Data Analysis of Interview Transcript Select one of the interview transcripts fr

Data Analysis of Interview Transcript Select one of the interview transcripts from the interviews that you conducted for your final project. Code the data following the steps below. Create a visual display of your coding and data analysis, and discuss your preliminary findings as themes. Post your visual diagram and write 1-2 paragraphs discussing your coding and analysis strategy and your preliminary findings. Post your original response by Thursday. Respond to your classmates’ posts by Sunday. Make sure you cite the textbook in your discussions – Refer to Chapter 5 and Chapter 9 for additional information regarding coding. Optional: Choose a Qualitative Data Analysis Software to assist with analyzing your data. Describe which one you used in your response, and your thoughts on how it helped with data analysis. Choose one of the transcripts from your final project interviews to code Step 1: Code the transcript using Open Coding, In Vivo Coding, Process Coding, Values Based Coding, or Emotion Coding, or some combination. (See textbook for more details on coding techniques). Optional: Utilize Atlas TI with or without AI coding. Step 2: Reducing the codes. Look at your codes and put codes into categories. Step 3: Look at categories and see if they can be put into common themes. Highlight certain quotes that can illustrate the themes. Step 4: Create a concept map (visual diagram) of the codes, categories, and themes. Share your findings with the class using the visual diagram and include 1-2 paragraphs of written narrative to describe your findings.

Part 2: Creating a Professional Presence Using the tool you chose from the Digit

Part 2: Creating a Professional Presence
Using the tool you chose from the Digital Toolkit, create a project that addresses the following:
Explain what it means to be a professional in early childhood education.
Refer to the Week 1 assignment for ideas.
Explain the ethical behaviors that teachers must maintain as professionals.
Refer to the Week 3 assignment for ideas.
Describe the professional standards you will use to maintain a high-quality learning environment.
Refer to the Week 3 assignment for ideas.
Discuss how including families enhances your teaching practices.
Refer to the Week 2 assignment for ideas.
Specify how you plan to advocate for the topic you chose in the Week 1 What Will You Advocate For? discussion forum and why being an advocate is important in early childhood education.
Refer to the Week 1 discussion forum.
Explain the types of professional development you believe early childhood educators would benefit from and what it means to be a lifelong learner.
Refer to the Week 4 assignment for ideas.
Describe the types of administrative practices that early childhood educators need to understand to maintain a high-quality learning environment.
Refer to the Week 3 assignment for ideas.
Explain what it means to have a growth mindset and be a reflective practitioner.
Refer to the Week 4 assignment for ideas.
Presentation: must be 8 to 12 slides (not including title and reference slides)
Can you include Incite text as well….
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Research and Resource Expectations
must use at least two credible sources in addition to the course text.
The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types.

Assessment Descriiption Content and project-based classroom events can be a fun

Assessment Descriiption
Content and project-based classroom events can be a fun way to engage students and involve families in their children’s education. Planning for such an event in your classroom is a big task and takes time, preparation, attention to detail, realistic and specific expectations, and practice.
Select a grade level 5-8 and outline a lesson that integrates social studies and the arts and turns the classroom into a living museum as an instructional activity. The outline should be learner-facing and appropriate to give to students and parents. Additionally, it must provide the rationale for the assignment, explain the requirements to successfully complete the assignment, and describe the expectations for presenting the living museum material to peers and families.
For this assignment, create your student-facing outline in one of the following digital formats:
Website landing page – You may use any website building tool, including a variety of free choices such as Wix, Weebly, or Google Sites
Digital presentation, such as Canva or Prezi
Digital pamphlet or one-pager
Include the following in the outline for the living museum activity:
A state social studies standard, an arts standard, and learning objectives.
Expected length of the project implementation and student preparation time. Include a brief calendar of key checkpoints for progress.
Descriiption of how and where the living museum will be presented, including how it successfully integrates two visual and/or performance art components (art, music, dance, drama).
Expectations for the student that clearly explain the requirements (i.e., select a historical figure that has had an influence locally or globally).
Descriiption of how students will present their living museum piece, both visually and physically.
Guidelines for students on using technology appropriately to find and use informational resources as preparation for the living museum presentation and how the use of technology can extend their possibilities for learning locally and globally.
The technological tools that will be used to share this event with the school, families, and the community.
Submit the link to your digital outline and resources as one document.
Support the digital outline with 2-3 scholarly resources.
Note: This assignment may be added as an artifact to the teacher toolkit you created in ELM-555.
While APA Style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Rubric Criteria
Standards and Learning Objectives
7 points
Criteria Descriiption
Standards and Learning Objectives
5. Target
7 points
Social studies and arts standards are comprehensively included, and learning objectives are performance-driven, measurable, developmentally appropriate, and directly align with the standards.
4. Acceptable
6.09 points
Social studies and arts standards are reasonably included, and learning objectives are skill-based, measurable, developmentally appropriate, and effectively align with the standards.
3. Approaching
5.18 points
Social studies and arts standards are inconsistent and/or learning objectives are somewhat developmentally appropriate, and minimally align with the standards.
2. Insufficient
4.83 points
Social studies and arts standards are unrelated and/or learning objectives are not skill-based or measurable, inappropriate for students, or ineffectively align with the standards.
1. No submission
0 points
Not addressed.
Length of Project
7 points
Criteria Descriiption
Length of Project
5. Target
7 points
Expected length of project implementation and student preparation time is ideal. Calendar of key checkpoints for progress is realistic.
4. Acceptable
6.09 points
Expected length of project implementation and student preparation time is logical. Calendar of key checkpoints for progress is accurate.
3. Approaching
5.18 points
Expected length of project implementation and student preparation time is underdeveloped. Calendar of key checkpoints for progress is missing key details.
2. Insufficient
4.83 points
Expected length of project implementation and student preparation time is incomplete. Calendar of key checkpoints for progress is missing or incomprehensible.
1. No submission
0 points
Not addressed.
Living Museum Presented
7 points
Criteria Descriiption
Living Museum Presented
5. Target
7 points
Descriiption of how and where the living museum will be presented is in-depth. Descriiption purposefully explains how the living museum integrates two visual and/or performance art components.
4. Acceptable
6.09 points
Descriiption of how and where the living museum will be presented is clear. Descriiption clearly explains how the living museum integrates two visual and/or performance art components.
3. Approaching
5.18 points
Descriiption of how and where the living museum will be presented is missing key details. Descriiption vaguely includes how the living museum integrates two visual and/or performance art components.
2. Insufficient
4.83 points
Descriiption of how and where the living museum will be presented is insufficient. Descriiption does not include how the living museum integrates two visual and/or performance art components.
1. No submission
0 points
Not addressed.
Student Expectations
10.5 points
Criteria Descriiption
Student Expectations
5. Target
10.5 points
Student expectations and requirements are thoroughly explained.
4. Acceptable
9.14 points
Student expectations and requirements are clearly explained.
3. Approaching
7.77 points
Student expectations and requirements are lacking detail.
2. Insufficient
7.24 points
Student expectations and requirements are inaccurately explained.
1. No submission
0 points
Not addressed.
Descriiption of Project Presentation
10.5 points
Criteria Descriiption
Descriiption of Project Presentation
5. Target
10.5 points
Descriiption of how students will present the living museum, both visually and physically, is realistic and well-crafted for students.
4. Acceptable
9.14 points
Descriiption of how students will present the living museum, both visually and physically, is concise and clear.
3. Approaching
7.77 points
Descriiption of how students will present the living museum, both visually and physically, is minimal.
2. Insufficient
7.24 points
Descriiption of how students will present the living museum, both visually and physically, is inadequate.
1. No submission
0 points
Not addressed.
Technology Guidelines
7 points
Criteria Descriiption
Technology Guidelines
5. Target
7 points
Guidelines for students using technology appropriately to find and use informational resources for the living museum presentation are exceptional. Discussion of how technology can extend possibilities for learning locally and globally is meaningful.
4. Acceptable
6.09 points
Guidelines for students using technology appropriately to find and use informational resources for the living museum presentation are detailed. Discussion clearly explains how technology can extend possibilities for learning locally and globally.
3. Approaching
5.18 points
Guidelines for students using technology appropriately to find and use informational resources for the living museum presentation are minimal. Discussion of how technology can extend possibilities for learning locally and globally is overly simplistic.
2. Insufficient
4.83 points
Guidelines for students using technology appropriately to find and use informational resources for the living museum presentation are incorrect. Discussion of how technology can extend possibilities for learning locally and globally is not included.
1. No submission
0 points
Not addressed.
Technology Tools
7 points
Criteria Descriiption
Technology Tools
5. Target
7 points
Technological tools that will be used to share the event with school, families, and the community are insightful.
4. Acceptable
6.09 points
Technological tools that will be used to share the event with school, families, and the community are detailed.
3. Approaching
5.18 points
Technological tools that will be used to share the event with school, families, and the community are unclear.
2. Insufficient
4.83 points
Technological tools that will be used to share the event with school, families, and the community are inadequate.
1. No submission
0 points
Not addressed.
Language Use and Audience Awareness
3.5 points
Criteria Descriiption
(includes sentence construction, word choice, etc.)
5. Target
3.5 points
Word choice is distinctive, creative and well-suited to purpose, discipline, scope, and audience of the presentation.
4. Acceptable
3.05 points
Word choice is reflective of the intended audience, uses a variety of appropriate vocabulary, and communicates clearly.
3. Approaching
2.59 points
Some distracting inconsistencies or repetitions in word choice are present. Language is not clearly designed for the targeted audience.
2. Insufficient
2.42 points
Inappropriate word choice is evident. Language is not reflective of the targeted audience.
1. No submission
0 points
Not addressed.
3.5 points
Criteria Descriiption
5. Target
3.5 points
The content is well-organized and logical. There is a sequential progression of ideas that relate to each other. The content is presented as a cohesive unit and provides the audience with a clear sense of the main idea.
4. Acceptable
3.05 points
The content is logically organized. The ideas presented relate to each other. The content provides the audience with a clear sense of the main idea.
3. Approaching
2.59 points
The content is not well organized even though it provides the audience with a sense of the main idea.
2. Insufficient
2.42 points
An attempt is made to organize the content, but the sequence is indiscernible. The ideas presented are compartmentalized and may not relate to each other.
1. No submission
0 points
Not addressed.
Supporting Research and Documentation of Sources
3.5 points
Criteria Descriiption
Uses appropriate designated style and formatting to document sources in citations and references.
5. Target
3.5 points
Supporting research is compelling and thorough. Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.
4. Acceptable
3.05 points
Supporting research is credible and relevant. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct.
3. Approaching
2.59 points
Supporting research is minimal and somewhat inaccurate. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although several minor formatting errors are present.
2. Insufficient
2.42 points
Supporting research is ineffective. Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors.
1. No submission
0 points
Not addressed.
Mechanics of Writing
3.5 points
Criteria Descriiption
Includes spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, language use, sentence structure, etc.
5. Target
3.5 points
Presentation is free of mechanical errors. Skilled control of sentence structure is used throughout.
4. Acceptable
3.05 points
Presentation includes few mechanical errors. Suitable sentence structure is used.
3. Approaching
2.59 points
Presentation includes frequent and repetitive mechanical errors. Inconsistencies in sentence structure are recurrent.
2. Insufficient
2.42 points
Presentation includes errors in grammar or syntax that are pervasive and impede meaning. Incorrect sentence structure errors are found throughout.
1. No submission
0 points
Not addressed.
70 points
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Reading Log (RL): Description Each week, students are required to reflect on one

Reading Log (RL): Description
Each week, students are required to reflect on one chapter of the textbook (and/or article) by completing a weekly Reading Log (RL), available on Canvas. Each RL is worth 10 points. In order to ensure you keep up with and reflect on the week’s readings, your RL should include a brief summary of the chapter, and at least one term/concept and quote, as well as one key takeaway, and a brief reflection on one case study -at the end of each chapter-If the Chapter doesn’t include a case study, write” N/A” .
Use the following headings/subheadings:
Chapter Summary: In no more than a paragraph (2to 3 sentences), write your thoughts and a summary of the week’s reading.
Quote & Term: Select one quote and one term to post, and write a brief comment that explains your selection. Make sure to put page numbers after the quotes/terms – (Nieto & Bode, 2018, p.#)
Write the term, define it (you may paraphrase, based on your textbook), then explain your selection in one sentence.
Write the quote, then explain your selection in one sentence.
Chapter Takeaway: Discuss ONE NEW thing you’ve learned from this Chapter that helped you better understand the concept of Multicultural Education. Be sure to incorporate relevant concepts from the week’s reading.
Case Study: The authors of this book used themes that emerged from interviews with students and teachers to emphasize conditions that may affect learning for different students. Reading these case studies and thinking about them in the context of teaching will enable you to learn about diverse students and understand the impact of cultural factors on students’ learning, and how cultural and linguistic differences may affect students’ performance.
In no more than a paragraph, briefly describe and reflect on the case study, at the end of this chapter.
Which ONE issue/concept did you find most intriguing in this case study? Why? You are encouraged to use the questions provided after the case studies to guide your thinking.
Use in-text citations, e.g., you may say: In this chapter, Nieto and Bode (2018, p.#) present a case study (describe in 1-2 sentences). It clearly explains the concept, which was discussed in chapter xxxxx.
If the Chapter doesn’t include a case study, write” N/A”
References: Any sources of information that are referred to in your discussion should be referenced according to APA. For example:
Nieto, S., & Bode, P. (2018). Affirming diversity: The sociopolitical context of multicultural education. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Education, Inc.
Regarding your RL, you need to divide your response into paragraphs for easier reading. Answer each question separately and use the question as the heading for each answer.
Be sure to incorporate relevant concepts from the week’s reading. Cite references from your readings to support your ideas/thoughts/ responses.
You need to make your point of view clear and provide detailed post. It is not a convincing discussion to simply say things like: “I agree” / “I disagree” or ” I like” without explanation.
Hello Autumn,  
Very good RL. Please see my previous feedbackand use it for your next RL.
Regaring the Term Definition:

Based on the instructions and what was discussed in class, you should first define the term and write the quote using your textbook and then explain your selection in one sentence (with in-text citation).

Thank you for responding to your classmate. Just remember, you only need to do that for the Discussion Forum (DF), not for the Reading Log (RL).
Wishing you all the best!   

(SEE TOPICS AND FULL INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED) You will analyze and critique two pe

(SEE TOPICS AND FULL INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED) You will analyze and critique two peer-reviewed journal articles from varying professional journals this term. The articles must address one of the topics in the chart below that coincide with current issues and trends in education. You must select an article two years old or less. Your article critique must include the following: • A summary of the author’s position • An analysis of the author’s key points and the extent to which it is backed up; and • A personal response that addresses your agreement and/or disagreement with the author and why. Additionally, your personal response should link personal experiences to the article’s content which also includes a summary statement on the overall effectiveness of the article. Each journal article critique must be a minimum of 700 words. The assignments must reflect current APA format and include a title page and references page. You must provide a reference entry for the journal article for confirmation and instructor review.

Uploaded is what needs to be written about. Everything must be cited from the te

Uploaded is what needs to be written about. Everything must be cited from the textbook (exceptional students: preparing teachers for the 21st century) along with the cited page. Please no plagiarism, I check. Need this done by 7pm today. So 4 hours from now.

Discussion Content INITIAL POST Spend time this week considering how you will de

Discussion Content INITIAL POST Spend time this week considering how you will develop a strong introduction and conclusion for your upcoming speech. In this discussion post, discuss why introductions and conclusions are so important to the overall success of your speech. Refer to information you have learned in the textbook and share examples of well-done speeches you have heard. Describe how you think you may start or end your own Informative Speech and why this strategy would be most effective in grabbing your audience’s attention and leaving them with a lasting impression. Be specific and draft a version of these components in your discussion thread. Consider different attention-grabbing techniques and request feedback. Use this opportunity to workshop with your classmates.

The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize and design a curricular unit. Th

The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize and design a curricular unit. Think about something (it can be about any subject) you are familiar with and design a curricular unit that includes the following slides in a slide deck: Slide 1: Title Slide 2: Overview of the Curricular Unit Answer these questions: How is it useful? How is it unique? How is it urgent? (How does it address a current need?) How is it ultra-specific, yet a part of a bigger curricular infrastructure? Slide 3: Purpose of the Curricular Unit Who is the unit intended for (grade, age, etc)? Where does it fit into the established curricula? What state/federal education standards does this unit align to? Slide 4: Curricular Unit Learning Objectives Start with an action verb. Use the framework “Students will be able to…” (SWBAT) You should have at least 2. Slides 5-7: Strategies of Instruction (may take more than one slide) What are the ways you are going to present the information? What resources are you going to use? What are the activities the students will participate in? Individual versus collaborative Synchronous versus asynchronous Slides 8-9: How You Will Evaluate the Implementation and Instruction What are the student deliverables? What are the rubrics? Give examples of both the deliverables and rubrics. Slides 10-11: How You Will Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Curricular Unit How will you evaluate student success? How will you evaluate the success of the unit overall? Slides 12-13: Curricular Mapping Tables (create a table for each of the following) Show how the artifacts map to the unit objectives. Show how the deliverables map to the unit objectives. Slide 14: Reflection Talk about how the curricular design process has changed the way you understand the profession of teaching. Slide 15: References Provide APA references for all of the artifacts that will be used in the unit. Provide APA references for all in-text citations/quotations. Submission Instructions: Create a presentation with a minimum of 15 slides. The presentation is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling. The slides should be formatted per current APA, excluding the title and reference slides. Research and incorporate a minimum of 3 current academic resources within your work. Lecture materials may be used, but do not count toward the five sources that you are to research.