. We can determine if one variable relates to another variable, but not how they relate and certainly not that one variable causes the other. (Note. We can never use causal verbs when describing correlational research.)
Causal claims can only be claimed after conducting experiments or quasi-experiments. There are many inferential statistics that can be conducted for experiments or quasi-experiments depending on the research question and how the experiment is designed. Difference research questions are used when comparing scores (on the dependent variable) between two or more groups. These questions attempt to demonstrate that groups are not the same on the dependent variable. Differences within groups can be determined through pre- and post-tests analyzed with a paired-samples t-test to analyze whether a significant difference exists before and after a treatment or intervention.
Please review the schematic diagram below:
Figure 11
Schematic Diagram
For example:
Research Question 1 (Correlational):
Q: What is the relationship between family socioeconomic level and student state-mandated test performance?
Ho: A non-significant relationship will exist between family socioeconomic level and student state-mandated test performance.
Ha: A significant relationship will exist between family socioeconomic level and student state-mandated test performance.
Research Question 2 (Correlational with a regression analysis):
Q: To what extent does family socioeconomic level and gender predict student state-mandated test performance?
Ho: Family socioeconomic level and gender does not predict student state-mandated test performance.
Ha: Family socioeconomic level and gender do predict student state-mandated test performance.
Research Question 3 (Causal):
Q: What is the effect of an intensive language immersion program on spoken English acquisition skills among high school ESL students?
Ho: An intensive language immersion program does not have a significant effect on spoken English acquisition skills among high school ESL students.
Ha: An intensive language immersion program does have a significant effect on spoken English acquisition skills among high school ESL students.
Research Question 4 (Difference):
Q: Is there a significant difference between students in an intensive language immersion program and students not in an intensive language immersion program on spoken English acquisition skills among high school ESL students?
Ho: There is not a significant difference in spoken English acquisition skills among high school ESL students in an intensive language immersion program and those not in an intensive language immersion program.
Ha: There is a significant difference in spoken English acquisition skills among high school ESL students in an intensive language immersion program and those not in an intensive language immersion program.
Research Question 5 and 6 (Descriiptive):
Q: What is the average test score on the English acquisition test among high school ESL students?
Q: What is the frequency of high school ESL students that are enrolled in an intensive language immersion program?
After you develop the research question and hypotheses, you will need to state the type of statistical analysis to be conducted to answer the research question. Keep in mind, a statistical relationship analysis involving two variables often involves a Pearson r correlation analysis or a simple linear regression (if using ‘predict’ in the RQ), while a statistical analysis involving three or more independent variables often involves multiple correlations—or what is known as multiple regression. A statistical analysis testing for effect or differences typically includes one of the types of t-tests; on the other hand, a statistical analysis of effect or differences involving three or more variables often involves some form of an ANOVA.
Carefully review the scenario and research questions provided below for you to develop the statistical analyses plans.
Scenario I:
You are the new director of institutional research at a small state university and you have been assigned the task of analyzing information for the dean of the School of Education regarding the performance of their undergraduate students on the often-controversial Graduate Record Exam (GRE). Many educators believe the GRE is a poor evaluator of undergraduate performance as well as a poor predictor of graduate school performance. The dean is considering eliminating the GRE from graduate school admissions requirements.
The dean has already collected data on four variables: 1) gender, 2) grade point average (GPA), 3) GRE score, and 4) graduate degree completion frequency. Your job is to develop a proposed analysis to assist the dean in making an informed decision regarding the future use of the GRE.
You should also discuss the assumptions of each test. No data are required to be presented. You should provide information that shows your understanding of the different types of analyses, as well as possible outcomes of the analyses. In addition, you must include in your discussion the possible conclusions based on the possible results: rejecting the null and not rejecting the null, and potential claims you can make based off of these conclusions.
Using this information, develop the following foundational components for a proposed analysis. In your proposal, you will compose three research questions and an analysis of your results and recommendations. For each research question, you need to address:
Corresponding null and alternative hypotheses.
Type of statistical analysis to be employed to determine the significance.
Assumptions of each test.
Explanations of potential outcomes identifying both non-significant and significant relationships as related to both null and alternative hypotheses.
Recommendations and potential claims based on non-significant or significant findings.
The three research questions should involve:
A relationship research question involving GPA and GRE scores.
A relationship research question involving gender, GPA, degree completion frequency, and GRE scores.
A descriiptive research question involving gender, GPA, degree completion frequency, or GRE scores (no null or alternative hypothesis is necessary for this RQ).
Finally, complete your analysis plan with a written discussion of your potential results and recommendations for the dean based on your findings. Remember, there are additional resources available in the Supplemental Resources under Course Resources from the course home page.
Scenario II:
You are the principal of a middle school and want to know if a new social emotional learning (SEL) curriculum your teachers are wanting to implement is worth the extra cost and resources.
The principal decides to conduct a pilot test for one year. Half of the classes will receive the new emotional learning curriculum and the other half will not receive the SEL curriculum. Data will be collected on four variables: 1) grades in the class, 2) one behavioral measure, 3) stress questionnaire, and 4) SEL skills. Your job is to develop a proposed analysis to assist in making an informed decision regarding the future implementation of the SEL curriculum.
You should also discuss the assumptions of each test. No data are required to be presented. You should provide information that shows your understanding of the different types of analyses, as well as possible outcomes of the analyses. In addition, you must include in your discussion the possible conclusions based on the possible results: rejecting the null and not rejecting the null, and potential claims you can make based off of these conclusions.
Using this information, develop the following foundational components for a proposed analysis. In your proposal, you will compose three research questions and an analysis of your results and recommendations. For each research question, you need to address:
Corresponding null and alternative hypotheses.
Type of statistical analysis to be employed to determine the significance.
Assumptions of each test.
Explanations of potential outcomes identifying both non-significant and significant relationships as related to both null and alternative hypotheses.
Recommendations and potential claims based on non-significant or significant findings.
The three types of research questions are:
A between groups differences research question involving students that receive SEL and do not receive SEL on at least one of the outcome variables (DV).
A within groups differences research question involving at least one outcome variable.
A descriiptive research question involving at least one of the variables (no null or alternative hypothesis is necessary for this RQ).
Finally, complete your analysis plan with a written discussion of your potential results and recommendations for the dean based on your findings. Remember, there are additional resources available in the Supplemental Resources under Course Resources from the course home page.
Length: 5-7 pages, not including references and title page. All questions in the assignment need to be answered. In addition to the answers to the assignment questions, also submit the output (.spv) file. (Note. SPSS automatically generates the .spv file as you work in SPSS. When you close your SPSS main window, SPSS will ask you if you want to save the output file. Click ‘yes’, then save to your computer and upload with your assignment.)

Respond to your colleague in the following ways: -Offer feedback regarding their

Respond to your colleague in the following ways:
-Offer feedback regarding their memo.
-Ask a clarifying question about the information they listed in their memo.
-Share a personal experience or thought about the impact of social media on school information.
Roziel’s post :
Northgate School District Memo:
To: Northgate School Community
From: Roziel Rhee, Special Educator
Subject: Communication Regarding Recent Incident at Northgate Middle School

Dear Northgate School Community,
We want to address concerns stemming from a recent incident at Northgate Middle School, which has understandably raised questions among parents and community members. We want to confirm that we are aware of the situation involving a special education student exhibiting behavior that led to police presence at our school. We take these matters very seriously, as the safety and well-being of all our students is our highest priority.
During the incident, a student experiencing an intense emotional response required immediate attention. The disruptive behavior led to a temporary evacuation of the classroom to ensure the safety of all students present. The prompt actions taken by staff and law enforcement were aimed at de-escalating the situation swiftly and effectively.
We want to assure you that such instances while concerning, are addressed by federal, state, and district policies governing special education and student conduct. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) emphasizes that students with disabilities may require specific interventions and support to ensure their successful engagement in a school environment (Wrightslaw, 2016).
The actions we took during this incident were consistent with state and federal laws related to special education and student safety. Recognizing that some students may struggle with self-regulation and emotional responses, our approach aligned with our commitment to provide appropriate interventions designed specifically for students with special needs (McInerney et al., 2014). When confrontations arise, it is the responsibility of our trained personnel to manage the situation with best practices in mind.
We understand the concerns voiced regarding the safety of our students. Please be assured that the Northgate School District is dedicated to maintaining a safe learning environment. Our staff is trained in de-escalation techniques and crisis intervention strategies for situations like this one. Importantly, each classroom has a safety plan tailored to the unique needs of all our students, particularly those in special education (Council for Exceptional Children, n.d.).
In addition to our adherence to individual safety plans, we conduct regular drills and training sessions to prepare our staff for various emergencies. We also actively encourage open lines of communication between our families and the school to discuss any concerns regarding student safety.
We appreciate your understanding and support as we foster an environment where all students feel supported and safe. Should you have further inquiries or need additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or the school administration.
Thank you for your continued partnership as we work together to support our students and the Northgate School community.
Roziel Rhee
Special Educator
Northgate School District

My Thoughts on Social Media Impact
A few years ago, a troubling situation emerged when a 5-year-old student claimed that a teacher had physically reprimanded her. This incident brought to light ongoing challenges in communication within our school community, particularly given the rapid dissemination of information through social media. Instead of reaching out to school staff for clarification, the child’s parent opted to voice her concerns on online platforms such as WeChat (similar to Facebook) here in China, which fueled speculation and heightened anxiety among parents and community members.
While it is important for parents to voice their concerns, this episode underscored the potential consequences of miscommunication. The quick spread of information—often devoid of context—can amplify stress for students, parents, and educators alike. I urge families to prioritize obtaining accurate information directly from school officials, as this practice fosters trust and collaboration within our community.
In response to the escalating concerns, school leadership took the initiative to coordinate a meeting with parents, including the family at the heart of the allegation. This meeting was designed to create a safe environment for open dialogue, clarify the situation, and dispel any misinformation circulating on social media.
This approach to direct communication was instrumental in resolving the misunderstanding, reinforcing the importance of teamwork in supporting our students. It also served as a reminder for parents to engage with teachers and administrators before taking their concerns online.
Furthermore, this incident reaffirmed our ethical commitment as educators, particularly those working in special education. The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) advocates for tailored interventions that consider the unique strengths and needs of each student. I promote the use of culturally responsive teaching strategies to enhance the effectiveness of our interventions and to make academic content relevant to our students’ diverse contexts.
In conclusion, effectively supporting students with significant learning and behavioral challenges requires a culturally informed approach, especially in the face of today’s communication hurdles. We remain dedicated to providing all students with the educational opportunities they deserve, fostering both academic growth and social success.

Create a guidebook for a person in your current or intended profession, even if

Create a guidebook for a person in your current or intended profession, even if they are not directly engaged in instruction, describing the 4 most important concepts from this class for them to know that will help them succeed and/or overcome challenges in their work. Guidebooks may be directed towards the practitioner you have previously interviewed. Your guidebook must not be a copy of any existing products. Your writing style should be directed towards your target practitioners in clear and non-academic language, explaining each concept’s importance and practical implications for their work.
*You must include one concept from each “third” of the course (weeks 1-5, weeks 7-10, and weeks 12-14).
You have creative freedom for this assignment, so feel free to use Canva, Create a comic strip, and/or infographic.
My current profession is agriculture. I am a high school agriculture teacher.

Imagine you are on a district English learner (EL) committee tasked with creatin

Imagine you are on a district English learner (EL) committee tasked with creating materials for a session to provide teachers with background concerning laws or court decisions that have had a significant impact on the education of English learners.
Research the following court decisions and laws:
Court Decisions:
Lau v. Nichols (1974)
Castañeda v. Pickard (1981)
Plyler v. Doe (1982)
Flores v. Arizona (2000)
Federal Laws:
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Title III
Title VI
Arizona State Laws:
Arizona Proposition 203
Arizona House Bill 2010
Arizona House Bill 2064
Arizona Senate Bill 1014
Consider reviewing this week’s University Library resources for research purposes.
Select one court decision, one federal law, and one state law that you feel have had the greatest impact on English learner education.
Write an 875- to 1,050-word paper in which you:
Write an overview of the historical background of the court decision, federal law, and state law you selected.
Explain what impact the court decision you selected had on the policies and laws governing language instruction in Arizona.
Explain what impact the federal law you selected had on accountability, assessment, funding, and identification in EL education.
Explain what impact the Arizona state law you selected has on language acquisition methodology, student grouping, and the time frame to achieve language proficiency.

Module 6 Assignment: Use an AI Tool! (M6-4) In pairs, select and employ an AI to

Module 6 Assignment: Use an AI Tool! (M6-4)
In pairs, select and employ an AI tool for analysis. Your task involves two distinct components:
Affordances List Collaboratively compile a comprehensive list outlining the affordances—capabilities, functionalities, and advantages—of the chosen AI tool. Present this in a well-structured and informative list format, detailing the tool’s varied potentials.

Ethical Issues Analysis Delve into the ethical considerations associated with the selected AI tool. Provide a comprehensive paragraph discussing the ethical implications, potential biases, privacy concerns, or societal impacts. Offer a critical analysis considering the ethical dilemmas pertinent to the tool’s application.

The ultimate goal of this assignment is to critically evaluate and critique the chosen AI tool. This exercise will not only enhance your understanding of AI tools but also develop your analytical and evaluative skills within the context of emerging technologies.

You will begin work on the final project in Week 1. Following are the instructio

You will begin work on the final project in Week 1. Following are the instructions for the final project, A Review of the Literature. Please read through the following carefully and then submit the assignment titled, Final Project Purpose Statement, where you will describe the assignment purpose and requirements in your own words. I am encouraging your meaningful engagement with this end of course assessment right from the start because findings suggest that you can receive significant learning benefits from trying tasks before you are ready and by asking you to complete a task before you learn something new about it, you will learn it more effectively (Lange 2016).
This assignment requires a brief paragraph describing the your purpose statement and summary of the literature review you would like to conduct.

This is a literature review that will examine how teacher preparation programs a

This is a literature review that will examine how teacher preparation programs are preparing preservice teachers to be culturally competent, with an emphasis on any differences between white vs black preservice students. I will begin with an introduction, theoretical framework, defining cultural competence and conceptualizing it in teacher education.
I would like your assistance with writing these next two sections:
Teacher Preparation Programs and Cultural Competence-High-level Overview (5-6 pages)
• Cover how teacher preparation programs aim to develop cultural competence, with a focus on curriculum, field experiences, and faculty influence.
• Discuss urban settings specifically and how they may differ in their approach to preparing teachers.
• Highlight the role of professors’ backgrounds.
Teacher Preparation Programs and Cultural Competence-Details to include
A. Approaches to promoting cultural competence in teacher education
1. Curriculum design and content related to diversity
2. Field experiences in diverse school settings 3. Reflection and critical discussions in coursework
B. Specific urban teacher preparation programs and their strategies
1. Focus on diverse and urban settings
2. Impact on Black versus white preservice teachers’ development
C. Role of professors and faculty diversity in shaping cultural competence
1. How professors’ backgrounds and experiences influence preservice teachers
Factors Affecting Cultural Competence Development-High-level overview (4 pages)
• Explore how racial identity and prior experiences shape cultural competence.
• Discuss programmatic support and how Black and white preservice teachers may experience these programs differently.
Factors Affecting Cultural Competence Development-DETAILS TO INCLUDE
A. Racial identity and its impact on preservice teachers
1. Differences in cultural competence between Black and white preservice teachers 2. Influence of prior exposure to diverse environments
B. Institutional and programmatic factors
1. Support systems for Black and white preservice teachers
2. Program structure and inclusivity of diversity content
PLEASE use only journal articles if possible, within the past 10 years. Also, try to include something from Zaretta Hammond in the paper, and of course, Gloria Ladson Billings.

Carefully read “Cross-Age peer tutoring and fluency-based instruction to achieve

Carefully read “Cross-Age peer tutoring and fluency-based instruction to achieve fluency with mathematics computation skills: A randomized controlled trial” from The Journal of Behavioral Education by Greene et al. Then, provide succinct answers to the following questions.
What was/were the research questions(s) (inferred from the purpose stated)?
Identify the independent variable(s).
Identify the dependent variable(s).
Describe how the data were analyzed.
What were the major finding(s)?
What were the limitations that the authors described in the study?