For details on the paper, please see the attached document, “Scavenger Hunt: Data Analysis/Sorting.” It has a two-page descriiption.
Please refer to the attached readings.
In addition, the number operations is a sample paper for review; please follow the format. Thank you.
Category: Education
First, I am paying extra for a professional or freelancer in this area of ABA. I
First, I am paying extra for a professional or freelancer in this area of ABA. I need a BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst) OR an RBT (Registered Behavior Technician) to produce this project. You will choose an area from the 2nd Edition RBT Task List. You will develop training for a group of Registered Behavior Technicians. The presentation should have a minimum of 45 content slides (references included). The presentation must last 2 hours (NO NOTES, since I will not present it). The following items should be embedded in the presentation:
-Standards Addressed and Learning Objectives and Outcomes
-Core Content/Instructional Input
– Staff Participation/ Learning Activities/Assessment: This must be embedded into the presentation or a link to outside activities. This is not just a slide describing how this will be done.
-How Monitoring and Performance Feedback will occur: A few slides may be detailing to Staff how this will occur and what it will look like.
-Creativity and display of PowerPoint presentation
Visual Arts Lesson Plan As you work through the various modules in this course,
Visual Arts Lesson Plan
As you work through the various modules in this course, part of your responsibility will be to integrate aspects of what you are learning into your practice of developing activities for your own students now or when you become a teacher. This module’s focus is on creating a visual arts lesson plan for use in your classroom. Your texts provide you with excellent guidelines and examples of lessons and activities and there are many other resources available online and at your observation sites I am sure.
Complete the Following:
Complete your Chapter readings focusing on the aspects of designing developmentally appropriate activities for preprimary children.
Using the Lesson Plan Template (available in the Readings and Resources column on the Schedule – same template is used throughout the course), Design a developmentally-appropriate visual arts activity for your chosen age group. Your activity should incorporate one or more of the following materials or others you identify in your objectives: sing crayons, using paints, printing, paste and glue, clay, fabric, sand
Your lesson plan should
be a two or three-dimensional visual arts activity.
focus on the process rather than the final product.
use materials that are developmentally appropriate for your audience.
Post your complete lesson plan to the Visual Arts Lesson Plan Discussion to share with your peers. Read your peers’ lesson plans and provide them with feedback and comments as you deem appropriate. NOTE: You must ALSO submit this lesson plan using the Visual Arts Lesson Plan Dropbox link in the class tools menu by the due date listed there.
You are also required to implement this lesson plan and include your evaluation and your reflection within your field observation reflections document. NOTE:THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS PLAN IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED THIS WEEK. YOU MUST IMPLEMENT IT BEFORE THE END OF THE TERM AND INCLUDE YOUR REFLECTIONS IN YOUR FIELD OBSERVATION JOURNAL.
Reminders for your implementation…
Prior to teaching your lesson, provide your mentor teacher with the following items:
A copy of your lesson plan (provide this 1-3 days prior to teaching the lesson, so that your mentor teacher has time to read through it)
The evaluation form to fill out during his or her observation (you can download this from the Materials Section below)
After teaching your lesson, meet with your mentor teacher to discuss how it went and talk through any feedback he or she might have. At this time, he or she should give you the completed evaluation form.
Write a reflection about your experience. Address the following questions in your reflection:
What were the logistics of your activity? (describe how long it lasted, how many children participated, what was the space like, etc.)
What were your overall impressions of how the activity went? What went well or not so well?
What would you do differently next time?
Did anything unexpected or surprising happen? How did you handle it?
Did the activity meet the intended learning objectives? Why or why not?
Which of Lowenfield’s stages of artistic development did you observe? (see pages 155 – 159 in your Edwards text)
What artistic characteristics did you observe that led you to identify the stage(s)?
How do visual arts activities (those in the video and those you may have observe
How do visual arts activities (those in the video and those you may have observed) provide opportunities for learning about other cultures and/or the development of eye-hand coordination or visual representation?
How can you use knowledge of the different stages of development to encourage creative expression and design effective learning activities for preprimary children?
What should you do as an early childhood educator to keep the focus on the visual arts process (rather than product)? Think carefully about this, especially in terms of how you will evaluate student learning and progress – what will you evaluate if you do not evaluate a product? How can you evaluate the process?
If you were able to complete the suggested investigation activity with children, share your observations and findings about their processes of drawing and working with clay.
The following discussion questions and discuss your perspectives in two or more
The following discussion questions and discuss your perspectives in two or more paragraphs. Post your responses within the Language and Drama Discussion using the Discussion link in the Course Menu.
Questions for Discussion
How do drama activities (those in the video and those you may have observed) provide opportunities for the development of both listening and speaking skills? How do they also integrate elements of movement?
While students in the video are a bit older than preprimary, how can the same principles be utilized in a preprimary classroom?
How can ideas for improvisation and pantomime be utilized in the classroom? Create your own “Action Improv: Let’s Act!” scenario appropriate for preprimary to share with the class. For example:
“You and a group of friends are taking a hike in the woods. It is a lovely day and you brought a picnic along. You find the perfect spot for lunch. After lunch, you realize that it is beginning to get cloudy and looks like rain. You quickly gather your picnic supplies and look for the path that will lead you out of the woods. OH NO! You cannot find the path. What happens?”
-Topic 2: Systematic Review: The Effectiveness of Digital Tools to Improve Writi
-Topic 2: Systematic Review: The Effectiveness of Digital Tools to Improve Writing Skill of ESL Students.
– A sample is also provided.
-Option B: Theoretical Study (Systematic Review):
For your theoretical study, you will be conducting a systematic review on a topic related to teaching writing and theories. This option involves reviewing and synthesizing existing research to provide a comprehensive overview of a specific issue or debate within teaching writing.
(add the studies published in the last 5 years, add studies within the Arab and Saudi context)
What is a Systematic Review?
A systematic review is a method of gathering, evaluating, and synthesizing research studies related to a particular topic or question. The goal is to provide a detailed summary of what is already known, identify any gaps in the literature, and present findings in a structured and unbiased manner.
Steps to Conduct a Systematic Review:
1. Choose a Clear Research Topic: Pick a specific question or topic related to teaching writing. This could be about language variation, language attitudes, multilingualism, or any teaching writing issue that interests you. (ensure your topics are no later than 5 years old and are incorporated within the Arab context). Add relevant examples from the Arabic and foreign context add relevant examples from the Saudi context.
2. Search for Relevant Literature: Look for academic sources (journal articles, books, conference papers) that discuss your topic. Make sure to use multiple databases (e.g., Google Scholar, JSTOR, etc.) to gather a broad range of studies.
3. Set Criteria for Including/Excluding Studies: Be clear about which studies are relevant. Decide what type of research fits your review (e.g., empirical studies, theoretical papers, etc.) and which do not.
4. Analyze and Organize the Literature: o Summarize the key findings of each study you include in your review.
o Identify patterns, common themes, or contradictions between different studies.
o Group studies by similarities (e.g., methods used, results, theoretical frameworks).
5. Identify Gaps and Draw Conclusions: After reviewing the literature, highlight any gaps where further research is needed. Discuss how the existing studies help answer your initial research question and what they reveal about the topic.
6. Structure Your Paper: o Introduction: Provide an overview of the research question and explain why the topic is important.
o Methodology: Explain how you conducted your review (e.g., which databases you searched, what criteria you used to select studies).
o Review of Findings: Summarize the studies, pointing out similarities, differences, and key insights.
o Discussion: Discuss the main themes or conclusions from your review and any gaps or inconsistencies in the literature.
o Conclusion: Summarize the key findings and suggest areas for future research.
Plagiarism Policy:
There is a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism. Plagiarized work will result in a grade of zero for the assignment. Ensure that all sources are properly cited and referenced according to the required citation style.
Submission Guidelines:
-The final paper should be submitted through Blackboard.
-Follow the specified citation style (APA) for in-text citations and the reference list.
-The final research paper is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your research skills, critical thinking, and the ability to communicate scholarly findings effectively. Choose the option that aligns best with your interests and the course material, and ensure that your work is original and properly cited.
Read Chapter 8. What qualities does the author think are most important for a te
Read Chapter 8. What qualities does the author think are most important for a teacher to possess? What qualities do you think are most important and why? The rubric and the reading are attached.
Visual Arts Home-School Connection Activity
A theme throughout the text and, certainly, throughout Early Childhood Education, is to provide home-school connections for children and for their parents. These connections can take on many forms and serve many purposes. They can inform parents about current topics and happenings in the classroom. They can provide ideas for parents in ways they can extend the learning at home as well as spend quality time with their children. They can give children the opportunity to communicate and show what they are learning at school. This week I would like you to create a specific home-school connection activity that parents are required to complete with their child.
This means that you will likely need to provide all materials needed to accomplish this activity and send it home (in a baggie, in a cloth sack, etc.) and provide complete instructions to parents, being sensitive to all education levels and cultural backgrounds as well as the limited time some parents may have each evening with their children.
Complete the Following
Review the suggested home activities on pages 164 and 236 of your Edwards text.
Create a home-school connection activity related to visual arts.
Your activity must include:
*an introduction to the activity describing the purpose of the activity to parents and how it relates to what is being learned in school (you will have to imagine here that you are in the midst of a particular unit)
*a list of the contents of the “bag” (all the items that need to be included for the parent to complete the activity)
*complete step-by-step instructions for the parents,
*require the reading of a children’s book to set the stage for or end the activity
*require a visual arts experience
Instructions: As a school library media specialist, you will be responsible for
As a school library media specialist, you will be responsible for planning or helping to plan various events. One of those events may be a family literacy night to promote reading, help educate families on the importance of reading, and to offer strategies for how they can support their students at home. Planning events like this can be a big undertaking with many moving parts. It is helpful to plan with a team or committee when possible.
(Rubric and template are attached in the file).
I have linked 3 webinars that need to be watched and I have also linked the refl
I have linked 3 webinars that need to be watched and I have also linked the reflections page that needs to be filled out.