Finish a rhetorical analysis of an advertisement (video or print) of your choosing. Be sure to
identify the material you are analyzing in the introductory paragraph.
Category: Education homework help
Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions
Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference
The instructions for this assignment are listed in the previous page of this
The instructions for this assignment are listed in the previous page of this module. There are also available here for your convenience: ARTH 210 Instructions for the Introdcution Art Historical Crtique.pdf
Download ARTH 210 Instructions for the Introdcution Art Historical Crtique.pdf
For the Module 5 Art Historical Critique Assignment, you will be analyzing Henry Ossawa Tanner’s The Banjo Lesson (1893).
Henry Ossawa Tanner, The Banjo Lesson (1893), oil on canvas
Using social media feeds for at least one day. Through monitoring, identify one
Using social media feeds for at least one day. Through monitoring, identify one example of someone in their feed(s) using a news story or other source of news and information to make a politically or socially charged point that could, lead to polarization. Prepare a short, 1-page summary of the source used by the feed, the point being made by the person, and why it is perceived as polarizing. The summary need not identify the person.
Using APA Style
Your final project will be a case study on a WMD event of your choice in the
Your final project will be a case study on a WMD event of your choice in the past. You will be looking at the past event with the idea to provide suggestions on how to prevent or minimize the consequence of such an event happening on campus. You will upload your video into this assignment box. You have artistic freedom how you do your presentation. You must tell or show your audience at least three sources of your information and remember to not only tell of the event but how we can protect our organization/community from a similar attack today.
How can knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy leverage your critical thinking skill as a
How can knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy leverage your critical thinking skill as a curriculum designer? Make sure to also incorporate information from the EdWeek readings in your discussion post.
You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/corre
You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
You must apply intext citation and use credible sources
Please watch the clips about Patrice Lumumba. Remember, the Congo was ruled
Please watch the clips about Patrice Lumumba. Remember, the Congo was ruled by Belgium and experienced SEVERE abuse and extraction of resources. With the decolonization movement, independence leader Patrice Lumumba wanted a total elimination of Western meddling and exploitation of his country. When he was assassinated by the US and Belgium, a puppet ruler (Mobutu) was put in who continued to allow Western exploitation of the country. This is known as “neo-imperialism” or imperialism with an African figurehead.
Use the attached technology needs assessment to create a technology plan. Yo
Use the attached technology needs assessment to create a technology plan.
Your report must include the following identifiable sections:
– General information about your school/place of work. Be as detailed as possible; include
number of students, staff, location, mission, core values, etc. You can fill out this section from the
information you gathered in your needs assessment, or from the current technology plan (TP) of
your school. If you could not locate the TP, you will need to ask for help from your stakeholders
to complete this section.
– Stakeholders responsible for implementation of technology plan. (They might not the same ones
who you interviewed and surveyed for your needs assessment). These can include yourself, your
technology coordinator, the director of the media center, your principal, a dedicated parent, etc. It
is up to you. In this section, you will need to explain on detail your reasoning to select these
people, and why you think they will do a good job making sure the TP takes place.
– Current status of your school’s access to technology. This section will be easy to write, if your
school/place of work already has a technology plan (do not forget to use references if you are
copying information from another source). If this is not the case, then you can use the data you
gathered from your first assignment. This section must include detailed information about 1) labs
and classrooms’ access to technology, 2) library media center access to technology, and 3)
teachers’ access to technology.
– Technology vision of your school/place of work. You will have to investigate if this is already
stated and you might be able to find it in your current school technology plan; if not, you will
need to propose a technology vision. You can ask help from your stakeholders to develop this
– Needs discovered at your school/place of work. In this section you need to list the two needs
your technology plan will be focused on, and what was the reasoning to select them for your
technology plan. Be specific and detailed, and justify your choosing by addressing what your
stakeholders shared with you during your data collection. You can use some of the information
that you developed in project 1 to complete this section.
– Proposed technology goals: This section must be based on the previous section, and must be
divided in 1) goals for student access to technology, 2) goals for teacher access to technology,
and 3) goals for school access to technology. Use the SMART principles (specific, measurable,
attainable, realistic, time-bound). For example, if one of the needs discovered was to acquire
Google Expeditions, then you have to create at least one goal so students can benefit from this
acquisition, at least one goal so teachers can benefit from this acquisition, and at least one goal so
the school can benefit from this acquisition. In addition to create those goals, you need to explain
how those goals will be achieved. Considering that you have to address at least two needs, this
section should have AT LEAST six goals, three for each need.
-Proposed plan duration. In this section you need to include a detailed schedule with the
following components: proposed timeline for securing funds, proposed timeline for acquiring
equipment, proposed timeline for professional development of stakeholders, proposed timeline
for implementing your goals; and proposed timeline to evaluate your technology plan
-Proposed budget (this section will be very useful for your 3rd assignment). You need to be very
specific. How many pieces of equipment you are proposing to acquire? What is their individual
price? What else you will use funds for? Will you consider teacher salaries, or training personnel
in your budget? How long it will take you to secure the funds and spend the money? Who will be
in charge of the budget? How will you make sure that the money is well spent?
– Internet safety. In this section you must talk about the current status of initiatives for internet
safety in your school, and proposed initiatives, once your technology plan is in place. You can
ask help from your IT people and/or Principal to complete this section.
– Proposed process to monitor and evaluate the technology plan. As a leader of the project, you
need to list specific solutions on how you will monitor and what strategies you will utilize to
evaluate the plan that you are proposing. You also need to justify why you are selecting those
strategies. This is a crucial section so please be thorough and detailed. If you are unsure about this
step please read pages 10-16 of this document (You are welcome to read the whole PDF)
Checklist for the assignment (250 total points):
General information about your school or place of work (10 points).
Stakeholders (20 points).
Current status of your school’s access to technology (40 points).
Technology vision of your school/place of work (40 points).
Needs discovered at your school/place of work. (40 points will be taken if you don’t follow
include this section)
Proposed technology goals (40 points).
Proposed budget (25 points).
Proposed plan duration (25 points).
Internet safety (25 points).
Proposed process to monitor and evaluate the technology plan (25 points).
Your report follows APA style (20 points will be taken if you don’t follow these style
The criteria to evaluate each item on the checklist will consist of 4 brackets: Unacceptable (0% points
awarded), Developing (up to 20% of the total points), Proficient (up to 80% of the total points), and
Exemplary (from 81 to 100% of the total points). The course instructor will be the responsible to apply
these criteria.
The following resources should be used to help you to develop your technology plan:
How to create a technology plan:
10 tips for school technology planning:
Evaluating the technology in our schools:
Discussion 1 Professional Philosophy of Cognitive and Language Development As a
Discussion 1
Professional Philosophy of Cognitive and Language Development
As an early childhood development educator, it is crucial to develop your own professional philosophy of cognition and language development. Throughout this course, you have been exposed to several cognitive and language development theories and frameworks, and you have had an opportunity to apply these to your current or future settings. In this discussion you will develop your professional philosophy of cognitive and language development.
To prepare for this discussion,
Please refer to the Week 5 Guidance for further tips and examples that will support your success on this discussion.
Read Piper:
Chapter 9: Language for Learning
Chapter 10: Making Meaning, Making Sense: Putting it All Together
For your initial discussion, elaborate on your professional philosophy of cognitive and language development that you will use in your future career. Use evidence from the readings and address the following in your post:
Describe the cognitive and language development theory (or theories) you will use to implement cognitive and language development strategies in the classroom. Support your ideas with at least one scholarly source.
Discuss how you will recognize and work with a child’s cognitive and language readiness.
Explain the factors that may help facilitate cognitive and language development.
Identify at least three best practices for dealing with individual differences in learners.
Elaborate on how you will continue your professional development in the field of cognitive and language development after your studies at the University of Arizona Global Campus.
Discussion 2
Family Partnerships in Language Development
As an early childhood development professional, you will have a large role in the process of language development for many children. As stated in Piper (2012), regardless of what theoretical framework you adopt as a professional, what matters in the end are the circumstances and environments in which children learn (p. 258). As an early childhood professional, you have the power to build family partnerships that support children’s learning, both in the classroom, and at home.
To prepare for your discussion,
Please refer to the Week 5 Guidance for further tips and examples that will support your success on this discussion.
Read Piper (2012).
Chapter 9: Language for Learning
Read 12 Ways to Support Language Development for Infants and ToddlersLinks to an external site..
Read Activities to Encourage Speech and Language DevelopmentLinks to an external site..
In your post,
Choose an age (infant, 1, 2, or 3 years old) that you would like to write about. Write this as your discussion post subject.
Write an article that you could share with parents in a newsletter or blog on your classroom website. Address the following:
Paragraph 1:
Describe the importance of family partnerships in early childhood learning, specifically cognitive and language development.
Describe how you will promote this as an early childhood development professional in your setting.
Describe your role and the family’s role in this.
Paragraph 2:
Share five strategies that promote cognitive and language development.
Be sure to include how these strategies can be used both at school and at home.
Provide families with enough detail so that they will be able to understand how to implement the strategy as well as how it specifically supports children’s language development.
Paragraph 3:
Share two cognitive and language development resources with families that support the implementation of a strategy.
These could be community-based resources or web-based resources.
Explain what the resource is and why it is valuable for families.