Part I: Select a keyword.
Over the course of the term, we have engaged keywords like university, media, and space.
Additional keywords that you might consider for this assignment include: precarity;
governmentality; frontier; contact zone; mobility; neoliberalism; class; alterity; subaltern;
liminality; hybridity; métisse/métissage; hegemony; articulation; indigeneity; settler colonialism;
articulation; posthuman; imperialist, capitalist, white supremacist patriarchy; racial formations;
postracial; counterpublics; multitude; globalization; intersectionality; heteronormativity;
homonormativity; homonationalism; queer; gender; Blackness; Latinidad; micropolitics. You are
also invited to consult with me about a keyword you wish to explore that does not appear on this
Category: Culture and Ethnic Studies
I am attaching the first chapter of my dissertation. I have to decide about the
I am attaching the first chapter of my dissertation. I have to decide about the final topics. i want to see an example of a topic or to suggest a list of topics so we can make it togther.
1 (An Introduction to Cultural Studies) (1) A well-reasoned point of agreeme
1 (An Introduction to Cultural Studies)
(1) A well-reasoned point of agreement with the assigned reading; (2) A well-reasoned point of disagreement with the assigned reading; (3) A point of confusion with the assigned reading (or a question you have of the reading); (4) A point of connection with a previous reading from class (FOR THIS 5 POINTS YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO NUMBER 4 BECAUSE THERE IS NO PREVIOUS READING); and (5) A question for potential discussion during class. Your post should not reiterate what we know but work to push our discussion further. Each point should be at minimum one complete sentence.
2 (Keywords and/or Culture)
(1) A well-reasoned point of agreement with the assigned reading; (2) A well-reasoned point of disagreement with the assigned reading; (3) A point of confusion with the assigned reading (or a question you have of the reading); (4) A point of connection with a previous reading from class; and (5) A question for potential discussion during class. Your post should not reiterate what we know but work to push our discussion further. Each point should be at minimum one complete sentence.