Final Project Part 2: Workshop Schedule and a Theme – Submit by Saturday 11:59 p

Final Project Part 2: Workshop Schedule and a Theme – Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m.
Use the Five-Day Workshop Schedule Template to develop a schedule of times for reading and writing workshops that would be used over the course of five days. Choose a schedule for 45-minute classes, 60-minute classes, or 90-minute classes and then select the rotation between reading and writing You must include both. Treat this schedule as if it were the beginning of the year. Consider the level of workshop implementation with which you are most comfortable and include only those elements. Refer to Robb’s examples in Chapter 2 of the text but personalize the schedule for your specific grade.
Include the grade level and specific theme or topic that would be the focus for this unit of study. Keep in mind the connections between reading and writing as you list specific elements in each workshop.
Note: In Week 3, you will be asked to write a mini-lesson for one component of your five-day schedule.
Robb, L. (2010). Teaching middle school writers: What every English teacher needs to know.
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
ISBN: 9780325026572
Robb, L. (2010). Teaching reading in middle school: A strategic approach to teaching reading
that improves comprehension and thinking (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Scholastic.
ISBN: 9780545173551

Instructions Please post ONE typed intervention lesson AND your 1.5-2 page refl

Please post ONE typed intervention lesson AND your 1.5-2 page reflection in this assignment area. You will type up one one of your interventions from your folder along with the notes. The form should be completed, and your typed reflection should begin at the top of the next page. The plan and reflection will be submitted in one document. This process will help you to get feedback as we continue our tutoring project, connecting assessment and instruction. The reflection will address how the intervention went, successes and challenges, changes you would make for the future/plans for future lessons, and insights for literacy instruction.

Brief introduction of the chapter, a presentation of the content. Development

Brief introduction of the chapter, a presentation of the content.

Development of the research
The purpose of this section is to provide enough detail of your experiment in order to allow the readers to evaluate its appropriateness or replicate your study if they consider it. This section helps the readers to determine whether or not your research is valid. For example, can the data collected actually be used to answer the question you are addressing? Your objective here is to show that your choice of research design and method is adequate to answer your research question(s). You must demonstrate that you have properly considered the validity and reliability of the chosen method.
3.1.Research Methodology
First paragraph…
Second paragraph…
3.2.Analysis of the Proposal
First paragraph…
Second paragraph…
3.3.Design of the Proposal
First paragraph…
Second paragraph…
Evaluation criteria
Clear and justified answers will be positively evaluated.
Information must be based on literature.
The date of publishing of the articles should not be older than 5 years.
Citing in APA format is compulsory.
Glossary of Terms – Each term requires a citation
fully defined definitions
internal citations (author, date)
 Reference list 
Other Useful data if needed for graph
Grade 5 Class – 23 males and 9 females
Holborne Reading Pretest
Boys: 6 Reading Above Average (above grade5 )
Boys: 3 Reading On Grade grade 5 Level
Boys: 12 Reading Below Average (below grade 5 level)
Girls: 1 Reading above Level (above grade 5)
Girls: 1 Reading on grade 5 Level
Girls: 7 Reading below grade 5 Level
Multiplication Math Facts Pretest
Girls: 9 Scored Below Average
Boys: 16 Below Average Scores
Boys – 3 Average Scores
Boys – 4 above Average Scores

I have included resources to help complete the Chap 5 findings. These resources

I have included resources to help complete the Chap 5 findings. These resources include chaps 1-4, Chapter 5 Checklist, and a Chap 5 sample exemplar. The abstract located in chapter 1, will need to be updated using past tense language. The majority of the information needed to write Chap 5 will be located in Chap 4.

Using the objectives defined by the rubric, reflect on the reading and the activ

Using the objectives defined by the rubric, reflect on the reading and the activity we did in class. (I attached the jabberwocky drawing we did for this assignment) Please use all the attachments along with following the rubric requirements for this paper. Thank you so much!
Reflect on the chapter “Communication, Expression, and Experience: Literacy and the Arts” of the textbook Arts Integration by Merryl Goldberg and the “Jabberwocky” workshop. Remember to discuss how the workshop would take place in an elementary school classroom by referring to the lesson plan.
Make sure to include the following:
Describe the activity fully for a reader who did not experience it.
Include a descriiption of each phase of the activity, including the warm-up/introduction, main activity, and group reflection.
Discuss how learning took place during each step.
How can the arts help us engage with language?
How did each component of the “Jabberwocky” lesson plan enhance learning by combing the Arts & ELA?
What are some of the arts strategies you used to find meaning in the unfamiliar texts? (Visual Arts, Theatre, Moving Image, Dance/Movement & Music)
How did your experience with the activities we did in class affect your understanding of what it feels like to be an English Language Learner?
Briefly describe how you will apply the ideas from the reading and the class activity to your future teaching.
Give an example of a future lesson plan that incorporates the ideas you’ve discussed. (I attached the lesson plan)
Your Response Paper should be 3-4 pages long.
*A successful paper will use 3-4 examples from the Goldberg text to support the author’s analysis.
You may also use quotes from the article “Why Teaching Poetry Is So Important” by Andrew Simmons end reflect on your experience with E.E. Cummings’ “r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r”

its a group work consists of 5 students my section in the repot talks about enha

its a group work consists of 5 students my section in the repot talks about enhanced collaboration its means online platforms make it easier for students and teachers to communicate and share ideas . this fosters teamwork and knowledge- sharing . write a paragraph for 300-500 words APA style provide an example and explain from peer reviewed articles with one reference only APA style provide link with the reference , with normal 2cm margins and Arial font 12 . pleas use Microsoft word . do not use IA . no need for cover page . the Tittel of the repot should be enhanced collaboration .

Students are to submit a brief reflection on this week’s assigned readings. This

Students are to submit a brief reflection on this week’s assigned readings. This reflection should be no more than one double-spaced page in length. The goal is not to merely summarize all or even some of the readings; rather, you should focus on an idea, quote, or passage that you found particularly intriguing. It could be something that excited you, confused you, made you mad, or helped you to form a connection. These short reflections should demonstrate your understanding of the readings with a focus on your personal reaction to them. How does each week’s reading evolve your thinking and/or change your practice? Feel free to use the essential question as a starter. Be sure to use at least 1 citation and reference in your submission.
The Reflection reading is:Readings: Senge Chapters 12 & 13 I will have to email to support, because it is a big file. Though you only need chapters 12 & 13 for the reflection assignment.